21 |Thursday July 27, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Animal Tales "Connected to your Community" Please send your animal photo, with a brief photo caption explaining the photo, along with who should get the photo credit, and the Oakville Beaver will do its best to publish the submissions in our Animal Tales feature. Please forward submissions to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. OUR BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR IS ALMOST OVER. CHILLIN': Oakville's Barbara McMath pho tographed this black squirrel on her picnic table - prob ably thinking air condition ing would be nice. DOWN I SECURITY I DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHS0 56/1.99s, $ o P LU S GETA paym ent / o a c | Barbara McMath photo MODEL FC2E5HE $ ^ 750 ^ LEASE OR FINANCE BONUS ON 2017 CIVIC SEDAN AND COUPE MODELS" (EXCLUDES Si MODELS) YMCA of Oakville $ DOWN PAYMENT/OAC SECURITY DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHS0 2017 CR-V LX FROM 79/399}.$° 67/099i$° PLU Sg eta DOWN PAYMENT/OAC I SECURITY I DEPOSIT WEEKLY LEASE FOR 60 MONTHS0 2017 ACCO RD LX FROM $ f l f t f t r t LEASE OR FINANCE BONUSON ALL 2017 ACCORD SEDAN MODELS" 1000 4M I L L I Vkl VEHICLES SOLD IN CANADA CONTEST Purchase a new Honda vehicle in July and you could WIN a new HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT GARAGE PACKAGE* See your local Honda dealer or visit honda.ca for details. T r a in in g M a d e P e r s o n a l Buy a personal training package and Get one session FREE! O ffe r e x p ir e s A u g u s t 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 . R e g is t e r a t M e m b e r s h ip S e r v ic e s . O ffe r v a lid o n ly f o r m e m b e r s a t t h e Y M C A o f O a k v ille . *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to residents of Canada over the age of majority in their province/territory of residence at time of entry. Contest is open from 1 July 2 017 (12:00 AM ET) until 31 July 2017 (11:59:59 PM ET). One Prize available to be won consisting of a fun-filled trip to Toronto, Ontario between August 8th to 17th, August 25th to 30th, September 8th to 13th, or September 19th to 24th, 2017, including round trip airfare for a confirmed winner and one Guest, Toronto transportation and hotel accommodations, and $500.00 CAD spending money; and a Honda Power Equipment Garage consisting of a Honda Law n Mower, Honda VersAttach with attachments, Honda Generator, and Honda Snowblower. The Prize is valued at approximately $10,500 CAD. Lim it of one entry per person.W inners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries and odds ofw inning depend on number of eligible entries received. Skill test applies. Official Contest Rules available at https://www.honda.ca/Content/honda.ca/5b5be76c-24a4-4e66-98df-db2e20a8695e/GenericContent_ FFH/4Million-EN.pdf. Limited tim e lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail custom ers on approved credit. Weekly payments include freight and PDI (ranges from $1,595 to $1,725 depending on model), tire & environmental fee ($17.50), A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC fee ($10). Taxes, licence, insurance and registration are extra. ^Representative weekly lease example: 2017 Civic L X Sedan 6M T (Model FC2E5HE) // 2017 Accord L X Sedan 6M T (Model CR2E3HE) // 2 017 C R -V L X 2WD CVT (Model RW 1H3HES) on a 60-month term with 260 weekly payments at 1 .9 9 % // 0 .99% // 3 .99% lease APR. Weekly payment is $55.72 // $66.75 // $79.00 with $ 0 down or equivalent trade-in and $475 // $415 // $730 total lease incentive and $ 0 // $ 0 // $132 individual dealer contribution deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payments due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $14,486.07 // $17,354.26 // $ 20 ,5 3 9.89 .12 0 ,0 00 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/ km for excess kilometres. PP SA lien registration fee of $45.93 and lien registering agent's fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. A $750 // $1,000 Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS) lease & finance dollars are deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Lease & finance dollars apply to retail customer lease or finance agreem ents through H FS for 2 017 Civic Sedan and Coupe (excludes Si models) // 2 017 Accord Sedan models concluded between July 1st, 2 017 and July 31st, 2 017 at participating Ontario Honda Dealers. For all offers: licence, insurance, PPSA, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at participating Ontario Honda Dealers. Dealer may sell/lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Colour availability may vary by dealer. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for full details. y m c a o fo a k v ille .o rg