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Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 1999, p. 7

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Sarlday, November 21, 1999 Oakville Rdfavdr Weekend ' < ' COMMUNITY UPDATE May Court Club holds 12th annual Festival of Trees, Oakville Place, main floor near Sears, to Dec. 4th. Tickets to win decorat ed Christmas trees are: $1 each, $2 for three, and $5 for eight. Proceeds to VON Hospice Program. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat wor ship celebration at Walton United Church, Lakeshore and Bronte, 9:30 and 11 am. Directed by Linda Fletcher, it features the Youth Choir with special guests Roger Ley as Joseph and William Oliver as Pharaoh. MONDAY NOVEMBER 22 Oakville Parent Child Centre has Ladies Night at II Fomello's, Nov. 22nd. Call 8496366 for tickets. Problems with Bulimia, Anorexia or Obesity? Orientation for Weighdown, 7 p.m., Church of the Nazarene, 320 Bronte. Call Wendy, 8278914. Oakville Christian Women's After Five Club annual Christmas Dinner, Oakville Golf Club, 2254 Sixth Line, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Fashions by Zack's, Oakville Place; Celtic harpist Sahra Hutchings; speaker Maureen Bell of Barrie. Reservations essential, $24, call Fran, 844-9851. Chat and Play, 10 to 11:30 a.m,, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca, for parents and tots - infants to preschoolers. Free. Call 845-3427. Centre for Skills Development and Training, 5151 New St., Burlington, has GED Information Session for adults 19 and over who didn't fin ish high school and want to earl GED High School Equivalency Certificate, at 7 p.m. Call Grace, 333-3499. ALPHA, practical introduc tion to the Christian faith, final meeting. Complimentary meal at 6:30 p.m., followed by video pre sentation and small group discus sion, Central Baptist Church, 340 Rebecca St. Call church office, 845-2942 or Winnie Spencer, 845-1088. Oakville Parent Child Centre offers Cabin Fever, dropin for parents and caregivers, 9 to 11 am , 337 Kerr St. Call 8496366. Let's Dance, Monday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors. Singles welcome. Call 827-7394. Bruce Trail Association has Lakeside Hikes for fun and fit ness with the Bronte Bunch every Monday. Meet at Coach & Four, back door, 7:15 p.m. Bring flash light. Walk at own pace. Call 8278768. Like to sing? Male chorus, 25 voices, looking for amateur singers. Rehearsal every Monday night except holidays. Call the director, 845-1260. TOPS - Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Monday at St. Aidan's Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr. at Stewart St. New members welcome, nominal fee. Call Maureen, 8274893; or Kim at 338-9059. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23 Big Sisters Orientation and Training, Nov. 23rd, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Big Sisters office, 61 Lakeshore W, at Wilson Call 3380238. Oakville Stitchery Guild welcomes members and guests to monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m., staff room at T. A. Blakelock High School, Rebecca Street. Call Jane Coryell, 8440480. Oakville Stamp Club, 7 to 9 p.m., St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, Dorval and Rebecca. Voice auctions. Oakville African Violet Sodety, 7:30 p.m., White Oaks Secondary School - North Campus, horticulture room, 1055 McCraney St Use west side entrance. Call Barbara Post, 8451550. Half Hour to Health lecture, Secrets to Optimal Health, 6,45 p.m., Chiropractic First, 2318 Lakeshore W,, Ste. 1. Call 827-2444. Oakville Christian Women's Club, Fall Fair Luncheon, 1 to 3 p.m., Oakville Golf Club, 1154 Sixth Line. Bring white elephant and baked goods for fall fair, soprano singer Nancy Parr, and speaker Julie Eby, `city girl turned country,' from Ayr, Ont Reservations essential, $13.50, call Barb, 849-0281; Helen, 844-7736; or Cecile, 827-5934. Trillium Photographic Club, Slide (S e e `C o m m u n ity U p d a te ' p a g e 8) S ingles Events T h e S in gle G o u rm e t U P S C A L E S in g le s S o c ia l E v e n ts (Since 1979) THE SINGLE GOURMET has the follo w in g upcom ing events: · · · · Singles Dance, Nov. 20 Capt. John's Boat-Toronto $12 pay at door Fri. Nov. 26 Progressive Dinner & Dance, The Oakville Club Sat. Nov. 27 Norma Jeane's Billiards, Mississauga Sat. Dec. 4 Christmas Progressive Dinner & Dance at Private Golf Club, Etobicoke · Sat. Dec. 11 Planet Bowl, Etobicoke · Sat. Dec. 18 Christmas Singles Dance at Roehampton Hotel $15 pay at door CALL FOR RESERVATIONS - 905-827-5912 A n nu al C hristm as I Progressive Dinner & Dance ' Private G olf Club * Etobicoke 800 + S ingles NEW YEAR'S EVE MILLENNIUM GALA Dinner & Dance The Colony Hotel, Toronto (in the centre o f the action!) Book Now or you might miss out!. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 C A LL NOW TO RESERVE! BONUS: You'll receive $50 In S ingle G ourm et C oupons to use at upcom ing events! I C all fo r y o u r FREE in fo rm a tio n p a c k a g e phone: TO LL (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -5 9 1 2 FREE: 1 -8 0 0 -8 7 4 -5 0 7 8 · h e s in g le ^ w w w .thesinglegourm et.com Mission Dinin INTER SAVINGS AT M ORE T H A N J U S T M U F F L E R S, % meineke OF United Vtey OA K VI L L E WINTER CHECK-UP · Lube, oil & filter 10W30 · Check anb-freeze & levels · Check brakes & adjust · Check exhaust for leaks · Check tires & front end · Check all lights OC · Check belts & hoses · Rotate tires v / V ^ J · Service battery terminals host · Check tune-up C A R * · New Car Warranty approved Expires Nov. 27/99 P a c e se tte rs The Oakville Beaver Joins United Way of Oakville in saluting Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home 'cbOUNC SYSTEM FLUSH* · Pressure test cooling system · Check heater operation & flush & fill cooling system with up to 8 litres anti-freeze. Must present coupon Expires Nov. 27/99 s49 95 MOST CARS for increasing their corporate donations by more than 20% . OPENSUNDAY 2185DufeiWQIMsWcrtakitity (905)607-2247 Tht Banc O PENSUNDAY MsfamRd&Sittfes*. (416)293-2279 ttafekp&SluwrooK 370 DenisonSi. t Markham (905)473-2488 WM* O PENSINDAY 111 Dunlop St. W a BrockSi (905)668-2770 $Q 79 5 MOST FRONT From o / s s DISCS r cars From ........................T U N t l l P Includes new shoes or pads, repack wheel bearings, resurface drums & rotors and inspect entire system. Metallic pads included. Must present coupon. Expires Nov. 27/99. 7 7 95 REAR DRUMS H alto n L e a r n in g C en t r e includes newspark plugs, check all tune-up com ponents, set up 4 adjust engine, & service battery. 4 6 8 c y l. `5 9 .9 5 C f w ^ O c c y l. * 6 9 .9 5 c y l. * 7 9 .9 5 ^ / some vans extra Must present coupon at time of estimate. Expires Nov. 27/99 ifutoriing All subjects G rades 1 - O A C Learning skills Ilona Kopriva w Kopriva Taylor Com m unity Funeral Home has been serving the com m unity w ith warmth, sensitivity, dignity and professional attention to the com m unity's every need. To find out how your company can play a role In helping to achieve United Way o f Oakville's $3.1 Million Campaign, please contact the United Way office at (905) 84 5-55 71. This message courtesy o f The O akville Beaver. MUFFLER SALE From ( LOBE, OIL S FILTER W ewil: · Change your oil (up to 5 itres of 10W30 Quaker Slate) S tiller · Lubricate front end · Check ax pressure - at levels under hood - filters | Must present coupon. Expires Nov. 27/99 $0095 / Installed i W Fits many cars. Pipes, clamps & hangers extra. Expires Nov. 27/99 $ U 9 Most 5 | O Cars Flexible schedule C ertified teachers C o m puters A dult Ed. classes French & Spanish E ducational A sse ssm en ts SAFETY CHECKS $0095 M O S TC A R S& LIGHT TRUCKS ON EXHAUST WORK Meineke will pay the taxes on most cars & light trucks. Warranty work excluded.. Expires Nov. 27/99 Musi present coupon at time ol estimate. Not to be combined with any other coupon. NO TAX I Ontario Gowrnment Inspection Any work required la safety check over the value ol $ 1 5 0 « taxes, performed I by mis location, s^ety Chech Is no ctarge Must present coupon ai time ot purchase. Expires Nov. 27/99. OF IN OUR COMMUNITY H E LP & HQPE O A K V IL L E " Little Learners" program fo r pre-schoolers r® -- ONTARIO' S Q u a lit y U n d e r c a r S p e c i a l i s t s We can help you learn more successfully. Give us a call today!_________ 5291 Lakeshore Road r AccreditedT e st &R epair F acility O a k v i l l e ··· 5 0 1 S p e e r s R d . U n i t # 2 ... (N ext to B u d d 's Im p o rted C ars) 3 ^ 2 * 9 9 7 7 F R E E U n d e r c a r I n s p e c t io n & E s t im a t e N a t io n w id e L if e t im e G u a r a n t e es OPEN MON. - FRI. 8 AM-6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM-4 PM 333-5444 M U S T P R E S E N T C O U P O N F O R A L L S P E C IA L S N O T T O B E C O M B IN E D W I T H A N Y O T H E R O F F E R 0 Beaver '99 U n ite d W ^ y D is c o u n t M u ffle r s meineke

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