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Oakville Beaver, 25 Dec 1999, Community Update, B17

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Saturday, December 25, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B17 Community Update A rt O akvtU e B eaver F eatu re Contact Wilma Biokhuis: 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 E x t 2 5 0 Fax: 3 3 7 -5 5 6 7 Caring crisis line volunteers will be at Distress Centre Oakville throughout the holidays to listen to anyone who is feeling lonely, despondent or overwhelmed by the `festive' season or just in need of a friendly ear. All calls are confidential, no appoint ments necessary, no fees, and no need to leave home or give your name. Call 8494541 any time. TAB may be looking for you. Were you a graduate or teacher of Thomas A. Blakelock for the years 1987, 1988,1989 & 1990? On May 6th, 2000, don't miss the "blast from the past" party of the year. Make sure you are on our invitation list and contact us with your full address and phone number at tabreunion@hotmail.com or phone Sekey 416-820-9597. St., 8 p.m. Millennium celebration with a live band. Admission: donation at the door. 7:15 p.m. Call Patti Crichton, 338-2751. their traditions. Wednesday Evening Fun Runs, for beginner and veteran runners, meets 7 p.m., at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St. Free. Call 815-1952. Annual Holiday Art Show - Discover the beauty of 50 of Oakville's artists, at Sir John Colbome Centre, Lakeshore and Third Line, and at the Oakville Arts Society on Bronte near Speers. Interactive Art Studio for children, 12 to 5 p. m., at the Oakville Arts Society, Bronte near Speers. Canceled - Oakville Millennium 2000 Big Band Era, dinner and dance, Dec. 29th, at Oakville Royal Canadian Legion. Seniors' Spectacular Variety Show, Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 7 p.m. Talented group of performers (age 50+) from Sir John Colbome Centre and Oakville Seniors Centre present exciting evening of entertainment. Tickets , $5, at Oakville Centre box office, 815-2021. Millennium Walk, Dec. 29th and 30th, starts from Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy, 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. A conducted tour of Lakeshore Road East from Navy Street to Trafalgar Road with Oakville Historical Society. Learn about the historical heritage of the older buildings that have survived to the Millennium. Each walk limited to 25 per sons. Complimentary tickets available at the Oakville Seniors Centre and Sir John Colbome Seniors Centre. THURSDAY DECEMBER 30 Children's entertainer Fred Penner, Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 11 a. m and 3 p. m., dynamic live performance for the kids. Juno award-winning family entertainer mixes his music with comedic routines. Tickets, $16 each, available at Oakville Centre box office, 815-2021. NEW YEAR'S EVE Sphere Clown Band, Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 11 a.m. New Year's Eve party just for the kids, complete with hats, noisemakers, children's champagne and treats. Tickets $7 each at Oakville Centre box office, 815-2021. Madcap Millie' s Marvelous Millennium Mix-up, Glen Abbey Library, 10:30 a.m., and White Oaks Library, 2:30 p. m. Join Madcap Millie and her friends for the ultimate Millennium celebration, music & merriment, stories, and games, for whole family. Family admission: $5 - proceeds to the Oakville Public Library's Reach Out and Read program. Storytelling - Bring the kids to chil dren's old-fashioned storytelling, Bronte Mall, Lakeshore and Bronte, 12: to 5 p.m., Millennium Pilgrim; Walton United Church, Lakeshore and Bronte, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Native Story Tellers & Historians; and Sovereign House, 7 West River, 12 to 5 p.m., New Oakville Ghost Service o f Praise and Celebration, Knox Presbyteriai^ Church, Dunn and Lakeshore, 5:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., Knox throws on the switch and illuminates the exterior of heritage church building and Memorial Garden. Ringing of the Bells and Service, St. Jude's Anglican Church, William and Thomas, 11:15 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. St. Jude's will usher in the New Millennium with songs from its Bell Tower. Dan Tregunno, head bell ringer at the church, will choreo graph a chime of nine bells. Not only will you be able to hear them throughout Oakville, this is your chance to step up into the tower and see for yourself. Everyone is invited to climb the spiral staircase to the tower for a first hand look between 11:15 p.m. and 12:30 am. These bells were cast in 1906 at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London, England. The heaviest bell, known as the tenor, is four feet in diameter and weighs just under one ton. This bell is rung by hand and swings in a full 360 degrees. MONDAY DECEMBER 27 Bruce Trail Association has Lakeside Hikes for fun and fitness with the Bronte Bunch every Monday. Meet at Coach & Four, back door, 7:15 p.m. Bring flash lights. Walk at own pace. Call 827-8768. TUESDAY DECEMBER 28 Half Hour to Health, Keys to Living Life Fully for the New Millennium, 6:45 p.m., Chiropractic First, 2318 Lakeshore Rd. W,, Ste. 1. Call 827-2444. Tour of the Military Museum and Lunch, Dec. 29th and 30th, Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enjoy soup and sandwich for $3.00 per person. A Seniors' Art Show, Dec. 29th, 30th, and 31st, at Oakville Art Society, 560 Bronte Rd., and Sir John Colbome Recreation Centre, Third Line and Lakeshore, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Works in mixed media by over 40 artists Oakville Strutters are back. Fun fitness walks, downtown to Gairloch Gardens and back, 60 to 90-minute walk. Cafe/pub visit afterwards. Meet at Oakville Central Library main doors, Lakeshore and Navy, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 29 Madcap Millie' s Marvelous Millennium Mix-up, Central Library, 2:30 p.m., and Woodside Library, 7 p.m. Join Madcap Millie and her friends for the ulti mate Millennium celebration, music & mer riment, stories, and games, for whole fami ly. Family admission: $5 - proceeds to the Oakville Public Library's Reach Out and Read program. YMCA Coffee House, at Y, 410 Rebecca The other eight bells are in decreasingly smaller sizes, the smallest of which is approximately 600 pounds. On New Year's Eve, the tenor bell will be rung on its own for about twenty minutes to half an hour leading up to midnight. St. Jude's will also ring the bells New Year's Day at 12 noon. Walk of Honour, 6:30 p.m., all children are invited to join `walk of honour' Meet at *t the parking lot behind the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy,- 6:15 p.m.. Children are asked to shine their bea cons as they walk to the Towne Square with Veterans and cadets. Marieve Herington, a student at St. Mildred's Lightboum School will begin the *1 evening's entertainment, Towne Square, 6:45 p.m. Millennium Ceremonies, Towne Square, 6:50 p.m., with Jim Paulson of CHWO AM 1250 Radio, and O Canada with Marieve Herington; Millennium Eve Entertainment for Kids, Towne Square, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., with Juggler Igor Aristov, , Subtonic Monks Cycle, Star Seed Reader. Children' s Millennium Countdown, at 7 p.m. Oakville - 12 midnight Greenwich Meantime. This countdown will begin with the unveiling of the new Millennium Heritage Clock. Stories. Cider and Cookies - Enjoy the taste of yesteryear at Sovereign House, 7 West River, hot cider and cookies, 12 to 5 p.m. Oakville Christian School Children' s Choir, Towne Square, 7:15 p.m. Ernie G, Towne Square, 8 p.m. Ernie G . is an entertainer who has traveled across Canada and throughout Europe. He is a prolific songwriter with a strong honest ^ voice, performing Latin to Pop Rock. Illusionist - Bishwambhar Dass, Towne Square, 8:45 p.m., sleight-of-hand magic to large-scale illusions. Lunch at Walton United Church Enjoy an 1800's style lunch, 12 to 1 p. m. Multicultural Mosaic - Celebrate the diversity of Oakville at the Bronte Mall, Lakeshore and Bronte. The Multicultural Mosaic will host a variety of countries and Father Mark Curtis, Towne, W H O D O E S IT*~ COUNSELLING FINANCIAL PLANNING LAWYER Professional Directory LAWYERS M a r le r & K y le Barristers Be Solicitors Square, 9:30 p.m. ' Curtis composes and performs music it that touches hearts of thousands. During the past 20 ' years, his perfor-" mances have raised funds for charities -< across Canada. PIANOS LOUISE ROBERTS R .N., M .Ed. PSYCHOTHERAPIST A caring professional providing effective, tJc/w oec/er*cCv ssocudes r /fn u n c ta f tJ e /w c e s T H E P IA N O D O C T O R v 1 Expert Tuning, Repairs & Restoration in Oakville Since 1984 Phone: 8 2 5 -3 7 4 1 Bill S zeveren yl Millennium Town Choir, Towne Square, 10:30 p.m., com- ` bined group of"1 1 singers from the Oakville churches .. - Calvary Baptist, Evangel Pente costal, Glen Abbey Community, Hopedale Presbyterian, Mary Mother of !. God Munn's.h United, Oakville t Christian Centre, River Oaks Community, St. Cuthbert's and St. John's United. K a th r y n S . N a u m etz Barrister & Solicitor high quality therapy for individuals, couples and families Wills $100 Powers of A ttorney $50 R eal E sta te, L itigation, fa m ily Law, C o rp o ra te a n d C o m m e r c ia l 465-104T Clinical Member - Ontario Society of Psychotherapists {Trie. Investment & Retirement Planning Wendy D. Schroeder Hon. B. C om m , C A ..C P P FAMILY LAW SEPARATION AGREEMENTS DIVORCE · CUSTODY · SUPPORT MARRIAGE CONTRACTS/COMMON LAW AGREEMENTS REAL ESTATE, WILLS & ESTATES POWER OF ATTORNEY 263 Church Street, Oakville (1 block from Lakeshore 4 Trafalgar) aeChigmim^treet 3 3 8 . 2 3 Q Q WHO DOES IT MUSIC LESSONS 260 Church St., Oakville V'F ' FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON GUITAR - PIANO - VOCAL study with a full-time professional recording artist WE CAN HELP YOU RECORD YOUR OWN CD ON OUR NEW 16 TRACK DIGITAL RECORDER! WHO DOES IT YOUR AD COULD BE HERE TOO! Cfyvoo/cd CO YOUR AD COULD BE HERE TOO! Call SHELLEY Call SHELLEY 845-3824 Free Consultation 337-9972 345 Lakeshore Rd. E., Suite #402 8 4 5 -2 2 4 1 C A L L : 3 3 7 -0 2 5 0 845-3824 FabFour - A Tribute to the Beatles, Town , Square, 11 p.m. Midnight Millennium9 Countdown, Towne Square, Q NLW AWllAll LITTLEST LEAF FAN!! BALL - James and Karen (nee Hill) are thrilled to announce the arrival o f their first child. ^ ^ C u rtis Jam eso n * bom Tuesday Decem ber 14, 1999, weighing 9 lbs. 8 ozs. Proud Grandparents are Robert and Jacqueline H ill, of Penticton, BC. and James and Sandra Ball o f H untington Beach, C alifornia. Special thanks to Dr. M ittler and the wonderful staff at OTM H espe cially Fran G ordon, M aggie H anham , Carolyn B uckland, Dr. Morrow and Dr. Krejcova. AIATADAU HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED! rs Wi a * : IDAAAIACL Congratulations! Congratulations ! Dominic & Lisa Caputi! August 21/99 11:55 p.m., Auld . Lang Syne by Guy Lombardo' s Royal Canadians. Fab Four continues at 2 12:15 a.m. IT 'S A BOY ! Harche - Timothy and Joni are excited to announce the birth of Oakville Single/Social > Dance New Year' s Eve Dance with dinner, Oakville 1 Royal Canadian' Legion, Normandy Room, Church and,, . Navy, 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. Cash door ' prizes and refresh ments. Dress code. Tickets, $53 each. Call 842-1327 or 845-6271, or at Legion bar. **Nathan Joseph George** a brother for his big sister Amanda. He arrived quick ly on September 28th,, at 1:14 pm, weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs. Proud grandparents are Gail and Leno Cauduro of Oakville and Margaret Harche of Sudbury. Special thanks to Dr. Inkster, Hilda (R.N.) and the staff at the Special Care Nursery ' 0*f * M m / f Love Nikki, Matt and Emily To Jennifer Jane, daughter o f Charles and W endy Boole o f O ttawa and Stephen (Nicholas, son o f Mary and the Cate 'E.C. (Lefty) Kps o f Oakville, on the occa sion o f their marriage which was celebrated in O ttawa on June 19, 1999. Je m and Steve reside in ` Edmonton, Alberta. 'Best W ishes fo r much happiness, always! M r & M rs Antonio Caputi and M r & M rs M anuel (Freitas w ould life to congratulate their son 'Dominic and their daughter Lisa on their marriage which was celebrated in Oakville on A ugust 21,1999 W e wish you a lifetim e o f love and happiness! SATURDAY JANUARY 1 ` B r o n t e ` Beached Whales and group from the j Coach & Four Pub , in Bronte plunge into the water 10:45 a.m. at Bronte Beach for" Halton Women's' 1 Place. Raffle tick-:.: ets, $2 each, to win. Labatt's bar fridge, at Coach & Fur, Chaps Bronte, Chaps Dorval,' Chaps Fairview (in ' Burlington), The ii Cop Shop (Bronte , and Speers) and at, Monaghan's on Trafalgar Road. 15th annual World Vision Polar I Bear Dip, east end1 . of Coronation Park, j Registration is ? from 1:15p.m. to 1:45 p.m., plunge a(" 2 p.m. sharp."; Proceeds to World" Vision's water pro ject in Malawi.,, Registration is a minimum $20 donation. Call Trent, Todd or ' Anna at 1-800COURAGE. HA W AAAIALl ITS A BOY!! K ILPATRICK - Ken and Innes are pleased to announce the arrival o f their second son mmm I AM A GRANDMOTHER!! Sheilagh Tidbury welcomes into the world her granddaughter IT'S A BOY! C IA C C IA - Dennis and Mary (nee Germano) and big brothers Matthew and Anthony are thrilled to announce the arrival o f their bundle o f joy: LACHAPELLE/M ELLO N - Brett and Lisa are proud to announce the arrival of their first child Wilson - (Sidney M oira W ilso n o f L a n a rk S co tla n d a n d D a vid Sid n ey o f O tta w a a t L a n a rk (Registry o ffice on Tuesday, 7 (December 1999. R eception fo llo w e d a t C artland Bridge M o tel (H eartfelt thanks to M r. a n d M rs. A..B. W ilson o f L anark · M issed were A liso n a n d Jen n ifer o f O akville. *#*# Spencer James *#*# 8 pounds and a bit, on Monday, December 13, 1999. Grandparents are Jim Lachapelle and Betty Lachapelle. Brian Mellon and Marilyn Clarke. Uncle Jim, Aunt N icole, Uncle Adam and Uncle Craig are polishing up the baby set. *#*#Jeremy Ewan James*#*# on Decem ber 2, 1999 at 8:20 p.m. weighing 81bs. 11 1/2 ozs. A brother for Kenny. Proud grandparents are Kenneth and Lillian Kilpatrick and Ron and Joan Clodd. Thanks to Dr. Andrighetti and the L&D staff at OTMH. *#*#Daniel Dennis*#*# bom on December 6, 1999 at 8:02 p.m. weighing 9 lbs. 10 ozs. Special thanks to Dr. Morrow, nurses Rena and Sharon for a safe delivery and Dr. Kunica for his ongoing care. *#*#Nicola Elizabeth *#*# bom December 15th, weighing in at 6 lbs. 8 ozs. Delighted parents are Andrew and Pamela Tidbury. Proud great grandmother is Madge Hougham, of Bowbum England. ·WHO HOME IMPROVEMENTS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LO O K IN FRIDAY'S PAPER EACH WEEK FOR THESE FEATURES N O W DELIVERED TO EVERY HOME IN OAKVILLE. To advertise in this section please call T h F .O a K VTT.T.F. BEAVER Shelley o r Carlos a t

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