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Oakville Beaver, 21 Dec 1999, Classified, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Tuesday, December 21, 1999 C lassified houses for sale IMMACULATE 3 bedroom2313 Headon Rd.. premium lot 50x137. professionally landscaped, finished top to bottom . w ww .attcanada.net/~overton4, call 905332-1513 TheOakville Beaver BONUS! A ll classified ads ap p ear @ WWW. HaltonSea The site y o u r com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 B urlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES » F urnished D esig n e r A p artm en ts » F ully E q u ip p ed K itchens > M agn ificen t In d oor P ool » Sauna & F itn ess C entre 1285 Ontario St. B EAU TIFUL 3-bedroom home, River Oaks, Oakville, garage, well maintained, finished basement, ensuite, 5 appliances. air, $1,475/m o. Excellent neighbourhood, no pets/ smokers. Suits professional couples. Feb. 1st. 905845-3869______________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor____________ NEW Y ear/ New Home. Lovely 3-bedroom bunga low Jan. 1/2000. Walk to lake & shopping. Backyard, garage, laundry, air condi tioning, utilities. $1200 for main floor only (basement separate). Non-smokers, no pets. O akville. 905825-3568. Home tie H o iid a ^/ CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 ap p liancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P laygroun d · Parking YEAR End Sale- Fantastic Savings! Save up to 50% on our areat fabric selec tion. Sofa & matching chair from $788.; Loveseats from $448.; Chairs from $198. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Custom U pholstering. (9 0 5 )6 3 2 9090, Daily 9-9 BOXING D A Y * Dec. 26 AM SALE: 1 0:45 AM PREVIEW: 8:00 am [Early Preview, Thurs. Dec. 23, 3pm-9pm) Valley C om m unity Centre, 287 Old Guelph Rd Dundas · Bryon M artin Auctions, 628-6116 Partial List: Bowed glass cabinet, ped. table, chairs, ro llto p desks, sect, bookcase, washstand, V icl. bench, Ig. marble top sideboard, Eastlake Server, wicker, French desk, jam cupboard. 9-pc din. suite, dressers, sm. tables, Moorcroft, Staffordshire, Art Pottery, China, Amphora, Murano, jewellery, post cards, Am. doll, crystal, wicker buggy, wood cameras, M ilitary, lamps, fixtures, books, collectables, 450 numbered lots. Cash/app'd cheque Direction: 1mi. S of Clappison's Comers, (#5&#6). 1 mi N ol #403,1/4 mi W of #6, via York Rd AUCTIONEERS: B. MacKAY & J. ANDERSON. WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd.. Realtor, 333-4347. 827-7728 /commercial space INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 18,000 sq.ft, or less; also. 2.100 Truck level access. Radiant heating, sprinklered. Oak ville. Joe Luyk. (905)8457597 EARN extra $$$$'s for the holidays. The Added Touch requires seasonal helpwarehouse order pickers and packers. Part-time hours will included days, evenings and weekends. All interested can visit 1111 North Service Rd.E., Oak ville. (No appointment neee s s a r y ) ___________ DRIVER needed for busy medical company. On call involved. Please submit resum e with driver's ab stract to: 2445 Woodward Avenue, Apt 503, Burlington, L7R 1V3___________ DRIVER with Class DZ/AZ. Drivers abstract required. Maintain/ service small en gines. Familiar with GTA & Highway Traffic Act. Fax resume attention Joe: 905465-2585______________ THE Summer Management Program has positions for smart, hard working Stud ents. Great business ex perience since 1981. Aver age income $6,000+. Call 1-800-803-1100_______ TRUCK Drivers required to deliver and pickup mobile signs in the Oakville region immediately. Fax resume to 905-335-2249 or call Dan at 905-844-7772. office-clerical DYNAMIC Oakville based Financial Services organization seeks A dm inistrative clerk to assist head office in the c le ric a l functions of a National Sales force. Com puter skills, good communi cation/ organizational skills a must. Fax resume: (905)338-0977__________ ADMINISTRATIVE A s s is ta n t/R e c e p tio n is t required PIT by professional office in Oakville. Canadiate should be mature and organized with experience in a sim ila r position. Understanding of Word and Excel essential. Fax resume (905)337-3148 or e-mail group 9 water street, ca. BOOKKEEPER part-timerequired for a small law firm in O akville 2 days per week. Knowledge of P.C. Law would be an asset. Reply Box 6227 d o Oak ville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K 3S4 DATA Entry position availble immediately to join a busy team with rapidly expanding Oakville based Financial Services organization. Speed and accuracy with compre hensive com puter skills. Fax resume: (905)338-0977 Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited 639 · 8583 M o n -F ri: 9 am -7 p m Sat.: 10am -5p m Sun: lla m - 5 p m Items under $100. AQUARIUM 25 gallon tank with fish and accessories and stand. $100. call 332-6115______________ BEANIE Babie & Buddienew release. Both for $80. (905)331-2669__________ CHILD S bed- Fisher Price, turns into desk, $100. 2572883__________________ CORVETTE mirror with 4 cars, nice wood frame, good condition. $40. 5727166__________________ DOORS, steel insulated door and storm glass door, 33"x78" $20/both. 631-0150.______________ ELECTRIC organ- apartment size $95. 632-7206 GIRL'S long w inter wool coat, size 10. $50. only worn twice. 631-6786. LARGE bed couch- neutral colour. $50/obo. Call (905) 332-9421______________ LITTLE Tykes toy box, $30. 257-2863______________ MCGREGOR Driver- graph ite shaft, never used, nice gift, $45. 572-7166_______ MEN'S Burton, Size 8. Snowboard boots, used 5 times. $100. obo 632-9864 MEN'S jacket- size medi um, plaid, burgandy, brand new. $60 obo. 336-0664 after 7pm_______________ MICROWAVE - great con dition, hardly used, moving. $90. OBO (905)681-1768. MODERN oak stereo cabi net with tuner, amp, tape, comer speakers & records. $100. 689-4615_________ NIKE watch- brand new, $75. obo 336-0664 after 7pm POKEMON Pokedex electronic encyclopedia, $75. call Debbie 336-8814 POKEMON yellow version for game boy color- Uno pened. $80. 905-8252461__________________ SKI equipm ent, adults, good condition, (includes skiis, boots, poles). $100. 331-9540______________ SKI equipment, kids, good condition, (includes skiis, boots, poles). $100. 3319540__________________ SOFABED - neutral tone, good condition, good quali ty, moving. $100 OBO (905)681-1768.__________ STOVE, m offat, almond color, 4 burner, In Great condition, $100. 336-8814 STOVE- Hotpoint, almond. Good condition, electric. $95/obo. 336-1739______ STOVE- self clean. "Com ing* smooth top stove. Ex cellent working condition. C osm etically appealing. $100. OBO. 905-634-3341 SUEDE jacket- 3/4 legnth, men's, size medium, mid night blue. Brand new. $100 obo. 336-0664 after 7pm TWIN bed- mattress & box spring, white frame, like new. $100. 331-3017 articles tor sale CAPTAIN Chairs (4); Fridge and bar; Bed for van, made byStarcraft. call 333-0155 CARPET - I have several 1.000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 CHAMPAGNE Dorn Perignon, French vintage, 3 bot tles only: 1970 ($600 ); 1976 ($500.); 1988 ($400.). All 3 ($1200 ). Gift boxed. (905)842-8383__________ CHRISTMAS Giving..,!!!No GST or PST!!! Awesome selection unique accesso ries for Home & Garden + Golf Memorabilia. Open Daily until Dec.24th. 10am5pm, Cafe Open. (Closed January) Rock Chapel An tiques & Statuary, Hwy#5 at Rock Chapel Golf, 1-mi. west of Hwy#6. (905)6393639__________________ CUBAN cigars- Monte Cristo #1, $10/each. Box of Cohiba Esplendidos $400. Great for Christmas & New Year's. (905)639-1923 DININGROOM table, round, solid wood. $40.; upright Piano. 2 stools, $200.; beer fridge. $40. 847-8560 DOMPERIGNON gift boxed, $400/ea. Set of 3. $1,000. Call (905)637-6366 EMBROIDERYDone on prem ises, personalized clothing gifts in tim e for Christmas. Choose from 14.000 designs............ (905)-639-1178__________ FRIDGE, 2-door; Stove. 30"; Autom atic Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)5491911__________________ GAS Appliances; Stove, w hite, and dryer. Very good condition. $600/pr. Will separate. (905)6906047 (Waterdown)_______ OAK dining set- table and 6 chairs, $800. 689-4615 ORGAN- Lowrey Genie electric 98 woth bench and music. Like new, $300. 689-4615______________ PIANOS- 50 great used pianos- Yamaha Kawai & others, www. pianohouse burlington.com 5205 Harvester Rd., Burlington. 631-9259______________ PING ISI Irons. MRH, Cushion Shaft Stiff Flex #1SW, Blue Code new grips. 2-yrs. old. $700; Sony Playstation. 2-controllers, memory card. 7-games, excellent condition. $175. 331-0509.______________ POKEMON Yellow special addition colour gameboy, Pokemon Yellow special addition game, Pokemon Pinball, asking $400. 331-0430______________ TOYS, records, wine glass es. Window-5'x10'- $85.; Doors- screen/ storms, etc.; Books, Aquariums, Xmas mugs, Dog/ Bird cages, Fum- sofa's, chairs, dress ers. Reasonable prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 N. Service, Burlington. Wed/ Thurs/ Fri- 12-8pm; Sat-9-5pm; S un-1-4pm. YAMAHA keyboard PSR12. $140/obo. Sony Trinitron console TV, KV2680-R 28" oak veinier. $200/obo. Schwin airdeyne exercise bike, $550/obo. S cooter Lark, battery operated. $2695 U.S new, asking $1000/obo. 3 3 8 0175 PAINTINGS Wanted- An tiques of all kinds; furniture, glass, china, collectibles, Addison radios from 1930s. Estates purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Bur lington. w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e rs @ la ra .o n .c a IN DIVIDUAL offices for rent from $450- $100Q/mo. available im mediately on short-term leases and flexi ble terms; desirable pro fessional centre in prime downtown O akville loca tion; tenant and client park ing included; boardroom, fax, photocoping and re ception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300. OFFICE space with ware house. approxim ately 1.900 sq. ft. $1186/month, including property taxes and water. QEW/Trafalgar 849-3521 1 4 6 0 G hent A venue (at Brant Street) S T U D IO S A N D 1-B E D R O O M S U IT ES CIRCLE M Antique & Flea Market. Open Sunday, Boxing Day. 9-5pm. Wish ing one and all the best of the season. 367 Highway 5. 3kms west of Clappisons Comers. (905)689-6492 Freshly Painted, Cleaned A Carpeted > All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths 1Indoor pool & saunas ( GUELPH Line/ QEW. 3bdrm townhouse condo, 11/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/ A, fireplace, garage, near GO. QEW. $109Q/mo.+ util ities. F e b .1st. Trafalgar P roperty Management. Warren Hill, 338-1130. BURUNGTON 3 bedroom$l,250/mo. available Feb. 1st. Features: fireplace, central air, 5 appliances, private backyard, end unit in small upscale complex. Finished basement & at tached garage. Rick 905840-1612_______________ BURLINGTON. Executive large. 3-bedroom s. 1.5 baths. 5 appliances, garage. Great location, References, $1300/mo.+. Im m ediately. 9 05 -6 8 9 5357. > Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. accesS'-^^C B U R LIN G TO N SQUARE (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 77 GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O ntario's Best". Marc's Quality Firewood, (905)257-6366_______________ | C W | 1 pets, supplies M ALE S hepherd/C ollie: needled, wormed. Smart, affectionate, house broken. Great com panion. $100. 768-3110. I cars tor sale 1990 HYUNDAI E xcell · excellent condition, stan dard, as is $1000. (905) 338-8929 or (905)274-4297 1989 TERCEL - 180K+, good shape, as is. (905) 465-1404.______________ 1988 BONNEVILLE SE ce rtified and em issions passed. A/C, sunroof, fully loaded. 190K, $3,000 (905)822-1996.__________ 1995 JEEP Gr Cherokee V8 Mint condition. Loaded. One owner. Complete serv ice record. Snow's coming 4X4I $18,000. youi need this t '-7642__________ (905)607-1 1990 Sunbird GT- 2 door, autom atic, regular m ain tenance. Women driver, includes car phone, $2,800. 905-634-7928___________ 1995 Mercury Sable Wag on- 100K, extended warranty, $9,000. 637-2925 1992 FORD Tempo GL 4door, p/s, p/b, auto., air, 116.000 kms.. $3,000 as is. 632-7246.______________ 1996 Dodge Grand Cara van fully loaded, excellent condition, $15,000. 905257-3457______________ 1989 Ford Taurusautom atic. 4 door, looks and drives well. $1900/ as is. (905)516-1835_______ 1990 Honda C ivic LX- 5 speed, excellent condition. Emission qualified, certi fied. Asking $3,995. Pat, 338-5459______________ 1991 Ford Topaz- Excellent condition, certified. $2500. 639-7297______________ 1993 P ontiac Sunbirdblack, 2-door coupe, 3.6 V6, A-1. Certified, emission tested $3900/best. (905) 844-6660______________ 1994 Volkswagon Goff GL. white. 5-spd, air, alarm, CD, roof-rack. A1. C e rtifie d / Em ission. $10,500/Obo. (905)844-0478__________ 1996 Nissan Maxima GLE, dark green, auto, leather, spoiler. Excellent condition. Certified. Emission tested. $17,500/QbO. 844-0478 CARS from $500. Govern ment seized & surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings. 1800-297-0727 ext.30. I cars wanted WANTED Cars & Trucks. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Free Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. We sell auto parts tool 827-8015 (Oakvie) FREE, THREE MONTHS Dates starting January 4 for 12 weeks Youth Horticultural Training Ages 15-29. Job when finished. Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm In q u ire a b o u t o u r BRAND NEW, DELUXE CARDEN APARTMENTS Includes 9'6` ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! AVAILABLE JANUARY 15TH Landscape Ontario Denis Flanagan Tel: 905-875-1805 Fax: 905-875-3942 LAWNCARE Franchise Protected territory with ex isting clients. Extensive training and support. Mini mal investm ent. C all (905)639-4981___________ 505 careers 505 careers trtrtrtrtr 336-0016 or 336-0015: Tyandaga Terrace. Burling ton. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedrooms, Jan./Feb. Lowrise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios._________________ SPACIOUS bachelor suite, downtown Waterdown. Pri vate entrance and balcony. Parking/ utilities included. Call (905)689-2121. 9am5pm,___________________ SPACIOUS 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (905 )3 3 3-9 8 4 6, Noon-8pm______________ 2 bedroom apartment very clean quiet building, river view, near downtown Oakvile. 337-0497; (416)8140620 LAKESHORE/ Maple 2&3 bedrooms available Jan./ Feb. B eautiful lakefront view, indoor pool, heat/ hy dro included. Bus stops at door. Close to Mapleview Mall. JBMH. Great highway access. (905)632-5258 LAR G E, spacious lower level apartment available for mature person. $700. + part utilities. Non-smoker. No pets. Jan.1st/2000. 905-630-5354___________ GEORGIAN Apartm ents. Jan./Feb./Mar. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm LAKEFRONT Burlingtonl Large 1&2-bedrooms avail able J a n ./F e b .1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd,(9b5)681-8938 O A K V IL LE Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom, (above stores), 4 appliances. parking. Immed./Jan. $995/mo+ hydro. (905)842-3196_______ O A K V ILLE . Lakeshore/ Kerr. 1-Bedroom, Dec./Jan. $710./mo. 2-bedroom Dec./ Jan. $810./mo. (No smok ing No pets). (416)233-7441 BACHELOR Suite - bright and sunny in executive home south of Lakeshore near Harbour and Lake in Old Oakville - suitable for mature single person - no pets, non-smoker. $750/mo td g e h ill Realty Inc. (905) 338-7511.______________ R E F U R B I S H E D Apartm ents. Downtown Burlington. Elizabeth Manor, 477 Elizabeth S treet. 1.2&3 Bedroom A partm ents with spectacular view. 6 3 4 9374 ^ apartm ents & flats for rent LAKESHORE. Burlington1&2 Bedrooms Available February. Call 681-7126 Professionally managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Management____________ BRONTE- gorgeous reno vated 1 bedroom in 6 unit build in g , $850 including u tilitie s . Jan. 1st. 6 3 4 2628__________________ SHORT-TERM Rentals. 3+ m onths. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool, Work-out Room. Burlington Towers. 630-8583 BROCK Lakeshore 3 bed room, 1.5 baths, garage, air, 5 appliances, avail im mediately $1250. 905 8039267 IN A Canada Inc., the Canadian d iv is io n of a m u ltin a tio n a l le a d e r in th e p r o d u c tio n of bearings and precision com ponents, is seeking candidates fo r the position of: 2-BEDROOM Downtown Oakville, Non-smoker. No pets. Heat included. Not suitable for students. Mu nicipal parking. $887.50/ mo. Call 905-257-2441. leave message. Prestigious Living South Burlington C/A, gas F.P., 5 appl., 2-bdrms, 2-1/2 baths, open concept, main fir living, garage. $1250/ mo. Avail. Feb.7th. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The position is available at our Canadian head o ffic e lo c a te d in O a k v ille . The s u c c e s s fu l a p plica nt w ill be responsible fo r in side sales and order entry fo r ou r O ntario custom ers and Canadian branch offices. Persons w ith the fo llo w ing attributes w ill be considered fo r th is position: · com m unity college degree · technical aptitude · com puter literate · team player w ith excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills; · custom er service and/or bearing industry experience is an asset IN A Canada offers a com petitive rem uneration pa ckag e, in c lu d in g e x te n s iv e heath b e n e fit coverage and pension plan. Resumes fo r this position should be sent, in O complete U llip iC IC U confidentiality, U III to: Northshore Towers 18.2 Bedroom Apt. Avail. Dec./JanVFeb. $750/mo. to $850/mo. Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building Call Marcella (905)777-8087, X227 T H o B jO D BURLINGTON. 3-bed room M aisonette with sm all backyard. QEW/ Brant. $750./mo. futilities). A vailable Jan.1st/2000. CaW 332-9865___________ AT G eorgian Court Es tates, 611 Surrey Lane, Burlington, 2&3 bedrooms. P ark-like setting. Near shopping, schools, GO, Hwy. Pool, Tennis. Utilities included. 905-632-8547 BURLINGTON Modern 2bedroom , 1.5 baths, 5 appliances. C/A, garage, $1150/m o. Im m ediate. L.Davies R.E.. (905)3334347 Diane, 9am-7pm 681-1307 ·Burl. C ANADIANA.Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1bedrooms, available February. 5220 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905)6325486__________________ DOWNTOWN. Burlington. 2-bedroom, Dec./Jan.; 1bedroom. Jan. Well main tained. quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital, Lake. 637-0321_______________ 2-BEDROOM A p a rt ments $760. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open11 -8pm .639-5761 BURLINGTON 1-bedroom basement apt., laundry, separate entrance, parking, $595/mo. inclusive. Jan. 1st Suit single non-sm oker 332-9127.______________ BURUNGTON. 2-bedroom in quiet 6-plex, Ghent Ave. Heat, parking, $67Q/mo. Immediate. Call 335-6510. BACHELOR apartment in well-located, quiet building near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. Call (905)6343635__________________ OLD Oakville in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown, step out to shops, lots of seniors. 2bedroom, $1080/m o.; 1bedroom: $925/mo. Inclu sive. Please leave message (905)845-8254, O A K V ILLE . 199 Queen Mary D rive..... near all am enities. 2-bedroom . M ar.1st; 3-bedroom , Jan.1st. Utilities included. (905)844-9006__________ 2 bedroom in Burlington, close to lake. Avail. Feb. 1st. 826-3512. Apts A Townhomes Near Waterfront! Large suites. Freshly painted & carpeted w ith new windows and baths. No pets. 480 Maple Ave. Burlington (9 0 5 ) 639-5079 INA Canada Inc. 2871 Plymouth Drive Oakville, ON L6H 5S5 Attn: Sales Manager REAL Estate Sales Licens es held. No Board fees. Switch and save. Call B.R. Matthews (Broker), 905842-5893______________ CUSTOMER Service Rep resentative required imme dia te ly, good telephone skills. Enthusiastic person needed for full time em ployment, ability to work in dependent, knowledge of com puters. Fax resume with handwritten cover let ter, with salary expecta tions to (905) 842-9556 BURLINGTON luxury fur nished 1&2 bedrooms from $1.495/month all utilities in cluded. Immediate. (905) 632-6354; (905)632-6189 EXECUTIVE furnished 1bedroom apartment. Private entrance, gas fireplace, 6 appliances, self-contained in 1-storey home, South Burlington. $1350/m o. inclusive. L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347__________ 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted R A M A D A IN N Oakville Our newly renovated hotel is currently seeking to fill 1 furnished room- imme diate. Small $325./mo. cable/hydro included. Jan. 1st. Alex, cell: (905)515-3292, or 905-332-0599 & CONVENTION CENTRE ALL POSITIONS in the HO USE KEEPING DEP A R TM E N T DOWTOWN B urlington. Luxurious, impressive city and lake view s! 6 appliances. 2 parking, 2 ensuites, whirlpool. $1690 /mo. Immediate. L.Davies R.E.. (905)333-4347 t . w l houses tor rent BU RLIN G TO N Brant/ QEW- Upper level. 3 bed room bungalow, Freshly painted. New kitchen, Laundry, $970/inclusive. 905-338-1978 ALDERSHOT, 3+1 bedroom bungalow, inground pool. Im m ediate. $1650/m o. References required. Don Johnson Re/max, (905) 333-3500 HOUSE to share near Clappison Comer, $375/mo utilities included, laundry facilitie s. Pets welcome, fem ales preferred. (905 )689-9552______________ DOWNTOWN Burlington2 bedrooms in large townhouse. Share all facilities. $450/mo. Jan. 1st. (905) 333-9903. BRIGHT, newly painted, room in cozy apartment. B urlington. Im m ediate. $425/utilities included. Nonsmoker. First/last. 905-6377873__________________ I C T lV J items under $100. ANSWERING m achinevery old, works like new! $20. obo. 336-0664 after 7pm ·F u ll and part-time available* Apply in person to: Attn: Mohan, 360 Oakville Place Dr., Oakville, On L6H 6K8 or Fax (905)-845-9450 PHARMACY Technician. Shares commitment to a team -oriented approach, excellent communication/ people skills, motivated for growth, create/ maximize market opportunities. Also, a bility to run the dispen sary. Weekdays only, flexi ble hours, excellent re num eration. Apply: 200 North Service Rd.W., Suite #800, Oakville, L6M-2V1 PART-TIME Dental Recep tio n is t required for busy Dental Practice in Oakville. Computer experience re quired. Duties include: re call scheduling. Please reply Box 6228, do Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K 3S4_______ DENTAL Hygienist & Treat ment Coordinator required 20-30 hrs per week. Forward resumes to: 3505 Upper Middle Rd.. Burlington. Ontario L7M-4C6 BEDROOM set- triple dresser, twin beds, tall chest, good condition, $250. 689-4615 BEDS, New- C om plete; Double. $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496 TRUCK & COACH TECHNICIAN Min. 2 years experience. Hydraulic experience an asset. Employment immediate, with excellent wages, shift premium and benefits package, in a unionized work environment. SEND RESUME TO: TIRES- 4 Blizzak snow tires on 15" rim s. Good shape. $150/obo. 690-1299 I auto parts, supplies & repairs Canadian Waste Services Inc. P.0. Box 5070, LCD1, Hamilton, ON L8L 8H7 BRUCE - Beatrice YOUNG - Cathy LALONDE - Anna (Annie) B E N N E T T - In lovin g m em o ry of our wonderful Father Don, Dear Mother Pat and Brother Bill The joys of Christmas's past spent together Are alive in our hearts now and forever Lovingly Remembered Colin and Susan W oodcock, family and friends Forever in our Hearts And while they lie in peaceful sleep. Their memory we shall always keep Lovingly Remembered Always G ULLAGE - Wilfred Daddy I miss you; Every thing I do Echoes with the laughter And, the voice of you. You're on every comer Every turn and twist, Every familiar spot, Whispers how you're missed Love you're daughter Patsy and husband Herb SP EE R S, Donald W . - August 21, 1987. With loving memories. Alone but not quite alone I face an empty house. My husband for forty years no longer here with me. Yet- in some mysterious way he keeps m e c o m p a n y . R e m e m b e re d a lw a y s Loved WBB -Jean- C AM PBELL-BIRD, M a rjo rie : In m e m o r y o f a lo v e d o n e w h o passed aw ay on July 9 ,1 9 7 9 . T R A C E Y - Remembering our beloved son Tom. Who died suddenly. December 31, 1979 Loved with a love beyond all telling Missed with a grief beyond all tears Twenty years has not diminished our love, Nor lessened our grief. Mom and Dad loving ^lo< B E R N IE R , Francis D. - In memory of a husband and father who passed away December 1 8 ,1 9 8 1 . There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. Always in our thoughts, Dianne, Andrew, Robert and Anita. G randm a Bird w e love you dearly and w e m iss you. L o v e D a v id , J e a n , A la n a n d Fiona. McConnell/Downey/Brown Always in our hearts Son/Brother - Larry (Boozer) March 12, 1980. M other/G randm a - Ella S eptem ber 12, 1986 Father/Grump - Ernie September 1 4 ,1 9 9 4 Mother/Grandma/Friend - Margaret March 2, 1999 W HALEN, Derrick - Loving son, brother, father, husband who passed away December 23, 1998. A remembered smile, a gentle touch. Memories of times together. As Christmas draws near, we cherish these precious gifts that will live forever in our hearts. -- C U L H A M , Nelson and O lga- In loving m em ory of our wonderful parents and g ra n d p a re n ts w ho le ft us D e c e m b e r 24,1983 and March 22,1997. E v e ry th in g you did for us w as w ith unconditional love. Forever thanking you for that special gift and more. Love your family We Remember and Love You

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