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Oakville Beaver, 20 Dec 2000, A5

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Wednesdsay December 20, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 Bronte Creek Park accepting non-perishable food donations Bronte Creek Provincial Park is col lecting donations of non-perishable food items this season in conjunction with its annual Community Christmas Festival. The food - which will be donated to the Good Shepherd Hostel in Hamilton - can be dropped of at the park office daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or during the Community Christmas Festival on weekends from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. As part of the Festival itself, local businesses and community groups sponsor and decorate Christmas trees. All the proceeds are donated to the Children's Wish Foundation. Last year the park raised more than $1,400. Park visitors can do their part by making contributions to the Foundation. They can also hang a star on the wall or throw some change into the Holiday Wishing Pond. Order forms are likewise available for the purchase of Children's Wish Christmas cards. The cost is $25 and all donations of more than $10 are eligible for a tax receipt. Park staff invite everyone to enjoy the outdoor skating rink. Call 827-6911 for more information about all events and times. (The park is closed Christmas day and will close early Christmas Eve.) Photos by Ron Kuzyk S E A S O N A L S O U N D S : Oakville held its com munity Christmas carol sing-a-long last week at Georges Square. And despite some downright frosty weather, a good time was had by all. Santa himself joined Margaret and Rod Stericker (above) while Kathryn Penn and her daughter Alison, 8, (right) let their voices be heard along Trafalgar Road. Its Hot Winter Anymore... IN M Y L IV IN G S T O N F U R ! m F o r th e fin e s t se le ctio n o l leathers, lig h t-w e ig h t sh ea rlin g s, fa b u lo u s fu rs and cashm eres v is it us in o u r b ran d new B u rlin g to n lo c a tio n on B ra nt S treet C hoose fro m stre e t-ca su al to u pdated classics in jacke ts, shaw ls, capes and o u te rw e a r coats. W e also cu sto m design garm ents fo r th a t u n iq u e lo o k. You can help give troubled teens a lift this Christmas Families are under stress as never before and that means that teens suffering from a family breakdown, serious school problems or emotional disturbances could find themselves in a group home. Now imagine this child on Christmas morning with few expectations of a `happy holiday.' Sad as this sounds, it's a very real possibility for many youth in Halton, not only residents of H.A.S.S. group homes but, as well, youth clients receiving ongo ing crisis counselling. Typically, at this time of year, stress in the family escalates `trickling down' to affect a teenage child already suffering from emotional disturbances and depression caused by school struggles, peer pressure, family conflicts, etc. Results can include suicidal behaviour due to a teen's inability to cope effectively with these high-risk stressors. Many times, these teens are asked to leave the family home with no access to shelter. When they've `outstayed their welcome' at friend's homes, the `welcoming door mat' at H.A.S.S. is their only alternative to a life on the street. `Hugs For The Holidays' has been developed this year to ensure that every H.A.S.S. teen client in need receives a `holiday' gift bag... and they need your help. Your kind gesture of giving is sure to instill a sense of belonging in these young people, something they so desperately need. Some ideas to help you complete your gift bag include new teen gifts such as sweatshirts, toques, gloves, socks, writing paper, disposable cameras, bath products, colognes, etc. and gift certificates from Halton malls, music stores, theatres, fast food outlets, sports events, etc. -- guaranteering a magical holiday for the H.A.S.S. teens. Charitable receipts for your donation are available upon request. To sponsor a specific young person or to make a gen eral gift donation, call Jan Czuba at H.A.S.S., 6390025, ext. 242. Monetary donations are, as always, gra ciously accepted. N o tic e o f L i q u o r L ic e n c e A p p lic a tio n Ontario FU RS Since 1910 The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for Additional Facilities Paradiso Restaurant 125 Lakeshore Road East Oakville (indoor & outdoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than Jan u ary 20, 2001. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commision, please identify the designated contact person. Note: of OakvilleY ited Way Y Campaign Cabinet 2000 The Oakville Beaver joins United Way of Oakville in saluting members of United Way's 2 0 0 0 Campaign Cabinet. These individuals devote tremendous time and effort to ensure fundraising success within their sectors. The AGCO gives the applicant copies of all objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensing@agco.on.ca Warm-up this winter with the luxury o f a Qustom-built Cedar Sauna Rebecca Heaslip, Training Chair President LEADERSHIP INSIGHT Guy McLean, Education Chair Headmaster A p p le b y C ollege Winter Special 6' x 6' SAUNA $ 3995 . g st Jim Cutler, Professional Chair Assistant Vice President/ Manager Oakville Branch Chubb Insurance Don Pangman, Chair of the Board President Impact Advisory M o re c o m p u te r th e fts fro m lo c a l b u s in e s s Halton Regional Police in Oakville are investigating a break in at the offices of the Receivable Purchase Group, 221 Lakeshore Rd. East. On Oct. 16th between 7:30 p.m. and 8 a.m. the next day, thieves entered the main unlocked door at the front of the business complex and used a tool to pry the steel door at the top of the third floor. They then smashed the door to the business through glass and opened the deadbolts. Once inside, they ran sacked offices and stole computer equipment. They entered other offices by smashing glass and opening more deadbolts. Suspects then entered another office and repeated their deeds. This senseless damage and theft had a significant impact on the businesses involved. There had been reports of suspi cious people who may have been cas ing the place before the entry. The suspects were casually dressed and are described as a white male in his late 20's with brown short hair and two days' growth of beard. He was approximately five-feet 10-inches tall with a medium build. The second suspect was also a white male in his late 20's with dark short hair. He was five feet-10-inches tall with a thin build. If you know who is committing business break ins in Oakville or any other city or town, call Crime Stoppers of Halton. We want your information, not your name. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your name when you tell us your information and you will remain anonymous. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to the tele phone call display feature. Call 1-800222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (825-8477) supplied & installed B o o k early, fo r Jan uary and F e b ru ary In s ta llatio n s ! C a ll f o r a n a p p o in tm e n t. This message is courtesy of The Oakville Beaver C R IM E S T O P P E R S Call 825 -TIPS or 1-800-668-5151 G e rrick C arpentry R ic k van den B erg 905 875-2088 or 905 330-0001 There's a vjilu II H i world out 0 discover it today. ansv LOOK GREAT FORTHE You've tried everything... but you're still having trouble losing those unwanted pounds! If losing weight is your priority, Herbal Magic can make it happen! Our unique *No Hunger* weight loss plan allows you to lose weight without giving up all the foods you love. It's safe & effective!! www.c a division of HaltonSearch.com is K v ille b e a v e r . c o m connecting you to your community Join us at R A M A D A IN N & C O N V E N T IO N CENTRE O A K VILLE BOOK YOUR FR EE CONSULTATION NOW! '^ M .n .y c m .n l .m l N iiir iiin n a t < c n lr c . O n December 25,2000 for our annual 2^ ` Based on full program. Excludes product. LO SE TH E W E I G H T U ^ H LOSE THE INCHES! · Controls appetite naturally ^ lU o F F · Increases energy, vitality limited · Helps burn more fat / supply . I Featuring a ll o f your favourite breakfast items in addition to: Omelet Station, A n array ofSalads, European Cold M eatpresentation, International Cheese & Fruit Platter, Assorted Breads, Vegetarian Lasagna, Carved Roast Turkey with all o f the Trimmings, Honey Glazed Ham, Melody o f Seasonal Vegetables and Red Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, A sensational Dessert Station that is sure to please every palate. Coffee & tea LWM 4000 469-4532 1395 Abbeywood Rd. OAKVILLE (In the Bruno's Fine Foods plaza) TM ` Expires Dec. 20/00. Not valid w ith other coupons 637-6019 175 Plains Rd. E. BURLINGTON (next to La feminique) Thiee Searings: 12 p.m ., 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. For a guaranteed reservation book early! Call 845-7561 360 Oakville Place Drive

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