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Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 1999, C02

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 10, 1999 Freedom and world peace were their goals (Continued from page C 1) THE 1999 LITERARY SEASON Bookers Bookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville»844-5501» bookers @ sympatico.ca HARDCOVER FICTION - ADULT 1. PILGRIM T IM O T H Y F IN D L E Y (Ciller Nominee) 2. A STAR CALLED HENRY RO DD Y D O YLE 3. NO GREAT MISCHIEF A L IS T A IR M acL E O D 4. WORLDS WITHIN HER N E IL B IS SO O N D A T H (Gov. General's Nominee) 5. DISGRACED J.M . C O E T Z E E (B o o ker P rize/99) 6. MUSIC & SILENCE RO SE TREM AIN 7. A GOOD HOUSE B O N N IE B U R N A R D (Giller Pize Winner) 8. SUMMER GONE DAV/D MetcFARLANE (Giller Nominee) 9. MARK OF THE ANGEL N AN C Y H U STO N (Gov. General' s Nominee) 10.OUR FATHERS A N D R E W O 'H A G E N PA PERBA CK FICTION - ADULT 1. BROKEN GROUND JA C K H O D G IN S 2. AMSTERDAM IA N M c E W A N (Booker Prize/98) 3. CRIME IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD SU ZAN NE BERN E (Orange Prize/98) all about. You c a n 't get that in a text book. Ideally people should talk m ore about these things so it's not lo st." M any o f the v ete ra n s w ho donated th eir im ages for display w ere on hand fo r the ex h ib it opening. And all had stories to tell. W illiam (B ill) C o o k , an O a k v ille re sid e n t sin ce c h ild hood, donated photos and m em o ries to the exhibit. C ook served in the S econd W orld W ar in the R oyal C anadian O rdinance C orp (R C O C ). H e crossed the A tlantic on the ship Isle de F rance and w as stationed in G ilford, E ng land. An auto m echanic by trade, C ook served in a vehicle co m p a ny, a unit that supplied all the fuel for tanks, trucks and other v ehicles. H e also spent tim e cam ou flag in g trucks and tanks "that terrib le brow n colour," as Cook d escrib ed it. "I w as one o f the lucky ones. I cam e hom e." His com pany w as com m anded by C apt. G eorge Doty, who was from a long-tim e O akville fam i ly. A n o th e r v eteran , Jan e M cG illivray recounted her ex p e rie n c e s. " I e n liste d w ith my b ro th er in 1941. I ran after them on their way to en list shouting `Hey guys w ait for m e .' We both w ent into the A ir F orce and w ere both sergeants. I served at 12 d if feren t statio n s in C anada. My b ro th er Sonny, w ho was an air bom ber, w as shot dow n over the E nglish C hannel. "W hen I got out o f the Air F orce in January, 1 9 4 5 ,1 changed u n ifo rm s and w ent overseas, to Photo by Peter C. McCusker Ann Wyndham and George Watson look over a scrap book of war posters and pho tographs in front of a display of armed forces uniforms at Erchless Oakville Museum's new Shadows o f War exhibit. serv e w ith the B ritish R ed C ro ss." Ken C utm ore, the nephew o f three uncles and one aunt who serv ed in W orld W ar II, has re cen tly been re se a rc h in g his fa m ily 's history and jum ped at the chance to bring photos and stories to the m useum when he saw the request for subm issions printed in The O akville B eaver. O ne o f his uncles, B ill, was killed in F rance in 1944. " Bill w as a m em b er o f the D e v il's B rig ad e, a c o -o p e ra tiv e unit betw een the U. S. and C anada," said C utm ore. "Trained in H elena M ontana, they w ere a highly secretive unit trained as com m an d o s. T he G erm an s w ere afraid o f these guys and gave them that nam e. They w ere the first tro o p to lib era te R om e. T here are books and a m ovie about this unit and the effective w ork they did ." L ast N ovem ber, C utm ore and his wife Jackie w ent over to the R iviera and Rom e and saw the place w here his uncle was killed. " It w as kind o f e e rie " B ill recalled. "To me the w ar was the w orld in turm oil, a lot o f heart break." Shadow s o f War is on exhibit at the O akville M useum at E rch less E state, 8 N avy S treet until S eptem ber 2000. -· 4. AM I DISTURBING YOU? ANN E HEBERT (Ciller Nominee) 5. KITS LAW D O N N A M O R R IS S E Y 6. HANNA'S DAUGHTERS M A R IA N N E F R E D R IK S S O N 7. RLINDNESS JO S E S A R A M A G O (Nobel Prize/98) UJhen you imagined Luhat you'd drive in 2000, is this Luhat you sauu? thf? Itow f o r d f o c u s r.tKIan 2.0L SPI Ennine 110 Horsepower 8. EUCALYPTUS M U R R A Y B A IL (Commonwealth Prize/98) 9. THE COLONY OF UNREQUITED DREAMS W AYN E JO H N S T O N Automatic Transmission Air Conditioning R em ote K e yle ss E n try 10. LOVE OF A GOOD WOMAN A L IC E M U N R O (Giller Prize/98) HARDCOVER N O N -F I C T I O N 1. GIRL IN THE PICTURE DENISE CHONG (Brunch Event, Jem. 30) Power Door Locks Driver's Seat Height A d ju s t Full Wheel Covers 2. MOTION SICKNESS DAVID LAYTON (Signed arjries) 3. JAN WONG'S CHINA J A N W O N G (Siffuxl copies) 4. OLGA ROMANOV PATRICIA PHENIX (Signed copies) 5. n s F R A N K M cC O U R T 6. PAPER SHADOW WAYSON CHOY (Gov. Generals Nominee) 7. WILLIAM OSLER MICHAEL BLISS (Coe. CenentsNominee) 6 0 /4 0 F o ld in g R e a r S eats 8. TOO YOUNG TO FIGHT: MEMORIES OF OUR YOUTH DURING WORLD WAR II PRISCILLA GALLOWAY Block Heater A n ti-T h e ft E n g in e Im m o b iliz e r 9. BALITMORE'S MANSION WAYNE JOHNSTON (Cue. Cenend'sNmmee, Bnmdi Event,Jim 30) 10. TRAILBLAZERS t JUDITH FINLAYSON (Event OTHS Auditorium, Nov. 15) Stainless Steel Exhaust Dash Mounted Trunk Release · ; :1e . · £ = 'W rIp C H IL D R E N 'S L IT ERATURE 1. THE CHRISTMAS ORANGE DON GILMOUR(Gov. Cenemts Nominee) 2. T H E DRAGON NEW YEAR DAVID BOUCHARD (Cov. Genend's Nominee Illustration) 3. ABBY MALONE SH E LLE Y PETERSO N (School Signings, Nov, 19) We have the right lea se payment for you Based on 6.9% APR over 36 months 2 0 0 0 Focus SE M o n th ly P a y m e n t Down Paym ent S e c u rity D e p o s it F re ig h t T o ta l D u e a t S ig n in g |9 j 4. WOODLAND NUTCRACKER AVRIL 6 FRANCES TYRRELL (Sigtung- Brxrkers, Nov. 13) per month 5. EACH ONE SPECIAL F R IE D A W ISH IN SIC Y (Gov. Gerund's Nominee) 6. THE GREAT POOCHINI GARY CLEM ENT (Gov. Gi'Trend' s Nominee Illustration) $229 $266 $297 $2,195 $995 $0 $275 $325 $350 $700 $700 $700 $3,399 $2,286 $1,347 3 6 m onth le a s e $2,195 down payment plus $700 freight and $275 security deposit 7. I KNOW AN OLD LADDIE JEAN LITTLE (Gov. General' s Nominee Illustration) First month's payment required. *0.08/km over 60,000 km over three years. *10,101.78 optional buyback. Applicable taxes, licence, insurance and administration fees extra. 8. SUNWING KENNETH OPPEL 9. BRAVE H IG H LA N D HEART HEATHER KELLERHALS-STEWART (C ut. Gerund'sNominee lllmlnition) 10. HARRY POTTER (Sena) J. K R O W L IN G w w w .fo rd .c a /o ffe rs Y O U R T O R O N T O F O R D DEALERS W IS E B U Y E R S R E A D THE L E G A L C O PY : ` Lease a n e w 2 0 0 0 Focus SE Sedan, w ith a u to m a tic fro m Ford C re d it to q u a lifie d re ta il lessees, on a p p ro v e d c re d it. T o ta l lease o b lig a tio n is $ 1 0 ,4 3 9 /$ 1 0 , 5 7 1 /5 1 0 ,6 9 2 ex c lu d in g fr e ig h t and security d e p o s it. D e a le r m ay lease fo r less. Som e c o n d itio n s a p p ly . O ffe rs m ay chan ge w ith o u t n o tic e . L im ite d tim e o ffe rs . See d e a le r fo r d e ta ils . T o ro n to FDA, P.O. Box 2 0 0 0 , O a k v ille , O n ta rio L6J 5 E 4 . < P * B o o > Ic e re s r -- -- t> o o k · t o r « - » D * o i o i o r d w i - b o o k oiot> a

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