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Oakville Beaver, 25 Dec 1999, A15

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Saturday, December 25, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A15 Concerts are not pompous, but tun (Continued from page A14) thing. T hey're not pompous, neither are they catering just to the mindless. It is definitely something that is fun and challenging. Anything that brings the community together - and no you don't have to be Catholic to come." After that benefit show, Schade was prepar ing for a millennium night concert at Roy · Thomson Hall, a concert that will have him sharing the stage with some of the best opera voices in the country. "I'm the co-creator o f that enter prise," he said, adding that in the past C h a n g in g T h e W a y C a n a d a S e e s M o v ie s iifcZj couple o f years he has been getting THE CIDER HOUSE RULES (PG) TOY STORY 2(F ) (4 SCREENS) more involved in making concerts (2SCffiNS)(S T A R T SS A T U R D A Y ) _ LJB y . FR112:30,130,130,255,320, S A T1:15,245,355, (530). 6:35, jj 2 4 1 l £ happen. "It's great fun for me to go 3:50. (5:00). (5:10). (5:40). 635, 8:15.920,11:05 out there and say, `Well, what about W IN S T O N SUN-THU 12:00,1:15,245,3:55, 7:30,830.8:15,820 C H U R C H Ill (520), 635,8:15,920J1:05_ this.' And it's satisfying to have peo SAT1O5.130,1:45,255,320, THEATRES GALAXY QUEST(PG) Q E W 1 W in s t o n C h u rc h ill B tv d 3:50, (430), (5:10), (5:40), 630, ple listen." in » m in s 730,750,945,1030 Once the holidays are over 6.05.735,820,955,1035 SUN-THU 1230,130,130,255, MAN ON THE MOON (AA) SUN-THU 1230,130,335,330. though, Schade will shift back into 3:20,350, (530), (510), (5:40), 520,635,7:35,820,9:55.1035 (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) FRI100.1:15,320, (3:45), traveling gear, flying off to Paris for THE B ID OF THE AFFAIR |R) 600,730,8:15,945,1020 (5:451,7:00,830 (2SCR®6)(STAR1SSAHKW) one opera, then back to the M et for DOGMA (R) SAT-THU100,1:15,320,3:45, SAT 1:25,2:00,3:50,(425), (5:45). 730.8:30.9:45,1135 _ FR11:00,3:45,6:30 another, then off to Salzburg for the 6:05,7:05,8:30,930 TUMBLEWEEDS (PG) SUN-THU 1:00,1:30,3:30, FELICIA'S JOURNEY (AA) summer. However, once his daughter FR112:45,335, (5:35), 7:45 3:55, (5:55), 6 2 0 8:15,8:45, SAT 1:10,330,5:50,8:10,1030 FR11:50, (5:15), 7:55 1030,11:10__________ starts school in Oakville next year, SUN-THU 1245,335, (535), ANY G IVBI SUNDAY (AA) THE MSIDER (AA) perhaps he will settle into North 7:45,10:10_________________ (3 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) FR112:10,3:20,6:45 UBERTY HEIGHTS (PG) FR112:00,12:30,1:00.3:35, American life and do more o f the SAT-THU 8:00,11:10 3:50, (4:20), 7:00,7:30,7:40 (NO PASSES FRIDAY ONLY) teaching he did last fall at a couple of SAT 135,2:00,3:00, (4:30), FR11:15,3:55,6:55 THE BONE COUECTOR (R) (5:20), 7:00.8:00,8:40.10:20 SAFTHU 1:15J:55,6:55J):50 Ontario universities and with the FR11:45, (4:30). 725 SUN-THU 12:00,12:30,1:00, ANNA AND THE KMG(PG) 3:35,3:50, (4:20), 7:00,7:30, (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) Canadian Opera C om pany's young BEING JOHN MALXOVICH(AA) 8:00,10:20,11:00,11:30 - FT-----------------------Rl 12:55,1:30,3:55,(4:30), ensemble. FR112:30.3:00. (5:30). 8:10 STUART U TTIE (F) 7:00,8:00 (3 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) HUM SAATH SAATH HAM (PG) "It was so satisfying. I enjoyed it SAT 1:00,1:30,3:55, (4:30), Rl 12:00,12:45.1:15,2:45, 7:00,7:55,10:05 (FILM FROM INDIA) and got wonderful results out of the 3:00,3:30, (5:00), (5:15), SUN-THU c u n t - i n u 1235,1:30,3:55, IC J C , i.o u , o .i w . p m tn -o n / . n m T in (5:45), 7:15,7:30,8:00 singers," he recalled. (4:30), 7:00,8:00,10:05,11:15 ^ tJ U SAT 1:15,2:45,3:00,3:30, SAT 120,5:00,8:25 MANSFIELD PARK (AA) Schade, in fact, is already working (5:00), (5:15), (5:45), 7:15, SUN-THU 12:30, (4:00), 7:30 (NO PASSES) 7:30,8:05,9:30,945,10:05 on realizing his Christmas dream for SUN-THU 12:00,12:45,1:15, FR112:15,3:00, (5:25), 8:10 AMERICAN BEAUTY (AA) 5:15), SAT 1:45, (4:25), 7:30,10:00 2:45,3:00,3:30. next year - to be part o f a concert at ):20, SUN-THU 12:15,3:00, (5:25), FR112:05,2:30, (5:05), 7:30 (5:45), 7:15,7:30,8: Rideau Hall in Ottawa, along with 8:00,10:20 9:45,10:05 SAT-THU 8:20,10:50 the Victoria Scholars. $5.75 MOVIES FROM (4-6 PM) EVERYDAY AT TWILITE M eanwhile, while he is touring the PLENTY OF /D D /& K : www.anictliutpn.com globe and planning his next Christ FREE PARKING in all auditoriums mas dream, St. Andrew's gram of music for trumpet and piano on Sept. 30th. The Canadian Chamber Ensemble, which consists of 16 principal musicians from the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, will complete the series on Nov. 18th. Tickets are $25 for each show. For more information, contact St. Andrew's at 844-3303. NEW M FILM HOTLINE: BIG MOVIES sm a l 31 HaltonSearch.cYrn ...jtA A t- O s - d ic i^ a w n y ! .A c ^ T i e s l a i t r a a l a n d c z S T O g f) s iT 3 1 0 - F IL M Encore Plaza Cinem as 1 3 1 S p e e r s R d . (at K e m S t ) O a k v i l l e w w w encorecinem as com Fri., Dec. 24 to Thurs., Dec. 30 Don't Miss Our Family Film Festival Join Us for the New Year THEATRES £ i m c $2.00 MATINEES ALL WEEK SEE PAGE A14 FOR DETAILS! > & ) jjjo n r S jja la M a in E n tre e (C hoice of O ne) All entree includes assorted rolls and butter, seasonal vegetables and potatoes A b a te r h id ttd e s : Plump Tiger S im ps with seafood sauce, Mixed Green Salad with Balsamic Ynegarette D e s e rt (C hoice of O n e ) ·T a rtu fo · N e w York S tyle C h e e s e cake, C offee and T e a Sixth Sense ( a a ) Fri. 7 DO Sun.-Thurs. 7 :0 0 ,9 0 0 · Roast Prim e Rib of B eef au jus · Baked Boneless C hicken Breast in a white wine Pernod sauce Double Jeopardy (a Fri. 7:15 Sun.-Thurs. 7:15,9:15 a h i\\r\lp rices to see first m u mm it s in ( hilario! 3 C o c k ta ils T ic k e ts in c lu d e (A lc o h o lic o r N o n -a lc o h o lic ) C h a m p a g n e T o a s t a t M id n ig h t P ro fe s s io n a l D .J. to p ro v id e m u s ic a ll nig h t M ille n n iu m G ilt · P a rty F a v o u rs $ 9 9 .0 0 p e r p e rs o n Admission $4 00 Semors'Chikjren $2 50 Matinees $2.50 Tuesday all seats $2 00 ^R eservation: (905) 847-1566 J*w m tyi 25 A N YF IL M Boxing Week Sale S r A N YT IM E C A % A N O PST C IN E P L E X O D E O N Showlinn*N ifTnliu' I)rt24-Dn. JO. D U o ff N O GST CINEM AGUIDE U V LA O n A ll G a lle r y M o d e l S im m o n s B e a u ty r e s t M a ttr e s s S e ts A n y S iz e P u r c h a s e d F r o m D e c . 2 6 - D e c . 3 1 OAKVILLE MEWS 171 SPEERS AT KERR 844-4840 A M E R IC A N B E A U T Y (AA) Fri. 1:10,4:00 A N N A AN D T H E KING (PG) NO PASSES Fri. 12:40,3:40, Sat 6:40, 9:30, Sun. ·Thurs. 12:40, 3:40,6:40,9:30 S T U A R T L I T T L E (F) NO PASSES Fri. 1:00, 3:00, Sat. 6:50,8:45, Sun. ·Thurs. 1:00,3:00,5:00,6:50, 8:45 M AN O N T H E M O O N (AA) NO PASSES Fri. 12:50, 3:50, Sat 7:10,9:40, Sun. - Thura, 12:50, 3:50,7:10, 9:40 P O K E M O N T H E F IR S T M O V IE (PG) Fri. 1:10, Sun. - Thura. 1:10.3:10, 5:15 S L E E P Y H O L L O W (AA) Fri. 4:10, Sat - Thura. 7:20, 9:50 G A L A X Y H O L L O W (AA) NO PASSES Sat. 7:00,9:10, Sun. - Thurs. 1:20,4:00,7:00,9:10 Sun., Dec. 26 10am - 5pm, Mon. - Wed. 10am - 6pm Thurs. I Oam - 9pm, Fri. Dec. 3 1, i 0am -4pm y tw S H M M O N S y tk I b J f MATTRESS GALLERY j B A T 5 3 5 3 Lokeshore Rd., Burlington between Appleby Une & Burlook In Lakeside Shopping Village Jubilee Concert Series will con tinue for three more Saturdays, all at 8 p.m. Amici on May 13th will feature Patricia Parr (piano), David Hetherington (cello) and Joaquin Valdepenas (clarinet) playing works by Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart. M ississa u g a V eterin ary E m erg e n cy Open 24 Hours 6 3 3 -9 1 1 1 Travel w ith . j Christmas Eve, Christmas D ay, BoxingDay Reasons greetings sT -rttfu t(u d " o c t o r & 1r Of O A K V IL L E 845-6601 H E R O E S 2000 CHRISTMAS WISHES B00D HEALTH & TRAVEL CHRISTMAS IS UPON US WITH IT'S OFFERING OF GOOD TIDINGS, MOMENTS TO REMEMBER, and looking forward to be able to enjoy good health and the opportunity to travel as never before. THERE WILL BE MANY who will be into this mode of planning their future to "see the the world", and there will be those who would just be content to "get away for a few days". TRAVEL IS A COMMON DENOMINATOR of life and has many connotations for each of us. We hope all your dreams, thoughts and plans in this area will come to fruition for you in the year 2000 and beyond. 3490 Mavis Road (south of Hwy. 403, north of Dundas St.) ( 905) 273-9335 DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that injuries are the leading cause of death to teenagers? In fact, more teenagers will die of injuries than of all other major causes of death - A ID S, meningitis, and leukemia combined. Sadly, most injuries are preventable. Laughton and O 'Meara will see Stuart Laughton and William O 'M eara com bine their talents to present a pro Open Fri Dec 24" at noon ____ thru to Tues Dec 28*hat 8am Always open 7pm to 8am Weekdays*^] l We are here to provide your Pet's Emergency Care when your regular Veterinary Hospital is closed HEROES This is where HEROES comes in! HEROES is a powerful, internationally acclaimed program about smart risks and personal choices. The goal of the program is to help youth see the risks in their everyday lives and show them how to take those risks in the smartest way possible so that they can enjoy life to the fullest. The HEROES program is a large-scale multimedia presentation combined with a live presentation given by a young injury survivor, who speaks candidly about how their injury has affected their life. Students are also presented with the five simple choices that can be made to reduce the risk of being injured: Buckle Up, Drive Sober, Wear the Gear, Look First, and Get Trained. P olo jjj R a l p h L a u r en POLO SPORT Up T o 50% S ale FOR THE AVID GOLFER - HITTING THE LINKS IN NORTHERN IRELAND IS AVAILABLE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE on four of Ireland's top courses Royal Portrush (Valley course), Portstewart (Strand course), Ballycastle and Castlerock. All four courses are located within a 20kilometre radius along the scenic ANTRIM COAST, home to the Giant's Causeway and Old Bushmills Distillery. A new "CAUSEWAY COAST GOLF LINKS" ticket at a cost of only $180 is valid for play over a two-week period through May 1, 2000 and are only available to golfers living outside of Northern Ireland. Your travel professional can assist with information through the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. WHEN In February of 2000, the HEROES 2000 Task Force will bring HEROES to Oakville and Milton for 5 days. This TASK Force is made up of a team of committed volunteers and organizations such as the Town of Oakville, Town of Milton, Halton Healthcare Services, Canadian Red Cross Society, and the Halton Regional Health Department. Students in grades 9 and 10 will be participating in the HEROES through their schools. However, members of the public will also have an opportunity to experience HEROES by attending one of the following fre e public performances: · Monday, February 21, 2000, 7:00 p.m,. The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts · Thursday, February 24, 2000, 7:00 p.m., Milton District High School LOCAL HOSTS The HEROES 2000 Task Force would like to thank th e following organizations, whose generous sponsorship has made presentation of the HEROES program possible: Community Foundation of Oakville Alexander and Bernice DeMaio Foundation Fund Optimist Club of Oakville Rotary Club of Oakville Laidlaw Transit Inc. Moen Inc. OTMH Charitable Corporation Associated Printing Services (Oakville) Ltd. Newell Rubbermaid SmithKIine Beecham Pharma Milton District Hospital Foundation D'Orazio Infrastructure Group Johnson Controls Ltd. Nortel Oakville-Trafalgar Parent Council St. Mildred's Lightbourn School Parent Council Knight of Columbus Council 6777 - Milton QUESTIONS/MORE INFORMATION? To reserve a seat a t one of th e public performances, please call (905) 338-4379. I f you have any questions, please contact Kimberley Kitteringham, HEROES 2000 Task Force, at 845 6601, extension 3093. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6 O ff S elected Fall & Holiday M en' s , W omen' s , B oyswear A nd A ccessories MORE CRUISES, CRUISE, CRUISES! CRYSTAL CRUISES has announced future cruise destinations for its "Crystal Harmony" ships. Among the fleet's new offerings are AMAZON RIVER VOYAGEURS, a grand circumnavigation of AFRICA, cruises to New England/Canada and the 104-day WORLD CRUISE. "Crystal Symphony" along with its sixth consecutive World Cruise will include Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, Africa, the Caribbean and Mexico. The "Crystal Harmony" will sail to South America, the Amazon, Panama Canal/Caribbean, Alaska and New England/Canada. TRAVEL TIP: MAKE YOUR TRAVEL AS TROUBLE-FREE AS POSSIBLE PLAN WELL IN ADVANCE, CHECK ALL DETAILS. T h e P o lo S t o r e B o x in g D a y H o u r s 10 a m - (> p m & &Uii&G O^CCdxih. 257-8747 825-5555 Etobicoki: - Siii :r\\\ y G \ k m ;\ s 2 5 Tin; \V i :st M \ u , (4 1 6 )6 2 0 -0 0 8 3 6 2387 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville Also in Halton Hills and Milton TOontd 7< » 'tyou S in ce t 96l ^

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