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Oakville Beaver, 20 Dec 2000, Classified, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, December 20, 2000 T he Oakville: B eaver TO PLACE AN A D CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 I'/ION . - F :RI. 8 :3 0 a .m . - 6 p .m . Classified houses for sale BONUS! All classified ads appear @ _oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! Circulation: 8 4 5 - 9 7 4 2 Real Estate 1 0 0 -1 6 5 · Rentals 1 7 0 -1 9 6 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · M erchandise 3 0 0 -3 7 5 · A u to 4 0 0 -4 6 5 · H elp W anted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 · A n n o u n ce m e n ts 6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 OAKVILLE-Chartwell/Maple4 bedroom, 50'x150'lot, original owner of 31 years. Walk to Go, hospital, down town. $289,000. Private sale 905-333-9692 Burlington Towers The H otel A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · Furnished D esigner A partm ents QUIET home in Lowville. Non-smoker. Full facilities. January 1. Suit profes sional. $500/inclusive. Call Jim 319-2174 BRANT Hills, Burlington, to share lower basement. Suite with 1 other. Avail able Jan. 1. $400 inclu sive. Please call 905-3318799 or 905-616-0290 SINGLE female preferred to share new Glen Abbey home, parking, laundry, ca ble, A/C, $500./month all inclusive. Jan.1st. 905469-6360________________ B C T lV J items under $100. ADMIRAL stove. Olive, good condition $99. obo. Call (905)634-2267________ BED chesterfield, brown tones, mattress like new. Excellent conditon. $75. obo. 333-8229 DESK. Metal office style. 4 drawer, 60' x 30*. $35. 639-5432 FIRESCREEN glass door enclosure. New/ never used. 38'w x 31"h. $100. 689-3716 FREEZER- chest type. 60mch long $95. 637-6397 GIRL'S figure skates (Jackson), size 3-1/2, mint condition, paid $250, ask ing $75. obo 632-3954 KITCHENAID dishwasher, Regency, portable, countertop model, almond, works perfectly.$100.Call 333-3251 SKATES, men's size 8, >16. (905)634-9538_______ SKIS, downhill, kids, boots, poles, good condition, $95. 331-9540________________ SKIS, downhill, adult, boots, poles, good condition, $95. 331-9540 SKATES/ Skis/ Christmas trees. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm; Sat9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. SNOWBLOWER 10.5HP, Tecumseh engine 28' cuts, electric starts. Only $19/wk 1-800-267-9466. www.crazycatsdirect.com SNOWBLOWER, Mastercraft, 8HP, electric start, 2stage, chains on tires, ex cellent condition. Asking $600. 815-9528 SNOWBOARD 140CM with Sims bindings and Air Walk boots, sz 7. $200. Call 827-2099 STOVE- Kenmore, Crown Series Plus, ceramic top self-cleaning. White like new $450.; Kirby G-5 va cuum carpet/ upholstery cleaner, paid $2,500. ask ing 1/5 of original cost/ OBO (905)-331-9405 SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 _________ THE Waterbed Gallery Store Closing Dec 31st. 3350 Fairview Street, Bur lington, Everything Must Go 639-5600. TRISH Romance early edition, 'A Day Together, and 'Home Again" good condition. Call (905)-6328359 eve. & weekends. UNIVERSAL Gym, brand new exercise gym set, York Mega Max 3001, 21 weights 10 lbs. ea. 5400. (905)332-4605 "Industry W eek M agazine.... O ne of the 100 Best M anaged C om panies, last 5 years" Permanent Afternoon Shift DRIVERS Needed for Na tional Post Newspaper (O a kville ). $1,000/per month cash between 3:00 6 a.m. Elastics and bags supplied, no collections. Monday to Saturday. Call (416)896-6032 Mehmet CLEANING person re quired for community serv ice building, Burlington, part time, day shift. Call (416)-745-6227 or fax (416)-745-4073.________ FILE Clerk/ Office Person: Part-time position. Flexi ble hours. Must have good working knowledge of of fice procedures. Please forward resumes by mail to: Global Medical Products, 5230 South Service Rd., Burlington, L7L5K2. VERY conservative Ger man owner is looking for an ambitious, experienced, skillful, sophisticated su perintendent couple for prestigious 150 unit, prime location apartment building in Oakville. Large 2-bed room apartment plus good income is offered on a long term contract. Call Jenn, (905)319-2524________ Looking for better hours? Work Monday-Friday no nights, no weekends. Join the Molly Maid team of housecleaning profession als. Great incentives Transportation provided 905-681-7484 CLEANERS needed mediately for retail depart ment stores. Heavy/ Light duty experienced cleaners for early morning. Oakville/ Burlington. Call Sue 1800-565-3756 FULL Time Experienced wait staff, Bartender, Chinese cooks, dim sum & BBQ cooks. Part time food packers/ helpers & delivery driver. Call 827-3119 after 5pm. Red Chillie Seafood House GLEN Abbey Executive. 3 bedrooms, large eat in kitchen, ceramics. Custom Levelor window coverings included. Many upgrades. Backs onto greenspace. $170,000. Call (905)4699932 H e a lth & S a fe ty / H R C o o rd in a to r A re q u ire m e n t fo r a H u m an R e so u rce o r S a fe ty p ro fe s s io n a l w ith o v e r 5+ yea rs of w orking e xp erience in a M an ufacturing E nvironm ent. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill h a v e a d e m o n s tra te d S a fe ty F o c u s , w h ile w o rk in g as a H u m a n R e s o u rc e P ro fe s s io n a l. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te un d e rsta n d s th e im p a ct of a sa fe e n v iro n m e n t and th e re la tio n sh ip to be a productive, m otivated and succe ssful team ! An e xce lle nt co m m u n ica to r with strong pe op le skills and a self-starte r ta rg e ts you as a potential candidate. T he req uire m en t fo r th is exciting position w ill in clud e utilizing yo u r e xp e rtise in a fa s t pa ced e n v iro n m e n t w h ile m a n a g in g sa fe ty p re ve n tio n , W S IB C la im s M an agem ent, T rain ing , and Hum an R e sou rce su p p o rt fo r o u r HR Team . T h e required educa tion al b a ckgro und in clud es releva nt H ealth & S afe ty and or H u m a n R e s o u rc e s P o s t S e c o n d a ry E d u c a tio n . A w o rk in g k n o w le d g e of M icro soft O ffice S oftw a re and C ertified F irst A id e r is desired. Joh nso n C o ntrols, a leading edge su p p lie r to tw o N orth A m e rica n P rem iere A u to m o tive M a n u fa ctu re rs b e lie ve s in "E xce e d in g O u r C u s to m e rs E xp e cta tions". If you be lie ve th a t you w o uld like to be a part o f o u r succe ss, please send yo u r resum e by Ja n u a ry 15, 2001 o r fa x to: · Fully E quipped Kitchens · M agnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 O ntario St. 639 · 8583 WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Call Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 Open 7 Days per Week www.ontim.com ·btowers@lara.on.ca 75 Stewart: 1&2 bedroom apartments available. Near downtown Oakville/ QEW. Well-maintained, clean building. Call (905)8444294 OLD Oakville- Beautifully maintained quiet building, No lease. 1-bedroom $960/ mo.; 2-bedroom, $1225/mo.; 2-bedroom + den, $1385/mo. inclusive. Step out to shop. Lots of seniors. Call (905) 845-8254, message 1 Bedroom apartments available Jan. 1. Spacious & bright in a small quiet building near downtown Oakville. Heat/ parking in cluded. $675/mo.+ hydro. (905)815-0768 GEORGIAN Apartments. 1.263 Bedrooms. Immed./ Jan./ Feb. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm &J5:30-8pm AVAILABLE West Bur lington. 1 bedroom apart ment. $625/mth plus hydro. Call Jennifer. 631-3064 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space: Unheated 1000'. Heated, sprinklered, truck level doors, 60,000' or less c/w 3 overhead cranes. 2100' & 1400'. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597, Ext.242 I houses for rent EXECUTIVE home Oak ville, 5-mo. or 17-mo. lease. River Oaks. 3500 sq.ft. 4bedrooms, ensuite, walk-in closets, 4 bathrooms, A/C. 2-car garage, openers, fenced backyard. Com plete, newly finished lower level, 1-bedroom nanny su ite. $2400/mo. plus utilities Feb.lst. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. (905)842-8383 ALDERSHOT- 2 bedroom. Feb.lst., parklike setting, close to all amenities, appliances included. $975/ month -Futilities. 905-7193915____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Mike Traina, Sales Representative, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Es carpment Realty Inc., Real tor______________________ WONDERFUL 3 bedroom Oakville bungalow, close to lake and park, finished basement with rec. ro6m, plus inground pool. Avail able immediately. $1650./+ utilities. 1 year lease. No smokers. Call Don and Cathy Naumowic, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp. 905-338-9000 RENT or Rent- to- Own. Brand New Bungaloft.... 1882sq.ft. 3-bedrooms. Available Jan.1st. $1,700/ mo.+ utilities. Suit profes sional. Includes appliances. Near all amenities... 3 minutes to Mapleview Mall. Simon Jackson Evgs: (905)338-1783; Days (905)849-4700 MILTON. Hwy.401 & Hwy.25. 2800 sq.ft, office for lease. Available Jan.1/01. No brokers please. (905)-8754611 AVAILABLE immediately office space - Oakville, 300-3,000 s.f., great park ing, close to Go and Q.E.W., Starts at $300/mo. gross. Call Bob McKean, Trafalgar Realty (905)3381130 Attention: Recruiting Johnson Controls Ltd. 8205 Park Hill Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 5G8 or Fax: 905-876-7212 Email-Milton.recruit@jci.com. SON CONT P lease note: we w ish to thank anyone w ho applies, b u t o n ly candiates c o nsidered s u it a b le w ill b e c o n ta cted fo r an interview . Tallest B u ild in g in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) LARGE modern basement apartment. S/E Oakville. Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Near QEW & amenities. 1Bdrm from $829* Semi furnished, full kitchen,, 2- Bdrm from S949* separate entrance, cable. Spacious and well main $75Q/mth 845-4988 tained highrise. Most BURLINGTON- Large 2newly decorated! Some bedroom apartment In with lake view. clean quiet building. Park ing. Call Sandra (905)634Liz. (905) 845-9502 ' (2% disc, included) 5604____________________ FRESHLY Decorated: 2Bedrooms- some 2-level! Jan./Feb. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Bur lington). 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016; 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015____________ APARTMENTS Available: 1.263 bedrooms from $875./mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. (905)844-1106____________ NORTHSHORE Towers. 2-Bedroom, February, $850. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am-7pm. 681-1307* Burl. APPLIANCES- fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BED - Queen, orthopedic mattress, boxspring, headboard, footboard & frame. New, in plastic. Cost $1225, sell $550. Will de liver . (905)-971-1777 BEDS, New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496 CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livlngroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)6392902____________________ CIGARS: H. Upman, Ro meo, Y, Julietta. Call 3333913 __ ______________ CRIB, wooden, with mat tress, under drawers, verygood condition. $99. 5800056____________________ DININGROOM set- 14 piece, solid Cherrywood, 110' double pedestal table, 8 Chippendale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet & server, all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers. New, still boxed. Cost $14,500., sacrifice $6,000. (905)304-5883. DININGROOM Suites, 8 chair Chippendale, 9pce. cherrywood. 4 poster bed room suite, queen size. (905)820-8884 DININGROOM set. 25yrs old. Oval table, 3 leaves, 4 chairs, 2 piece hutch. $800 639-5432 ELVIS Presley doll '68 Special Commemorative Collection in original box with certificate. (905)6810123 FREE Estimates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 FRIDGES and stoves, washer & dryers. Like new Delivered. 549-1911_______ FUR coat, raccoon, half length. Size 14. $2000 new, asking $250. 639_____________ 5432 GLASS diningroom table, $400.; antique dresser, $700.; antique kitchen hoosier, $700.; antique sil verware table, $250.; Sony 46" rear projection TV, $1350.; speakers B&W 600, $400.; pullout couch, $200.; loveseat, $80; wicker shelves, $40.; computer chair, $35. (905)469-2920 GREAT Christmas gift! Playstation II. Best offer. Serious enquiries only. Call 849-0505 HEINTZMAN Upright Pia no. $2,000. call (905)8277824 ___ _______ ______ KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic mattress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. SeM $675. (905)304-5573 LAPTO P-TO SH IBA 460 CDT Pentium, 2Gig Hard Drive, memory 81 meg., 2 batteries, Ethernet card, USB and IR ports. Thou sands of dollars of software including, Illustrator 8, Pho toshop 5.5, Flash 4, Mi crosoft Professional 2000 (Word, Access, Power Point, Excel) $990.00. Call (905)827-1044___________ MOVING sale- Yamaha piano; Maple D/R table, 6 chairs; Stove- stainless steel, antique, call 332-4037 OLYMPIC weight set. bench, Hex dumbbells, EZ curl and recumbent bike, brand new condition. 6392877 CHRISTMAS SpecialHot air balloon rides from $99.00. Skypro Balloon Company 905-853-5931 www.skyproballoon.on.ca PLAYSTATION 2. $950. or Best offer. 847-7076 PLAYSTATION II, brand new, asking $775. or best offer. Phone 827-9925, ask for Cam. PRINTER HP Deskje tl 120, professional ink jet, prints 13' wide, never used. Needs ink and power and printer cables. $225.00 M/S Sidewinder joystick $30.00. Call (905) 827-1044 WANTED All-China, Sil ver, Crystal, sewing ma chines... Doulton, Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, camera/ audio equipment dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ B C fC lll firewood GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. 'Ontario's lar gest Firewood retail. Marc's Quality Firewood, (905)-257-6366___________ a new world at work. A decco CHRISTM AS BILLS G O T YO U DOWN? LE T ADECCO HELP! We have the following contract positions available: Trafalgar Heights Very Large 2-Bedroom Suites in Well Maintained Bldgs LOT PERSON required FULL-TIME. Valid driver's licence required. Must be dependable, conscien tious and willing to learn as we will train the right person. GM ACCESS / DCS OPERATOR required im mediately. This is a 1 year contract position which may be extended. Must be familiar with GM Access and/or Reynolds Software. Forward resume Attention: Bob Paul or Graham Kerr M iTll cars for sale 1989 Cadillac Sedan DeVille Body in excellent condition. Runs well. Call 844-9976 1989 Dodge Shadow. Runs great. Many new parts. Best offer, as is. 634-3564 1994 Olds Cutlass Ciera SL, Silver, pl/pd, air. 150K. certified & E. tested. $6900. (905)332-9760 1997 Oldsmobile Luxury Sports Sedan - 59K - Ul timate driving experience Emission Tested and Certi fied - $16,885.00 - 6Mth. 6.000 Km Limited Powertrain Warranty - Fairview Tire - Days 632-8151 After Hrs. 317-6515 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT 51K - Power Moonroof and loads of options - Emission Tested and Certified $12,985.00 - 6Mth. 6,000 Km Limited Powertrain Warranty - Fairview Tire Days 632-8151 After Hrs. 317-6515 1998 Pontiac Sunfire - 55K - 4 Dr. - Drives like new Emission Tested and Certi fied - $11,985.00 - 6Mth. 6.000 Km Limited Powertrain Warranty - Fairview Tire - Days 632-8151 After Hrs. 317-6515 1997 Chevrolet Malibu 58K - 4 Dr. - Loaded with Options - Emission Tested and Certified - $11,485 · 6Mth. 6,000 Km Limited Powertrain Warranty - Fairview tire - Days 632-8151 after Hrs. 317-6515 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier 60K - 2 Dr. - Standard - ex cellent condition - Emission Tested and Certified $9685.00 - 6Mth. 6,000 Km Limited Powertrain warran ty - Fairview Tire - Days 632-8151 After Hrs. 3176515_____ 1988 Toyota Tercel 87K 2 Dr. Hatchback, automatic, needs body repair, excel lent winter or student vehi cle. Sold as is. $985.00 fairview Tire - Days 6328151 After Hrs. 3176515 Private, landscaped courtyard. Bicycle and jogging paths nearby. Close to schools & pro fessional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 844-2646/845-0987 Park Property Mgmt. LAKESHORE/ Burlington. Spacious one bedroom. Freshly painted. New appliances. New ceramics/ kitchen, bathroom. Feb. 1st. (905)639-4203 OAKVILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 1-bedroom, available January. $760./mo plus partong. (905)844-9006 2-BEDROOM apartment on Marine Drive, Oakville. Available Feb.1st. $1100/ mo. including utilities and 4 appliances. Scott Prior, Re/ Max Blue Springs, 8787777___________________ 2-BEDROOM basement apartment. Central Oak ville. All amenities. Imme diate. $600/month. 3378574____________________ BRONTE -2 bedroom, 6th floor, $980/mo includes heat, hydro, parking, locker Quiet building. Feb. 1st. (905)827-8228___________ LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartments Feb.1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905) 637-3447 205 Queen Mary Drive, Oakville. Near all ameni ties. 2-bedroom & 3-bed rooms ($1,195./mo.+ park ing) available immediately. Utilities included. (905)8449670 ______________ OAKVILLE/ Mississauga. 1 bedroom basement apartment. Seperate en trance. Single parking, stove/ fridge/ washer/ dryer included. Jan.1st. (905)829-2487 BRONTE on the Lake. Large 1-bedroom, hardwood, ceramics, insuite storage. Pool, tennis. One under ground parking. $935/mo. Jan. 1st. Call to view: (905) 827-9169, Sir Richard Tower. www.ontim.com 1-BEDROOM, ground floor, separate entrance. Available immediately. Parking, laundry. Upper Middle/ Guelph area. $650/mo. (905)319-3310 LARGE 3-bedroom, 1-1/2 bath apartment with lake view. Blocks away from downtown Oakville! Pool. Available Feb.lst. $1350./ mo. inclusive. Lots of sen iors! (905)844-1934________ GHENT Ave., Burlington: Spacious, clean apartments: 1-bedroom, Jan.1st; 2bedroom, Feb.lst. Fridge, stove, parking. Newly reno vated. Central, quiet. (905)639-0354 after 5pm CASH M ANAGEM ENT CLERKS Our client, a mutual fund leader, requires Processing Administrators for the Cash Management department. Successful candidates will be responsible for reconciling and processing branch deposits, issuing client cheques, processing electronic bank transactions, cheque desposits, client account transfers, research, communications with other branches, special projects and assignments as required, data entry; candidates must be comfortable making decisions and solving problems. Located in Burlington. All candidates must have good math and communica tion skills. A MINIMUM of one-year mutual fund/banking experi ence is required. Positions are for 2-6 months, paying $12/hr. KERR CADILLAC PONTIAC BUICK INC. 410 South Service Rd. West Oakville, ON L6J 5C1 Fax: (905) 845-4394, Ph: (905) 845-1681 O AKVILLE- 4-Bedroom townhouses available im mediately. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336____________ LARGE 3&4 bedrooms, Feb.lst. From $1129./mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 EXECUTIVE Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 21/2 baths, familyroom, 5 appliances, fireplace, air, garage. Jan. 1st or Feb.lst. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafal gar Property Management, Warren H i, (905)338-1130 MARCH 1st Possession. Bronte near Lake. Execu tive townhome, $1,375/mo. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, fami lyroom, 2 fireplaces, C/A, garage. Call Carman Munro. (905)847-5677 . CARETAKER (Part-time) Conscientious handyman/ woman required approx. 20 hours/week. Flexible times. L.T. Greenwin offers 1&2 Bdrm Suites Avail, from $795. at Prime Burlington Locations: CAR CLEANER (Part-time) Flexible hours will involve Saturdays and weekday evenings. Requires min. 2-yrs clean driving record. A p p ly in person o r fax res u m e to: 511 Guelph Line (at New St.) 637-9725, a n d PURCHASING CLERK Our Burlington client, an industrial distributor, seeks a Purchasing Clerk. Must have previous purchasing experience and possess a good working knowledge of AS400, Word and Excel. If you are a motivated, self-starter, this is the job for you! This is a 6-month contract, paying $15/hr. H a lto n H o n d a 2300 Fairview, Burlington · Fax: (905)681-0098 505 Locust St. (at Brant & Ontario) 333-9008 ONE bedroom ground floor o home. Includes all utilities, central air, central vac, cable, parking, nice yard, North Burlington. $850./mth. Call 336-7292 HELP W ANTED ·M A IL R O O M IN S E R T E R S * -S a fe ty sh oes req u ired - M ARKETING ASSISTANT Our Oakville client, a wine and spirit agency, seeks a Marketing Assistant for a 3-6 month contract position. The successful candi date will provide secretarial and administrative support to the Marketing Department by way of report preparation and distribu tion, database maintenance, travel arrangements. You will also be responsible for merchandising activities such as application sub missions, ordering, trade-show organization. A post-secondary education in the marketing field is required, as well as some sales experience, and an above average knowledge of Word, Excel and Powerpoint. This is a 3-6 month contract. Salary TBD. Tuesday to Saturday Different shifts available A p p lic a tio n s av a ila b le at: ©ABO/OULU © i A V i ® U nit 21 - 427 S p eers R d., O akville 9a m -5 p m M o n-Fri TTTTT LUXURY ` New' 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 appliances, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. $1295-2995/ month. Visa, MasterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington No phone calls please! (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 BURLINGTON. Luxury 3& 4 bedroom townhouses with familyroom and 3 ap pliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. + basement, fenced in backyard, Jan.1/01. $1135. & $1235. + utilities. Parking $40. (905)639-0950 GUELPH Line/ QEW, Bur lington.- 3-bedroom townhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/A, fire place, garage, fenced rear, near GO. $1090/mo.+ utili ties. Jan.1st. Call Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property Management, (905)3381130____________________ $1,300./MO. Executive Freehold, 2 bedroom townhome. 2-1/2 baths, Main floor laundry. F/P. En-suite with whirlpool tub. Large deck. C/A. Available immediately. 639-4317 PARK like setting. 3-bedroom townhouse near Tyandaga Golf Course, Burlington. 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, finished base ment, hardwood floors, fridge, stove. Available Feb.lst. (905)335-3001. BLUEFIELDS, Burlington. 2 Bedroom townhouse, hard wood, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. Feb. 1. $840/mo. (905)336-7207. DATA ENTRY CLERKS Various openings for alpha/numeric data entry clerks. Long and short term contracts available. Pay $11-$13/hr. Students Wanted Delivery Crew In Oakville and Burlington ( condominiums torrent "OAKRIDGE Heights' Brand new 1-bedroom + den. 5 appliances, C/A, balcony. Near QEW & GO Station. No pets, no smok ing. $1200/mo. Available Jan.1st. Call L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347____________ NEW Condo, Walker's/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, 2 baths, lower level, gas fireplace, 5 appliances, gym. No pets. Non-smoker preferred. Furnished or un furnished. Rent negotiable. Jan. 1st. (416)568-3202 RECEPTIONISTS We currently have openings in Oakville and Burlington. Long and short term contracts available. Pay $10/$13/hr. Please apply only to Adecco-Oakville: Phone (905) 842-5173 Fax (905) 842-6468 email: charla.temeriski ® adecco.com karen.bell@adecco.com ·Wed & Fri-after school ·Saturday-after 9am-4pm Apply in person to either: Sandy Coles, Oakville Beaver Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville or Lauri Simpson Burlington Post 4057 Fairview St., Burlington (East Entrance- Glegg Class Building) W* 1 I I I trucks for sale 1999 Ford Ranger, XLT, Supercab, Sport, 4L, 4x2, loaded. 62K. $18,400. 319-2174 1988 Toyota pick-up, 200K, 4x4, automatic, box liner, tool box, good condition. $4700 obo. ^19-1821 1991 Jimmy ps, pb, pi, pw, air, good condition. No rust. 2-dr, $4000. obo. 6 39 - Burlington Post requires Penthouse Overlooking Oakville Marina Sport Chek is Scouting for Talent!! Sport Chek in Oakville Town Centre is currently looking for sports enthusiasts for the following Full Time positions: "Platinum Quality Residence" ·Over 1500 sq.ft. · Large eat-in kitchen with window · 5 appliances · 2 full baths · Brand new wall- towall broadloom · Central Air · 3-Bedrooms A D U LTS , BOYS & GIRLS CARRIERS W A N TE D W ednesday, Friday, Saturday Door to Door Delivery Walker's Line N orthside Rd M aplewood Bellview St H eadon Forest Cleaver Ave. Greenway Jarvis Cres Centenial Dr H urd Ave Brant St Sovereign Rd. S p rin g v a le C rt New Port Dr Centennial Dr Addison St SHOP TECHNICIAN CASHIER SALES ASSOCIATES The successful candidates would ideally have previous retail experi ence, enjoy working with the public, and have knowledge of equip ment repair and care or previous cash experience. To join our team, please forward your resume and/or application to the Store Manager. Ian Garry Sport Chek Oakville Town Centre Fax (905) 338-7034 No phone calls please, only those applicants considered will be contacted for an interview. " Chek" us out at www.forzanigroup.com 1995 Dodge Caravan 177 K - 7 Passenger Emission Tested and Certi fied - $5985.00 Fairview Tire - Days 632-8151 After Hrs. 317-6515 k tir ic N ir BEAUTIFUL, 1-Bedrooms, $900/mo. & 2-Bedrooms, $1100/mo. Some with lake views! Prestigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. Utilities included. (905)637-6701 2-BEDROOMS: $790./ mo. (U tilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm, Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom apartment main floor tri plex. All amenities, laun dry, parking, Immediate. $925./mo+ electricity. (905)845-9088 TWO Bedroom apartments available Jan/Feb. from $795/mo. +parking. Con veniently located Wood ward/ Guelph Line, Burling ton. (905)632-4265 LUXURY 1200sq.ft. base ment apartment. Oakville Place area. Immediate. Parking, laundry, cable. $925/mo. inclusive. Refer ences. 849-4152 (905)845-4751 AdLibs Advantages of Condo Living 1-BDRM & 2-BDRM SUITES w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! January & February » 4 1 6 -3 9 0 - 6 2 7 9 = IMMACULATE, almost new condo. 1-bedroom + den. Vaulted ceilings, c/a, Walkers/Upper Middle. $950/month plus utilites (averaging $70.month. In cludes cable. Feb. 1. 3318564____________________ "STONEBOAT Quay' Su per Bronte. Harbour area, 1bedroom 5 appliances, C/A, balcony. No pets or smok ing. $1000/mo. F e b .lst. Call L.Davies R.E., (905) 333-4347 OLDE O akville co m fo rt able , furnished room, sep arate entrance, shared bath and kitchen, air, walkin closet, parking, $106. w eekly. Ladies only. (905)338-7492.___________ 6TH Line/ Upper Middleroom for rent. (nonsmoker) parking. Referenc es. Available January, call 905-257-8178 S/W Oakville, Suite in ex ecutive home. Separate bath, Laundry facilities, kitchen privileges, parking. $475/mth. 825-8998 APPLEBY/ New St. Near GO station on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $395/mo. Non-smoker. (905)637-7485. Call Circulation D ept. 905-632-0588 TECHNICAL WRITER On-site computer service company seeks individual to document internet processes and publish manuals. Posi tion requires previous writing experience in the technology sector. Please e-mail resume & salary expectations to: resume@cancable.com O a k v ille B e a v e r C A R R IE R S W A N T E D ! O A K V IL L E B E A V E R C irc u la tio n D e p a rtm e n t Look fo r YOUR Street o r A rea! P/T Driver/ Delivery Person 1 5 -2 0 h o u rs p e r w e e k . T o d e liv e r in d iv id u a l p a p e rs to c u s to m e rs , c a rrie rs & p ic k -u p s a s re q u ire d . M u s t be re lia b le w ith o w n v e h ic le a n d v a lid d riv e rs lic e n s e . Please fax resume and a v a ila b ility schedule I help wanted I shared accommodation N N ft KIDS/ Teens & Petites F/M all ages for Winter/ Spring work in fashion/ hair shows, movies, catalog work. $2090/hr (905) 336-5455. SHARED accommodation. Suite working, non-smoking female. $400/mo. inclusive. No pets. Headon Forest. 331-2093 Lisa M eech am , A s s is ta n t C irc u la tio n M an a g e r to 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 5 5 7 N o te le p h o n e c a lls p le a s e ! Regency Ct Rayne Ave. Sewell Dr. Parklane Rd. Redbank Cr. Foresthill Falgarwood White Oaks Blvd. Litchfield Rd. Gainsborough Livingston Rd. Hart Cr. Lakeview Dr. Longdale Edwards Ct. Grand Blvd. Summerhill Cr. Glenashton Bayshire Dr. Granby Dr. Jeff Dr Laurelwood Dr. Pondview PI. Fonthill Grand Ravine Dr. Wynten Way Call Alex (9 0 5)8 45-9 74 2 Ext. 261

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