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Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 1999, p. 47

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Sunday, November 7, 1999 K |M articles wanted auctions, sales auctions, sales auctions, sales Oakville Beaver Weekend 47 ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture. glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727__________ ANTIQUES Wanted! E s tates. China. Shelley. Royal D oulton, 221 or 222 portable Singer sewing machines. (905)639-0976. ANTIQUES, C ollectibles. China W anted. Best cash. .. Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick. Watches, dolls, estates. Jo hn / Tracy (905)331-9100.__________ PAINTINGS Wanted- An tiques of all kinds: furniture, glass, china, collectibles, Addison radios from 1930s. Estates purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Bur lington. Providers Wanted NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER Required for The Kensington, a luxury retirement residence in Oakville. General housekeeping and laundry experience required. Fax resume to: CUSTOM metal fabricating shop requires W elder/ Welder Fitter/ Welder In staller. Permanent. Wages commensurate with experi ence Call 905-338-5852 Frank/ Larry. __________ GENERAL A utom otive maintenance TechnicianFulltime (Tire installer/ oil changer, etc ). Call Jim, (905)-842-2201__________ ELECTRICIANS, Journey Person/Apprentice for full time industrial / commercial work. Fax (905)470-4133 or call (416)676-9593_______ L v l i l office-clerical T fa tH o tto H A . requires- mature ESTATE AUCTION SALE Mon. Nov. 8, 6:30 pm Preview4: 30pm Dundas Valley Community Centre Coll, of Royal Doultons, M ilitary items, fine china, maling, Royal Crown Derby Charltonware, Beswick, Royal Dux selection of oil painting, solid Oak 9pce D/ R suite, 2 early prim itive pine flatware cupboards, tiffany style hanging lamp, etc. Directions: Take Hwy.6,1 min N.of 403 or 1 mi. S. of Hwy 5, Turn at Esso, then R. at 4 way. Auctioner Bob McCay Info call Dan 905-522-4727 IMPORTANT ESTATE AUCTION SALE Wednesday, November 10 at 6 pm sharp in the Agricultural Hall on Robert Street, Milton Fairgrounds, Milton, Ontario. Preview and registration will start at 4:30 pm day of sale. WAREHOUSE Person/ oc cassional driver required. P leasant w orking condi tions, excellent benefits. "D" License and/ or truck driving experience ^pre ferred. Must be physically fit, able to lift/ carry up to 100lbs. Apply: Royal Mat tress, 5041 Fairview St., Burlington, Mon-Fri, 8am4pm, Fax- 905-681-2294 ACCEPTING Applications! Our national advertising company has two new con tracts, we need mailroom, reception, advertising reps and management trainees. No experience necessary. Call C hristina. (905)2737738. No telem arketing. Not a temp agency._______ SIGN up Bonus! Benefits. Molly Maid-- requires ma ture, reliable full-time per sonnel. Drivers License re quired. Training/ transpor tation provided. No nights. No weekends. For ap pointm ent call 905-6817484__________________ EARN $200.. $300., $500., or more per week, Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St.. W.. Suite 541, Ref: 628, Mississauga, Ontario, L5K 2R8________ EXPERIENCED truck driv ers/ operators fo r Hwy. snow removal equipment fo r Town of O akville. Requirements: AZ or DZ license. Steady employment. Call Mike 905565-6239 or 416-898-9406, Dennis 416-931-5537 PACKERS- Light Plastics Plant- West Oakville. Full/ part-tim e, afternoons/ nights. A pplicants must have good eye/ hand co ordination and be fluent in English. Call for appointment (905)-847-3121. PART-TIME Stock Clerk required 2-3 evenings/ week including some wee kend shifts. Must be able to work until midnight. Please subm it app licatio n s to Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr., Oakville. ADULT Distributors- Ex cellent Opportunity to deliv er a morning newspaper 7 days/wk. Vehicle required. Openings in Oakville/ Bur lington. Call Brad Lucas M on-Thurs, 7am-noon. 905-829-3670___________ STOCK Merchandiser- fulltime- Applicants should be experienced. Work flexible hours & possess excellent people skills. Fax resume attention Haig (905)-8425598 or drop off Shoppers Drug Mart- Oakville Place. GENERAL Labourer for locksmith shop. DZ license an asset. B enefits/ uni form s. $ 14/hr Call (905)827-8401 or drop off resume at Active Lock and Safe, 2380 Speers Rd., Oakville WE are looking for key peo ple to expand our Financial Services business in this area. E xperience not necessary. We will train. For interview call Ken, 6815515 ext. 66____________ WAREHOUSE/ office- im mediate. No experience will train. Some lifting. Ap ply in person Mon-Fri, 11am-2pm 2092 Speers Road. Qakvie 905-4690877 LOOKING for work? Are you 16-24yrs. old? Out of work & school? We can help! Please call 681-1140 or Oak. 845-9430 ext. 8160 WEEKEND MANAGER Weekends / Holidays Must be sell motivated Urgently seeking Providers in Oakville Attention: Stay-At-Home Moms! IMMEDIATE START Beoefits available A pply: 2316 Royal W indsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or ph or fax 338-1966 THE Abbey Grill in Oakville Energetic, hardworking indi viduals required! Cooks, E xperienced, F/T& P/T Servers. F/T P/T · Host/Hostess, P/T Apply in person to: at 270 North S ervice Rd., O akville. Previous applicants need not apply. No calls please. DAYSHIFT-Cook wanted for busy catering company in 403/ Hwy.5 area. Mon.Fri., 7:30-3:30. or part-time. Experienced only need ap ply. Start $10.50/hr. Car re quired. Call before or after lunch only, (905)-820-9944 KITCHENHelp-Line CooksFull/ Part-time. Apply with resume- Winchester Arms, 450 Ap-pleby Line (at New), BurJington, fax Attn: Michelle 634-2778________ PURE Gold needs imme diately D.J.'s, bartenders, wait and shooter staff. Call Lola (905)822-1525 or apply in person at 2630 Royal W indsor Dr. M ississauga, 10:30am__________ 7:00pm COOK required fulltim e. Wage commensurate with experience, Apply in person: Dave/John, ohn, Coronation Sport Bar & Grill. 380 Brant St. Burlington_______ LICK'S is hiring enthusiatic, energetic fu ll/ part-tim e Counter help staff. Apply in person with resume, 548 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville SERVER/ Bartender re quired immediately for busy Oakville pub. Apply in per son, Abbey Arms. 481 North Service Road.______ W AIT S taff, Short Order Cooks required. PT/FT. Ex perience preferred. Apply Dynasi Family Restaurant, Oakville, (905)257-8275 LINE COOK- experienced. Required full-time. Ask for Head C hef: Sonoma County Wine Bar. 3135 Harvester Road, Burlington Michael Heffernan (905)842-9229 & We appreciate all applications, however, only those chosen for an interview will he contacted. GENERAL Labour (M/F) P ackagers/ Assem blers needed for Oak./ Burl./ Mil. area. Shiftwork. Apply in person: A.H.R., 850 Legion Road. Ste.#8, Burlington. Tel: (905)631-9920 QUALITY conscientious company seeks depend able person for assembly work with mechanical abili ty & experience with handtools. Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729__________ TRUCK Drivers required to deliver and pickup mobile signs in the Oakville region immediately. Fax resume to 905-335-2249 or call Dan at 905-844-7772. REQUIRED- Part time driv ers with own cargo van. Must be reliable. Suitable for retired person or second income. Please call (905)971-8861___________ DRIVER- Delivery Person required Full-time. Knowl edge of Oakville- Toronto. Good Driving record. Able to drive pick-up. Call Dave 905-827-8015___________ HOSTESS position avail able for weekends. Back ground in Interior Design is preferable. Please call Tracy 090 5 -8 29 -5 4 04 ext.222________________ AMUSEMENT Device operators, Ages 20years + with D rivers Lie to work New Years Eve. $18./hr. Students welcome!! (905)465-4111_______________ RENTAL Agent- Car & Truck Rental. Oakville. F/TP/T. Morning shift. Will train. Fax resume: (905)337-9807______________ CLEANERS required for of fices in the evenings (Bur lington & Oakville), $7/hr. Car an asset. (905)3302639__________________ RIBO/CSR- Oakville broker requires CSR with storng computer communication, people skills. Fax resumes 905-842-8023 I telemarketers BURLINGTON Call Centre requires appointm ent setters, 5-10pm, Mon-Fri. Guaranteed $9./hr +bonus. All leads provided. Mrs. W alker. 333-1737 after 1pm. MATURE Telem arketers required im m ediately for full/ part-time work. Seri ous candidates need only apply. Please call 1-800567-2276 ext.324, leave message F/T & P/T Hours ' Paid Stat & child sick days 1Stollers/ highchairs/ playpens supplied 1Support · Workshops 1Training · Newsletters · Craft Supplies CALL NOW 847-8060 OFFICE CLERK Required im m ediately fu lltim e to r busy auto co llisio n shop in Oak. D uties in c l: custom er service, reception, data e n try, in v o ic in g , etc. K now ledge of M ic ro so ft & W in d o w s 98. This is a great oppor tunity for the right indi vidual to use a range ot exp e rie nce in a fa stpaced. challenging at mosphere. Please FAX resumes 4pm to 10pm o n ly , A ttn : D ianne: 696 lost & found daycare available FUN and creative mom has full/ part-time spaces for 3 yrs. & up. Stimulating envi ronment. Receipts/ references. Jean 338-7962. DAYCARE availa ble my home QEW/ Guelph near GO. N on-sm oker, large yard.18-mos & up. 639-3598 THE H alton C hild Care Providers Association off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372; Oakville 847-0694 QUALITY worry-free day care. Lots of fun. Music. Large play area. Nutritious meals, snacks-CPR. 332-8510 W m L Z \ daycare wanted CHILD Care required Fri days 1 - 5 in my home, 11 month old. River Oaks area. CaH 257-4240___________ SITTER needed Glen Abbey 7am -9am w eek days for 7 and 11 year old, some evenings and weekends (905)847-9941. N ANN Ylive -o ut for 11 month old girl. Must be mature, experienced & nonsm oker. References required. 339-2628_______ MRS. DOUBTFIRE needed fo r a fte r school care, 2 children, Falgarwood area. Senior/ student welcome. (905)815-9945.__________ PART-TIME caregiver re quired fo r 10 month old baby girl in my home. Start ing Nov. 15th. 637-0895 DRY SPLIT 100% H ard wood, Satisfaction guar anteed. K arl's Firewood Supply. Burlington (905)388-9287. Oakville- 905301-0170 Speedy Delivery! FIREWOOD 100% Dry Seasoned Mixed H ard woods. $65/cord (32cu.ft.)2/or more $59./each. Tax/ delivery included. "You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!" Satisfaction Guar anteed. Parkside Farms. 905-465-0576 Oakville GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O ntario's B e s t'. M arc's Quality Firewood, (905)257-6366 pets, supplies FREE Kittens to good home. 10 weeks old. litter trained. 631-7314________ FREE to good home- MaleHalf german shephard/ golden retriever, 1.5 yrs old, well mannered. Great with kids. Derek. 905-6900052__________________ KEESHOND pup. male. 4 months old, all shots, CKC registered, very bright, $700 obo. 845-4589.__________ PET Grooming- Mrs. Paws Mobile, now with more groomers to serve you bet ter. Call today. 336-8898 LOST: Large black & white long hair female cat. " Gracie" pink collar tags, m icrochip, m issing Oct. 24th. Maple Grove/ Devon area. 842-8790__________ LOST: Reward! Man's ring, black onyx with diamond. Sentimental value. 336-3246 REMEMBER, "WE ALWAYS TRY HARDER" Please sh ow I.D. w hen registering. Term s are cash o r ch eq u e w ith p ro p e r I.D. O w ner, A u ctio n e e r not responsible fo r accidents. (905)815-8856 SPECIAL on D/R. Bedroom suites, Piano's. 40yrs ex perience. Best Rates, Good service. Toll free- 1800-810-5738 Don Colling Auctioneer (905)877-0117 Fax (905) 877-7895 LEGAL SECRETARY 2 positions 1 full-time & 1 Maternity leave 3-5 yrs exp. in Real Estate, PC Law, and Conveyancer a must. Family, W ills, Estate experience an asset. Fax resume with salary expectations to TOTAL Rubbish Removaldemolition clean-ups, dispo sals, tree cutting and bobcat services. Call Ted's mobile (905)469-2962. Major Liquidation & Estate Sale N Under instructions received we will sell in detail lots by ' AUCTION SALE MON. NOV. 8 at 7PM/ Preview: 6PM Otello's Banquet Hall. 2273 Royal Windsor Dr (Corner of Ford Dr.) Oakville C O U£CTIBl£S: Disci Hummel. Royal Doulton. Nippon. Moorcrolt Pottery. Depression glass. Bronze Statuary. Limoge porcelain. Galle Glass vases & lamps. Eng porcelain. 2S pc collection Chezk Signed Royal Dux porcelain, misc silver, Scrimsliaws, Border Fine Arts, cast iron toys, peanut jars. Englisti porcelain. Tiffany style lamps, hand made nostalgia accent items, antique hockey showcase, collector plats. Italian Gilt candelabra & mantle clock set. bronze floor lamps, antique table lamps. Swaiovski crystal & annual, et. ARTWORKS: Important CORPORATE Group ot Seven art collection with A J Casson Limited editions, rare releases, sel ot large original oil painting on canvas, quantity ot decot art prints. Christine Marshall collection L E p rin ls & m ore A N TIQ U E, ESTATE A M IS C . FU RRITURE: handmade desks, occasional tables, consoles, mirrors, din rm suites, plant lables. French night stands, Chippendale lables. serving carts, coiner chairs, loveseats, china cabinets, bowtront cabinet, what nots. washstand. nesting tables, deacons bench, hall stand, colonial lables. tea cabinets, vitrmes, quilt rack, marble lables. TV stand & mote ESTATE & MODERN JEWELLERY: Diamond tings, precious & semi precious stone rings, diamond earrings, gold chains, bracelets, necklaces, tennis bracelets, pearls, appraised Estate Jewelry, (many unusual & unique items), pocket walches. designer watches, bangle bracelet, lashion jewellery. Sterling silver, over 100 lots COIN COLLECTION Gold coins. Olympic sets. Obi dollars, proof sets, world sets, estate books, w orld m int sets, silver dollar s. names stamps named coins, banknotes, elc M ISC. GENERAL ITEMS: Electronics, sports memorabilia & collectibles, autographed, signed Wayne Gretzky. Bobby Off. Tie Domi. Sundin. Joseph items Tittany glass lamps. F P screens, area rugs, parlour lamps, cordless phones, stereos, home theatre. Corgi, Matchbox. Lledo, diecasl collection COMPUTERS: Pentium computer, monitors, printers, scanners, etc. Auctioneers note A line quality sales, items still arriving unable to list at paper deadlines TERMS: Cash. Visa, M/C, Amex, as pet posted & announced No Buyers Premiums, additions & deletions apply, removal same day Information call 416-238-1762 Please visit EXPERIENCED Painter, Commercial & Residential. Interior & exterior, window cle a n in g / repairs. Low rates. Troy, 681-1307_____ 100% Quality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior. Exterior. 905-277-1793 or toll free 1877-724-6847. moving & storage RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional m overs, truck and insurance. Best rates on tong distance. 844-8733. PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700 (905)-712-8559 CREDIT C ollectors/ N egotiators- English or French speaking F/T entry level positions required for progressive Call Centre in M ississauga / O akville. Qualifications: O.S.S.D.+ post-secondary education. Must have excellent communication skills. No exp. necessary. Will train, com petitive salary+ bonuses. Fax resume: (905)403-1617__________ ADMIN. Asst./ ReceptionM ulti-task position for bright, energetic person. Experience in windows based accounting software an asset. Apply in person, fax, or send resum e to: Pottery Supply House Ltd., 1120 Speers., O akville, L6L 2X4, Fax: 905-849-0001 OAKVILLE'S Premier Sa-, Ion & Spa requires Estheticians, full & part-time. Apply in person at Images, Oak ville Town Centre! WEDDING Photography. 100-115 prints, album, negatives. Over 15 yrs ex perience. Reliable, rea sonable. with references. Picture- Perfect Wedding Photography. 639-6710 XMAS Gifts- Photos, Slides to VHS Video. Music, titles. SFX. E diting on dig ita l work station. Jeremy 905319-1044 I cars for sale 1999 MAZDA "Miata* Sil ver, m int condition. Only 4.000 Km. New! Very low price. Golden opportunity Joe (905) 339-2736 1988 TOYOTA C orolla LE, new windshield, Bat tery, Alternator, Certified. Emission Pass, $2,750. Phone 257-4121_________ 1988 NISSAN Pulsar NX Auto, 208,OOOKm,Certified, Clean air. $2,350 good starter car. Call 844-9742 1996 Chrysler Cirrus LX120K, highway driven. P/w, p/l, regular maintenance. Lady driven. $12,500/obo. 331-4767______________ 1998 Contour Sport- RedLoaded. 4 door, 4 cylinder, 39.600Km. $12,400. call 905-842-6759___________ 1992 GEO METRO co n vertible, w hite, auto., 67.000 kms., orig ina l owner, certified, $4200 obo. 634-8653.______________ 1998 Ford Windstar- GL, excellent condition, 74K, $17,900. W ill consider trade on 1993 Golf or Jetta. 681-9109______________ 1986 HONDA Accord new brakes/ batteiy, runs great! $2,000 obo. Excellent student/ winter car. 331-6460. 1995 Jeep Grand Chero kee V8. Mint condition, loaded, 1 owner, complete service record. Certified & drive clean. Snow's com ing- you need this 4x4! $18,000 905-607-7642 1987 Honda Civic wagon- 5 speed, runs well, $120Q/obO- 319-2292 1998 Grand Prix GTPS ell/ Sub-lease. Red. 33,000km., Loaded, P ri vate. Good deal! (905)331-7577 After 6pm HOME cleaners required. Would suit early retirees. Seniors ter Seniors. 572-6162 NOW hiring experienced part-time Domestic house cleaners. Must have car. Burlington area. Call after 6pm (905)-634-6562 CUSTOM Drapery, Acces sories. Installation. Re-upholste ry & S lipcovers. Workmanship guaranteed. R easonable rates. Judy 335-2535 References supplied. tutorial TUTOR: Mature, respon sible, high school, elemen tary. English as a second language. 25 years exp. 842-5998 (Oakville). ATTENTION El & SA re cipients fulltime & parttime courier training, completely hands on. Cal (905)338-6600 I daycare available DAYCARE available, my home--hot meals, snacks, English/French speaking. Playground. Holy Family School area. Very experi enced. E xcellent references. 849-8119.________ COME & join our daycare family. Lots of fun everyday. Available 3, 4 or 5 days/wk. 469-0382.______________ STILL looking? Stop! Caregiving available my home, reat meals, crafts, toys, un! Why wait? 332-7378. (Burlington) __________ NANNY- required for Janu ary, Oakville, 2 children, must have new born ex perience, non-smoker, min imum wage, some evening work, light housekeepng, references. 905-257-5865 LIVE-OUT Nanny / house keeper for 3 school-aged children. Driver. East Oak ville. (905)844-0914, leave message. MATURE woman looking for live-in nanny job from 10pm-6am or take care of elderly person (nightime). (905)823-5798__________ EXPERIENCED Nannies/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931.__________ LIV E -IN N anny/ housekeeper for adult couple w/10-year old child in school, Northshore Burlington home. Cooking included, must be nonsm oker and P hilippine. C all M urray or Debbie M on.-Fri. 9-5, 634-3424; weekends 681-0204. LIVE-IN Nanny for 2 boys(7 & 4) with pets. Flexible hours. 905-842-9169 STU D E NT/ seniors w e l come. Part-time caregiver, late afternoons. Vehicle re quired. Call Esther days. (905)-825-8040, evenings (905)-337-9733__________ PHILAPINO nanny (live-in) available. No fee to employ er. Please call Amah International. (416) 488-9825 PAR T-TIM E Nanny required for 2-3 days/wk., (Oakville). Flexible on days and times. 3 school-aged children +toddler. Live-in arrangement optional. Ideal fo r part-tim e student. 339-0225.______________ PAR T-TIM E Nanny required M on.-Fri., 3pm6pm ., in our R iver Oaks home fo r 2 school-aged children. Vehicle required. Non-smoker. Senior/ student welcome. (905)257-6813. www.proaoctton.com lor nulling list Information. I sales help & agents ^ PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS 1-888-PRO SALE J Sales Assistant With Data Entry S10/hr start, Burlington Must have sales exp. and strong desire to succeed. Tel: (905) 336-6664 Fax: (905) 336-3377 HOUSECLEANING. Resi dential/ O ffice. Excellent references. ($50.- may vary with see). Cal Kate, 631-8962 RESPO N SIBLE, e x p e ri enced European cleaning lady will clean your house, apartm ent or office, low prices. Call Zofia, 639-3490 CLEANER availa ble to clean houses and apa rt m ents. or sm all offices Good references and ex perience. Please call Barbara (905)820-9610. CLEAN IN G able to clean Experienced, ences provided. lady a v a il your house. good refer cal 814-9321 cars for sale 1991 Taurus Wagon- certi fied, 1 owner. 170Km, load ed. $4200. 634-8739 1988 Buick Electra station wagon- 8 passenger, certifed& drive clean tested, fully loaded; $3700. 3330652 1986 N issan 200SX, hatchback, 5-speed, dark blue. 176K, good condi tion. $1200. 338-8580 1986 PONTIAC Fiero SE auto., 6 cyl., air, 160,000 kms., as is, $3,000 obo. 331-7773. 1987 Chevy S-10 extended cab: great little truck in solid shape. $2,200. 842-9568 I cars wanted WANTED Cars & Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Free Tow ing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. We sell auto parts too! 827-8015 (Oak ville) TRAINING ABOVE THE REST AZ/DZ ·40 hrs. in Cab Training · In Class Training · 2 trips Hands on training · Successful Students will gain F/T employment AIMCO Staffing Solutions Call & Reserve 1-800-231-0664 905-670-3737 H AIR STYLISTS needed with clientele for new salon in good Burlington location. For information call 905632-5130, ask for Jo Anne RNs & RPNs Required Immediately for hospital staff relief for Burl., Oak. & Hamilton areas. Education provided while you do staff releif Apply with resume to: INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR wanted part-time with custom fabric awning and upholstery experience preferred. Flexible hours wage depending on speed and ability. Please call HAY/ SLEIGH RIDES, H orse-draw n. G roups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Uncle Porky's, 1/2Hr. from Burlington. 1-800203-9093.______________ P K « r * r « l personals PINK Flam ingos, Pen guins and Pigs for rent. Proceeds to support Mul tip le S clerosis Society. Call Com plete R ent-Alls Oakville 845-8301._______ SWM, 5'9" 200lbs in early 40's, securely employed. Never married, looking for unattached lady 30-40. No children, non-smoker. En joys quiet times, walks & sharing future. I'm open/ honest. Reply to: Box# 1707, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burl. ON L7R2E3_______________ SO you've joined the club, tried the phone personals, walked your dog, read the rules, had a blind date with Aunt Emma's mother's cou sin's boy (yuck!) .what's next?... Misty River Intro ductions (416)777-6302. LOVING childcare by Mary Ppppins-style Mom. Hot nu tritio u s lunches, stories, crafts, ABC's. Fenced yard. CPR/ First Aid. All a^es. Before/ After school. 319 CHILDCARE- 10 years ex perience. Meals and snacks available. C om petitive rates. Call Tammy 331-0425______________ EXPERIENCED daycare rovider. New St./ Burloak. irst Aid/ CPR, nutritious m eals/ snacks. No pets, smoke-free home. References. Receipts. 639-5083 PUBLIC Opinion Persons to conduct interview s needed immediately, Not a sales job. Census or G allop Poll experience help fu l. W ill provided training. A pplicant must enjoy outdoor work. Full and Part time positions now avail-able Call (905) 3386600__________________ RIVIERA Motel requires a responsible sem i-retired person to care for motel during nights. Also as part-' time desk clerk evenings and weekends. Includes salary + bachelor apartment Bring resume in person by November 15th to 2048 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington We Care Home Health Services 789 Brant Street Burlington, L7R 2J3 Fax: (905)634-6066 EM CA'S needed- D river abstract, police search and certificates. Apply Ontario Patient Transfer, 467 Charleton, Ave. East Hamilton, Ont L8N 1Z4 905-528-6858 A SSISTANT Supervisor required fulltime by compa ny cafeteria. Oak./ Miss, border. Should have cook ing experience and strong organizational skills. No nights, no weekends. Op portunity for advancement. Fax resume: (905)388-8984 P (905) 847-1102 N S T R U M E N T A T IO N Service Technician. Knowledge of digital con trols, electronics and pneu matics required. Combus tion control experience an asset. Wages commensu rate with experience. Resumes to: Human Re sources, P.O. Box 1044, Beamsville LOR 1BO EXPERIENCED daycare, fulltim e, has space avail able, infant/ toddler. Lots of TLC. References. Receipts. Headon Forest. 319-9604, before 9pm_____________ VERY loving, caring daycare from one who loves children. Non-smoker. Many references. Reasonable rates. Fun outings, walks, well balanced meals. All ages. Palmer area. 3 3 5 4171 1994 FORD A erostar, 4 wheel drive, extended, fully loaded, excellent condition. 116,000 km s., $7,000. (905)331-9187. MONEY Problems? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consultation. John Tonner, Bankruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600

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