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Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2017, p. 4

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www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, September 22, 2 0 1 7 | 4 R o a d c h a n g e s f o r M id t o w n w o r r y p r o p e r t y o w n e r s by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Property ow ners in w hat will be M idtown Oakville voiced con cerns about the future as the Town discussed possible changes to the road netw ork at a Sept. 11 m eeting of the Planning and D evelopm ent C ouncil. M idtown Oakville, located south of the Q E W and along Trafalgar Road, is a designated urban grow th centre expected to accom m odate a m inim um 2 0 ,0 0 0 people and jobs by 2 0 3 1 . "Naturally change at this scale will require m ajor infrastructure chan ges," said Lesley Gill W oods of the Town' s Planning Services D epartm ent. "This will unavoidably alter or eliminate m any existing properties, buildings and uses over the long term ." Som e of those proposed changes include: | » A new north /sou th crossing of the Q E W · The extension of Iroquois Shore Road con necting to Royal W indsor Drive · The realignm ent of N orth Service Road east of the extension of Iroquois Shore Road · The realignm ent and extension of Cross Avenue to Royal W in dsor Drive · The realigned sections of South Service Road along either side of Trafalgar Road · The new Station Road w est of Trafalgar Road The report to council emphasized the proposed changes to the transportation n etw ork are n o t im m inent. They also have yet to be included in the Town' s 10-year Capital Forecast. Even so, those w ho have property in the area are getting nervous. Karen Bennett, representing Algonquin Pow er and Utilities C orp and Davis Road LP, voiced con cerns about the proposed n etw ork having a significant im p act on her clients' office property at 3 5 4 Davis Rd. "The proposed realignm ent of Cross Avenue and rem oval of Davis Road eliminates Algonquin' s existing access onto Cross Avenue and will result in a lost of access to Davis R oad," said Bennett. "The replacem ent of these accesses will n ot be possible because the curved configuration of the new Cross Avenue results in poor sightlines." Bennett noted as things currently stand it will be impossible for the businesses at 3 5 4 Davis Rd., to survive at that location. She called on the Town to consult with the Ministry of Transportation to ensure these businesses will have the street access they need. C om m unity Developm ent C om m issioner Jan e C lohecy noted issues like road access w ould be ironed out w hen the project gets to the detailed design phase. Sim on F u n g , representing 1 0 9 0 South The real question that should be asked is how much of a difference is this going to make to the traffic patterns of the area? It doesn't appear sufficient consideration has been given to Robert Ackerman on behalf of 1539059 O ntario Service Rd., property ow ner M arm ar Investm ents Ltd., noted the Cross Avenue extension as planned w ould go right through his client' s property. M ore concerning, it w ould go through a building on that property, F u n g said. "The property is currently being leased by two tenants. The im pact of the road to the building w ould likely render those two businesses inoperable," said Fung. "N ot only w ould these tenants lose their businesses, m y client w ould n o t be able to use the lan d." Fu n g said his client understands expansion needs to happen, but called for a reduction in the im pact to this property, preferably by leaving the building untouched. Those present also heard from Robert A ckerm an, w ho represented 3 4 9 Davis Rd., ow ners 1 5 3 9 0 5 9 O ntario and Powell Insurance Brokers. He said his clients' entire property w ould be required for the Cross Avenue extension and questioned w h at exactly all this trouble for the business com m un ity w ould accom plish. "The expense for the taxpayers of Oakville is going to be en orm ou s," said A ckerm an. "The real question that should be asked is how m u ch of a difference is this going to m ake to the traffic patterns of the area? It doesn't appear sufficient consideration has been given to that question." A ckerm an said the project w ould be very disruptive for the existing businesses in the area that m ay be displaced. He noted his clients em ploy m ore than 4 0 people and are fearful it will be difficult to find a com parable property to accom m odate them if their existing facility is taken. The Planning and Developm ent Council ultim ately voted to approve the updates to the M idtown Oakville plan. Oakville M ayor Rob Burton assured those present that their con cerns w ere prem ature and w ould be dealt w ith w hen the project reaches a later stage. BRING IN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEWMODERN CLINIC Dr. V ineet Bhandari provides top q u ality dental care in a friendly, caring en vironm en t w ith his team of dental professionals. He uses m odern painless laser d e n tis try fo r cosm etic and preventive dental tre a tm e n ts and helps his patients to achieve op tim um dental health. It is ou r goal to help create and m aintain a beautiful smile. D en tistry is a positive investm ent in y o u r health, y o u r confidence and yo u r appearance. BHAN DARI Fam ily Dentistrysince u ? a actual patient treatments by dr. bhandari This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! We can change live s ... Call us to set up your free consultation. 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