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Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2000, B2

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B2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday December 6, 2000 On The poti Shown in front of McLaren Lodge in Golden, BC, home base for the Pathfinders' trip in Western Canada, are, kneeling at front from left, Julie Goodsir; Ilona Morch, and Ann Trueman; and at back from left, Jean Ricketts, Peter and Netta Duynstee; Don Goodsir, Beryl Jones, Kate Reed, Alan Trueman, Howard Wills, Arthur and Mava Holland, and Gordon Jones. Residential & commercial carpet & upholstery cleaning In-plant cleaning of all oriental & fine area rugs Water damage restoration. Free estimates Save with our 25% drop-off discount Seniors hiked 100 kilometres (Continued from page B1) Bock Your H o lid a y g MOW! 2 4 0 0 W yecroft Rd., Unit 12, O akville (Just East off Hwy. #25) 825-4256 "It was high-altitude hiking for m ost o f us," said D uynstee, adding excursions w ere o rg an ized fo r the n o n -h ik ers on trip . P articipants ranged in ages from th eir mid60s to m id-70s. Som e o f the outings w ere a c o m b in atio n o f sig h t-se e in g w alks and hikes. D uynstee estim ates the group hiked at least 100 kilom etres. "We hiked . . . u p h ill," said D uynstee, "and w ere forced back from abandoned trails dam aged by storm s that h ad n 't been cleared. We also found ourselves on trails that were too steep and dangerous, and turned back." T heir first day o f hiking consisted o f a tw o -h o u r clim b along the G orm an Lake T rail; the second day included a stroll along the G reat C edars B oardw alk beside a stand o f 800-year-old W estern Red C edars near C anyon H ot Springs; the third day was spent h ik in g aro u n d E m erald L ake n ear Yoho N ational Park on th eir way to Yoho to see M ount G oodsir. W hat they d id n 't expect to see was a sm all boat also called G oodsir. (Later, a few participants took a C esna 185 flight circling M ount G oodsir.) They trekked up Balu Pass Trail. "The tra il h eads up q u ite sharply to start, then lev els o ff a bit but thereafter it clim bs steadily," w rote H ow ard W ills. I t's total length is 5.6 kilom etres. The elevation goes from 1,325 m etres to 2,116 m etres . . . it took us three hours to reach the top. Views w ere m ag n ifi cen t." "It w as the toughest hike o f the w hole trip ," said D uynstee. E qually challenging was a 1 3 -k ilo m etre up h ill h ik e to Lake O 'H ara, starting at 1,590 m etres. " A t 1,765 m etres we stopped . . . this w as not our first stop - we took rests every 20 m inutes as the clim b was stren u o u s," w rote M ava H olland. Lunch was eaten at 1,954 m etres elevation, w ith 5.3 k ilo m etres left to go. A left turn took the group dow n a hill, across a valley, across a riv er and up the o ther side to a gravel path w hich w idened into a gravel road leading to a cam pground and Lake O 'H ara, a protected area w here the num ber o f v isitors is lim ited. The group had clim bed 443 m etres that day. B efore the trip ended, the group hungered for one m ore ch allenge, the M um m ery Trail. T h is 6 -k ilo m e tre tra il w as d e sc rib e d as "dem anding, as its rise is over 350 m etres," w rite the D uynstees. "L abouring up, the trail finally becom e too steep to go on, traversing the loose stone bed we carefully w ork our way back to m ore level terrain ." D uynstee rem em bers this hike as being an "ex cep tio n ally tough and in terestin g tra il." The last day w as a w hite w ater raftin g ad v enture on the K icking H orse R iver. A ll o f the p articip an ts ch erish th e ir co m m em orative book o f the trip - w ith co m p u t e r scan n ed co lo u r p h o to g rap h s - assem bled on co m p u ter by A lan and Ann T ruem an (w ho are also m em bers o f the C olborne C o m p u ter C lub). A ll o f the p articip an ts c o n trib u te d p h o to g ra p h s and d a ily trip rep o rts. The seniors group stays in shape by h ik ing alm o st y ear-ro u n d , lo cally and along the B ruce T rail. The group, c o -o rd in ated by B arbara L aird, c o n sists o f about 90 m em bers. Up to h a lf o f them show up fo r the g ro u p 's tw ice-w eek ly hikes. On M ondays the group hikes a section of the B ruce T rail, and on T hu rsd ay s it's a trek along O a k v ille 's H eritag e T rail. " But, then there are special hikes for som e o f us on T uesday and W ednesday," said D uynstee. "O ne group is doing an endto -en d on the B ruce T rail, and a n o th er group is doing the W aterfront T rail, on bike and on fo o t." F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call B arbara L aird at 827-2259 or P eter D uynstee at 847-2083. shopping is good Choose fro m a la rg e selection o f B. C. Cedar, Balsam, Pine, Hemlock, Fir, B oxw ood, D o g w o o d & E ucalyptus. ,h '^ a y OAKVILLE Fur Sale 3 0 % to S a v e 6 0 % O F F R E G U L A R P R IC E S on a huge selection of this season's most fashionable furs, shearlings, leathers including Grosvenor, Alfred Sung, Vericci, Fantazia, Halston, Blackglama & many more. 4 DAYS ONLY T H U R S . D E C . 7 T O S U N . DEC 1 0 to Choose rr». All sizes. Starting b e rn Sun Shades (since) 1980 BUNDS · DRAPES · SHUTTERS · UPHOLSTERY N atural wreaths garland,boughs & swags. , HunteiDougtas W I N D O W A S H I O N S AGRAM GARDEN CENTRE located on the comer of Highway #5 and 9 th Line - Entrance off 9 th Line. <?A G R A M £ G a r d e n C e n tre Opeh S-ah, Hon £ fues 8 *hi-5 pto, We<f-Fri 8 alu- 8 tota. Sal 8 aMC o n ven ien tly lo c a te d o f f 9 t h Line! (9 0 5 )2 5 7 -3 5 7 7 Plus Manufacturer's Rebate in effect. No payments tor six SVXm OAKVILLE · 1290 SPEERS RD.f UNIT 8 · ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 - 1 3 4 1 (B e tw e e n 3 r d And 4 th Line) O N E S T O P C H R IS T M A S S H O P P E _____________________ www.sunshades.on.ca OTHER LOCATIONS: MARKHAM, ALLISTON, RICHMOND HILL, AURORA, COLLINGWOOD, TORONTO

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