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Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 1999, p. 42

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42 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, December 10, 1999 A C C E S S O R Y Sidetable. dark wood, oval top. Brand new . flaw less. $95. (905)847-3820.____________ B E A N I E B ab y - 'M a p le ' $80.00. (905)465-0541. C R A T E for dog (Metal) 36 inches wide/36 inches long/ 24 inches tall. $70. Call 847-8676_____________ D E E P F R E E Z E R , white $100. almost new . Please call (905) 829-0597________ DINING Room Table with 4 chairs, gla ss & chro m e. $85.00 (905)847-9556. FR E E - Piano, you pick up. Exce llen t con ditio n. (905)465-0541.____________ K E Y B O A R D drawer - 23M w ide. $ 1 5 .0 0 (9 0 5 )3 3 9 1226.______________________ M O N IT O R T T X 1 5 ' $95.00 (905)339-1226.____________ R A LL E IG H Firestorm Boys M ountain Bike 21 inch, $75.00 obo Call 827-9576 T I R E S - four, P 1 85/60, 1 4 . $80. (905)339-1226. E X E R C IS E stationary bike, 10 g ea rs, sp e e do m ete r, $50. 844--4574____________ F R E E - Sofa & 2 chairs (black) Please call (905) 332-3348_________________ FR EEZ ER , "Woods', chest, approx. 20 cu. ft., $50. Call 335-2267,_________________ F R E E Z E R , chest style, white, 15 cu.ft, $75. Stove, harvest gold, $30. approx. 15-yrs old. Sofa - Free black. 639-5226___________ F U R R A R R I brand dog crate. x -la rg e . $70. 338-1147_________________ G R A C O automatic 3 speed swing, $50. 319-0087 H A N D K N IT jacket, tweedy beige/ rust colours, ladies size-XXL, brand new, $100. (905)827-3210.____________ H O C K E Y p ants, g love s, hel-m e t, m ask, & skates $95. Good condition. (905)385-2887____________ KID'S golf club 6 piece set, including bag, never used, $95. 385-2887____________ L A R G E Quasar microwave & mobile stand, excellent condition, $60. 336-5954 fcTTTLE Tykes Push & Ride Coupe, excellent condition. $40. 825-2714_____________ L IT T L E T Y K E S tree house, excellent condition, $55. Call 332-4759.____________ M A C P lu s - Y 2 K ready, good for word processing, $50. 637-0792____________ M A TE R N IT Y clothes- pants & suites. Size small, all for $100. Rachel, 631-6239. M IR R O R - floral mahogany frame. $100. 639-2474 P A L E blue s h e e rs - 32ft. legnth x 35ft. high. $100. 637-6337_________________ P A L E peach sheers- cus tom made 2 @ 176' wide x 86* long. $100.637-6337 SKI boots 'Raichle', size 7 1/2, $50. 336-9318________ S L ID E projector and slide trays. $100. 905-331-0012 S L ID IN G mirror door, oak trim, 48 x 80 opening. $50. obo. 637-9481_____________ S N O W board boots 'M e r cury* size 11, $50. S O F A - F R E E , black. 6 3 9 5226______________________ S T A TIO N A R Y bike, compu terized, excellent condition, barely used. Paid $25 0, asking $75.631-8231. S T O V E , harvest gold, $30. approx. 15-yrs old. 6 3 9 5226______________________ W H IT E baby cradle with · bedding, $100, 319-0087 W O O D stove fireplace in sert $60.335-9374 W O O D E N drafting board. $70. (905)634-6846 W O O D E N front door shutJprs, (2), $35. 844--4574 B R E C K O N School Sweat clothe s size sm all. $10. Phone 632-0068 C H R IS T M A S S a le Save$$$. Antiques, solid Cherry/Mahogany 8-10pce D/R's... Professionally Re finished $ 2 ,4 5 0 .+ u p .; 1930's M a h o g a n y china cabinet. (905)-465-1493 1998 B eachcom ber 550X hot tub. Seats 6 to 7 adults. C o v e r, c h e m ica ls , mint condition, asking $6,200. obo. 639-2963 B M X Bike, 16 inch, Free Spirit, 4 piece handlebars and 2 stunt pegs.., bright yellow $220.00 new, never used, best offer. Call 8279576______________________ CO M PU TER FA C TO R Y Blow out! A m a zin g one ye a r no paym ents! $167wk. (O .A .C ). 350 MHZ. loaded, printer, monitor, in ternet, software and more. Free scanner, delivery and set-up. 1-800-515-5545. SN O W TH R O W ER 1977 Y a rd -m a n , 2 6 * -8 H P , 2 Stage, electric start, As is. R esid ua l value $250. M ake an o ffe r-C a sh . (905)845-2606.____________ E L E C T R O N IC typewriter'B ro th er* , 5 m onths old, $120. Drapes, lined, gold, 2 panels with tiebacks, $120. 3 3 1 - 7 9 6 0 ___________ E M B R O ID E R Y D o n e on pre m ise s, · p e rso na lized cloth ing gifts in tim e for Christm as. Choose from 1 4 ,0 0 0 d e s ig n s ............. (905)-639-1178____________ G E N T L Y usedP erego classic stroller, Fisher Price car seat & toy kitchen, baby m onitor, feeding chair, white lacquer crib with mat tress. dresser/ change table c om b o. Glider/ rocking chair, ottoman. Little Tykes toy high chair & beauty salon. +more 338-9417, 7-9 G IR L 'S d e sig n e r baby clothes, 0-12 months. Osh K o sh , G a p , C a rte rs & R oots. G e n tly used. (905)637-1525____________ LE A V IN G Country: Toshiba 27* stereo T V , $550.; R CA H i-F i video, $ 200.; D is h washer, "Whirlpool G o ld ', white. $600.; All 3mos. old with 5 y e a r w arranties. (905)465-2374____________ M IN K C o a t- black, full length, hardly worn, fit IQ14. $1450, originally $5000. 639-9787__________ M O V IN G s a le - ch ild's 3 p ie ce bedroom set with elevated bed, $300. Kitch en table with 4 chairs, $80. Stove $25. Office desk with credenza, $350. W ooden e ntertainm ent unit. $30. 632-0638_________________ N E V E R used. D isco ve ry Toy, activity table, 2 chairs, great Christmas gift, $50. 637-1686_________________ N IN T E N D O 64 13 games w/accessories. $400. Bunk beds, steel tube, double/ single w/mattresses, $250. 631-3039_________________ O IL furnaces 200.000BTU, g a lva n ize d hoods, $900/ea.; oil-fired Napanee B oile r 8 0 h p ., like new , $ 50 00 ; hot w ater unit h ea ters. no m otors, $150/ea.; propane heaters $75/ea; 200ft. 1-1/4* fin pipe $2/ft.; 7ft. rototiller P TO -driven , new, $3,000; 4-furro w 14* John D eere plow $400. (905)878-1855. O R G A N , Low rey H oliday D eluxe L S L m odel, from 1960's, excellent condition, $100. 845-5947.___________ P E N T IU M 200 M M X - 32 mega bites of ram, 3.2 giga bite hard drive, 3D voodoo video card. 56K m odem , 15in S V G A monitor. $650. 319-2086_________________ P IA N O - Otto Bach. Excel lent condition. 43' height x 56' long. Includes stool. $600. 632-1030___________ P IA N O - a partm ent size Gerhard Heintzman, walnut finish, im m aculate condition. $2300/obo. (905)643-7382____________ P IA N O S - 50 great used pianos- Yam aha Kawai & others, www.pianohouseburl ington.com 5205 Harvester Rd., Burlington. 631-9259 P L A Y S T A T I O N w/box, 2 controls, 1 memory card, 2 games. 2 demo disks, $230 firm. 335-8915.____________ P O O L Tab le s! Christm as Sate- New & Used. Blake's B illiard s. 1229 A d va n ce R d .. #7, B urlington, (905)336-8230___________ P R E -X M A S S a le - S ave $$$$ on exquisite cherry/ m a h o g an y D iningroom suites w/large breakfronts/ banquet tables. Ready for yo u r home/ castle. 912pces Only $2,600. & up. Also odd Decorator pieces. D elivery Available. 905820-8884__________________ Q U E E N Anne Wing Chair, burgundy stripe, tone/ tone Damask $1005.. sell $559. New from model home 905336-0786__________________ R IN G - 18carat white gold, 12 dia m on d s, approx 1point, 2 pearls. Appraisal Certificate $725., sell $250. 905-333-8976 E L E C T R IC Fireplace; Glid er C h a ir- w ooden, B aby crib- solid wood (natural). Excellent conditions, 905331-2228 after 6:30pm R E C T A N G U L A R table. 4 chairs, single drawer con sole. hutch. Hunter green base, butcher block top. $400. Firm. 905-845-4589 after 6pm S O F A , 'S im m o n s ' ivory with ve ry light pastel highlights, pillow back style, like new, $300. 332-9592. S T O V E - white, 4 years old, like new , $30 0. Shuffle board table, excellent condition. $350. 842-3884 T O Y S , records, wine glass es, W in d ow -5 'x 1 0'- $85.; Doors- screen/ storms, etc.; Books, Aquarium s, Xmas m u gs, Dog/ Bird cages, Fum - sofa's, chairs, dress ers. Reasonable prices. T h e R euse Centre. 3335 N .S e rv ic e , B urlington. Wed/Thurs/Fri-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; S un -1-4pm. TR IS H A Romance 2 limited edition prints signed and num bered beautifully fram ed. (1 ) C h ristm a s Morning, retail $1,000., sell for $775. (2) White Christ mas retail $1,600., sell for $975. (905)319-2414 T U X E D O - B rand new. Beautiful black w/white dress shirt, bow tie. Size 42-44, Paid $600. Asking $299. 336-7528____________ W A S H E R & dryer, Inglis, good w orking condition, new tim er sw itch, $20Q/both. 632-4173. 1998 Fo rd W indstar G L . 72K, $15,950; 1998 Ford Windstar G L 76K, $15,450.; 1998 Mercury 1998 Ford C o n to u r G L Sport 68K $ 9 ,9 5 0 .; 1997 M ercury S ab le G S . 4 -d r, 74K , $ 11 ,45 0. F u lly loaded, Warranty. F.A. Depot, 905637-1044_________________ 1992 Mazda 626 LX- auto, 155K, PS, PL, power sun roof, immaculate, Certified, em issions. $5,400. 8 2 7 8488______________________ 1992 Nissan Axxess Sport wagon, white. Good condi t io n - Serviced regularly. Asking $5000. (9 0 5 ) 319-8696_________________ 1990 Fo rd Te m p o 4cyl., auto., 106,000kms., ladydriven, excellent condition, 4-door, $1,500. firm, as is. 844-2427._________________ 1993 Mazda MPV- immacu late condition. 2 owners F S H , P/S, P/B, Dual air Ch a m p a gn e color 147,000km. $7,500. 905 337-3940_________________ 1991 Ford Explorer 4x4- 2 door sport, auto, green w/ tan leather, C D , 230Km . $ 5,9 50 . O B O 9 0 5 -3 3 5 t1W7 Nissan Maxima. One ow^er, new brakes, tires. Im m a cuate . 6 -m o . lease ta k e -o \ § j^ > r purchase. (905)845-5353____________ V O L K S W A G E N Golf Wolfsburg Edition - 1985 5 speed, new tires, new brake system, new exhaust system , m any more $$ spent. W ell maintained. Minor repairs needed $700.00 or best offer. Call Andrew 338-0895__________ 1989 L IN C O L N To w n ca r W ant to enjoy the safety and comfort that only a lux ury car can provide then don't miss this excellent car!! Lots of options includ ing A/C. C a ll: (9 0 5 )8 2 5 8660 m ornings or after 6:30 pm.__________________ 1993 D O D G E Sh ad ow , $ 3 ,5 0 0 obo, one ow ner, Call 827-6813_____________ 1990 S A B L E w agon, 8 seats. $1000 O B O Ask for Cindy: (905)469-1057. 1986 C H R Y S L E R New Y o rk e r- M echanics S p e cial, very little rust, runs but needs work $35 0/O B O . (905)844-4723.____________ 1995 J E E P G r Cherokee V8 Mint condition. Loaded. One owner. Complete serv ice record. Snow's coming you need this 4X4! $18,000. (905)607-7642 FR EE , TH REE M ONTHS Dates starting January 4 for 12 weeks Jan 4 - April 11,1997 Youth Horticultural Training Ages 15-29. Job when finished. Why rent to own a 27" TV for$11Q/mth? You can get a 27" TV, Computer, Plus a Camcorder or Stereo System, all for Land scape O ntario D enis Flanagan Tel: 905-875-1805 Fax: 905-87 5-3942 careers W A N T E D full-time Retail Sales Associate for busy plum bing d epartm ent in large hardware/ d e p a rt ment store located in W aterdown. Plumbing experi ence an asset, at least 2 yrs. retail experience. Wage/ benefit package ne gotiable with experience. Fax resume in confidence to: 905-689-0990 U n th h t ib rn . requires- mature WEEKEND MANAGER Weekends / Holidays M usi be self motivated Benefits available Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville orph or fax 338-1966 505 careers 505 only S99/mth! December Special Snowblower, 10HP, It's about $68.20/mth! 1-800-267-9466 LIQ UID snowboard- 155 w/ highback bindings. Roces free style inline skates, size 11-1/2, both used twice, $200/each/obo. C a m e ra Olympus SLR, auto or man ual, 28-210 zoom lense with 4x M a cro flash, m eter & case. $300. 845-3608 8 4 5 3608 Staying on life's course while exploring new directions. C o m p lia n c e O fficer As th e C om pliance O fficer re p o rtin g to th e Vice President of Finance, yo u are responsible fo r th e strategic direction o f all com pliance functions a nd w ill p ro vid e case-specific consultation t o all o u r distrib ution channels. You have advanced k n o w le d g e o f the laws/regulations and distribution systems th a t a pp ly to the life insurance industry. You possess strong investigative and presentation skills, and have 5 to 10 years related experience in the life insurance com pliance field. French is a definite asset. BURLINGTON BOWL Full time Maintenance/ Asst. Mechanic Shift work & weekends Mechanical aptitude required.Start $8.75/hr Call Bob for interview after 12 noon: APPLIANCES Fridges, stoves, washers/dryers. BEST PRICES New& Re-conditioned 9 0 5 319-8484 Open Sundays A N T I Q U E S ... A w e s o m e selection unique accesso ries for Hom e & G a rd e n G ifts, G o lf M e m ora b ilia . IIINo G S T or P S T!!! Open Daily until Dec.24th. 10am5pm, Cafe Open. (Closed January) Rock Chapel An tiques & Statuary, Hwy#5 at Rock C h a p e l G o lf, 1-m i. west of Hwy#6. (905)6393639______________________ A R C A D E gam es. Classic full-size, "Pole position II* great shape; 'S .T .U .N . Run ner* sit-d ow n gam e, $750/ea. obo. Also, 1956 M G A car parts: new/ used. (905)849-4263.____________ B A B Y furniture, Little Folks crib w/m attress, ch an ge table, dresser, scale. $250. Complete. 829-4362 B E D , queen. Brand new orthopedic m attress, box spring, head & foot board with frame. Still in wrap/ box. C o s t $ 1 ,0 4 5 , sell $550. 905-971-1777 B E D S , N e w - C om ple te: D o u b le , $22 0; Q u e e n , $240. Complete with frame; Washer & dryer, excellentlike new , $370/pr.; F re e Delivery. (905)681-9496. B L A C K lacquer dining set & wall unit, $400. O ak dresser, $100. Pine wall unit, $ 75. All good condition, 632-3921._______ B U Z Z A K SW15 on rims for Ford Tem p o or Merc. T o paz. 1 year old. excellent condition. P 18 5/70R -14, $349. Call (905)847-3514. (905)467-5685_____________ B R O W N plaid couch $350.; sofa & chair creamy yellow $400.; wicker rocker $85.; Black leather swivel chair $100. 905-332-5524 B U N K B ed s, blue metal tub ular sid es, la d de r, 2 m a ttre ss... all like new . $175. 842-5569___________ C A R P E T S , H u n d re d s of Colours/ styles. Including 'Stainmaster*. Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905510-0589__________________ C H IL D R E N 'S Bunk bed in cluding mattresses, ladder, $275. O B O . 905-331-8586 "C U R IO "- 5 glass shelves, 72*H X 33*W X 1 6 'D . $ 4 5 0 . D in ing ch a irs, 4, $495. (905)847-3820. D IN IN G R O O M se t- solid c h e rryw o o d , 92* double pedestal table, lighted hutch, buffet, 8 C h ip p e n dale Q ue en Anne chairs. Never opened, still boxed. C o s t $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 , sacrifice, $5,500. 905-304-5883. D IN IN G R O O M chairs. 6, pine, highback, light green upholstery. $450.; kingsize can no nb all bed, custom m attress, triple dresser/ mirror, armoire. dark pine. $600. A l excelent! 319-0100 D IS H W A S H ER , built-in, Frigidaira/ Gibson, quiet clean 1 *98, $350. Like new. Can 331-4688. We offer a generous com pensation package, a flexible and comprehensive benefits program , and the opportunity to w ork in a progressive environm ent th a t prom otes creativity and professional grow th. If you are seeking an opportunity to explore new directions in the Oakville community, please forw ard your resume to: H um an Resources Royal & SunAlliance Financial 2 77 Lakeshore R oad East Oakville, O ntario L6J 1H 9 68 1 - 2 7 2 7 TiMiHotfons. requires- COUNTER STAFF * All shifts* $50. signing bonus Benefits available Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville orph or fax 338-1966 A N T IQ U E S , China Want ed. Best cash.... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watch es, dolls, estates. Collecti bles. John/ Tra cy (905)331-9100._________________ A N T IQ U E S wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, can es, etc. Best cash! (905)-522-4727____________ A N T I Q U E S W anted! E s tates, China, Shelley, Royal Doulton, 221 or 222 port able S in g e r sew ing m achines. (905)639-0976. P A IN T IN G S W anted- A n tiques of all kinds: furniture, glass, china, collectibles, Ad diso n radios from 1930s. Estates purchased. Karl (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -6 9 3 9 Burlington.____________________ W A N TE D - Sewing machine w a n ted -, (S in g e r) older portable m odel, Ca ll (905)659-7547 R oy a l & SUNALLIANCE 2 0 LIGHT PACKAGERS Day shift & Afternoon shift Oakville $8./hr. Please call www.royalsunalliance.ca Royal 8c SunAlliance Financial GERRIE ELECTRIC W H O L E S A L E L IM ITE D Mississauga 905-566-0922, Burlington 905-631-0100 EA R N extra $$$$'s for the holidays. The Added Touch requires se ason al helpwarehouse order pickers and packers. P art-tim e hours will included days, evenings and weekends. All interested can visit 1111 North Service R d.E., Oak ville. (No appointment nec essary) Gerrie Electric, Ontario's largest independent electrical distributor has an opening for a motivated individual to join our growing team . This position is in the Burlington/ Hamilton area: INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER You will be responsible for effective sales effort of all products sold to industrial and OEM accounts. Electrical/ technical sales experience required. W e o ffe r b e n e fit package, base plus c o m m is s io n re m u n e ra tio n , car allowance and opportunities fo r advancem ent. Highly motivated fast learners with knowledge of the electrical distribution industry would be ideal. Please indicate position nam e and location on your application. Interested applicants please fo rw ard y o u r resum e in confidence to: R E C E P T IO N IS T / S A L E S Required for busy Optical Retail Showroom. Well groomed, fluent English, retail experience an asset. I cars wanted C A S H for scrap. Wanted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24hr. Call (905)876-4594, Mifton; (905)467-9484, Oak. W A N T E D Cars & Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Free To w in g . Licensed Auto Wrecker. We sell auto parts too! 827-8015 (Oak) D R Y S P L I T 1 0 0 % H a rd w ood, Satisfaction g u a r anteed. K arl's Firew ood Supply, Burlington (905)388-9287, Oakville- 905301-0170 Speedy Delivery! F IR E W O O D . 1 0 0 % D ry Sea son e d M ixed H a rd woods. $65/cord (32cu.ft.)2/or more $59./each. Tax/ delivery included. "You can check the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the best!' Satisfaction G u a r anteed. Parkside Farm s, 905-465-0576 Oakville G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. 'Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O n ta rio 's Best*. M arc's Q ua lity Firew ood, (9 0 5 )257-6366 Human Resources · Gerrie Electric Fax: (519) 883-8613 or email: jobs@gerrie.com www.gerrie.com subscribercentral co m SUBSCRIBERCENTRAL Inc. OAKVILLE HONDA Currently has a position available in our service department as a Please call Jill: (905)849-6400 S A L E S Associates, full & part time for Fabricland in O a k ville . Frie n d ly, co u rte o u s , ene rge tic, p eo lp e -o rie n te d , sew ing and d ra p e ry e xperience req u ire d. A ble to work days, evenings and Satur days. Apply in person with resume to Manager at Fab ricland, 140 Rebecca St., Oakville. F A N T A S Y F r u it M arkets Now H iring: experienced P rod uce M a n ag er, good starting salary; fulltime ex perienced Produce Clerks, Start $ 1 1/hr.; full-tim e & part-time Cashiers; Parttime Deli; fulltime experi enced Grocery Clerks. Ap ply in person: 427 Speers Rd.. Oakville. 842-3602 C L E A N E R S * Team spirit ed residential cleaning company requires full/ parttime M -F Day staff. Com petitive w ages, car avail able. Experience not re quired. We're great to work fori Caroline 905-336-7901 M A T U R E person required to distribute laundry to em ployees in an industrial en v iro nm e n t, Milton plant. Suitable for retired or semiretired individual. Please fax resum e to: 9 0 5 -5 6 0 9616 or call 905-560-9394, between 9am-6pm.________ F R E E D O M ? Unlimited In come from the comfort of your home. Live anywhere in the w orld. A com pany with a p ro ven system is seeking leadership in your area. (905)329-7871 N O W interviewing for Re ception/ Secretarial imme diate position in natural health care clinic, Oakville. P le ase fax re s u m e ; (905)465*0654 1998 Ford F-150 X L T 4 x 4 E X -C a b , custom package, loaded, mint, assum e for cost of lease buy out. 6 3 7 0792______________________ 1989 G M C 1500 Pick up, 150K, cap, one owner, very reliable truck. $6500. Call for details (905)330-9846 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd. G re e n , loaded, tan leather. Non-smoker, excel lent condition. 6 3 1 -8 7 1 8 (all d ay 2 4 h r) or 6349929(days) Subscribercentral is a new Internet company, acting as an Internet Portal, matching both trade publica tions and subscribers. The site will list countless trade publications allowing subscribers to quickly identify and subscribe to a number of our trade magazines within their market sector. The company provides competitive remuneration and benefits package. Positions available are: CAR DETAILER/ CLEAN-UP PERSON Exp. preferred, possess a clean driving record. Apply in person, M-F with resume, to: Adm inistrative Assistant You are a unique team player with a 'winning disposi tion', even tempered, tun loving with the ability to think quickly, unafraid of responsibility, take initiative and perform multiple administrative tasks. J.P . Tree Farm. Cut your own Christmas Tree again this year! November 27th D e cem b er 24th. 10am 4pm everyday. garage i storage space O U T S I D E S tora ge for boats, trailers, R V s, etc. Fenced, well-lit compound. Call Ken, Queensway Drive 'O pen Storage', (905)6396046______________________ W A N T E D storage space for mid size car for D e cember through April. Call (905)631-9201 evenings. Mike Park, 191 Wyecroft Road, Oakville F IT N E S S Network Administrator The Network Administrator supports the company's hardware and software system needs, including system configuration/ upgrades, Internet connectivi ty, maintenance of in house databases, and network configuration. pets, supplies AD O R ABLE purebred Golden Retriever puppies. O nly 2 left. Campbellville area. $350. each. Phone 854-1262_________________ FR E E turtles and 2 aquari ums complete with all ac cessories! Everything in eluded. Call 847-1247 CAREERS If you are career minded & believe in fitness then we have an opportunity for you. On a first come first serve basis we will be hiring permanent full time Membership consultants with salary & commission, Client Services You will manage the client relationship from set-up to execution of their subscription efforts. This involves working with the Circulation department of the client firm to understand their audience and to provide the highest quality of service in meeting the client's sub scriber outsourcing needs. 400 cars for sale 460 employment BUY/ Sell. Stair lifts, porch lifts, elevators, scooters, beds, etc. C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 7 5504 1998 Contour Sport- RedLoaded. 4 door, 4 cylinder, 40,000Km. $11,900. call 905-842-6759_____________ 1993 T a u ru s W agon LX G la c ie r B lue, loaded, including auto A/C and m oonroof. Rebuilt pow ertrain with w a rra n ty, new battery & muffler, body excellent. O rigin al owner, $6500. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 7093 R E C E N TL Y certified forklift operator seeks e m ploy ment. 905-631-9567 Bookkeeper Ideally this person has a working knowledge of Busi ness Vision and has a min. of 3-5 years experience. Position involves overall responsibility for A/R, A/P and GL. Pleasant but limn telephone manner essential. call Mark at PREMIER FITNESS 905-842-2366 or fax 905-842-2371 A N Oakville based pack aging C o. requires a full time general labourer. O c casional heavy lifting re quired. Please fax resume to (9 0 5 )-8 2 7 -4 1 45, no phone caRs please F L U T E , H a y n e s, h a n d m ade, B osto n, 1926, closed hole, solid sterling silver, w/case, good condi tion, $2,000. 333-8976. A T T E N T IO N Employment Insurance and Social As sistance R ecipients- Full and P art-tim e C o m pu te r Train in g Available. Fred: (905)338-6600 Please fax resume with salary expectations to 905-337-2882, or email: jobs@subscribercentral.com

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