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Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2000, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday December 6, 2000 Sales Opportunities Available AT TORONTO'S FOREMOST BRIDAL EVENT ^uuis/uiJQ&k/a/ )Jn > w February 23 to 25, National Trade Centre Businesses marketing products and services to Brides and Grooms-To-Be can't afford to miss Toronto's foremost wedding planning event! Benefit from a media campaign second to none! Over $250,000 in promotional media will ensure quality and quantity of attendees to satisfy every exhibitor. To benefit from this valuable sales opportunity, contact Show Producer Marti Milks at (905) 815-0017 ext. 426 or 1-800-265-3673. Visit us at www.premierconsumershows.com S ticks to Ice n * £ > · ' · »A t | DM-Z2 Light Truck MZ-01 H igh Perform ance WS-50 Passenger Tire Early Childhood Educators and the children of the YMCA Child Care Centre of Pilgrim Wood get set to cut a cake for their 10th Anniversary party at Pilgrim Wood School. Don't le t th is op p o rtu n ity slip aw ay. T liat's right. A tire tlia t actually sticks to ice. Developed by Bridgestone, it's called Blizzak and it's made to perform like no other w in ter tire XYMCA Child Care celebrates 10years A By Sh elly S a n d ers G re e r __ SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Pilgrim Wood YMCA Childcare Centre celebrated its 10 year Anniversary with a magic show, symbolizing the almost magical spirit that has guided this centre through a decade of success and growth. "We never anticipated 10 years ago how much we would grow," says Teresa Rinaldi, cur rently the children's co-ordinator for the YMCA but hired 10 years ago as one of the first teachers at this Centre. "The quality of our staff sets this Centre apart from other cen tres. We put so much back into our programs and the equip ment, we address current issues, train staff and have a strong pro gram curriculum in a YMCA Right now, you can buy a winter tire that actuaiiy sticks to ice. Blizzak tires are engineered w ith a umcjne MULTICELL rubber com pound that has thousands of tiny pores to absorb and remove the thin layer of water that makes ice so slippery. W hich means it gives you steering control and hraking capabilities beyond anything you have ever experienced in w in ter driving Don't let this op portunity slip by Before you get yourself onto thin ice. get your car onto a set of Blizzak w inter tires from Bridgestone ItlllU U E S T U IIE A d v a n c e d T e c h n o lo g y T ir e s MOORE'S TIRE CENTRE 2 80 S p e e rs R d., O a kv ille 8 4 2 - 2 2 0 1 Between Kerr S t & Dorval Hours: Mon.-Fri. B-e, S a t 8 -4 Accredited Test & Repair Facility atmosphere." Right from the start this cen tre was full and continues to be so, with a one to two-year wait for school-age children, and a six-month to a year wait for pre school kids. There was a need for quality childcare 10 years ago, and there is still a growing need. In fact, Rinaldi says the biggest challenge facing the Centre is trying to meet the demands of the community with quality care. `It's frustrating because we can't meet the needs-- there are only so many spaces. We get many calls a day from people wanting their children to get in. Hopefully, there will be an expansion in the future, but there is no guarantee." Tammy Smith, who was the Centre director in 1990 when it opened, remembers what appealed to families -- it was new, attached to a school, there was fresh paint, new toys, and staff worked with families to make sure needs were met. "We thought outside the box," says Smith. "Anything could go." The second year this centre became fully integrated, taking children with special needs, which continues today. "One little girl couldn't walk, but after some time was able to walk," Smith explains. "I still have contact with one family that has since moved to Germany. The mother used to come in and cook with us. Her little girl spoke no English but by the end of her stay, she could speak." (See 'YMCA . . page B5) SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2000, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Personal sh o p p in g only. Some ite m s m ay have been on sale d u rin g th e p a st week. S avings ca n n o t be com bined w ith any oth er sa vin g s offers. E n d s S u n d a Late-breaking savings! These great specials are too good to miss! 1/2 save 25% W O M EN'S REG.-PRICED SEPARATES C h o ose fro m p a n ts , s k ir ts , b la z e rs , b lo u s e s , k n it to p s a n d m ore in V .I.P e tite s . Jessica ® P e tite s . Im ag e ® 1 6 + a n d J e s s ic a P iu s s ty le s . price WOMEN'S NEVADA® SPORTY 2-IN-1 SUEDE GLOVES S e a rs re g . 2 4 .9 9 . P a ir MEN'S ARROW® SPORTSHIRTS S e a rs re g . 4 9 .9 9 . E ach save 40 % 29.99 12.49 save 30% WOMEN'S REG.-PRICED FALL AND HOLIDAY FASHIONS AND ALL GIRLS' REG.PRICED HOLIDAY DRESSES AND DRESSY SETS Hot deals on Sno-Fleece® fashions and accessories for the whole family Save 30% . Men's reg.-priced Nevada Sno-Fleece save 30% ALL BOYS' & GIRLS' FALL & WINTER OUTERWEAR INCLUDING ALREADY-REDUCED FASHIONS tops, pants & winter-weight accessories. Save 30%. All boys' & girls' reg.-priced Choose from our entire assortment including kids' jackets, parkas, snowsuits and outerwear accessories. Sizes infants to 18. Whiie quantities last Women's fashions include Tan Jay®, Alia® and Alia SportTM styles. Girls' fashions in sizes 2-16. Sno-Fleece vests, sizes 2-18. Save 1/3. All women's reg.-priced Jessica Sport® Sno-Fleece tops. NP1222600 Visit Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9:00 pm. Sat. 7:00 am-11:00 pm. Sun.10 am-7 pm. Copyright 2000. Sears Canada Inc.

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