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Oakville Beaver, 27 Oct 1999, A03

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Wednesdsay October 27, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 Good parenting requires sculptor'stouch By Kim Arnott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Parents and teachers are bridgebuilders who help students cross hur tles and move along their lives' jour neys, Father Jim Valk told about 340 Catholic parents from across Halton on Saturday. Sometimes, said the pastor of St. Joseph's church in Hamilton, success fully building those bridges requires parents to look beyond outward appearances to see the good and the signs of growth in their child. "Love allows us to see beyond appearances, in us and each other," he said. "We can always love a little bit more." And with enough love, parents can act as sculptors, helping children dis cover all the good inside of them. Priest tells parents it's their job to bring out best in children When we simply place a label such as "bad kid" on someone, we avoid deal ing with them as they are, he added. Valk, who lived South America for 14 years, told the story of his return home. He arrived at the airport with 14 boxes o f "treasures" to bring home with him. But he discovered it was going to cost him $2,000 to fly it all back. While deciding what to eliminate, a friend gave him advice. "He asked me, `If you were to die today, what would you need?" ' Valk recalled. After that, the decision was easy, so Valk urged parents to rid their lives of complications interfering with their ability to successfully interact with their children. "What gift, what inheritance do you really want to give your child?" he asked. As keynote speaker for the Halton Catholic District School Board's third annual TIPS (Tips for Increasing Parenting Skills) conference, Valk kicked off a day of workshops and ses sions focused on helping people parent more successfully. The popular day-long conference was held at Oakville's St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School. Eighteen different workshops were offered, with parents given the options of exploring ways to act as career coaches for their children, dealing with bullies, boosting teen self-esteem , awakening their children's potential, setting boundaries and guidelines, rec ognizing stress and depression, talking with kids and recognizing drug and alcohol use. Valk urged parents to make God the centre of their lives, to stand up against evil, to reach out to people and make a difference in the lives of others, and to enjoy the small things so often over looked in a busy world. "You're the people who turn on lights for people," he said. "That's the call of parenting, that's the call of edu cation. "You are rainbow-coloured people and you paint your children and the children you teach and the people you love with brush strokes." "Love allows us to see beyond appearances, in us and each other. We can always love a little bit more. " -Fath er Jim Valk * M illennium Com m ittee gets $200,000 for H eritage Trails CFO Trails Committee, which will finance the initiative, and the Oakville 2000 Millennium Committee, which is co-ordinating a number of fundraising events. The Town will build the trails then maintain them in perpetuity. The aim o f the project is to join together O akville's four compass points by linking the tow n's three major north-south ravines with the existing Waterfront and Larry Cain Trails along with trails already established in the north. Linking O akville's harbours, lakefront and heritage districts, the system will feature infor mative plaques so that all those who avail them selves of the trails can learn more about the area's history (aboriginal settlem ents, mills, etc.) and its natural wonders. The project is expected to take five years tp complete. The just-com pleted initial leg runs roughly from Sky valley Crescent on the west side o f the Sixteen Mile Creek, into the creek valley and under the Sm ith-Triller Viaduct then up to Neyagawa Boulevard. The stretch planned for 2000 will continue on to Lions Valley Park. The Oakville 2000 M illennium Com m ittee has received a $200,000 federal grant for its ambitious Heritage Trails project. The $200,000 grant from the C anada M illennium P artnership Program was announced Tuesday by Oakville M P Bonnie Brown. "Federal support for this M illennium initia tive will give Oakvillians the opportunity to mark the m illennium in their own way and at the same time leave a perm anent legacy for future generations," said Brown. The total start-up cost for the Heritage Trails project is $1.8 million. The Oakville com m ittee had applied for a $400,000 grant from the Canada M illennium Partnership Program last May. The grant was good news for organizers of the Heritage Trails project. "There has been substantial work by this vol unteer com m ittee over the last two years and this grant is an honour to their efforts and the legacies that they and the com m unity overall has been w orking to create," said N ancy Kelleher O 'Dea, ch air o f the O akville Millennium Com m ittee. "This will help us preserve the historical, environmental and botanical heritage o f our community while uniting O akville north with south and east with w est," said Larry W ilson, chair of the Com m unity Foundation of Oakville board of directors. The H eritage Trails Project is a partnership betw een the C om m unity Foundation o f Oakville (CFO), which initiated the effort, the * Crook fleecing merchants in U.S. cash scam A scam artist with a large roll o f American m oney has sw indled large sums m oney from tw o gullible m erchants in Halton. A ccording to the Halton Regional Police, the w ell-executed scam that has bilked sever al businesses in the G reater Toronto Area over the past four m onths has recently scored big at least tw ice in M ilton and Burlington. Police warn the suspect usually approaches a store ow ner with a desire to exchange a large sum o f Am erican Money for Canadian money for about 25 cents on the dollar instead o f the nearly 50 cents on the dollar charged by banks. The suspects lets the victim count the American m oney and attend a bank to deter mine w hether the currency is authentic. The victim then hands over the Canadian m oney for the A m erican money. But during the exchange, the suspect distracts the victim and sw itches the original large sum o f American currency with a bundle containing a $100 bill on top and bottom -- the rest of the bundle in between is $1 bills. The sw itch is not discovered until after the suspect is long gone. Police urge small businesses to beware of any deals that appear "too good to be true, " and to report any attem pts at this type o f trans action to the police. T im e r u n n in g o u t f o r D re a m H o m e L o tte r y e a rly d ra w On Fri. Nov. 12th, at B udds' BMW at 2400 S. Service Rd. W. in O akville, one lucky win ner will be handed the keys to a red 2000 BM W Z3 convertible in the Early Bird Draw for the C om m unity Foundation of Oakville G reat Dream Home Lottery. The Z3 offers strong perform ance attribut es w ithout sacrificing com fort or long-range driveability. B ehind the w heel, you are instantly at home and im m ediately in com mand sitting in the four-way adjustable pow er seat. Every gauge is perfectly calculated to inform w ithout d istractio n , every control placed for instinctive use. This could be your year to revel in the free dom o f the open sky and feel the B M W 's instantaneous response, as you put this car through its paces. One ticket is still ju st $40. Or you can bet ter your chances with three tickets for just $100. C u t you have to have purchased your ticket before Nov. 6th, at 9 p.m. to ensure that it is in the Early Bird draw. Just call 845-2010. · I 1 > 1 1 I < * ) ' / ' i ) 1 I ·: i < J ! , i j 2 0 0 0 CHRYSLER NEON Auto, air, cassette, tilt, dual air bags and more! Not exactly as shown. 2 0 0 0 CHRYSLER CIRRUS 1 Auto, air, cassette, pw., pl,, pm., cruise, tilt, dual air bags and more. _ t 2 1 z4 8 8 * A N D 3 . 8 * f O R JS $0 DOW N $1 5 0 0 DOWN 1[$ 3 0 0 0 D O W N 4.5% ' LEASE 4.5 % ' LEASE $0 DOW N AAO. $ 1 5 0 0 DOWN · 2 8 0 " sa.o . 3.8%* LEASE $ 3 0 0 0 DOW N iB W P W M O . 258S& *218 s 188 k 4 .f^ ^ A S £ 6 cyl., air, power windows, power locks & much more. vehicle 3 .8 % ' LEASE 3 .8% ' LEASE 2 0 0 0 GRAND CARAVAN 3.0L, auto, air, 7 pass, seating, pw., pi., pm, cruise, tilt, cass., sunscreen glass, roof rack, dual doors & more. $1 500 DOWN 3.8% ' LEASE $ 4 00 0 DOW N 3.5L, high output engine, 4 spd. auto, climate control, leather, pw,, pi., pm., cruise, tilt, A keyless alarm, cass. CD, ABS brakes, gj 17 alum, wheels, p.sunroof, p.seats & more 2 0 0 0 CHRYSLER 3 0 0 M 2000Intrepid ES! $0 DOW N $0 DOW N 4 .8 % ' LEASE |$ 1 5 0 0 DOWN 1 4 .8 % ' LEASE *348% *298 k . *228 k 3.8% ' LEASE 3 .8 % ' LEASE *51 8 k *478" 2 0 0 0 D O D G E CARAVAN 3.0 V6,4 spd., auto, air, 7 pass, seating, pw., pi., pm, cruise, tilt, cassette, sunscreen glass, roof rack, dualdoors anymore 2 0 0 0 CHRYSLER INTREPID 2.7 V6, 220HP, auto, air, dual air bags, pw., pi., pm, cruise, tilt, cassefle^anqjTto ra i_____ 2 3 / 9 8 8 a n d 3 « $0 DOW N I $1 50 0 DOWN 1|$4000 D O W N 4 .8 % ' LEASE $0 DOW N $ 3 4 8 ~ AAO. |$4000 DOW N |$ 1 5 0 0 DOW N 1 * 2 9 8 " 3 .8% ' LEASE 3 .8% ' LEASE Based on 36 month lease plus freight first, security, fees & taxes, a *386 k 4.8 % ' LEASE 4.8%* LEASE 3 .8 % ' LEASE 'S a l e p r ic e s p lu s fr e ig h t, P O E , a d m in , fe e . A ll ta x e s a n d lic e n s e fe e . R e ta il d e liv e r y a llo w a n c e h a s b e e n a p p lie d a n d c a n n o t b e c o m b in e d w it h lo w fin a n c in g o r le a s in g . * 'L e a s e s b a s e d o n 3 6 m o n t h s ( 2 0 0 0 N e o n 4 8 m t h s . ) w i t h d o w n p a y m e n ts a s s h o w n p lu s ta x e s , fr e ig h t, P D E , a d m in , fe e , lic e n s e , f i r s t p a y m e n t, s e c u r it y d e p o s it a n d ta x e s e x t r a . 2 0 , 4 0 0 k m / y r . . 1 2 * k m o v e r a g e . t P u r c h a s e fin a n c in g o r le a s in g r a te is a v a ila b le in lie u o f r e ta il d e liv e r y a llo w a n c e , e g . $ 1 5 0 0 0 fin a n c e d a t 0 % o n 9 0 C ir r u s o v e r 4 8 m o n t h s in lie u o f $ 1 7 5 0 r e ta il d e liv e r y a llo w a n c e m o n t h ly p a y m e n t is $ 3 1 2 .5 1 a n d c o s t o f b o r r o w in g is $ 0 e f fe c t iv e in te r e s t ra te 7 . 2 5i% % O A C . M in im u m fin a n c in g te r m 4 8 m o n t h s . 1 9 9 9 S e b r in g : 4 8 m o . le a s e . , $ 4 , 0 0 0 d o w n p lu s fr e ig h t , ta x e s , f ir s t & se c . O u r P r i c e s W o n 't S p o o k Y o u 93 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD 4X4 V B ,auk), AMfMstereoass, air, cruise, fit, p/w, pfl, p/seat leather inferior, m aos. T hetul load!! O nem m er. Lim itedsinabsoiutelvas-newconditionand pricedmda 115.000arerareandPaul to $ 4 " " Full price only 1 9 7 D O D G E CARA VAN 7-pass.,V 5. air, A M tT Wcass..dualsUngdoon.tilted glassa n dlotsm ore H i bi m itagebeautyisasnwineveryrespectart i youcom paretheenttpebfopyotil se eWyou iagettinga17tortie A A I pnaofa 96" Act N ow !... . 95 DODGE CARAVAN SE 7-passenger. V6, auto., air, AM/FM cass., cruise, tit, tinted glass, newtires & much more. This beauty is white outside, dovegrey inside and haswet below average kms! Seeit today! . . . . . 93 FORD AEROSTAR XL 7-pass.,V 6,am,air, AMWcass,mise,ft 4 m ore.Y ouget LowIC s,perfect. i ongralanStn riceequipm ent, im m aculaleappearance.U certfaJon. deanaipassediinaAonemm&x $ 0 A IM 93 CHRYSLER CONCORDE 4-dr. V6,auto.. AM FMcassette, air, cruise.8t p A w ,(/. pseat Ifskraded!! Thislowm ileage, oneow ner beautr iswhitenutsriebeauild dowers vekxjr inside, andwe'veservicedit sincebrand t A A m i F .I, price only 4,900 M D onldday' ... . nnlv T | _ 3 3 S 97 DODGE NEON 4 -D R Automatic!! Air-condoned!! Only50,000 kms!! Showroomfresh!! Theadded bonusesherearebest colour (emeraldgreen) and iyou comparethe price, yw l seers tie ( i f l A I M best valueanywhere!' Full price only 96 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4X4 97 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD 4X4 · auto,AMfWcass.,ai; anise,8, ptw, p( m ags, leatherirtenor HEMJgadHO nceagain,Ihekmsareright, thecarispettedandas youcansee, it's stil summer priced!! A A A M ir k in g ') '97 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 97 TO W N & COUNTRY LXI Only 33,000 original kms!! FuBy, fully loaded! Brand new '99's rolling off the line today don't look or run anybetter, but they cost at least $12,000 more! R A A A A t Full price only £ 0 FullB riM B n, ? Z 3 - 9 l l l 4X 4F ull full load! Leather too! Slider too! O nly 48.000 K 's!!! The car's as new , the K ' s are ultra low . and so is the price!!!! $ 0 *7 A A A O m s m m l Full m onl" £ f - 3 3 5 Dodge Trucks CHRYSLER 646 4th Line, Speers Road, Oakville www.oakvilledodge.com

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