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Oakville Beaver, 29 Dec 1999, Classified, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday,December 29, 1999 Classified houses for sale FAMILY Paradise! 4+1 bed rooms, 2 bathroom s, huge 2 5 0 ft.lo t w ith h e a te d inground pool, fully fenced in .,« b ig e a t-in k itc h e n . H a rd w o o d flo o rs . C /A , n e w e r ro o f & w in d o w s . B ra n t H ills . $ 2 1 9 ,0 0 0 . (905)332-6506___________ SK I e q u ip m e n t, a d u lts , good condition, (includes skiis. boots, poles). $100. 331-9540 TheO akville Beaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ WWW. The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 Rentals 170-196 'Leisure Living 200-265 ` Merchandise 300-375 *Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 -Help Wanted 500-599 ` Announcements 600-675 ` Services 700-800 Burlington Towers The H otel A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · · · · Furnished D esigner A p artm en ts Fully E quipped Kitchens M agnificent Indoor Pool Sauna & Fitness C entre Personal Support Workers are needed by the health care rofessions-N O W ! W s p e c ia liz e in C o ndooplhium S a le s. L in d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd . Reali tor! 333-4347. 827-7728 T R A ILE R hitch fo r W inds ta r. $ 1 0 0 .; S u b pum p, $ 2 5 .;3 w a y frid g e . $ 5 0 .; n e w and use d lu m b e r, V a rious sizes and pieces; turn of the century Huronian wood stove. (905)690-0942 1983 Yam aha 3-w he eler. $ 7 0 0 ./b e s t o ffe r; 1974 M o to -S k i 340. $30 0./best offer; 1984 Buick Skylark. $ 3 0 0 ./b e s t o ffe r; K itch en ta b le & 4 s w iv e l c h a irs $100.; 2-prs x-country skis, poles, shoes, sizes 6 & 8. $ 5 0 ./e a . g a ra g e w o od stove. $50. (905)690-0942 PEG P e re g o - M ila n o Stroller. Excellent condition; only used one year $250. 849-1934,_______________ YEAR End Sale- Fantastic Savings! Save up to 50% on our great fa b ric se le c tion. Sofa & matching chair from $788.; Loveseats from $448.; C h a irs from $198. Free Estimates. Senior Dis c o u n ts . F ie ld s C u sto m U p h o ls te rin g . ( 9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 9090. Daily 9-9___________ B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te ; D o u b le . $ 2 2 0 ; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame FreeDelivery 905-681-9496 C A R P E T S , H u n d re d s of C o lo u rs / s tyles. Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319 tncludesunder p a d / in s ta lla tio n . 905 510-0589________________ CA R P ET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new S tainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 CHAMPAGNE Dorn Perignon. French vintage. 3 bot tle s o n ly ; 197 0 ($ 6 0 0 ); 1976 ($500 ); 1988 ($400 ). All 3 ($1200.). G ift boxed (905)842-8383___________ CHAMPAGNE, Dorn Pengnon, 1975 vintage. 750ml. B e s t o ffe r o v e r $ 3 0 0 . (905)632-9761___________ SNOW Thrower- Toro 20 2 stroke. $165. 637-1686 TIRES- 4 Firestone Winterhaw k. P 2 0 5 /6 0 R 1 5 used 800 km's. $80/each. all 4 for $300. 632-2474__________ TOYS, records, wine glass es. W in d o w -5 'x 1 0 '- $85 .; Doors- screen/ storms, etc.; B ooks. A q uarium s. Xm as m u g s . D o g / B ird c a g e s . Fum- sofa's, chairs, dress ers. R e a s o n a b le p ric e s T he R e use C e n tre . 3335 N .S e rv ic e . B u rlin g to n . W ed/ T h u rs / Fri- 12-8pm ; Sat- 9-5pm; S u n -1-4pm. C fC T ll firewood G U A R A N TEE D dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O n ta rio 's B e s t". M a rc 's Q u a lity F ire w o o d . (9 0 5 )257-6366 pets, supplies M A L E S h e p h e rd /C o llie : nee dled, w o rm ed. Sm art, affectionate, house broken. G re a t c o m p a n io n . $ 1 0 0 . 768-3110. I cars for sale CARS from $500. G overn ment seized & surplus. Sold locally. Call fo r listings. 1800-297^0727 ext.30. 199 5 M e rc u ry S a b le W a g o n - 100K . e x te n d e d warranty. $9,000. Excellent c o n d itio n , r e lo c a tin g overseas. (905)637-2925 1992 F ord T e m p o - C e rti fied. Alpine W hite/ Blue- 4door, autom atic. Am /Fm . Air, Low Km's. Lady driver, ` Looks & drives like new". Em m ission tested passed. S4.400. 905-845-5277 199 4 V o lv o 8 5 0 s eda n 123K , c le a n e x te r io r / in te r io r, a u to , s e t of 4 snows. $13,950. C ertified. (4 1 6 )5 2 3 -7 4 4 8 le a v e message________________ 1994 Volkswagon Golf GL. white, 5-spd, air. alarm, CD. ro o f-ra c k . A1. C e rtifie d / E m is s io n . $ 1 0 ,5 0 0 /o b o . (905)844-0478___________ 1996 Nissan Maxima GLE, dark green, auto, leather, spoiler. Excellent condition. Certified. Em ission tested. $17.500/obo. 844-0478 I cars wanted CASH for scrap. W anted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24hr. Call (905)876-4594. Mil ton; (905)467-9484. Oakv. The Centre has 38% more training time and a work placement for real experience!] Have you worked in health care? Take our P-T " course & be certified! Credit given for work experience. JOIN A NORTH AM ERICAN INDUSTRY LEADER A s a tea m m em b e r, y o u w ill e n su re th a t the c o rre c t m a te ria ls/g ra d e are sa w -c u t to sp e c ific siz e a n d q u a n tity . You w ill be re sp o n sib le fo r e n su rin g th a t su p p lie r tru c k s are lo a d e d a n d u n lo a d e d in a tim e ly m a n n e r, p ic k in g a n d p a c k a g in g m a te ria l a c c o rd in g to c u s to m e r re q u ire m e n ts, as w ell a s m a x im iz in g p ro d u c tiv ity fro m th e K A S T O sy stem . You h a v e a g ra d e 12 d ip lo m a o r e q u iv a le n t, e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ica tio n sk ills and, p re fe ra b ly , a p o stse c o n d a ry e d u c a tio n in M e tallu rg y a n d c o m p u te r literacy. Y ou m u st b e a v a ila b le to w o rk shifts. In te re ste d c a n d id a te s are in v ite d to d ro p o ff th eir re su m e a n d a tten d an o n -site in te rv ie w at o u r Open House o n January 3 and 4, 2000. 1285 Ontario St. IN EXPEN SIVE w arehouse sp a c e fo r le a se . 18,000 9<r*t or less; also. 2.100 ·Truck level access Radiant ·tieating. sprm klered OakM ile Joe Luyk. (905)845^597 ^ industrial /commercial space 639 · 8583 M on-Fri: 9am -7pm Sat.: 10am -5pm Sun: lla m -5 p m w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e rs @ la ra .o n .c a Part-Time Program Starts January 20 Full Time Program: Starts March 20. Register for an info session! Call Isabel Webb at 333-3499/878-1240 ext. 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted STUDIOS AND 1-B ED R 00M SUITES All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths , Indoor pool & saunas l Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access'" 121. m The Centre ShRi Oevaiorment &Tmirvkj IN D IV ID U A L o ffic e s fo r le n t from $450- $1000/mo. a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly on short-term leases and flexi ble tatm s; d esira ble p ro fe s s io n a l c e n tre in p rim e d o w n to w n O a k v ille lo c a : tjpn; tenant and client park in g ^included; b oa rdroom . & x, p h o to c o p in g and exception area a v a ila b le . CaiLPaul (905)338-2300. a, - · O FFIC E space with w a re house, a p p ro x im a te ly t.9 0 0 sq ft. S1186/month. in c lu d in g p ro p e rty ta x e s arftl water QEW/Trafalgar *$ -3 5 2 1 I franchises L A W N C A R E F ra n c h is e . Protected territory with ex is tin g c lie n ts . E x te n s iv e training and support. M ini m al in v e s tm e n t. C a ll (905)639-4981 Russel Metals lA f / \ V / \ TRUCK & COACH TECHNICIAN Min. 2 years experience. Hydraulic experience an asset. Employment immediate, with excellent wages, shift premium and benefits package, in a unionized work environment. SEND RESUME TO: 8725 Holgate Crescent, Milton, ON L9T 2X7. Fax: (905) 875-1556. · · · · B U R L IN G TO N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 ) 639-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Inquire about our BRAND NEW, DELUXE CARDEN APARTMENTS Includes 9'6` ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! AVAILABLE JANUARY 15TH O A K V IL L E : 190 K e rr, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. W alk to everything. 1&2 bedroom s from $775. 845-1777________________ BARKLEY Towers, Burling ton. 2 & 3 -bdrm , starting $730. Jan. 1st. Hydro, heat, frid g e , stove. P a rk in g a v a ila b le . No pets. 6 3 2 0961. M-F. 9-5 & 6-9. Sat. 9-5._____________________ SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ m o n th s . S p a c io u s O ne Bedrooms. Utilities. Indoor Pool. W ork-out Room. Burlington Towers. 639-8583 L A R G E , s p a c io u s lo w e r le ve l a p a rtm e n t a v a ila b le for mature person. $700. + pari utilities. Non-sm oker. No p e ts . J a n .1 s t/2 0 0 0 . 905-630-5354____________ DO W NTO W N O a k v ille . N ice , c le a n b u ild in g : 2b d rm s, S 9 0 0 /m o .+ h y d ro (includes parking), Jan. 1st. /Feb. 1st (905)849-8453 K E R R & S te w a rt 2 - b e d room apartm ent, available Feb. 1st. S875/m o. utilities and parking included. 3 3 9 2437 between 9am-6pm. G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . Jan./Feb./M ar. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BU RLIN GTO N 1-bedroom b a s e m e n t a p t., la u n d ry , separate entrance, parking, $595/mo. inclusive. Jan. 1st S u it s in g le n o n -s m o k e r 332-9127.________________ BURLINGTON 2 bedroomS685./mo utilities included. February. Quiet, near lake. 634 -80 89 (3-6pm)________ G U E L P H / L a k e s h o re . 1bdrm basement apartment, v e ry m o d e rn . P a rk in g . Laundry. Private entrance. Im m e d ia te . S 6 9 5 ./m o + h y d ro . 6 3 1 -7 0 8 7 le a v e message. Canadian Waste Services Inc. P.0. Box 5070, LCD1, Hamilton, ON L8L 8H7 HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE Award Winning Dealership requires A M CA N CASTINGS LIMITED NORTH AMERICAN LEADER IN AUTOMOTIVE DIE CAST MANUFACTURING D O W N TO W N B u rlin g to n : Luxurious, im pressive city and lake views! 6 applianc es. 2 parking, 2 ensuites. W h irlp o o l. $16 9 0 /m o . Im m e d ia te . L .D a v ie s R .E ., (905)333-4347___________ BRICK bungalow. 2 w a s h / room s, a tta c h e d g a ra g e . W est Oakville. Fam ily pre fe rre d . $ 1 1 5 0 ./m o . 8 2 5 2901. 847-1770. I houses for rent C O U N T R Y , 30 m in u te s from O akville, 3-bedroom hom e. 10 a c re s , n e a r Georgetown. January pos s e s s io n . R e fe re n c e s . (905)844-9340___________ RENO VATEDS m a ll b u n g a lo w w /fin is h e d 3rd b e d ro o m in b a s e m e n t. $1250/m o+ utilities. Close to lake. (905)845-5801. ask for Adri or Marie A LDER SH O T- 3 bedroom bungalow, large lot. Avail able Feb. 1st. S1100/mo + utilities. 331-7857________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing a v ailab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor I condominiums for rent D ogguI deS VL Full Time DETAILING PERSON for F/T employment to start immediately. Call Brian at (905) 845-7791 or Eax; (905) 845-7211 KENNEL Position TOOLING ENGINEER H a m ilto n b a s e d T ie r 1 a u to m o tiv e p a r ts s u p p lie r is s e e k in g experienced Tooling Engineers. Recent expansion has resulted in the need to create additional positions in the Tooling D epartm ent. The successful candidate(s) w ill h a v e a M echanical E ngineering D e g re e o r D ip lo m a w ith a t le a t 3 y e a rs p ra c tic a l e x p e rie n c e . T h is p o s itio n re q u ire s k n o w le d g e of th e T ool & D ie p ro c e ss , how ever, will focus on the engineering aspect of tooling, gauging and fixtures. E x p e rie n c e in th e D ie C a s t I n d u s t r y is p r e f e r r e d ; h o w e v e r, consideration will be given to a p p lic an ts w ith a strong technical background. Am can offers a com petitive w age and benefit package. Q ualified a p p lic an ts are in v ite d to fo rw a rd th eir re su m es b y W ednesday, January 5,2000 to: B R O N T E - r e n o v a te d 1$850./mo. Jan. 1st. 2ber^oom. Mar. 1st. $1050./ mo. ^ m a ll building, includ ing utilities. 634-2628 40 hr/wk. Shift work, including weekends & evenings. Driver's license necessary. Apply to: Nicole Caron Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides Fax: 905-842-3373 E-mail: into@dogguides.com HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE Award Winning Dealership requires 1st or 2nd h r e d - i t ' MOBILE PAPER SHREDDING & RECYCLING 3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 o r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 : Tyandaga Terrace. Burling ton. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedrooms, Jan./Feb. Lowr»6e building. G arden like setting. Private landscaped patios. W A T E R D O W N : 50 & 75 John St.W. W alk to every th in g . New a p p lia n c e s & w in d o w s. L a rg e 1.2& 3 bed roo m s from $675/m o. m e (905)689-1647 OLD I Oakville i in beautifully m aintained, quiet building d b w n to w n , s te p ou t to ^fiops. lots of seniors. 2t^sdroom , S l0 8 0 /m o .; 1t^pdroom: 5925/m o. In clu s ive . P le a s e le a v e m e s sage (905)845-8254. ~m------------------------------------297 Queens Ave.. Oakville. Fleshly painted 3-bedroom lartments. Available Jan. I rec. facilities. Call 8 4 2 DOW NTOW N, Burlington, ^-b e d ro o m , D e c./Ja n .; 1bedroom. Jan. W ell m ain tained. quiet building. Walk ta"shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321 - !· ------------------------------------LAKESHORE. Burlington182 B e dro om s A v a ila b le F eb ru a ry. C a ll 6 8 1 -7 1 2 6 R&fessionally managed by L j . G re e n w in P ro p e rty kfinagem ent_____________ Q A K V IL L E L a k e s h o re / Kerr B rig h t, sp a cio u s 2bedroom. (above stores). 4 lia n c e s . p a rk in g . ed./Jan. $995/m o+ hy(905)842-3196_______ year Apprentice for F/T employment to start immediately. Call Brian at (905) 845-7791 or Em : (905) 845-7211 Training Provided: TRUCK ASSEMBLY/ SUPPORT ASSOCIATE The ISS Industrial Shredding Systems Division of Shred-it is seeking one permanent full-time employee tor the position of Truck Assembly / Support Associate to work in the production assembly garage and parts inventroy stores area. Training provided: assembly of hydraulic hoses, shredder, compactor, transmission & PTO, chassis, body and electrical components. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED: Heavy trucks. Truck assembly trades using various tools tor welding, metal cutting, hydraulic and motor Installation etc. Truck parts and after market inventory business. SKILLS PREFERRED: Problem solving (mechanical and trades). Reading, writing and numeric skills. Planning and scheduling work flow. Verbal communication skills (customer focused pads and repair support). Decision making (general work place and business). CHARACTERISTICS PREFERRED: Demonstrated initiative and results motivated person with a history ot providing high quality, accurate and timely performance in a customer oriented environment. EDUCATION: Prefer mechanical trades education. REAL Estate Sales Licens es held. No B o ard fees. Switch and save. Call B.R. M a tth e w s (B ro k e r). 905842-5893 AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED P.O. Box 446, LCD #1 Hamilton, Ontario L8L 7X3 Attn: D. Huber, Human Resources Supervisor or fax to (905)527-9150 W e a p p r e c ia te th e in te r e s t o f a ll a p p lic a n ts a n d a d v is e th a t only those selected for a n interview w ill b e contacted A M C A N ENDORSES THE PR INCIPLES OF EQUAL OPPO RTUNITY EXPERIENCED Dental Re ceptionist required fo r m a tern ity leave. Please call D r. R. P e e lin g 9 0 5 -6 8 1 7791 CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ORDER DESK REPRESENTATIVE Required immediately for Distribution Centre. Qualified candidate must be an assertive self-starter with a professional attitude & possess the following: Previous exp. in customer service &/ or order desk environment Excel, communication & phone skills (French & English preferred) Experience with Word & Excel for high volume data entry Excellent organizational skills Word schedule rotates between 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., with alternate weekends (Sat./ Sun.) * G U E L P H L in e / Q E W 3bdrm townhouse condo, 11/2 baths. 5 appliances. C/ A. firepla ce, garage, near GO. QEW. $1090/mo.+ util itie s . F e b .1st. T ra fa lg a r P ro p e rty M a n a g e m e n t. Warren Hill, 338-1130. CLEAVER Ave. North Bur lington. 2-bedrooms, 5 ap p lia n c e s . gas fire p la c e . F e b . 1st. $ 8 5 0 /m o . 3 3 3 5506, Ext.53_____________ A T G e o rg ia n C o u rt E s ta te s . 611 S u rre y Lan e. Burlington. 2&3 bedrooms. P a rk -lik e s e ttin g . N e ar s h o p p in g , s c h o o ls . G O . Hwy. Pool. Tennis. Utilities included. 905-632-8547 BRANT/ Mount Forest. 2&3 bedroom tow nh ouse m ai sonettes. laundry facilities. 1-parking. Jan./ Feb. $750/ m o.+ u tilitie s . (9 0 5 )3 1 9 9104,___________________ E A S T B U R L IN G T O N - 2 bedroom condo townhouse. Rec-room. $949/mo., cable included. Albert McDonagh L td ., R e a lto r. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 5690.___________________ BURLINGTON. Modern 2bedroom. 1.5 baths. 5 ap p lia n c e s , C /A . g a ra g e . $ 1 1 5 0 /m o . Im m e d ia te . L.D avies R E.. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 4347 L IN E C o ok re q u ire d fu ll/ part-time. Busy British style pub . D ro p o ff re su m e to L in d a . A b b e y A rm s. 481 North Service Rd.W.. Oak ville_____________________ LICK'S is hiring enthusiatic. e n e rg e tic f u ll/ p a rt-tim e Counter help staff. Apply in p e rso n w ith resum e. 548 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville COOK- part-time. Approx. 2-4 days/week. Please fax resume: (905)-842-8410 W e o f f e r a fu ll b e n e fit p a c k a g e ' Please forward resume with salary expectations to: Human Resources Fax resume to GM ISS: (905)-829-1999 MONEY'S MUSHROOMS P.O. Box 190, 7345 Guelph Line Campbellville, ON LOP 1BO FAX: (905)878-7897 We thank a ll applicants, however only those selected tor an interview w ill be contacted f O A K V IL L E . 199 Q u e e n M &ry D r iv e ...... n e a r a ll a m e n itie s . 2 -b e d ro o m . fv Q r.ls t; 3 -b e d ro o m . .1st. U tilities included. ___ (905)844-9006 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents S760. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 3 -jE D R O O M S . East Burhr^jton. Ground floor. 4 app fc n c e s , S825/m o. A lbert M fiD o n a g h L td . R e a lto r. 632-5690 ~ ~ ^S------------------------------------V E R Y s p a c io u s , fre s h ly decorated low er level one bedroom . C ore lo ca tio n . Walk to GO. Y m C a , shoppipg. S eparate entrance, perking. $650./ inclusive. C ell Enyd R o berts. Sales R e p re s e n ta tiv e . R e /M a x Garden City. 333-3500 T T T T T F U R N IS H E D L u x u ry ! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes. Condos. 1-2 baths. 6 app lia nces. C e n tra l Air. Jacuzzi, recreation centre, p oo l, s e c u rity , T V . VC R. ste re o , from $ 1 2 9 5 -2 7 9 5 month. 681-RENT (7368). IF YOU ARE FLUENT IN SPANISH, FRENCH, ENGLISH & ARE MULTI PROGRAM COMPUTER PROFICIENT Busy Burlington marketing company offers full time position to a self-motivated enthusiastic, detail -oriented person with pleasant phone skills, salary commensurate with experience PLEASE FAX RESUME TO AN experienced, qualified M o n te s s o ri Teacher required by lead ing Montessori School in Glen Ab bey. Please fax resume to (905) 827-7223 or call Marie at (905) 827-8125 E .C .E . T e a c h e r re q u ire d fu lltim e fo r busy O a kville c h ild c a re ce n tre . S a lary commensurate with experi e n c e . ; S u p p ly T e a c h e rs a ls o re q u ire d . C a ll (905)849-3614 I personals PEOPLE say you can't hur ry love -maybe not-but you can sm ooth its path. Misty River Introductions- finding your soOl mate made easy. (416)777-6302___________ P IN K F L A M IN G O S fo r rent. Proceeds to suppport M ultiple Sclerosis Society. C a ll P a t's P a rty R e nta ls, Burlington 333-3034. The Canadian Salt Company Limited R equires seasonal CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE for Jan. and Feb. to help process road salt orders. Experience m ust show you to be organized, good at multi-tasking, with at least basic computer skills. Resumes, including references, to: Peter Greig, Manager, Ont. Warehouses 555 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, ON L5J 1K9 FAX: (905) 823-3461 E-MAIL: pgreig@windsorsalt.com sales help sales help E X E C U TIV E fu rn is h e d 1bedroom apartment: private entrance, gas firepla ce. 6 appliances, self-contained in 1 -s to re y h o m e . S o u th B u rlington. $13 50/m o. in c lu s iv e . L .D a v ie s R .E ., (905)333-4347 1 -8 8 8 -9 2 6 -0 6 1 7 CA REG IVER, m ature lady w ill c a re fo r c h ild re n in sm o k e -fre e en viro n m e n t hom e. W estview Terrace a re a . C lo s e to C a th o lic school. C all a fte r J a n .1st. 469-1493. References. I daycare wanted MATURE, responsible Care g iv e r re q u ire d fo r 2 boys a g e s 7 & 1 0 in m y hom e b e fo re a n d a fte r sch o o l (6 :4 5 a m -8 :1 5 a m & 3pm 5:30pm ) lig h t house keep in g re q u ire d . R iv e r O aks area. (905)338-2391 W E required experienced, n o n -sm o kin g ca re g ive r in our home (Tyandaga area), or yours for 2 boys; 9mos. & 3 1/2 yrs. O ld e r one in pre-school (half-day), from 8 :4 5 a m -5 p m , 2 d a ys per week. References required, b e g in n in g J a n u a ry 19th, 2000. (905)319-3545 P A R T -T IM E e xp e rie n ce d c a re g iv e r n e e d e d fo r 2 young children in m y home. Mon's, W ed's & Thurs's 36 p m . U p p e r M id d le & N o ttin g h ill G a te (F o u rth Line) area (905)469-6089 /obey/ NOW HIRING Oakville - Mississauga areas W e are lo okin g fo r en erg etic, cu sto m e r service orie n te d people. Please co n ta c t S tore M anagers: Home, fio r th e H o ftd a tfs/ : Northshore Towers 1&2 Bedroom Apt. -Avail. Dec./Jan./Feb. 5750/mo. to $850/mo. utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 ap pliancess · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P la yground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited shared accommodation M A T U R E , n o n -s m o k in g m a le to s h a re b e a u tifu l hom e in R iv e r O aks. U p stairs bedroom, fu ll house privilege s. Dec. 1st. $500/ mo. 905-257-1428________ D O W N TO W N B u rlin g to n 2-bdrmsin large townhouse. S hare all fa c ilitie s . $ 45 0/ mo. Jan. 1st. 905-333-9903 B E A U T IF U L 3 b e d ro o m h o u s e to s h a re w ith fu ll p riv ile g e s . Im m e d ia te a v a ila b ility , c o re a re a , laundry & parking facilities. Sm oker okay, fe m a le p re fe rre d . S 6 0 0 /m o . (905)333-1371 OAKVILLE BRONTE - 825-2278 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville OAKVILLE MAPLEGROVE - 849-0691 511 Maplegrove Dr., Oakville OAKVILLE ABBEY - 847-1909 500 Upper Middle Rd., Oakville MISSISSAUGA WOODCHESTER - 823-0711 2458 Dundas St. W ,, Oakville Part or Full-tim e Laundry Sales Service · Required to service existing customers and establish new customers. · Must be experienced and be able to provide full service, advice and open up new accounts. · Salary corpmission and car allowance. Reply giving full details of experience and wages required to: Box 1719, c/o The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington, Ont L7R 2E3 Diane, 9am-7pm 6 8 1 - 1 3 0 7 * Burl. O LD E O a kville - quiet du plex 2-bedroom mainfloor. C/A. appliances, near GO & hospital. No smoking/ pets. 844-9340_____________ LAKESHO RE/ Maple. 2&3 bed roo m s a vailab le Ja n ./ F eb . B e a u tifu l la k e fro n t view, indoor pool, heat/ hy dro included. Bus stops at door. Close to M apleview Mall. JBMH. Great highway access (905)632-5258 H IS T O R IC B u ild in g in Downtown Burlington near la k e . 2 u n its a v a ila b le . O u ts ta n d in g la rg e 2+ b e d ro o m ($ 1 0 5 0 /m o ) & inymate 1-bdrm ($750/mo). P a rking in clude d, u tilitie s e * tra . F e b ru a ry 1st. (905)631-7788, 9-5pm only. C A N A D IA N A . Q u ie t, w e ll m a in ta in e d la k e fro n t bdilding. Very spacious 1bdrms, available February. 5^20 L a k e s h o re Rd.. BiyOngton. (905)632-5486 LARGE 1-bedroom apa rt m ent. blocks aw ay from dq*m tow n O akville. A vail able Feb. 1st. $850/mo. inclnaive. (905)844-1934 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $852+ 795 Dynes Road BURLINGTON BOWL requires F/T personnel for entry position in SALES & MARKETING Strong knowledge of 10 pin bowling an asset. Must hav outgoing personality & ability to work with minimal supervision. Call tor appt 681-2727 SE LF S e rv e G as S ta tio n requires fu ll and part-tim e A tte n d a n ts . E x p e rie n c e necessary. Flexible hours. No m in im u m w a ge h e re l Open 24-hrs. Resumes to: Esso, Trafalger at QEW THE Student Management Program has positions for sm art, hard working Stud ents. G re a t bu s in e s s e x perience since 1981. Aver age incom e S6.000+. C all Toll Free: 1-877-595-5224 N E E D E D ! P ro fe s s io n a l Driver/ Broker with full size la te m od e l c a rg o van for local/ out of town deliveries. To Start immediately, call 905-633-8222____________ MR. R o ote r P lum bing re quires service plumbers or equivalent for full-tim e po sitions. Reply attention Op erations Manager Fax: 1905-561-1374____________ B U R L IN G T O N D ry Cleaners requires Full-time D riv e r w ith C lean driv e rs abstract. Apply in person: 366 Brant St.. Burlington + ADULTS REQUIRED To Deliver The Oakville Beaver Door to Door Let us Know: · What hours you prefer · How much you would like to earn per month · What route area you prefer Delivery Days are:Tues, Wed and Fri; Weekend: You will have up to 10 am Sunday to finish delivery. You'll receive the papers on Sat. If interested please call 845-9742, Mon to Fri 8:30 am- 6:30 pm. Or Sat- Noon and 5:00 pm I companions SWM, good looking, 5'6". fit, 43, lo oks younger, enjoys n ig h ts at hom e, coo kin g , camping and to appreciate a good SWF, fit, who enjoys life. Single moms welcome, 25-40. Call 616-8792 I lost & found FOUND: female Torti shorth a ire d ca t in T y a n d a g a a re a . W e c a ll "N o e lle ". Please call 637-7325 F O U N D : F e m a le gra y short-haired cat found near Waterdown Rd. GO station. W e c a ll "H o lly ". P le a s e phone 637-7325 Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! N A N N Y w a n te d fu lltim e w ith new born experience. S tart m id-M arch. Bxirlington. Call (905)319-2820 R A M A D A IN N & CONVENTION CENTRE Oakville Our newly renovated hotel is currently seeking to fill Amelin Propedy Mgmt C A R E G IV E R w a n te d - in my hom e to care for 8mo. old boy. Starting Feb.2000. Full-time. Mon-Fri. 7:30am -5:30pm 905-815-0463 PART/ full-tim e. Live-out/in experienced Nanny/ House keeper required to care for 3 sch oo l-aged children in O ld O akville. Driver. Nonsmoker. (416)681-4602. E X P E R IE N C E D N a nnie s/ housekeepers in Philippine? seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina. (416)699-6931.__________ M O TH E R 'of boys, 8mos & 2 y rs lo o k in g fo r h e lp in hom e (Headon Forest), 83pm. 336-1804__________ LIVE-O UT nanny required p a rt-tim e -fu ll-tim e fo r 3yr. o ld a n d in fa n t. F le x ib le hours. ECE an asset. Stud ents welcome. References required , ow n tra n sp o rta tion. (905)332-9507 CARRIERS WANTED FO R THE O A K V ILLE BEAVER $8.00 Per Hour For more information Call: 337-5553 Circulation Sales 8i Service Rep The Oakville Beaver has a full time position available immediately. Experience an asset but we will train. Responsibilities include growing paid circulation, initiating prom otions and servicing existing clientele. The successful candidate will have ambition, w ork w ell independently and in a team environment, enjoys working with children, and has a background in custom er service and promotions. A reliable vehicle is a necessity. This position pays salary plus car allowance and sales bonuses. To apply, please send resume along with salary expectations to: The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 Attn.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 4 ALL POSITIONS in the HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT ·Full and part-time available* Apply in person to: Attn: Mohan, 360 Oakville Place Dr., Oakville, On L6H 6K8 or Fax (905)-845-9450 SINGLE room in brand new b a s e m e n t. G le n A b b e y hom e S eparate entrance. A vailable Jan. 1st. S425/mo 905-847-9107____________ W EEKLY & rooms for New Y e a r's E ve s till a v a ila b le . Low rate s. R iv ie ra M ote l 637-2338________________ FU RN ISH ED room for rent in la rge apa rtm e nt. B oard available- Jan. 1st. Burlington near GO. 631-9400 A T T E N T IO N S k ie rs ! E llicottville. NY. 3-bdrm condo, sleeps 5-6. $125. Canadian per night. (905)-847-6391. IcTlVJrte m su n d ef sioo. CO M PUTER work stationnew. fully assem bled. $80. 842-2660_______________ CO RD LESS Drill- 7.2 volt, c h a rg e r 2 b a tte rie s . $35. 637-1686_______________ MEDIGAS aerosol system, $100. 639-6251__________ SCHROLL saw 16". $100. 639-6251________________ S E W IN G m a c h in e - flo o r m o d e l. V ik in g . E x c e lle n t cond, $800/firm. 333-3015 R O L L E R B la d e s , n e v e r used, size 8-1/2 mens.S50. call 632-0068 evenings EAST Burlington apartment overlooking lake. Large fu r nished room. Private wash room. Immediate. $425/mo. (905)639-1236____________ 1BEDR OO M basem ent HO PE D A LE M all area, on apartment. East Burlington. bus route, priv a te access, La'tfndry, parking. All inclu laundry facilities avail, and $65 0 /m o . A v a ila b le living room space. Fem ale immediately 905-633-8140 only. (905)827-5114. 2B E D R O O M D o w n to w n shared 0 | k v il le , w a lk -o u t d eck. accommodation Nqp-smoker. No pets. Heat included. Not suitable for WOULD you like to share a tow nhouse/ apartm ent with students. M unicipal parkme? Ind/pool, Oakville/ Bur *ngr$877.50/m o. Call 905259*-2441. 905-845-1907. lington area. 416-822-8846 PRO M overs. S h ort/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs .. 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777____________________ RELO CATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in c lu d e s 2 p r o fe s s io n a l m o v e rs . tru c k and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. MACLACHLAN COLLEGE requires experienced CHILD CARE WORKER for our After School Programme Mon. toFri.3:30pm-6pm Send resume & references to the school, Attn: Mrs. P. Hargreaves, Head of Lower School 337 Trafalgar Rd.,Oakville, ON L6J 3H3 de. ph: 905-844-0372 fax: 905-844-9369 M O N E Y P ro b le m s? G a r n ish e e s? T o o m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 m CARPET steam and 2-step cleaned, 4 rooms $65, ad ditional $12. sofa $60. deoderizing, scotchguard, 416657-2002 D A Y C A R E a v a ila b le my home QEW/Guelph nr GO N o n -sm o ke r, la rge yard. 18-mos & up. 639-3598 N E W Y e a r's B a b y s ittin g available by 2 adults. Our hom e, any age. 9 0 5 -4 6 5 2823; Im 905-337-0508 1

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