'29 f 8!* \ . / t Ai ti!v . I H o ) Oakville Beaver Weekend _ , Sunday, November 21,11 999 S u n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 26, 1999 T o Pla c e your A d C a l l 632-4440 or F a x 632-8165 Mo n . - F r i .. 8:3Q-6 pm___________ Pa g e 26 WHAT S NEW AT WENDY S IN OAKVILLE? ARAM ARK I CANADA I CARTAGE CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM A LEADER IN CONTRACT LOGISTICS SERVICE We are now recruiting for Where y $ 7 5 sig n in g b o n u s ! / Y e a r-ro u n d jo b s ! y G re a t s ta rtin g w a g e s ! Stars FIND COUNTLESS ways to Evert the restaurant is brand new! There' s never been a better opportunity for a fresh beginning than at our flagship Oakville location (situated right next to ou r new Head Office - how 's that for being at a high-profile hot spot?). So attend our Job Fair and start something big. Full time AZ drivers and Part time AZ drivers Local and highway cartage, flat deck, tanker, crane and van work. Days, Nights, Weekend work available. Knowledge of Dangerous Goods. Paid weekly. Mileage/ hours and flat rates applicable Shine. ALSO required in Milton area for highway & local runs for food product delivery. + + + + + IM M EDIATE openings Full and Part time Excellent equipment Good starting rate f o b F air - Guaranteed Interviews! R E S TAU R A N T STAFF A ll positions * A ll shifts · Full tim e & p a rt tim e Saturday, N o ve m be r 27,9 am - 5 pm a t th e new W e n d y's Head O ffice 240 W y e c ro ft Rd (a t D o rva l) If you can't make it to o u r Job Fair, drop by ou r Head Office and fill out an application any time M onday - Friday 8:30 a m - 5:00 pm o r fax your resume to: (905) 849-5545 D iversity a n d fairness: W e n d y' s fam ily values The right person will offer + + + + A good driving record Speak/ Read fluent English Must be bondable Customer Service Oriented Company Benefits + Company uniforms Experience is a definite asset, but will train. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to join our team. Call 416-259-5454 for more information. Or stop in for coffee and speak to our Human Resources Manager at: CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM 1561 THE QUEENSWAY ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO ARAMARK, CANADA at the FORD plant in Oakville is currently seeking energetic, flexible cafeteria staff. We operate multiple cafeterias 7 days per week including evenings. We have available: Fulltime day shift Mon.-Fri. positions for COOKS, COFFEE CART OPERATOR & possibly GENERAL HELP/ CASHIER (5 am start tor some positions) * Part-time, casual positions for Cooks, General Help/ Cashiers & Wait Staff, Stock person (day or evening shift). Suitable for those with a flexi ble schedule or available only on a limited basis. All positions will include some weekend work on a limited basis. Experience in Food Service is an asset, but we will train those with a great attitude! To learn more about the advantages of working for ARAMARK Canada Including comprehensive Benefits, meal plan and free uniforms, call (905) 845-24511, Cheryl at Ext. 1788 or Deanna at Ext. 3361,9am - 2pm, or Linda at Ext. 3358,6pm-10pm If you are looking for an opportunity for advancement in a dynamic, "cut & sew" manufacturing, environment and enjoy daily challenges o f producing new products, read further. O ur A ssociation, w ith a mission to ensure th a t individ uals w ith an intellectual handicap en jo y a m e a n in g fu l life w ith in th e ir c o m m u n ity, requires: "OPEN HOUSE" WHEN: WHERE: T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 23, 1999 1 0 :0 0 a .m . - 6 :0 0 p.m . H o lid a y Inn 3 0 6 3 S o u th S e rv ic e Rd. B u rlin g to n , O n t P e a rs o n R o o m FLOAT LIVE-IN MANAGERS As a m e m ber o f O ur O pe rational M a n a g e m e n t tea m , th e success fu l ap p lica n t w ill enjoy th e experiences, challenges and rew ards o f s u p p o rtin g a d u lts w ith in te lle c tu a l h a n d ic a p s in v a rio u s liv e -in m o del hom es th ro u g h o u t th e A ssociation. The Float Live-in M a nage r w ill be responsible to ensure m a in tena nce o f th e ho m e, q u ality o f care and case m anage m en t o f th e s u p p o rt plans fo r th e p e ople livin g in th e h o m e in th e absence o f th e F u ll-tim e Live-in M anager. This po sitio n w ill be utilized to provide re lie f to o u r Full-tim e Livein M anagers w ith in o u r Live-in Homes an d w ill be required to w o rk up to a m in im u m o f 10 days and a projected m a xim um o f 25 days per m o n th th a t m ay increase over tim e . Q u a lif ic a tio n s : A de g re e o r d ip lo m a in th e h u m a n service fie ld w ith d e m o n s tra te d lead ersh ip, in te rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n skills a n d a p ro ve n c o m m itm e n t to e n s u rin g th e e n ric h m e n t o f th e lives o f individ uals w ith in te lle ctu a l handicaps. A valid drivers license and practical k n o w le d g e o f h o m e m a n a g e m e n t are also required alo n g w ith a th o ro u g h u n d e rsta n d in g and a p p re cia tio n o f th e p h ilo soph ica l d ire c tio n o f th e A ssociation to w a rd s th e delivery s u p p o rt t o th e custom er. Inte re ste d a p p lica n ts fo r th is purchase o f service p o s itio n sh o u ld fo rw a rd th e ir resum e, spe cifyin g th e reasons fo r a p p ly in g fo r th e po sitio n, by 1 2 :0 0 n o o n , D e c e m b e r 3, 1999. SUPERVISOR OF SEWING PRODUCTION (Burlington) You will be entrusted with the responsibility of supervising the sewing of a variety of products with varied specifications while controlling quality and staff performance, scheduling and completing work orders in a timely fashion and resolving production issues. You must have: Two - three years full-time experience sewing industrial environment Two years of supervisory or related experience in production Excellent English and Math skills An eye for accuracy and detail Commitment to quality of product This working environment is pleasant, safe and the work-week is Monday to Thursday, ten hours per day. If you feel you are the right person for this role please fax your resume in confidence to: L o o k in g to fill v a rio u s fu ll-tim e Sales Opportunities w ith in th e H a m ilto n / B ra n tfo rd areas. C a n d id a te s s h o u ld p o s s e s s a h ig h scho ol d ip lo m a a n d a v a lid d riv e rs license . P le a s e b rin g u p -to -d a te re su m e . S A L E S P O S IT IO N S · Scott, Batenchuk & Co. LLP Fax: (905) 632-9068 Quote File MAN 001 Have you been ou t o f the work force lo r a lew years, ra isin g a la m ily ? · Do you enjoy hom e decorating & helping people? · A re you lo o kin g fo r a career that is challenging & rew arding? Human Resources Burlington Association for the Intellectually Handicapped 3057 Mainway Drive, Burlington, Ontario L7M 1A1 AN Y QUESTIONS OR INQUIRIES THAT YOU M A Y HAVE ABOUT THIS POSITION CAN BE ANSWERED AN D DISCUSSED AT THE FOLLOWING ORIENTATION SESSIONS LISTED BELOW: LO C A TIO N : 30 57 M a in w a y Dr., B urlin g to n , M e e tin g Room 1 T IM E : 6 :0 0 - 7 :0 0 PM o r 7 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 PM DATES: W e d . N ovem ber 2 4 th o r W e d . D ecem ber 1 st Canada's leading manufacturer of equipment for the waste paper industry is growing again and requires immediately. If so, we may have the perfect job for you! · We are a successful chain of furniture & gift boutiques located in Ontario shopping malls. · We need you to work 15-35 hrs. per week during daytime, evening & weekend periods. · We will provide you with extensive training, including a lull tour of our factory. To join our learn annlv in person, with a resume: INSTALLERS You are a hard working, dedicated person. You will assist in the installation ol ductwork and heavy ma chinery. Travel will be required. Hands on experi ence with forklifts and manlifts are an asset. Own transporation and hand tools a must. C rate D e s ig n s Ltd. Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St. Oakville, ON L6L 5G8 FITTER - WELDER Your 3-4 years fitting with solid mig welding experi ence along with an ability to read detail shop draw ings and a hard working, dedicated individual are all that is required for this position. Straight day shift with some overtime required. A quality leader in the markets we serve, We have opportunities f o r : .......... . AZ D R IV E R S S H U N T D R IV E R S S S W IT C H D R IV E R S · BILINGUAL CREDIT ANALYST Eglinton/ Renforth area, fluency in French/ English · BILINGUAL COLLECTIONS REP Airport South Area! Previous collections a must! ELECTRICIAN Your experience includes building and installing electrical panels, wiring of machinery to local codes. , Knowledge of hydraulics is an asset. Straight day shift with some some overtime required. Please fax or mail your resume staling position required to Plant Supervisor: THE * ^ ^955 Century Dr.,Burlington, ON L7L 5J8 Fax: (905) 632-0027 Email: kernic@ skylinc.net > at k . . ROSEDALE GRO UP ... O u r p + o p l# m ake It h a p p e n I W E OFFER: Excellent wages Bonus Program Years of service bonus Comprehensive benefits program Experienced drivers contact: Respond by telephone to: Brian Topping Rosedale Transport Limited 6875 Invader Cres., Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 2B7 · SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Temporary staff to assist with assignments in Mississauga, Brampton, Etobicoke and Oakville. · ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (Maternity leave) Hwy 10/ Matheson, 3+years A/P experience. · $$$ OTHER JOBS AVAILABLE! Earning extra $$$ for the holiday season! General office, data entry, clerical and accounting jobs! THE S E L E C T I O N GROUP RECRUITMENT SERVICES (9 0 5 )2 3 8 -1 3 0 0 o r F a x (9 0 5 )2 3 8 -0 7 5 3 905-670-0057