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Oakville Beaver, 27 Oct 1999, A04

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday October 27, 1999 H o p e d a le ' s Fam ily m em bers concerned (Continued from page 1) facilities," said M arcus Robertson, whose father lives on the fifth floor. "We were shocked that this proposal was not awarded beds in the allocation last fall." Robertson presented a petition which he sent to Health M inister Elizabeth Witmer in July containing more than 1,400 signatures of those who support the HHS plan. He was backed by Margaret Silveira, who turned over more than 900 sheets signed by residents that also called on Queen's Park to back the HHS bid. "We need these beds now, not two or three years from now," she said. Silveira, whose father has lived on the fifth floor for two years, was reduced to tears as she recounted the "fear, stress and worry" that has plagued all their families over the uncertain future of their loved ones. Simply uprooting sick and aged people without regard for the intangible bene fits of friends, family and the caring of current staff is simply unconscionable, said Silveira. Following her submission. Ministry representative Richard Darjes said there was no need to apologize for showing emotion. "Nothing is more important than family," he said. Ward 6 councillor Kurt Franklin reiterated the Town's unqualified sup port for the HHS bid and said he was "astounded" when its last proposal was rejected. Franklin - who said it would be a "real tragedy" if fifth floor residents were forced to move elsewhere explained that the Town is still awaiting the zoning applications from private sector firms which were awarded beds in the last round. In the meantime, he said, construction could have been under way on the OTHS property. One elderly woman, who character ized the government's past rejection of the OTHS site as a "huge crime," said the heart was taken out of Oakville when the high school moved. It's time, she said, to put the heart back. Robertson, who presented the most detailed submission of the afternoon, spoke of the woeful shortfall of long term care beds in Oakville and said it is hard to imagine a better location than the OTHS site, right next to the hospi tal. The patients' proximity to loved ones and all they bring to their lives must also not be discounted, Robertson continued. The closeness of OTMH staff who are experienced in the health needs of seniors, in partnership with the A Monthly Discount Day for Neighbourhood Residents age 55 + expertise of Extendicare, should like wise be taken into account. "We believe that this initiative to meet a huge and growing community need in such a team fashion is an inno vative approach that should be reward ed," said Robertson. He said that all the intangibles that are cheerfully promoted on the fifth floor - everything from the sharing of the hospital's Youth Volunteers to visits by children's dance companies - should and must be included in the bid selec tion criteria. "Regardless of the set criteria, your committee must have the courage and good sense to look at all aspects of a proposal when making such an impor tant decision," said Robertson. Another resident simply asked for the province's support "in the spirit of community good." Another woman cut right to the chase and told Darjes to go back to the Ministry and tell them to just "start digging." T h u rsd a y , O ct. 28 N oon - 3pm Exchange your 55plus membership card for a new card. Receive birthday cake, refreshments, a special g ift, and your ow n birth da y card th a t treats you to som ething special later on. Bring along your friends! New members w ill also receive the same party goodies Santa Claus Parade entry deadline Friday Tim e is running out to enter a float in the 51st Annual Santa C laus H eritage Parade on Nov. 20th. The deadline for entering a float in the parade is Fri. Oct. 29th. T his y e a r's them e is "M illennium 2000...the past, pre sent and future." As the parade takes on preserv ing the past and building the future, participants will be decorating their floats in either the Past, Present or Future. T hose d e co ratin g in the Past (1827-1979) should focus on a spe cific year or ev ent in O akville. Inform ation is available through the library or the O akville H istorical Society. Participants choosing the Present can look over the com m uni ty or m ajor events from 1979-1999. As for the Future, the sky is the lim it. Any businesses or com m unity groups w anting to jo in the parade should call the Town o f O akville Parks and R ecreation D epartm ent at 845-6601, ext 3154. T he parade w ill featu re 10 m arching bands and more than 19 Shriner units. The Shriners entries include a H arley D avidson m otor cy cle esco rt, an tiq u e fire truck, m ini-cars, stunt perform ers, m arch ing colour party and lots o f clow ns. r m Ik J o in th e C lu b t h is T h u r s d a y ! 3rd Line &. Rebecca · 827-0229 · www.hopedalemall.on.ca ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1 0 t h o £ ^ niversary ni Fall Sale |P£)AK-LAND PUW PKW FORD LINCOLN CA RVWG C ontest S a t u r d a y ,O c t o b e r3 0 th Pumpkins must be received by 12 noon. Judging to take place at 5:00 p.m. on ou r unique se le ctio n of o cca sio n a l ta b le s See for yourself the incredible savings & the outstanding values! 2 0 3 0 'o f f 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place *100 *50 *25 > t open to anyone and everyone Limit 1 entry per person oew ·AK-LAND * [ FO FORD L I N C O L N w w w .o ak-lan d .co m Oddmd 844-3273 5 7 0 T R A FALG A R R O A D , O A K V ILLE at the Q.E.W . BERTIN O pen 7 d ay* a w ee k ye a r ro u n d Fall Registration for adults and children of all ages. · 3 in d o o r r id in g a r e n a s · \iiw y . tt o f v r c u & v ii. We have more than 300 tables on display! ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1075 NORTH S E R V IC E RD. WEST, OAKVILLE. Tel: (905) 825-2450 Store Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Sat. 10:00 am to 5:30 pm Thurs. & Fri. 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Sun. Noon to 5:00 pm 1 1/2 m iles west o f H wy. # 2 5 on N o rth side 8 2 7 -4 6 7 8 website www.bertinstables.com e-mail: bertin@webtv.net ST U D Y OF A N O N -S T E R O ID C REAM FOR ECZEM A Do you have a child with eczema affecting more than 5% of their body? We are looking for patients with eczema to take part in a research study of an investigational non-steroid cream to control the rash. For more information call: Harriet Margalias at: (9 0 5 ) 5 69 -81 0 0 Ext: 34 compensation o f up to $325.00 Se le cte d display m odels 25-50* OFF A D Allied Clinical Research Inc. www.alliedclinical.com

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