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Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 1999, B05

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W ednesday, Novem ber 10, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 The poppy sym bolizes veterans' memories o f war T his tim e ev ery year, th o se lit tle fu z zy flo w e rs b lo sso m on lapels ac ro ss th e co u n try, sta n d ing out from the b leak N ovem ber co lo u r sch em e w ith b rig h t fla sh es o f red. T h ese are the days o f the poppy. T h ere w o u ld n 't seem to be an y th in g sp e c ia l ab o u t it. I t 's only tw o p ieces o f sh ap ed plastic and a b en t pin th at I alw ays m an age to s ta b m y s e lf w ith . An e x p e rien ce I had re cen tly tells an o th er story. T he o ld v eteran w as sittin g near th e fo o d co u rt o f a m all. He w atched as h u n d red s o f sh o p p ers rushed p ast, th e ir arm s lo ad ed HEY! Stephanie MacLellan w ith full bags, not even taking no tice o f his little table. I im ag in ed th e th o u g h ts b e h in d his d o w n cast eyes. T h e re w ere d ay s w hen the sig h t o f a so ld ie r in uniform c o m m a n d e d re sp e c t. You can spend $90 on a pair o f je a n s, but gosh if you c a n 't find a coin or tw o to drop in the box. I 'd been m eaning to buy a poppy for a few days. I took out the q u arters that w ere sittin g in my pocket, pushed them through the card b o ard slot and picked out my flow er. T he veteran raised his head t o l o o k me in the eyes. W ith a b right sm ile, he said to m e, "T h an k you very m uch, dear." W as it ju s t a sm all plastic flo w e r fo r the old v e te ra n ? H ardly. Every tim e he sees one, it m ust bring back m em ories that I could never im agine. M em ories o f battle, or o f fallen com rades. I c a n 't rem em ber an autum n, w hen I w a sn 't w earing a poppy. Yet for as long as i t 's been a sym bol, it still appears as c o n sis te n tly as th e fa llin g o f the leaves, seen in m ore p laces than those trendy co lo u r-co d ed cause ribbons. The reason is th at w e all know p eo p le w ho risk ed th eir liv es to defen d us in a war. Som e o f them even gave th e ir lives fo r o u r sake. We d o n 't fo rg et them d u r ing the o th er 11 m onths o f the year. I t 's ju s t th at w e arin g a poppy is an o u tw ard to ken used to d e m o n s tra te o u r re m e m b ra n c e , lik e g o lfe rs w e a rin g p atch es o f the S tew art tartan . W hen a v eteran , o r o th ers like him , sees a poppy p in n ed on a ra n d o m c o a t, he m u st feel en co u rag ed . His great risk and the h a rd sh ip s he e n d u re d are re m e m b ered and ap p reciate d . N one o f the lo sses w ere in vain. L est we fo rg et, is th e p o p u lar seaso n al slogan. We d o n 't fo rg et. We ju s t don th e sy m b o ls to show th at w e rem em ber. · Advertorial View new originals and m eet the artist Alan K ingsland Trailblazers' author at CFUW Ju d ith F in lay so n , au th o r o f T railblazers, w ill be the gu est sp eak er at M o n d ay 's G uest N ight m eeting o f the C anadian F ed eration o f U niversity W omen -- C FU W O ak v ille, at O akville T rafalgar High S chool, 1460 D evon R d., at 7 p.m . F in lay so n , au th o r o f three previous books and a w ell-know n jo u rn a lis t w hose colum n B etw een the Sexes w as p u b lish ed in the G lobe and M ail for m ore than seven years, w ill discuss her new book T ra ilb la ze rs: Women Talk A b o u t C hanging C anada. F in lay so n tells the stories o f 36 w om en who broke the m ould, w ho dem anded the night to be equal p artic ip a n ts in society. T hese in clude M onique B egin, the first wom an elected a Q uebec M em ber o f P arliam ent, Justine B lainey who won the right to play hockey with her m ale p eers, and H elen L ucas -- a painter who overcam e the re stric tio n s o f an im m igrant b ack ground to create her in sp iratio n al and jo y o u s art. A lan Kingsland looks forward to meeting you at an exhibition of his recent original paintings, Friday November 12 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Glen Abbey Framing and Fine Art in the Oakville Town Centre. A long time Oakville resident, Kingsland has developed a large following of avid collectors of his watercolours and limited edition prints. Fourteen original paintings have been assembled for this show, representing a cross-section of this versatile artist's works. Included will be three paintings of Canadian Steam Locomotives. Judith Finlayson Alan Kingsland always maintains the absolute accuracy and detail demanded by train buffs. "I seem to be spending more time on each piece and deriving enormous pleasure from it," says Kingsland. An avid golfer, Kingsland has combined this passion with his artistic skill, to produce paintings of several southern Ontario golf courses, including St. Andrews East. Also featured in the show will be rural Southern Ontario, and the Oakville area. The exhibition con tinues to November 19th. For more infor mation call Glen Abbey Framing and Fine Art at 338-1854. Kingsland Jc you are cordially invited to attendK % OAKVILLE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Invites you to the Annual General Meeting Thursday November 2 5,1999 at 7:00 P.M. Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road In the Auditorium Use north parking lot entrance an exhibition o f recent paintings by ALAN KINGSLAND featuring tiezv original watercolours ofgoCf courses, trains and landscapes Meet The Artist Friday, November 12, 1999 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. (Show continues to November 19) S M /A IR S CORRECTION For Our 72 Page Shop, Wish & Win Flyer (C112F599 & C112F399) (Sale Dates: Nov. 8-14,1999) PAGE 24 & 25 Arnold Palmer. Deertan Slippers for men and kids Kangaroos shoes and boots are not shop by phone items. PAGE 29 - Only 14.99/19.99 Boys & girls' cargo pants. Ad should read: "Only 14.99/19.99" Boys & girls' twill or corduroy cargo pants sizes 2-18. Excludes denim. PAGE 33 - Men's Kodiak label socks were mistakenly photographed as part of the McGregor socks ad. PAGE 42 -1 /2 price Circulon pro 11-pc cookware set prices are incorrect. Regular price should read: 599.99. Sale price should read: 299.99. PAGE 52 - Sony 8MM camcorder #31834 does not include tripod. PAGE 54 - Kenmore 1.3 cu. ft. sensor microwave oven #86910 description should read: 1.07 cu. ft. microwave oven with 700 watts. (Sensor option is not available on this item). PAGE 11 of our 12 page Mattel toy pre-print (V112V299) due to an error in advertising, the remote control Tantrum has been incorrectly illustrated. Also, Tantrum includes a 6 volt battery with charger (9 volt battery tor con troller sold separately). Little Caesars-Pizza* GREAT TASTE! GREAT PRICE! GREAT PIZZA!TM AGENDA The year in review Elections for vacant board positions Guest speakers about crime in Oakville Please R.S.V.P. by November 17th to BIG PIZZA! FR A M IN G & F IN E ART OAKVILLE TOWN CEN TRE (by Chapters) 825-4747 ext. 2223 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Phone 905-338-1854 FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR www.glenabbeyframing.eom r TABM CLAN D CANADA'S LARGEST N # A SK FOR F R E E ( VW TH AS2Q * Special Selection! FLANNELETTE SOLIDS 90cm wide, 100% cotton. Our Reg. 3.98 m NOW 1.44 m Special Selection! BRUSHED YARN-DYE PLAIDS 110cm wide, 100% cotton. Our Reg. 8.98 m NOW 4.49 m Special Selection! NOVELTY SUITING 150cm Assorted colours and textures. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 2.99 m Special Selection! ARCTIC FLEECE CRAFT ENDS 150cm wide. .25-1m lengths. Our Reg. 3.98 m NOW 2.22 m Special Selection! CHRISTMAS PRINT ENDS 115cm wide, 100% cotton. Asst'd prints & colours. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 4.99 m Special Selection! S-T-R-E-T-C-H VELVET ENDS Il50cm wide. Polyester/spandex b lend sl 1 Vast assortment of colours & textures. | Our Reg. 16.98 m NOW 10.99 m Special Selection! LUXURY FUR ENDS 150cm 1 - 5 m lengths. Assorted textures & colours. Our Reg. 24.98 m YOU SAVE 50%! NOW 12.49 m Special Selection! CONSO TRIMS Selection varies per store. Reg. to 12.49 m NOW 40% OFF Our Reg. Price Tremendous Assortment! DRAPERY PRINTS Our Reg. 18.98 m NOW 66% OFF! ONLY 6.45 m Special Selection! CHENILLE UPHOLSTERY ENDS 1140cm Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 5.99 m | Special Selection! I CHRISTMAS TRIMS & CRAFT NOTIONS | | Trims indude carded, spooled & by the metre. NOW 33% OFF Our Reg. Price Sew Up the Holidays! EVERY FABRIC, DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY 2441 Lakeshore Rd. w. (Bronte Village Mall) 511 Maple Grove Rd. (Maple Grove Village) NOW 20*-6fi0 / o y j \ J O FF 842-1114 See ou r fly e r in to d ay s Oakville Beaver (selected areas only) FABRICLANDS REGULAR PRICES! *Sewing Club Members save an additional IUc /c on all 20 % fabrics! Entire In-Store Stock! Special Selection! PANNE VELOUR SOLIDS 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 4.99 m Special Selection! VELVET 115cm wide. Acetate/nylon blend. Our Reg. 24.98 m NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 12.49 m Special Selection! VELVETEEN SOLIDS 115cm wide, 100% cotton. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 7.49 m Special Selection! POLYESTER PEACHSKIN & FAILLE PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 6.99 m Special Selection! CHALUS PRINTS 135cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Reg. 10.98 m ______ NOW 4.99 m_________ Special Selection! FAUX SUEDE LOOK 150cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 m NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 6.49 m Special Selection! ARCTIC FLEECE PRINTS 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 19.98 m NOW 8.99 m We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. B E C O M E A C A D E T IN S T R U C T O R ! v CHRISTMAS Collection: , NOW 20*-66% OFF O u r R e g u la r P rice Special Selection! CHRISTMAS PANELS 115-150cm wide. Assorted styles, some ends. Assorted U.S. makers. Selection varies per store. Our Reg. 9.98 p.36-p«n. I NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 4.99 p . * - , . O N E O F THE M O ST R E W A R D IN G E X P E R IE N C E S Y O U 'L L E V E R H A V E . No previous military training necessary. T h e C a d e t In s tru c to rs P ro g ra m . Insp ire y o u n g C anad ians w h ile learn ing v aluab le skills in your p a rt-tim e . Training, rem un er ation, and fu lfilm e n t. A chance to m e n to r 12 t o 18-year-olds in a v a rie ty o f o u td o o r activ ities , including c a m p in g , h ikin g and b iathlon: a unique o p p o rtu n ity to pass on y o u r te c h n ic a l, e d u c a tio n a l a n d s p o rts k n o w le d g e . If y o u 're b e tw e e n th e ages o f 18 a n d 6 5 , call ,w Entire In-Store Stock! LACE & METALLICS NOW 20*-50% O F F O u r R e g u la r P rice Special Selection! FOIL DOT METALLIC KNIT 115cm wide in gold, silver and now titanium! Our Reg. 10.98 m NOW 1/2 PRICE! ONLY 5.49 m Special Selection! METTLER THREAD 100m spool, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 1.68 ea. NOW 99( ea. 1-800-856-8488 or v is it o u r W e b s ite a t w w w .d n d .c a fo r information on becoming a Cadet Instructor. It is p a rt-tim e w ell spen t. Canada Sale in effect Nov.10-Dec.5/99, on in-stock merchandise only. No special orders. Most items available in m ost stores. L oo k for the red sale tags. Please Note: where `com petitive pricing' occurs, the advertised saving s will be off Fab riclan d 's regular chainstore price. Due to advanced deadlines, th is flyer was prepared weeks in advance, and som e items may therefore be so ld out. O P E N S U N D A Y S 1 2 -5 1 4 0 R e b e c c a S t. OAKVILLE 844-

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