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Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 1999, p. 46

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\ 46 O a k v ille B e a v e r W eekend I' f*. I S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 7 , 19 9 9 Classified houses for sale PRIVATE. South East Bur lington. 4 Level backsplit on quiet court. Pie lot. 3 + 1 bedrooms , 2 bath. New Ikea kitchen with ceramics and Hardwood throughout. $197,000. Call 333-3666 apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent ON-THE-LAKE- Bronte 2 bedrooms, $1,350. all in clusive. Single professional only. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. 827-2266______ BACHELOR apartment in well-located, quiet building near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call (905)6343635__________________ 1-BEDROOM apartm ent close to everything in Bronte. Very quiet, no pets. 905-827-3340___________ BURLINGTON, 1-bedroom basement apartment, sepa rate entrance, newly reno vated, heat, hydro & cable included, laundry facilities, quiet street. $700/mo. Suit professional non-smoker/ pets. Jan.lst. 631-6196. BURLINGTON- One bed room apartm ent on 2nd floor of house. $750/mo. + utilities includes washer, dryer, firdge & stove. 6396749__________________ 1-BEDROOM, Bronte. Marine Dr.. Dec. 1st includesfridge, stove all utilities. $750/m o.To view call (905)827-4943 anytime BURLINGTON Downtown W ellington Place. 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents with scenic views. 632-1643_________ GHENT Ave. Spacious, clean 2-bedroom, fridge, stove, parking. Newly renovated. Central, quiet. Immediate. $740/mo. Jeff days 333-3720.__________ APARTMENTS Available: 1-bedroom s $750/mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area Available Jan.lst. 844-1106_______ 1-BEDROOM N ov.1st/ Dec. 1st. $755/mo.+ $30/ car. Sunken livingroom . eat-in kitchens. Quick QEW access. Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. 6379725__________________ LARGE luxurious basement apartment. 1-bedroom, ap pliances, separate entrance. No sm oking/ children/ pets. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle. $825/mo. Dec.3. 849-4109 (10am8pm)__________________ OAKVILLE QEW/Trafalgar. Large, clean 2-bedroom, $859/mo. Parking included. N ov./ D e c is t. Well maintained building. (905) 338-2276 T he Oakville B eaver IL L classified u u u w u i t u ads u /y p tu r BONUS! zA ll appear @ ^ WWW. HaltonSeaKl). turn The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 |\/ION. - F :RI. 8 :3 0 a.m. - 6p.m. · Real Estate 100-165 - Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -26 5 · Merchandise 300 -37 5 - Auto 400 -46 5 · Help Wanted 500 -59 9 - Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 700-800 ^ apartments & flats for rent houses for rent HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor CENTURY home- Dundas area, very private. $1150/ mo -f utilities. 689-6280 2-BEDROOM basement apartment Near downtown Oakville. Immediate $750./ mo. utilities included. 8473564_______________ BURLINGTON North. 3bedroom semi, fridge & stove, no pets, no smokers, available Dec.1, $1100/mo. 333-3400.______________ COUNTRY in the City. Main floor luxury apartment in century home, 2-bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, sunroom, den/ office. No pets, no sm okers. U tilitie s & m aintenance included. $1275/m o. (B urlington) 681-6966______________ O A K V ILLE - Finished basement, 3 bedrooms, garage, no pets, $1200/mo. Call 847-1246 or 847-3708 CENTRAL Oakville. One family Bungalow with In-law suite $440/per week plus hydro, close to downtown and transportation to go. References. Re-decorated Call 844-6875 3200 sq.ft, townhouse backing onto golf course, 3 double bedroom s. 2.5 bathroom s, fireplace, double garage, appliances. $1500/m o. Im m ediate occupancy. 639-9898. BURLINGTON. Large room, $450/mo. with cable. Utilities included. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. Parking. Near QEW/ bus route. Suit young professional. 681-7929 leave message EXTRA large room for rent in Century home. Guelph Line /Lakeshore, all ameni ties included. Non-smoker, parking. Immediate. $499. 681-0464 after 7pm. LARGE furnished sunny room in executive home. Own ensuite w/walk in clos et. Walk to lake, shopping. Suit mature, female, nonsmoker. No pets. $475/mo. First/last. 632-2488. DININGROOM set- solid cherryw ood, 9 2 ' double pedestal table, lighted hutch, buffet, 8 Chippen dale Queen Anne chairs. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice, $5,500. 304-5883._______ DININGROOM suite. Basque pecan 9 pee., prime condition. Best offer over $800. Call (905)827-0793 evgs.__________________ DRYER, $60; exercise bike $30; student desk $20; craft table $20. Good condition. 844-4475. ~~____________ FREE E s tim a te s - Love your sofa and chairs? Hate your colours? Giye Fields a call! Great Savings! Sofas from $598.... Chairs from $198. Senior D iscounts. Fields Custom Upholstering, 632-9090, Daily 9-9 FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove, 3 0 '; Autom atic Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)549-1911 S K I'S d ow n h ill/ c ro s s country, Aquariums, Dog/ Bird cages. Xmas mugs, garden pots, wine glasses.. Reasonable prices. The Reuse C entre, 3335 N .S ervice, Burlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm. GENERATOR, 2,000 watt Kohler, 4-cylinder gasoline engine, 12V e le ctric d e mand start, brushless excit er, m u ffle r exhaust, 20 years old, reconditioned, A1 w orking condition. $4,000. Oakville (905)8451510__________________ KENMORE washer, Beaumark dryer, $5Q0/pair. C ouch, loveseat, chair, hunter/ teal green w/accent cushions, hardly used, ($2400 new) moving, must sell $1,000/set. (905)8159669.__________________ KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell for $675. 971-1777 MAYTAG Heavy Duty Fabric-Matic washing machine, excellent condition, $150. Dryer, needs repair, best offer, 829-4860._________ MOVING: sofabed. Queensize, mint green/ dusty rose w/matching loveseat, excel lent condition, $700 obo. 634-0588.______________ PAS C A L arm ouir - like new, $350/obo. C all Samantha 681-0464. PIAN O - apartm ent size Gerhard Heintzman, walnut fin is h , im m aculate condition. $2300. (905) 643-7382______________ POOL table- black wood 8 years old, 9 2 'x5 6 \ $1500. Dinette set- glass top with white wicker, $450. 8 4 7 2668__________________ STOVE- Kenmore, 30* w hite with black door, 2 years old. $35(yobo. 331-8270 ROXTON 9 piece dining room suite. Couch, love seat & wing chair. 3 3 6 7055 after 5pm SIDEBOARD, solid fruitwood, 2 cutlery drawers, 63*wide, 19*deep, 25' high, like new, $250. 847-3804, INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 18,000 sq.ft, or less, also 2,100. Truck level access. Oakville. Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597 I industrial /commercial space To Burlington Towers If you are.... · S in g le ... new to w o rk fo rc e ! · C ouple., tw o in c o m e ... sta rtin g o u t! · S enior... needing to jo in a c o m m u n ity ! O A K V ILLE - 8th Line. 2 Bedroom apartment. Dec 1st. Parking - Separate entrance - $800/inclusive (905)337-8995 or (416) 618-0790______________ DOWNTOWN Oakville, spacious 2 bedroom, tri plex, wood deck for BBQ. $1250 plus hydro. Gall (905)844-8581 9am-5pm. CAN A DIANA. Quiet, well maintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 2&3 bedrooms. Dec./Jan. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486_________ BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom apartments. Well- located, quiet building. Near down town, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $852+ PRIME R etail Space Downtown Oakville. Corner location available quickly on sublease. About 950 square feet, private washroom, private entrance. Call Peter W. Tulloch, Associate Broker, Prudential M cCormick & Associates Real Estate, (905) 844-2950 ___ 650-1350 sq.ft office space with optional storage areas of 200sq.ft. Mainway/ Walk er's Line area. 335-2241 O AKVILLE. Prime GO/ QEW. Professional office now- investment later. Ex cellent exposure. 54x124. Parking. Renovated. $250,000. (416)762-0299. IN D IVID U AL offices for rent from $450-$1000 per month, a vailable im m ediately; desirable professional center in prime downtown Oakville location; tenant and client parking included; boardroom, fax, photocoping and reception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300.__________ OAKVILLE Downtown. Re ta il/ o ffice / com m ercial units. 1100 sq.ft. & 1200 sq.ft. (905)845-6160, (416)746-9494_______ O A K V ILLE - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime re ta il/ office space: 1100sq.ft.+ fu ll basement, parking. $1280/ mo+ hydro; Approx. 850sq.ft., basement, park ing. $1048/m o.+ hydro. 842-3196 ^ office & business space 795 Dynes Road YOU DESERVE A 1-BEDROOM APT at BURLINGTON TOWERS A sk a b o u t o u r "A d d e d V alue" feature ...a FREE' M ic ro w a v e o r VCR 'som e restrictions apply Magnificent Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre Utilities & Parking Induded · Fantastic Location! Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON I Amelin Properly Mgmt BURL. Maisonette- 2 bed room + den, c/a, whirlpool tub. new bathroom & kitch en, fenced in backyard, 2 parking spaces. Dec. 1st $900/mo + utilities, First & last, references. Call Lilly @ 331-7410______________ EAST BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom condo townhouse. Rec-room. $945/mo., cable included. Albert McDonagh Ltd., R ealtor. 905-6325690.__________________ 3-BEDROOM w/fam ily room, 4 appliances, gas heat, Francis Rd/ GO, Bur lington. $95Q/mo. -futilities. Dec. 1st (905)560-6583. NEWLY renovated 3-bed room, fully broadloomed, carport, near O akville Place. Dec. 1st. $1100/mo. No pets. (416)818-6651; (905)450-0744.__________ BURLINGTON: Immediate/ Dec.: 2-bedroom from $892.85/m o.+ utilitie s. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park like setting; 3-bedrooms, $989.75/mo. 333-1190. BURLINGTON- Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 applianc es. 1300 & 1600 sq.ft, plus basement, fenced in back yard $1100 & $1200 plus utilities, parking $40. 905639-0950.______________ SOUTH Burlington, near Roseland. Convenient lo cation! 3-bedrooms, 3 ap pliances, C/A, underground parking, pool. $1200/mo. Dec. 1st. Linda Davies R.E.. (905)333-4347__________ 3 1/2 ensuite bedrooms, freshly painted, C/A. 6 ap pliances. fireplace, garage, fu lly fenced, deck, back yard. near schools, bus, shopping. Upper Middle/ Walker's. Jan. 1st. $1,000 utilities. 319-0226______ · TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 QEW /FORD- 3 bedroom house, 3 baths, parking, ail inclusive, im m ediate, $4257monthly 829-1439 BURLINGTON townhouse to share- 3 bedroom, laun dry, parking, immediate. $450/mo. Call 681-0652 BURLINGTON- 1-bedroom priva te livingroom , bathroom , entrance, parking. No pets/ smoking. Male preferred. $450/mo. Immediate. 319-9527. S.W. Burlington- room in house. Share kitchen, bath & laundry. Mature female preferred., Non-smoker, no pets. $350/including parking & utilities. References. Im mediate. 339-8315 I shared accommodation BURLINGTON I TOWERS I A P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 B edroom s Also Available TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors from £659.* 1-Bdrm from $769. ` Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 "(2% disc, included) B U R LIN G T O N .P ark-like setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. Must be seen to be appreciated: 1-bed rooms available Dec. 1st. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. (905)335-3001 UPPER Middle/ Brant. 2bedroom, 2-storey. Carpet, a/c., $895/mo. + gas/ water. Call Hazel, to ll-free (877)622-9819. PENTHOUSE @ 2022 Prospect S t.. Burlington. Large 3-bedroom, 2 bath rooms. Magnificent view! A vailable J a n .1st. (905)681-2650__________ LAKESHORE/ Maple. 1bedroom available Jan. 1st. Beautiful lakefront view, in door pool, heat/ hydro in cluded. Bus stops at door. Close to Mapleview Mall. JBMH. Great highway access. (905)632-5258 GEORGIAN Apartments. Nov./Dec./Jan. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedrooms. November. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private land scaped patios. 336-0016, 336-0015______________ R E F U R B I S H E D Apartm ents. Downtown Burlington. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth Street. 1.2&3 Bedroom A partm ents with spectacular view. 6 3 4 9374 BURLINGTON Downtowntop flo o r- house, 1 bed room, A/C, laundry, park ing, patio, $730/mo. inclu sive, Dec. 1st. 634-3293. ONTARIO STREET AT MAPLE S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S We will bridge the accommodation gap between your present address and your future address! 1 & 2 B e d ro o m S u p e r io r Q u a lity F u rn is h e d & 1 B e d ro o m U n fu r n is h e d S u ite s A v a ila b le O A K V ILLE - 3-Bedrooms available Dec. 1st through Jan.lst. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately C a ll 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 TYANDAGA area: 3-bedroom, garage, private patio. 4 appliances, new carpet & windows. Freshly painted. Sm all, w ell- m aintained complex. Dec.1st. $975./ mo. 336-0015, 336-0016 PINEDALE/ Appleby. A t tra ctive 3-bedroom , appliances. Walk to schools, shopping, bus, GO. $1125/mo. Dec/ Jan. 634-2628.______________ PARK like setting. 2-bedroom tow nhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-1/ 2 baths, finished basement, hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available Nov. 1st. 335-3001_______________ APPLEMEAD Cooperative Homes, 23B -3000 D rift wood, Burlington. Dec. 1st. 3-Bdrm s, 2 Appliances, Eat-in Kitchen, Basement, $803/mo.+ utilities. Play Ar eas, Parking. Near schools, shopping, bus routes. (No subsidy available) A Family C om m unity W orking Tooether! (905)332-1919 3-BEDROOMS, broadloom throughout, 5 appliances, C/A, 1.5 baths, garage/ dri veway. $1125/mo. Jan.lst. T ra fa lga r/ McCraney. (905)338-7482 Sandra NORTH O akville. 3-bed room towhome. 3 b ath rooms. Water, cable. $1095/mo.Nov./Dec Call for appointment, (905)3311967__________________ AT Georgian Court Estates, 611 Surrey Lane. 2&3 bed room, Park like setting. Near shopping, schools, GO, Hwy, Pool, Tennis, U tilities included. 905632-8547______________ 2-BEDROOM, 2-bathroom, Headon Forest area, deck, parking available + garage, 51,000/m o. Rene (905)271-8511 after 6pm . BOYNTON Beach , Florida. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, nicely decorated, adult condomini um on intercoastal w aterw ay. Screened in balcony overlooking w aterway. $2000 U.S. /month. Avail Dec./99. 3350152 Ontario Street (at Maple) (905) 639-8583 M on.-Fri. 9am -7pm : Sat. 10am -5pm Sun. 11am -5pm h ttp ://w w w .re n t.ne t/d ire ct/bu rlin g to n to w e rs BRONTE. High T ra ffic area. 850 sq. ft. retail for lease. a vailable immediately on Lakeshore. C ecilia De Freitas, Associate Broker. Sutton Group Central Realty Inc. (416)229-1010. I stores for sale rent & wanted ANNIVERSA RY SALESave$$S. Antiques, solid Cherry/Mahogany 8-10pce D/R's... Professionally Re finished $2,450.+up.; 1930's M ahogany china cabinet. (905)-465-1493 BEAUTIFUL I1pce- Chip pendale D/R suite- 8 Ball & C law C hairs, Pedastal table. $3,900. 905-227_____________ 9458 BEAUTIFUL baby grande piano, excellent condition. $2,800. Call 905-227-9458 BEDS, New. Double set $220; Queen set $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. 681-9496.______ BOYS captains bed, new m attress, n ight table & desk, $300/obo. 632-5802 SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacem ent foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090 FREE E stim a te s... Got w obbly ch airs...w e ak springs... tired looking wood fin ish e s? We do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ fu rn itu re repairs. Fields C ustom F urniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090__________ CARPETS, thousands of yards/ styles. Will do LR/ DR for $319. including un derpad. installation. 905SI 0-0589 Burlington S H O R T -T E R M R E N T A L S 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lotts · Studios · 1& 2 Bedroom Suites » All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths 4S J f * Indoor pool & saunas ( ` Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl, Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. acces! E business opportunities YYYYY FURNISHED Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 appliances. Central Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, pool, security. TV. VCR, stereo, from.... $1295/mo.! 681-RENT (7368). VALET Vending Route for sale: $30,000- O akville. Burlington. Ham ilton (Skyway). Catch Christmas trade.Call (905)331-0680 OPPORTUNITY Knocks! Thriving retail golf business in prime Burlington loca tion. $42,900. Advantage Plus Realty. Elizabeth Bowker/ Wendy Manuliak, (905)844-4444__________ $$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to start and expand your business or farm. 1800-505-8866 YYYYY EARN $1,000 - $2,000. Now for your Residence! Triple ' A" corporate clients waiting to move in! All your bills paid for 1-12 months! Don't leave your home unsecured! 681-RENT (7368) BRANT/ Mount Forest. 3bedroom townhouse mai sonette. laundry facilities, 1-parking. Dec. From $775/ mo.+ utilities; 2-bedroom, Jan. $735/m o.+ u tilities. (905)319-9104. B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm DOWNTOWN Burlington. 2bedroom s, $985/m o.+ A va ila b le D e c .1st. Call Forbes (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275 2-BEDROOM Apartments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 I condominiums torrent A ll The Advantages of Condo Living 2 BDRM SUITES WITH SOLARIUM! Immed./Dec. Rec. la c , 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! 2 -B E D R O O M S 8 4 7 .5 0 ./ month. Downtown Oakville, Non-smoker. No pets, No parking. Heat included. Not suitable for students. 905-845-1907 _________ DOWNTOWN, Burlington. 2-bedroom , D e c .1st; 1bedroom. N o v.1st. Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321_________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East Street... Steps from the lake and harbour. 1-bedroom, Immediate/ Dec. 1st. Clean, quiet building (905)825-0616 I apartments & flats for rent N o rth s h o re T o w e rs 1&2 Bedroom Apl. Avail. Dec./Jan./Feb. $750/mp. - $850/mo. Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building BEAUTIFUL, Newly Reno vated 2-Bedroom A p a rt m ents. Some with lake view s! R efurbished, P re stigio u s Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $750./mo (905)637-6701. (416)926-0926__________ OAKVILLE Downtown- 1 bedroom, $775/mo, 2 bed room. $925/mo. (905) 3393320. 50 Speers Rd., Oak ville- bachelor, $545/ mo, 1 bedroom $750/ m o.(905) 849-8293. All include heat & hydro, all available im mediately______________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building dow ntow n, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom , $1080/m o.; 1bed-room: $925/mo. Please leave message (905)8458254. ' - > * · »* · · r B rooms for rent &wanted *416-390-6279* BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1&2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $620./mo. Includes utilities and 1outside parking! Diane, 9am-7pm 681-1307* Burl. OAKVILLE- Upper Middle/ Trafalgar. Bright, clean 2 bedroom basement apart ment $800/mo. Call (416)782-0780.__________ HARBOURVIEW: Fabulous 1500 sq.ft, suite overlook ing lake! 6 appliances, 2 parking, 2 ensuites, beauti fully finished. $1850/incl. Immediate. Linda Davies R E., (905)333-4347 ___ WALKER S/ Upper Middle. 1- bedroom + den condo, beautiful complex. Indoor parking. Immediate. $800/ mo.-F (905)567-0978 2- BEDROOM condo, Bur lington, $1,150/mo. minutes away from shopping, GO transit, Lake. Call Tony, Century 23 Reajty 8751110. SHARE 2 Bedroom apart ment, near Oakville Place, prefer fem ale, outdoor parking included. 8456261. Leave message on machine O A K V ILLE - Furnished rooms- kitchen and laundry facilties, $425./$550. all in clusive. Immediate. Short/ Long term.842-8958,842-1678 ROOMS available, share facilities- kitchen, laundry. Responsible working male preferred, non-sm oker, $380/mo. North Burlington. 905-332-3031___________ AVAILABLE January 1st/ 2000- shared accommoda tions with use of full apart ment in excellent location. $36CtfmCaIBrandi. 849-6415, (905) 690-1896 NEAR B urlington. 1bedroom available im m ediately, $450/mo. First/ last. References. Non$moKer, rjo j^ ts * (905)8835785; pager (416)812+4303. . DOWNTOWN BurlingtonO A K V IL LE - 1265 Sixth Private 2 bedroom apart Line, overlooks Golf Club. ment behind house. Sepa rate entrance. 1 parking, Large Renovated Suites. S800+. available Dec, i.sL < 1&2 Bedrooms from $775., 631-3115 Call Linda 844-5474' THINKING about someone on your C hristm as List? Great opportunity to obtain lim ited edition fram ed CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stain- 'Trish Romance Prints*-Extrodinary prices! Call master & 100% nylon car 905-332-1716, 905-332-1286 pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car WALL unit, modern 2pce. pet. pad & installation (30 w /lighting & wine rack, yards). Steve, 639-2902 4.5'x 6 'x 2 .5 \ w hite pine veneer. $300. 633-9364. CHERRY French Chippen WHIRLPOOL- Refrigeratordale 13pce. diningroom set, designer style, clear glass $7000; Large walnut desk, insert, great condition, $130. Credenza, $60. Ma m oisture control, $600. hogany Tilt tables & plant Stove- self clean, designer stands, $250/ea. (905)333style, digital, $550. Heavy 6544_________________ _ duty washer, $400. 6 cycle CHESTERFIELD & match multiprogram dryer. $300. ing loveseat, good W oods chest freezer, 7 condition. Must sell. $400. pubic feet. $300. All rarely , Call 632-5994 used. 681-3573 · ^

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