Friday, October 29, 1999 rooms for rent & wanted DORVAL/ Upper Middle: Lovely, clean, bright, share kitchen, laundry. Bus. Quiet non-smoking female. $330/mo. 847-0459 LARGE furnished room in executive home, bathroom, kitchenette, sitting area adjacent, laundry privileges. Near G O and bus route. Maple Ave. area. Non-smoker. $425/mo. 639-2922____________ .___ L A R G E furnished livingroom & bedroom, private bathroom, kitchen facilities, own entrance in private home, near Burlington Mall. Ideal for semi-retired or single person, non-smoker, $500/mo. (905)639-5066. FURNISHED- Cumberland/ New St., Burlington. Laundry & cooking privileges, parking. Non-smoker, $340/mo. Im mediate. 333-4300 SHARED accommodations & parking. Available immediately in Central West Oakville. S450/mo. First/ last. Call (905)849-1075. APPLEBY/ New St. Near G O station on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $395/mo. Non-smoker. 637-7485. items under $100. SINGLE futon- never used, $75.631-9864___________ S N O W Tires- 13' on Subaru rims. $75/pair. 336-0081________________ S T O V E - Moffat, electric. white, $100. 335-1541__ T E A K dining room table 165cm x 105cm, 45cm leaf. Needs refinishing. $100. 637-9595________________ EX ER C IS E Bike - Veider TG700P. $100 (905)8253927____________________ M IN IA TU R E Handcrafted wood tables and chairs $100. (905)825-3927 ONKYO Receiver - like new $65. (905)825-3927. SNOWBLOWER 8 horse power. electric start, needs tune-up, moving must sell, $75. (905)845-6554. TEA K Wall unit- 76x76x16. Excellent condition, $95. 631-8676________________ T IF F A N Y hanging lamp, stained glass, $95. 6 3 1 8676___________________ T O R O N T O Maple Leaf Bomber jacket (large size) in excellent condition . $100. 631-9864__________ V ALA N C E, "Rose", lined, elegant look. 90' with rod, $75. Call 631-5298_______ W A TE R B E D , 4-drawers, headboard, complete with all accessories. $75. Call 639-2187. articles for sale ENTER TAIN M EN TCentre Cherry w/video glass door, $1,500.. sell $799.; Wing Chair Ball/ Claw- Burgundy $930., sell $559.; Queen wrought iron bed/ copper vein $705.. sell $359.; Di nette 5.pee wrought iron/ glass, w/Damask seats $2,900.. sell $1,799. New from model home (905)336-0786________________ FREEZER apartment size, like new, only few years old. (905)639-6967___________ GIBBARD diningroom table with two leafs and 6 uphol stered chairs, excellent condition. $1200/obo. Call (905)689-7686___________ GREENHOUSE, 6x8\ Heavy duty alumimium ex truded frame. New, never assembled. Bargain $700. compare $2,100. 634-9851 KASHMARE persian carpet 12ft., 7in x 9ft, 9in., ap praised, $11,000., will sell for S4.000. Ann 905-2574456_____________ _______ KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic mattress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell for $675. 971-1777 L EA TH ER sofa, loveseat, Hunter Green, excellent condition; glass wrought iron tables. Days. 3194511; evas. 632-9409. auction sales THE OAKVILLE BEAVER vans, 4 wheel drive 1989 D O D G E Dakota 180,000 km Hatch back, 4 cylinder. Automatic. In run ning condition $600 as is. call 844-9438____________ 1991 Ford Taurus LX- load ed. emission tested, as is, $1,200 obo. Call 319-0147 1991 BMW 318i- silver. 150K, damage to front end. $3,000 obo. 905-469-4977 1979 Lincoln Town Car, as is, still running. $600. Call (905)634-0721___________ 1994 Honda Accord- 5 speed, air, tilt, cruise, Ex cellent condition. Certified/ Emmission. 110,000km. $11,500.OBO. 905-7021845____________________ 1989 560 SL 2 seater Mer cedes. Hard top & convert ible, low mileage, mint condition. (905)561-2560 or cell#(905)308-2576 1995 Dodge Neon. 5-spd, 4-dr, air, p /1 , roof rack. 88K. Emission test. Certified. $6500. 336-0168_________ 1982 Buick LeSabre- Good condition. Asking $650. call 336-2921_____________ 1988 Z24, black, automatic, body 240K, engine 140K, pw, pdl, sunroof. Complete service record. 332-6279 1989 Ford Taurus wagon8 passenger, 135K, good running condition. Needs some work, as is. $1,000. obo. 335-4894___________ 1989 Ford Tempo- runs well, not certified. First reasonable offer. 847-0137 1998 Windstar Northwood70,000km, highway miles, excellent condition. $22,500. 332-4826_______ 1990 Pontiac Bonnevillepw, pd. pi, ps, pm, air. 230.000K, certified, $4700.681-5390_________ 1991 Lumina EurosportV6, automatic, am/fm cassette, fully loaded, 239.000K, 4dr., white. $4,300. 829-1713 1987 Dodge Van- runs well. New Tires. As is. $1,800. 905-333-0155 1995 Jeep Gr Cherokee V8. mint condition, loaded. One owner, complete serv ice record. Snow's comingyou need this 4x4! $17,500. (905)607-7642 cars wanted CO LLEC TIO N SpecialistsNational firm seeks hard working negotiators and communicators for rewarding career opportunities. Fast paced, results oriented. Office in Burlington. Will train the right applicants. Steve Sparks (905)639-6990 or fax (905)639-0553 41 THE OLD TOWN HALL AUCTIONS u IUJKWKI.I. ST I'AKIS <>NTAKIO N (*.!!» AA l-C M K i PU BLIC AUCTION S A T U R D A Y N O V 6 tb A T 10:30 A M V IE W IN G : F K I. N O V 5 th 5 - 9 P M & S A T t) A M E V E N T Demostrators re quired for Burlingnn/ Oak ville. Will train. Part-time, top wage, car required. Call Sherri Visser 905-9457207 or fax 905-945-2231 DRIVER required fulltime. Clean driver abstract; Neat appearance; Bondable. C H R Towing, 740 Weller Ct.. Oakville (9 0 5 )8 4 5 9000____________________ BR EEZY Corners Restau rant requires full-time wai tress/ waiter for busy res taurant. Excellent wages and tips. (905)-659-1556 ask for Nick or Mark F U L L -T IM E video store clerk needed for Aldershot area. Video experience preferred. Please fax resume to: 905-845-9383 DRIVER for ramp inspec tion. T.A.A. Call 905-8752910 ext. 248 or fax 905875-3219 A T T N : John Parm SANTA, elves, Mrs. Claus required by entertainment company for Malls, Parties. Training, costume. Car. 1(877)448-3157____________ C LE A N IN G staff required part-time for offices approx imately 3 evenings per week. Burlington area. 336-2602________________ S EAM STR ESSSew Quick Inc. requires an ex perienced part-time Seam stress. Call Laura at 905632-8081_________________ A L D E R S H O T hair salon requires full-time appren tice. Drop resume to: 380 Plains Rd. east or fax 6397987____________________ P A IN TE R S - Experiencedrequired immediately. Must have own car. Wages based on experience. Call Mark (905)-616-0633 W ANTED person mature reliable to use Snow Blower Bur/Oak Part Time. Leave message. 8424651 FURNITURE: VICTORIANMAH DINNING TABLE, SALON TILT TOP TABLE, SERVER. SIDEBOARO.BREAKFRANT MAH W AROROBE .INUUO WALNUT SETTEE EDW ARDIAN M IRROR BACKED DRESSERS KRUG OINING ROOMSUITE MAH OINING ROOM SUITE (200 ANTIQUE OAK DINNING TABLE WITH 20C PRESS BACK CHAIRS CHURCH PEW MAH EXTENDING TABLE W ITH CHAIRS P IN E POSTMASTER'S DESK ETC. CHINA & GLASS SILVER OVERLAY BOW L P R . VIC LUSTRES OECANTER STEMWARES VENETIAN FIGURES. JUGS.ETC DOULTON FIGURE VASES & JUG TOBY JUGS ( TINWORTH VASE ) AYNSLEY & GERM AN TEASET PART OINN ER SETS BY AYNSLEY. COPELANDSPOOE. MIKASA, B R IO LE R OSE. INDIAN TREE FURNIVALS OLD CHELSEA BER R Y SET CAMEL CHINA SATSUMA VASE PORCELAIN FIGURAL CENTREPIECE. COLLECTOR'S TEAPOT ETC. JEWELRY: LADY'S & GENT'S RINGS SET DIAM ONDS. RUBIES. OPAL 18KT POCKET WATCH SET DIAMONDS G010 POCKET WATCH PLUS OTHERS LADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCHES CAMEO BROOCH 18KT BRACELET SET MALACHITE GOLD FILLED LIGHTERS LAR G E AMOUNT MISC GOLOEX SHOPSTOCK RINGS. SILVER ANO PLATE:- 5 PC STERLING TEASET CANDLESTICKS SAUCE BOATS VASE N A P P 1E RINGS SUGAR TONGS OECANTER LABELS MISC & CASEDFIATWARES TRAYS PLATTER ETC. A GOOD SELECTION OF ORIENTAL CARPETS. RUGS ANO RUNNERS PICTURES.PRINTS.WATERCOLOURS BY OR ATTRIB TO: RALOWERY M.PIGOTT J.R.THOMPSON W.WEST F.ROYBET M.SW EET A.AMBROSAI O.PLANNING F.CATANO W .L.W YLIE J.W .FORESTER.ETC. MISC: MANTLE & ART MOVEMENT CLOCKS LAM PS TEA TROLLEY SW ING BOX. LARGE GILDED & HALL M IRRORS HUMP BACK TRUNK QUILTING FRAM E SHOP SIGN BRASS BED ORIENTAL STANDS ANTI ORIENTAL SCREEN GUN CABINET WITH RIFELES & SHOTGUNS (N O HANO GUNS) HORNPOW DER FLASKS ANTI SPINNING W HEEL CO PPER TEA URN PIANOSTOOL BANJO.ETC. AUCTIONEER: JOHN E. RUNNQUIST TERMS: 7*. BUYER S PREMIUM WILL APPLY PAYMENT: CASH. CHEQUE WITH I D.. VISA OR M/C CASH for scrap. Wanted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24hr. Call (905)876-4594. Milton; (905)467-9484. Oakville. C U STO M ERSER VIC E PR O FESSIO N ALS A Canadian subsidiary of a major carbide cuttingtool com pany located in the Mississauga/Milton area is seeking candidates for chal lenging positions responsible for providing customer service, sales support, including han dling customer orders, and communicating with cus tomers and salespersons. Preferred candidates w ffl have advanced education beyond high school; related industrial sales/marketing experience; familiarity with computers, excellent interpersonal skills and communication skills. Ability to speak English and French preferred. We offer excellent salary and benefits w ith the opportunity for career growth. PJease send resume with salary require ments in confidence to: P.O. Box 40545 Upper Brand Postal Outlet Burlington, Ontario L7P 4W 1 Equal Opportunity Employer S U P E R IN T E N D E N T Couple required for 159 unit Building -Downtown Burlington. References/ experienced necessary. Good salary and 2 bedroom apartment, call (416)-4829040 F U LL -TIM E AZ city & AZ Hwy drivers required w/ good abstract & minimum 2yrs. experience. Competi tive day rate bonus & bene fit program. Call TK O , 1800-724-3922 A U T O and/or Home In surance, Call for a quote... Astrid Feher, Allstate, (416)605-2899, Oakville/ Burlington________________ L f | I | l career training T R A IN IN G ABO VE THE R E S T F O R A Z /D Z · 40 hrs. in Cab Training · In C lassJraining · 2 trip Hands on training · Successful Students w ill gain F/T employment. · After 1 yr. ot service 1/2 of your tuition w ill be refunded. FE M A LE to share large apartment. Working & or student Immediate. First/ Last. $375./monthly. 6312339____________________ ROOM available in brand new luxurious townhouse. Dundas & Trafalgar area. Parking available, no pets. (416)829-7386___________ OAKVILLE- Upper Middle/ Dorval very clean, quiet. 1 person, separate livingroom and washroom. $700/ inclusive or 2 rooms. $400 inclusive. Bus route, 1st & last. 825-0806___________ B U R LIN G TO N - Spotless, large, new furnished room for cheerful, responsible person. Laundry, pool, parking, $380./mo. (905)331-7758________________ B R O N TE Harbour shared townhouse, non smoking, available imme diately, parking, first and last. $495/mo. Call (905)712-3993.___________ B U S IN E S S professional seeks same to share large 3 bedroom townhouse in Glen Abbey, Oakville. Pri vate bedroom, bath, office, parking. Non-smoker; no pets. December 1st. $850. Paul (905)827-8223, O A K V IL LE 1 or 2 rooms $500 -$650 in Townhouse. Share kitchen, bathroom, laundry, utilities included, female nonsmoker, Nov. 1st. Call (905) 257-6638 I shared accommodation M A K E T H E D R IV E & SSAVE! F r id g e & S to v e $ 1 ,1 7 8 /s e t W a s h e r & D ry e r $ 8 9 8 /s e t D is h w a s h e rs $ 3 6 9 to $ 4 9 9 G re a t U se d to c h o o s e fro m $ 5 9 9 . A P P L IA N C E P LU S Call & Reserve 1-800-231-0664 905-670-3737 45 and over? Unem ployed? Find out more about the no-fee course called Experience Works! Contact Donna (905)3333499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re sources Development Ca nada. CO M PUTER Factory Spe cial- 1 year; no payments then $16/week (O A C ) 400Mhz, loaded, printer, monitor, internet, software. 3 scanner, delivery/set-up. 1-800-515-5545 Martin Auction · Mon. Nov. 1st SALE: 6 :3 0 P M P R E V IE W : 4 :3 0 p m At: Valley C om m unity C en tre ,2 8 7 Old Guelph Rd. Dundas, (905) 6 2 8-6 115 · A ntiques, M odem Furniture, Glass, China, C ollectables, Etc. See you here! Bryon & Sons · C ash/app'd cheque AUCTIONEERS: B. M acKAY & J. ANDERSON. D ir: 1m i. S o l C lappison's C m rs, (# 5& #6 ), 1m i N ol # 4 0 3 .1/4m i W of # 6 , via Y o rkR d F IL IN G Cabinets 3,4,5 Drawe. Vertical and Lateral. Call 842-8259_______ PIAN O - antique upright $200 OBO. (905)844-1511 Or (905)279-8977._________ R E L O C A T IO N new so fas, off white. Oriental din ing room set. Must sell. Will negotiate. (905)3393153.____________________ TW O mink coats, 1 cape, mid-length coat, size 14-16 w/mink hat.$250. 338-8362 30" G E white, self-clean ing. stove. $300. 6 8 1 2741_____________________ A LL Canada Appliances. Reconditioned fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. $150+. Can deliver. Buy & Sell, (905)-271-0601 A N TIQ U E Gibbard dining room suite, table with 2 leaves. 4 chairs & china hutch. A P P L IA N C E S : Stove, washer, dryer, Admiral, white. All good running condition. $150. ea (905)257-2561 evgs. AQUARIUM- 35 gallon, all accessories included. $150. 332-6170________________ BEACH CO M BER 640 spa seats 4; 8 jets; light; 6 yrs. old, cover 1 yr. $5300 new; priced to sell at $1500. 3199185____________________ B E A U TIF U L baby grande piano, excellent condition. $2,800. Call 905-227-9458 BEDS, New. Double set C A R P E TS , thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/ DR for $319. including un derpad, installation. 905510-0589 Burlington_______ D IA M O N D engagement ring, gem scan certified. 1.23 car-at, i1. E colour. $6900. Evgs. 632-9409. D IN IN G R O O M set- solid cherrywood, 92' double pedestal table, lighted hutch, buffet, 8 Chippen dale Queen Anne chairs. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice, $5,500. 304-5883. GLASS table top w/marble base. 4 upholstered chairs: Asking $300. Mint condition. 3 piece wall units, $375. (905)829-8985 F A B R IC - polycotton $1 yard, plain. $2 yard, print. Cushion panel, etc.. 332-3662________________ GENERAL Electric washer & McCleary dryer. Both 2 1/2 years old. Excellent condition. $350. pair. 6319864____________________ 2033 Mount Royal Plaza 9 0 5 -3 1 9 - 8 4 8 4 O pen S undays MOVING over seas- every thing must go! Bedroom, di ningroom, livingroom, kitchen contents & much more. 955 Warwick Ct. Apt #912, 333-3531.__________ MOVING Sale: Pool table. $1700. Upright piano. $2300. Glass & wicker dinette set, $450. Boy's pine furniture set, couch, lamps, coffee tables, lawn mower, etc...847-2668 MOVING, Must Sell! Whirl pool heavy duty washer & dryer, $400. Panasonic mi crowave, $40. Evenflo car seat. 469-9264___________ NEW downdraft (like Jennair) cook-top. white, still in box with warranty. Bargain, $580. In store $860. 6347287____________________ NORDIC Track with pulse monitor & mat. New condition, $400 845-3285 O R G A N . Galanti. Two keyboards, 44 keys, magic cord, drum, control bars, vertuoso. pedal board. 44'wx25'dx36` l. $500. obo. 845-8479________________ PETSO UR CE -New FREE monthly magazine: buy/ sell pets, horses supplies! Bar gain photo ads. etc! (613)478-5401____________ P IA N O - good condition. Gerhard Heintzman. $800. 847-3149________________ P IC TU R E framing equip ment including mat cutter. 689-4701 after 6pm. O R G A N - ' Lowrey- Genie 44' with bench. Excellent condition. $200. O B O 905-637-1371____________ R E D E C O R A T IN G - like new, salmon coloured sofa bed. $130. IKEA white wall unit, $40., Fisher Price McDonald house & accessories. $50. 681-9846 S K I'S downhill/ cross country, Aquariums, Dog/ Bird cages, Xmas mugs, garden pots, wine glasses.. Reasonable prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 N. Service, Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm. S A T E L L IT E Dish - 8 ft., with roof stand, Startrack 800 series. $1200. Call evenings (905)634-8483. SEALY Posturpedic queen firm mattress, 8 months new, $250. Kenmore sewing machine. all attachments, excellent condition, $100, 319-0387 S N O W B O A R D - Burton Chopper. 130 w/free style bindings & Simms boots, 6.5, woman's. 1yr. $280. 332-6684 S T O V E , almond, $200. Dryer, $100. Diningroom set. includes buffet, hutch, 4-chairs, $400. 331-6592 STOVE, Fridge, Dishwash er, all almond colour, good working condition, $300/all. 336-7503________________ S TO V E , G.E. gas. only 3 months old. New $1,100. Best offer. Call 257-1942. TIRES, snow, 4, on rims for Mazda MPV, low kms., BF Goodrich, $250/set. Call 637-5388. Cut out & save $2.. FIRE W O O D. 100% Dry Sea soned Mixed Hardwoods. $65/cord (32cu.ft.)- 2/or more $59./each. Tax/delivery included. ' You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!' Satisfaction Guar anteed. Parkside Farms. 905-465-0576 Oakville. 905-331-7323- Burlington DRY S P L IT 100% Hard wood, Satisfaction guar anteed. Karl's Firewood Supply, Burlington (905)388-9287, Oakville- 905301-0170 Speedy Delivery! G U A R A N TE ED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. 'Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're Ontario's Best' . Marc's Quality Firewood. (905)257-6366 I pets, supplies "P R IN C E S S " needs someone to brush her fre quently and to love her. White, spayed, declawed female Himalayan, 3 years old. All shots. Free to good home. Call broken hearted owner at (905)664-6148 D E L IG H T F U L German Shepherd puppies. Lovely German bloodlines. CKC registered, guaranteed, vaccinated, family-raised, $800. (905)529-7400 (Dundas).________________ FREE to good home- MaleHalf german Shephard/ golden retriever, 1.5 yrs old, well mannered. Great with kids. Derek, 905-6900052 I cars for sale 1989 Cavalier Z24- no rust, fully loaded, 6 cylinder, auto, rebuilt trans, high KM's but looks and drives great. Must be seen. Bur gundy with deep tint. Cert and emission passed. $2. 995. 631-5969 1990 FORD TAURUS L 3L, V6, 4-door, brown, air, cruise, p/s, p/b, Michelin tires, new brakes, lady-dri ven, 131K., certified, emis sion-passed, $4,900 obo. (905)426-5531.__________ 1995 M ER CUR Y Sable 3.8v6, auto overdrive, 4 wheel ABS Disc brakes, dual air bags, Am-Fm ster eo. 91,000 K, certified «: $9,995 Eastside Auto (905)844-9641 8-6pm. C A R E E R F A IR ! FAMILY Resort accomoda tion near Disney World, Florida. Weeks starting D ec.12, D e c .19. Email: Call 905-844-8338. I items under $100. 3 cushion chesterfield with coffee table & 2 brass lamps. $100.631-9864 ALU M IN UM shed (4`8`x5*7*) $50. 319-9104. ANTIQUE oak swivel office chair, $100, 631-5298 BABY items- Change table, car seat, Heart-to-Heart baby sling, all top condition. $1007all 905-639-8919 BOOKCASE with over 100 books, $75. 631-9864 CAR battery, Motomaster, 5-year warranty, used 1week. Paid $110, asking $75. (905)337-7943. CRIB, white, with mattress, good condition. $100. Call 332-5877,_______________ D E-H U M ID JFIER good working condition. $50. 335-1541________________ D IS H W A S H E R , Inglis, good working condition, S100. Call 319-0945. FREE: patio stones, differ ent sizes. You take away. Call 639-8054___________ FR ID G E $50. Call 3199104,____________________ GAS stove $50. Call 3199104.____________________ GLASS & Brass table, 42'w 28` hx16'd. S50. Call 6315298____________________ ANTIQ U ES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727___________ A N TIQ U E S Wanted. Best cash.... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watches, China, dolls, estates. John/ Tracy (905)331-9100.___________ A N TIQ U E S Wanted! E s tates, China, Shelley, Royal Doulton, 221 or 222 portable Singer sewing machines. (905)639-0976. WANTED! We buy old cos tume jewelry and early Scottish jewelry. Top pric es paid. Please call Rena (416)-782-3005___________ PAINTINGS Wanted- An tiques of all kinds; furniture, glass, china, collectibles, Addison radios from 1930s. Estates purchased. Kart (905)681-6939 Burl. W A N TE D : furniture, ap pliances, dressers, dinette and bedroom sets. Must be reasonable. Call anytime (905)525-9904,___________ C V I « i auctions, sales AUCTIONTuesday, Nov.2, 6:30pm, Preview 4:30pm9pce Kroehler D/R, bed room; R.D. Figurines HN#1981. 2269, 2306...; Estate jewelry, gold, Dia mond...; Crystal, china; 8 place R.A. Dinnerware; Carpets... Gosse Auctions, 905-469-6043, 2400 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville, 1 block E. of Bronte Rd. Ca.Vi.MC,Debit I firewood G E T your firewood now! seasoned mixed hard wood, 4'x8'x12' $50./cord, 4'x8'x 16', $55/ cord. Deliv ered -minimum 5 cprds, 1519-582-4628 NO W IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN OUR TEAM OF ASSOCIATES IN MISSISSAUGA! A p p l y in p e r s o n t h e s e t im e s o n ly ! TIME: Sun., Oct. 31st at 10am & 1pm only! Mon., Nov. 1st at 10am, 3pm & 7pm only! Windsor Room Banquet Hall 755 Queensway Avenue Mississauga, ONT (NE Corner of Cawthra & Queensway) · COMPETITIVE PAY · GREAT BENEFITS PLACE: · INSTANT INTERVIEW S Wilti over $ 3 0 billion in sales, over 8 3 0 stores across tbe U S, C anada, Puerto Rico & Chile and on estimated 1,600 stores by the year 2002, The Home Depot is the largest, most profitable and fastest-growing com pany in the retail home improvement industry. W e are known for our innovative approach of combining the warehouse format with c high level of customer service, low prices and incredible selection A n d for the sixth consecutive year, The Home Depot w as named Fortune m agazine's most admired retoiler for its quality of management and the ability to attract, develop and keep talented people. W ouldn't you like to be a part of o com pany like this? FULL & PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES W e are looking for industrious self- starters w h o are prepared to w wort ork flexible hours and possess experience o r an interest in one of the follow ing i · Lighting · W a llc o v e rin g · R eceiving · C a rp e t Sales & Estim ating · Flo o rin g · W in d o w Treatm ents · Tools & H a rd w a re · NKBA Kitche n & B ath D esig n · C a rp e n try · C a sh ie rs · lo ck s m ith s · Lot P ersons · G a r d e n in g / N u rs e ry · Electrical · P a in t · In te rio r D e c o ra tin g & D esig n · A n d M o re · Milfwork · P lu m b in g · B u ild in g M a te ria ls FREEZER, 21 cu. ft. $100; 45' oak table & 2 chairs, M OUNTAIN bike, excellent, , $250; 'aiftiarlum 50 gallon fully equipped. $200. condition, $60 obo. 319689-6570. 2015. The Hom e Depot is a co m p a n y of proven stability a n d perform ance. W e believe that our "H o m e Depot People" will continue to be the driving force that keeps us gro w ing! If you have a sincere desire to be a part of an o rganization that enco urage s personal excellence and career advancem ent, w e w ant yo u on our team! the Home Depot is qn equal opportunity employer and provides a, smoke-free environment