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Oakville Beaver, 27 Oct 1999, Classified, C05

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TheOakville Beaver WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1999 Page C5 REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED houses tor sale To place an ad please call 845-3824 or 337-5610 Fax 632-8165 Mon.-Fit 8:30 am.-6 p.m. 100-165 r e n t a ls 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200-265 MERCHANDISE 300-375 AUTOMART 400*465 HELP WANTED 500-599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 The only site you'll need to find everything in Halton We Accept Cheque or Cash p a s H a lto n S e a n d .p m / D E A D L IN E S & C A N C E LLA T IO N S: Mon. 6 pm for Wednesday: Wed. 6 p.m. for Friday. Thurs. 6 p.m. for Sunday career training professionals NORTH BURLINGTON3 bedroom home in Headon Forest. C/A, C/V, main floor lamilyroom w/fireplace. Burlington Towers The Hotel A lternative FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES >Furnished Designer Apartments » Fully Equipped Kitchens » Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. < Ju.stRiplit For MAKE THE DRIVE & SSAVE! Fridge & Stove $1,178/set W asher & Dryer S898/set D ishwashers $369 to $499 Great Used to choose from $599. APPLIANCE PLUS 2033 Mount Royal Plaza items under $100. CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V ILLE - 3-Bedrooms available Dec. 1st through Jan. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 1991 HONDA Accord EXR - 5 speed, blue, power roof, locks.w indow s. AM/FM CD. $4500.(905) 338-8057,________________ 1995 Dodge Neon, 5-spd, 4-dr, air. p/1, roof rack. 88K. Emission test. Certified. $6500. 336-0168_________ 1982 Buick LeSabre- Good condition. Asking $650. call 336-2921_____________ 1988 Z24, black, automatic, body 240K, engine 140K, pw. pdl, sunroof. Complete service record. 332-6279 1989 Ford Taurus wagon8 passenger. 135K, good running condition. Needs some work, as is. $1,000. Obo. 335-- 4894___________ 1989 Ford Tempo- runs well, not certified . First reasonable offer. 847-0137 1998 Windstar Northwood70,000km, highway miles, excellent condition. $22,500. 332-4826_______ 1990 Pontiac Bonnevillepw, pd. pi, ps, pm, air. 230.000K, certified. $4700. 681-5390________________ 1991 Lumina EurosportV6, autom atic, am/fm cassette, fu lly loaded. 239.000K, 4-dr., white. $4,300. 829-1713________ 1983 OLDS Cutlass 4-door, as is, new 3.8L V6 engine (22K), other new parts, firm $750. Call after 7pm., (905)845-1198.__________ 1991 Integra- GS. 5 speed, 2 door hatch. 91,000miles, PS. PB. sun-roof, a/c. $6500/obo. 637-9107 1989 MAZDA 323 cham pagne 4-door sedan. 5speed standard, good running condition. $800 obo. 634-7079. CARS from $500. Govern ment seized & surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings. 1800-297-0727 ext.30. TRAINING ABOVE THE REST FOR AZ/DZ ·40 hrs. in Cab Training ·In Class Training · 2 trip Hands on training · Successful Students will gain F/T employment. · After 1 yr. of service 1/2 of your tuition will be refunded. 45 and over? Unem ployed? Find out more about the no-fee course called Experience Works! Contact Donna (905)3333499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re sources Development Ca nada. $188,900. For info, call (905) 332-4599 I cars wanted EXECUTIVE Townhouse end unit. 2 oversized bed rooms, 2.5 baths. Family room. C/A, Fenced yard. Garage. Low condo fees. Immaculate condition. Im mediate occupancy. Many extras. $149,900. (905 )336-5955._______________ I L r J /commercial space 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam - 5pm w w y v .o n tim .c o m · b t o w e r s @ la r a . o n . c a 905-319-8484 Open Sundays FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove, 30*; Automatic Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)5491911____________________ FRIDGE, harvest gold, RCA $75. 634-95$4___________ FURNACE, Keeprite, 1-yr. old, gas, forced air, high efficiency, suit 800-1500 sq.ft, house, $550 obo. (905)845-5103.__________ GIBBARD diningroom table with two leafs and 6 uphol stered chairs, excellent condition. $1200/obo. Call (905)689-7686___________ GLASS table top w/marble base, 4 upholstered chairs. Asking $300. Mint condition. 3 piece wall units, $375. (905)829-8985 KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell for $675. 971-1777 "M APLE leaves only*. Composting- You rake'm & bag'em, I'll take'm & drag'em . Helen/ Steve 905-634-6949____________ MOVING Sale: Pool table. $1700. Upright piano, $2300. Glass & wicker dinette set. $450. Boy's pine furniture set, couch, lamps, coffee tables, lawn mower, etc...847-2668 MOVING, Must Sell! Whirl pool heavy duty washer & dryer, $400. Panasonic mi crowave, $40. Evenflo car seat. 469-9264___________ NORDIC Track Pro Plus w/ upper body exerciser, elevation adjustm ents, com puterized time, distance, speed, calories burned, pulse m oni tor, $800 obo. 632-5336. NORDIC Track with pulse monitor & mat. New condition, $400. 845-3285 ORGAN. Galanti. Two keyboards, 44 keys, magic cord, drum, control bars, vertuoso, pedal board. 44*wx25*dx36*l. $500. obo. 845-8479_______________ PEREGO english pram, navy, excellent condition. $325., new SAS ladies navy loafer, size 5 , $30., nearly new London Fog all weather coat, beige, size 12. petite, $25. , Man's tux edo, size 42 short, waist 32in., mint condition, $75. 639-9267________________ PICTURE framing equip ment including mat cutter. 689-4701 alter 6pm.______ RELOCATION - new so fas. off white. Oriental din ing room set. Must sell. Will negotiate. (905)3393153.____________________ SATELLITE Dish - 8 ft., with roof stand. Startrack 800 series. $1200. Call evenings (905)634-8483. SEALY Posturpedic queen firm m attress, 8 months new, $250. Kenmore sewing machine, all attachm ents, excellent condition, $100. 319-0387 SKI'S downhill/ crosscoun try, Aquariums, Dog/ Bird cages, Xmas mugs, garden plots, wine glasses.. Rea sonable prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri12-8pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun1-4pm. SNOWBOARD- Burton Chopper. 130 w/free style bindings & Simms boots, 6.5, woman's. 1yr. $280. 332-6684_______________ STOVE, almond. $200. Dryer, $100. Diningroom set, includes buffet, hutch, 4-chairs, $400. 331-6592 DE-HUMIDIFIER good w orking condition. $50. 3351541________ DRYER- Kenmore, $100. Good working order. 3331827____________________ EXERCISE Bike - Veider TG700P. $100 (905)8253927____________________ FRIDGE $50. 319-9104 GAS Stove $50. 319-9104 GLASS & Brass table, 42"w 28"hx16'd. $50. Call 6315298____________________ LIGHT green toile t and vanity set. Excellent condi tion, great for basement or cottage, asking $85. 905632-2101________________ MINIATURE Handcrafted wood tables and chairs $100. (905)825-3927 MOUNTAIN bike, excellent condition. $60 obo. 3 19 2015.___________________ ONKYO Receiver - like new $65. (905)825-3927. SNOW Tires- 13" on Subaru rims. $75/pair. 336- 0081________________ SNOWBLOWER - 8 horse power. electric start, needs tune-up, moving must sell, $75. (905)845-6554. STOVE, Admiral, mint con dition, 30*. white, $100. (905)634-2558___________ STOVE- Moffat, electric, white, $100. 335-1541 WANTED Cars & Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Free Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. We sell auto parts too! 827-8015 (Oak ville)_____________________ F ii f l l trucks for sale Call & Reserve 1-800-231-0664 905-670-3737 COLLECTION SpecialistsNational firm seeks hard w orking negotiators and com m unicators for rew arding career opportunities. Fast paced, results oriented, Office in Burlington. W ill train the right applicants. Steve Sparks (905)639-6990 or fax (905)639-0553 1 4 6 0 G hent A ven u e (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts · Studios · 1 &2 Bedroom Suites » All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 lull baths » Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl { < · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. acces: 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood SchoolDr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately Call 639-9212 PARK like setting. 2-bed room tow nhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-1/ 2 baths, finished basement, hardwood flo ors, fridge, stoye. Available Nov. 1st. 335-3001__________ _____ SPACIOUS 2&3 Bedrooms available Nov./Dec. Park like setting near shopping, schools, GO. Hwy. Pool, tennjs. Utilities included. Georgian Court Estates, Burlington. 632 -8 5 47 , 9am-7pm NEWLY renovated 3-bed room, fully broadloomed, carport, near O akville Place. Available Dec. 1st. $1200/mo. No pets. (905) 450-0744.________________ EXECUTIVE 3/4 bedroom. 2 gas fire pla ce s, North Oakville, $1500/mo. Refer ences. Ian Darroch, Sales Associate, Re/max Aboutowne Realty, (905)8427000____________________ 1986 Toyota Pick-Up. Four Wheel Drive/Cab, must see $2,800 obo. Call Brian after 5pm 847-0542 I I ANCASTER Business Park Industrial unit. 3100 sq.ft. Available anytime. Ample Parking. (613)828-3882. www.cyberus.ca/-norware/ building/_________________ INDUSTRIALleaseWoody Rd., O akville. 2,500sq.ft.; A vailable Dec. 1st., $1,458Vmonth in cludes all taxes, call Chris. 905-814-7393 (Days only) ItS s fr 3 ,v B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm WINSTON Churchill/ QEW Oakville- 1 bedroom base ment apartment. Separate entrance, fu ll bathroom , kitchen, livingroom. $600/ month includes u tilitie s. Nov. 1st. (905)829-2487 O A K V IL LE - 2 bedroom . Nov. 1st. Newly renovated. 10ft. ceilings. Ground floor with private entrance. 905844-7843________________ BRONTE Harbour location. 1-bedroom w ith harbour view. $900/mo.+ utilities. Please call Gary Reed, As sociate Broker, Coldwell Banker Elite R ealty. (905)825-3305____________ GEORGIAN Apartments. Nov./Dec./Jan. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456, M-F. 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedrooms. October. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private land scaped patios. 336-0016, 336-0015________________ R E F U R B I S H E D Apartm ents. Downtown B urlington. E lizabeth Manor. 477 E lizabeth S treet. 1.2&3 Bedroom A partm ents with sp ecta cula r view . 6 3 4 9374____________________ BU RLIN G TO N - S. of QEW. 1-bedroom +den, Large eat-in kitchen, private entrance, $895/m o. inclusive. Dec/1st. 6393037. after 6pm. DOWNTOWN O akville, spacious 2 bedroom, tri plex, wood deck for BBQ. $1250 plus hydro. Call (905)844-8581 9am-5pm. FULL two bedroom Base ment apartment, Separate entrance, Parking, Hydro and Cable. Near bus routes. $750-$800. Call Mike after 6pm 465-0764 LARGE BASEMENT apart ment. Close to Sheridan C ollage $650.00 all inclusive. Call 844-0233 LOWER level of house- 2 bedroom s. parking. $825/m o. Suite mature business person. 337-9032 m w M rentals 1995 Jeep Gr C herokee V8, mint condition, loaded. One owner, complete serv ice record. Snow's comingyou need this 4x4! $17,500. (905)607-7642 1988 JEEP Charokee Larado, 4x4, V6, A/C. certified , emission-tested, 237,000 km s., a lloy rim s, tra ile r h itch, 5-speed, good condition, $2,900 obo. (905) 336-7195. INDIVIDUAL offices for rent from $450-$1000 per month, available im m ediately; desirable professional center in prime downtown Oakville location; tenant and client parking included; boardroom, fax, photocoping and reception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300.___________ OAKVILLE Downtown. Re ta il/ o ffice / com m ercial units. 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845-6160. (416)746-9494___________ O A K V ILLE - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime re ta il/ office space: 1100sq.ft.+ full basement, parking. $1280/ mo+ hydro; Approx. 850sq.ft., basement, park ing. $1048/m o.+ hydro. 842-3196 See us on the Internet www.haltonsearch.com C.A. required immediately by sole practitioner intending to retire within the next 3-5 years. Opportunity for succession arrangement to the right individual. Must have a minimum of 3 years post designation experience in public practice, preferably with ownermanaged clients. Excellent opportunity for someone to obtain by succession arrangement a solid base of good clients in the Mississauga area. Please send resum e to: Box 4100, The M ississauga News, 3145 W olfedale Road, M ississauga, ONT. L5C 3A9 Experienced CAREER FAIR! RESTAURANT- Oakville (North)- fu lly equipt for lease on busy road. Call (905)827-2442. & evenings/weekends (905) 827-7775.________________ FIRST TIME OFFERING Area distributor needed to service established ac counts. Products are adver tised nationally and carry tremendous profit markups. No selling or experience necessary. Earn $46,000 per year. Min. invest. $14,800. For com plete information package CalM888-335-7533. Secure your financial future. FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances, Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security, TV. VCR, stereo, from ... $1295/mo.l 681-RENT (7368). TEAK Wall unit- 76x76x16. Excellent condition, $95. BURUNGTON: Nov./Dec.: 631-8676________________ 2bedroom from $892.85/ mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, TIFFANY hanging lamp, 1.5 baths, near schools, stained glass, $95. 6 3 1 shopping. Park-like setting; 8676____________________ 3bedrooms, $989.75/mo. 333-1190.________________ VALANCE, ` Rose' , lined, elegant look. 90' with rod, BURUNGTON. Quiet street $75. Call 631-5298 near Fairview GO. Newer executive townhom e, 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, lux ury ensuite with Roman tub. 5 appliances, C/A, gas fire place. deck, garage. Nov. 1st. $1250/mo.+ utilities. (905)681-6992_______ BRANT/ Mount Forest. 3bedroom townhouse mai sonette, laundry facilities, 1-parking. Nov. From $775/ mo.+ utilities. (905)3199104. WASHER- Kenmore, $100. Good working order. 3331827 Apts & Townhomes Near Waterfront! Large suites, freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN OUR TEAM OF ASSOCIATES IN MISSISSAUGA! Apply in person these times only! T IM E : Sun., O ct. 3 1 st a t 1 0 a m & 1 p m o n ly ! M o n ., N o v . 1st a t PLACE: 1 0 a m , 3 p m & 7 p m o n ly ! 480 Maple Ave. Burlington (905) 639-5079 COMPUTER Factory Spe cial- 1 year; no payments then $ l6 /w e e k (OAC) 400Mhz, loaded, printer, monitor, internet, software. 3 scanner, delivery/set-up. 1-800-515-5545 BEAUTIFUL W ATERD0W N! Edith Court 1&2BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $620./mo. DOWNTOWN, Burlington. 2-bedroom, Immediate; 1bedroom, N o v.1st. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital, Lake. 637-0321__________ HEART of Bronte, 50 East Street... Steps from the lake and harbour. 1-bedroom, Immediate/ Dec. 1st. Clean, quiet building. (905)8250816____________________ DOWNTOWN O akville. Bachelor apartment, $685/ mo.+. Available Nov. 1st or Dec. 1st. Call Forbes 416420-3952, (905)842-9275 O A K V ILLE - 1 bedroom basement apartment. Park ing. first/last. Immediate. $750/mo, inclusive. (905)849-8061___________ O A K V ILLE - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated Suites. 1&2 Bedrooms from $775. Call Linda 844-5474 O A KVILLE. 199 Queen Mary D rive ..... near all am enities. 3-bedroom s. Utilities included. $1150/ mo+ parking. Immediate/ Oct./ Dec. (905)844-9006 OAKVILLE. Kerr/ Speers. 2-bedroom apartm ent $807/mo. includes utilities and parking. Dec. 1st. Call (905)849-4782___________ 2-BEDROOM A p a rt ments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (905)333-9846, Noon-8pm FRESHLY painted, near Burlington Mall- 1&2 bed rooms available Dec/Jan. Clean, quiet, well m ain tained building. Utilities in cluded. No dogs. 6 3 9 7805, before 9pm_________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom +den $1250/mo.; 2-bedroom, $1150/mo.; 1bedroom: $925/mo. Please leave message (905)845-8254 CAN ADI AN A.Quiet, well maintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 3-bed room, December/ Jan. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486___________ BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well- located, quiet building. Near down town, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869. B U R LIN G TO N .Park-like setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. Must be seen to be appreciated: 1&2 bed rooms available Dec. 1st. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. (905)335-3001 CENTRAL Burlington. Now available. Fresh paint, hardwood, near GO. park, schools. Free parking, big, 2-bedroom apartm ents. 2043 Prospect St. No dogs, $723. Senior's discount. Free VCR offer! 637-3988. PLAINS/ QEW (B u rlin g ton). 2-bedroom, newer small building. Parking, laundry. Security. Imme diate/ Nov. 1st, $758./+hydro. 905-825-5539. All The Advantages of Condo Living 2 BDRM SUITES WITH SOLARIUM! Oct/Nov. Rec. facilities, 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! FURNISHED room with kitchen, separate entrance, laundry facilities. Cable, walk to Sheridan College $400. month. Non-smoker 339-0269________________ ROOMS available, share facilities- kitchen, laundry. Responsible working per son, non-smoker, $380/mo. North Burlington. 332-3031 FURNISHED- Cumberland/ New St., Burlington. Laundry & cooking privileges, parking. Nonsm oker, $340/mo. Immediate. 333-4300_______ APPLEBY/ New St. Near GO station on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $395/m o. Non-sm oker. 637-7485.________________ BRIGHT furnished room a vailable Upper M iddle/ Sixth Line. $400/mo. A vailable N o v.1st. Near buses. 257-2777 W in d s o r R o o m B a n q u e t H a ll 755 Q u e e n sw a y Avenue M i s s is s a u g a , O N T (N E C o rn e r o f C a w t h r a & Q u e e n s w a y ) · COMPETITIVE PAY · GREAT BENEFITS Inducts utilities and 1outside parking! KAROAKE P rofessional Pioneer system includes 40 laser discs (30 songs each disc) 2 Bose speakers with stands + microphones. Ideal for starting your own business or personal use. Asking $2,500. Call Frank at 905-330-3247_________ ALL Canada Appliances. R econditioned fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. $150+. Can deliver. Buy & Sell, (905)-271-0601 AEROBIC stepper by Weider. Good condition. Must sell. $40, 332-9745 ANNIVERSARY SALESave$$$. Antiques, solid Cherry/Mahogany 8-10pce D/R's... Professionally Re finished $2,450.+up.; 1930's Mahogany china cabinet. (905)-465-1493 ANTIQUE Gibbard dining room suite, table with 2 leaves, 4 chairs & china hutch. APPLIAN C ES: Stove, washer, dryer, Admiral, white. All good running condition. $150. ea. (905)257-2561 evgs. BEAU TIFUL B royhill d i ningroom set. 9-pce, solid maple & cherrywood. Al most new. Must see. Ask ing $7500. (905)670-7073 days, (905)336-1647 evgs BEDROOM set- 5 piece Drexel Heritage. Beautiful dark wood with oriental carvings, purchase price $15,000. asking $5,000. 2 dark oak bookcase units matching centre TV unit, $400.,Cocktail table triang ular shaped glass with brass base, new $1,600. asking $400, 827-8869 SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacem ent foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 6 3 2 9090____________________ FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly chairs...w eak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ fu rn itu re repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ CARPETS, thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/ DR for $319. including un derpad. installation. 905SI 0-0589 Burlington CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 DININGROOM set- solid cherryw ood, 9 2 ' double pedestal table, lighted hutch, buffet, 8 Chippen dale Queen Anne chairs. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice, $5,500 304-5883.________ DININGROOM suite - sol id teak. 4 chairs (rust color cloth seats), table w/2 leafs, 2-pce buffet. Contempo rary styling. Asking $250. Needs refinishing. Call 632-0068 after 7pm_______ FOR SALE Trailer 48' X 60' X12 Deep. $350. Please Call 845-0924 FREE E stim a te s- Love your sofa and chairs? Hate your colours? Give Fields a call! Great Savings! Sofas from $598.... Chairs from $198. Senior D iscounts. Fields Custom Upholster ing. 632-9090, Daily 9-9 · INSTANT INTERVIEWS (905) 690-1896 2-BEDROOM & Bachelor apartments in well-located, quiet building near down town Burlington, buses, etc Call (905)634-3635________ 1-BEDROOM modern basement apartm ent. All untilities included, laundry, parking, A/C, near GO QEW & Bronte. Single occupancy, no pets. $700/mo. 6 3 7 -9 4 1 5 evenings. 827-1391 Days. With over $30 billion in sales, over 830 stores across the U.S, Canada, Puerto Rico & Chile and an estimated 1,600 stores by the year 2002, The Home Depot is the largest, most profitable and fastest-growing company in the retail home improvement industry. We are known for our innovative approach of combining the warehouse format with a high level of customer service, low prices and incredible selection. And for the sixth consecutive year, The Home Depot was named Fortune magazine's most admired retailer for its quality of management and the ability to attract, develop and keep talented people. Wouldn't you like to be a part of a company like this? » 637-3155 « 2 bedroom condo- fully fur nished. Glen Abbey area. Available November 1st. R eferences required. (905)878-7135___________ 2-BEDROOM, main floor, 4 appliances, Nov. 1st. $925/ mo.+ utilities. 1 year lease. Joe A. Boersema, Sales Rep., Re/max Garden City, (905)333-3500___________ l i u i houses for rent FULL & PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES repared to work wort flexible We are looking for industrious self- starters who are prepared if the following i hours and possess experience or an interest in one o! · Lighting · Wallcovering · Receiving · Carpet Sales & Estimating · Flooring · W indow Treatments · Miltwork · Plumbing · Building Materials W ATERDOW N: 50 & 75 John St.W. Walk to every thing. New appliances & windows. Large 1.2&3 Bedrooms from $675/mo. Brenda: (905)690-4454; Mike: (905)689-1647 BURLINGTON- Basement bachelor- Mature, profes sional, non-smoker, male preferred. $600./all inclu sive. N ov.1st. Close to Lakeshore. (905)-6315884____________________ LARGE 1-bedroom apart ment in small, clean build ing near lake, (B ro nte ). A vailable im m ediately. Parking included. 8279153____________________ 1-BEDROO M , Bronte, Marine Dr., Dec. 1st includesfridge, stove all utilities. $750/m o.To view call (905)827-4943 anytime BURLINGTON 2 bedroom$6857mo utilities included. Nov & Dec. Q uiet, near lake. 634-8089 (3-6pm) FULLY furnished basement apartment near Sheridan C ollege. Fem ale, nonsm oker preferred, $650/m o. A vailable immediately-(905)338-5113 OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafal gar. Large, clean 2-bed room. $859/mo. Parking in cluded. Nov./ Decist. Well m aintained build in g . (905)338-2276.___________ BURLINGTON Downtown. W ellington Place. 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents w ith scenic views. 632-1643 OAKVILLE executive- Elgin Crescent. 3-bdrm ranch w/ office, A/C, garage, fire place. 1-or-2year, $1,700. Nov. 1st. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. 905-842-8383________ O AKVILLE, executive 5bedroom house, 3,500 sq.ft. 3 bathrooms, finished base m ent, c/v, a/c, nonsmokers. $2,400/mo. 4651724,____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay N elligan, Sales Rep, (905)5755478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor________ UPPER Middle/ Oakmead area. 52650/mo. Beautiful 3,000sq.ft. home, legal 2bedroom basement apart ment. Ideal extended or 2fa m ily home. Im m ediate availability. George Rice, Sales Rep., Re/Max Realty Specialists. (905)272-3434 GLEN Abbey. 3+1 bed rooms. 2-1/2 baths. 5 ap pliances, finished b ase ment. Immediate. $1700/ mo.+ u tilitie s. ^(905)3379996, 5-9pm______________ BURLINGTON North. 3bedroom house, fridge & stove, no pets, no smokers, available Nov.1, $H50/mo. 333-3400,_______________ COUNTRY in the City. Main floor luxury apartment in century home, 2-bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, sunroom, den/ office. No pets, no sm okers. U tilitie s & m aintenance included. $1275/m o. (B urlington) 681-6966________________ EXECUTIVE 4 bedroom home. 3 bath, brand new, B urlington, A vailable. D ec.1/99, $2,250/month, Neil 416-725-3098, neilQpegsoft.com_________ O A K V IL LE - Finished basement, 3 bedrooms, garage, no pets. $1200/mo. Nov. 1st. Call 847-1246 or 847-3708________________ OAKVILLE - 3 Bedrooms, family room, 2 baths, ga rage. $H00/m o. Available Immediately. Call 825.2901 BRONTE Harbour shared townhouse, non smoking, available imme diately. parking, first and last. $495/mo. C all (905)712-3993.___________ BURLINGTON- Spotless, large, new furnished room for cheerful, responsible person. Laundry, pool, parking, $380./mo. (905)331-7758________________ OAKVILLE- Upper Middle/ Dorval very clean, quiet. 1 person, separate livingroom and washroom. $700/ inclusive or 2 rooms, $400 inclusive. Bus route, 1st & last. 825-0806___________ SHAREnew townhome w/ male, 30's. Similar aged fe m ale only. Small pets maybe. A/C, laundry, park ing. $500/mo. inclusive. W alkers Line/ #5. Brian, 319-8733._______________ BURUNGTON- 1 bedroom - private livingroom, bath room, entrance, parking. No pets, no smoking. Male preferred. $500. Nov 1st 319-9527________________ FEMALE to share large apartment. Working & or student. Immediate. First/ Last. $375./monthly. 6312339_________________ SHARE Townhouse- work ing female preferred- Nonsmoker. Parking. Trafalgar/ Hwy5. $450./month, Imme diate. 905-257-5104 after 6pm C T l V l items under $100. m shared accommodation · Tools & Hardware · N KBA Kitchen & Bath Design · Carpentry · · · · Cashiers Locksmiths Lot Persons Gardening/ Nursery · Electrical · Paint · Interior Decorating & Design · And More The Home Depot is a company of proven stability and performance. We believe that our "Home Depot People" w ill continue to be the driving force that keeps us grow ing! If you have a sincere desire to be a part of an organization that encourages personal excellence and career advancement, we want you on our team! The Home Depot is an equal opportunity employer and provides a smoke-free environment ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cashl (905)-522-4727___________ ANTIQUES Wanted Best cash ... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watches, China, dolls, estates. John/ Tracy (905)331-9100.___________ PAINTINGS Wanted- An tiques of all kinds: furniture, glass, china, collectibles. Addison radios from 1930s. Estates purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Bur lington. general help wanted 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted YOU'VE GOT THE POWER Register Today...Work Tomorrow ZELLERS B U R L IN G T O N M A LL has 20 permanent P/T positions available for GENERAL LABOURERS Walk - Run - Fly to JOB RECRUITMENT Oakville Human Resource Centre, 1090 Speers Rd,, Oakville Thurs. Oct. 28,10 am - 3 pm OVERNIGHT REPLENISHMENT Send resum es to: Paula Merrick, HROM 777 G uelph Line Burlington, Ont. L7R 3N2 OPEN HOUSE Olsten Staffing, 5000 New St.,, Burlington Sat. Oct. 30,10 am - 4 pm ICfcTll firewood CUT out & save $2.. FIRE WOOD. 100% Dry Sea soned Mixed Hardwoods. $65/cord (32cu.ft.)- 2/or more $59./each. Tax/delivery included. *You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!* Satisfaction Guar anteed. Parkside Farms, 905-465-0576 Oakville, 905-331-7323- Burlington GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. ` Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O ntario's Best*. Marc's Q uality Firewood, (905)257-6366________________ GET your firewood now! seasoned mixed hard wood, 4'x8'x12* $50./cord, 4'x8'x16*, $55/ cord. Deliv ered -minimum 5 cords. 1519-582-4628 I pets, supplies OFFICE JOBS AVAILABLE AS WELL A L O lsten ph: 905-634-4445 orfax905-634-0011 0 1 Staffing Services' T h e B urlington P ost Is Now Hiring LABOUR READY* W ORK TODAY PAID TODAY Immediate Local Openings! All Trades / All Shifts No Experience Needed We Have A Job For You! Competitive wages / daily pay! Apply Today! 2289 Fairview St. #316 Burlington (905) 333-9930 W A R EH O U S E PR O D UCTIO N STAFF To handle and package flyers. *3- Part-time hours ·s* Day and Afternoon Shifts ** Safety Shoes & Some Lifting required Stop in and see Nick or Krithia, Mon-Fri, 9-5pm TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW ALUMINUM shed $50. 3199104____________________ ANTIQUE oak swivel office chair, $100. 631-5298 BABY crib, Stork Craft brown, with new mattress, excellent condition. $100. 335-1648________________ BED frames- metal adjustable, $5/each. Call 631-5936 BED frames- metal, adjust able, $5. each, call 631-5936 BROWNIE uniform package- includes pants, shorts. T-shirt, scarf, belt, hat, socks, pantyhose, Dress (designer). $45. 631-5936________________ CAR battery, Motomaster, 5-year warranty, used 1week. Paid $110, asking $75. (905)337-7943. CHESTERFIELD & match ing chair, neutral brocade, excellent condition, $100. Phone. (905)-631-3316 Bachelors from $659/ 1-Bdrm Irom $769." Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 4 0 5 7 F a irv ie w Str, B urlington (East Entrance ot Clegg Glass) "(2% disc, included) ON-THE-LAKE- Bronte 2 bedrooms, $1,350. all in clusive. Single professional only. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. 827-2266_______ 1-BEDROOM. Nov. 1st/ Dec. 1st, $755/mo.+ $30/ car. Sunken livingroom , eat-in kitchens. Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. 6379725 FREE to good home- MaleHalf german shephard/ golden retriever, 1.5 yrs old, well mannered. Great with kids. Derek, 905-6900052 CLEANING PERSON P art-tim e (approx. 20 hrs/week) Experienced, to work flexible hours incl. some weekends/evenings at residential apartment complex in downtown Burlington. Own trans portation required. Great w orking e n v iro n ment. High standard of cleaning expected. Sal ary based on exp. Must be fluent in English. W A N T E D To deliver The Burlington Post W ±riTll cars for sale 1995 JEEP Gr Cherokee V8. Mint condition Loaded. One owner. Complete service record. Snow's coming - you need this 4x4! $17,500 (905)6077642. ADULT CARRIERS a Circulation Dept « between 10am to 3pm Monday-Friday SPACIOUS 3 bedroom unit w ith balcony o ff m aster bedroom . Parking, washer/dryer, & all utilities included. $l0 6 0 /m o . Call Joe (905)689-9922 Fax resume: (416) 364-6087 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 -0 5 8 8

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