A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday November 22, 2000 PREGNANT & NEED HELP? F re e C o n fid e n tia l S e rv ic e O a k v i l l e SAVE TIME A N D EFFORT To enjoy convenient home delivery of The Oakville Beaver 3 times a week X Susan Kober, 84, first local female MD / Dr. Susan Kober, Oakville's first woman doctor, died last Wednesday at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. She was 84. She was bom in Toronto on April 12, 1916, and was orphaned at age 12 when her parents were killed in a car-train accident, according to her daughter Anne Weir. She was the fourth eldest of six children "who were spread out - they didn't go to one family." In 1941, she graduated from the University of Toronto's Medical School. "It was remarkable that she made it to medical school," said her daughter, "and at that time for a woman." Upon graduation, she came to Oakville as Commanding Officer of the Ortona Barracks (now Oaklands Regional Centre), which was an army convalescent hospital during World War n. While there, she met and married Ted Kober in 1943. After completing a one-year internship at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Dr. Kober returned to Oakville, opening her practice at the Wilson Street home she and her husband purchased. "Her very first patient, on her opening day, was (the late) Pamela Caine Stokes," said her daughter. During her 40 years as a genersomething she had always wanted to do, and was turned down by other organizations because of her age. However, the Presbyterians accepted her offer. She was the first doctor at this 63-bed hospital in five years, and its first Canadian doctor. It served 5,000 people liv ing in villages surrounding Livingstonia, a mission site. She lived in a house provided by the church, and had a staff of three houseboy, cook and gardener. Returning from Africa, she con tinued to practice, "doing physicals for insurance companies," said her daughter. "She worked until three months before her death at age 84." It is believed she died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, and "that she contracted this disease, which can incubate in the human body for several years, while in Africa. At the hospital in Malawi, there was no running water, no electricity, no robber gloves and no sterilization equipment." A celebration of her life was held Tuesday at St. Jude's Anglican Church, following internment at St. Jude's Memorial Garden. She was predeceased by her husband Ted Kober in 1983. Dr. Kober is survived by her two daughters, Anne Weir, of Oakville, and Perry Mouncey, of Syracuse, N.Y., and five grandchil dren. 8 2 5 -1 2 1 6 M i l t o n M o n d a y - T hursday 7 7 a .m . - 5 p .m . Friday 7 7 a .m . - 2 p .m . H o tlin e : 2 4 H o u r S e r v ic e 1 -8 0 0 -5 5 0 -4 9 0 0 Call 845-9742 for one of our specials m a l l 8 ID T U D IP U T In I nnU jn I S U IT E 2 0 4 h o p e d a l e T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r O A K V IL L E _________ mm. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Town of Oakville Zoning By-law Review - Industrial Zoning Component - 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 ____ The Town of Oakville is currently undertaking a detailed comprehensive review of the Town's Zoning By-law No. 1984-63. The `industrial component' of this Review is now near completion, and has resulted in the preparation of draft amendments to both the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The draft amendments will effect changes to all industrial lands within the municipality, including all industrial lands within the Burloak, QEW West, QEW East, Winston Park, and Winston Park West Industrial Districts, lands within the Mid-Town Core Employment District, and a very limited number of other industrial properties not located within a defined industrial or employment district. The draft amendments propose to add certain use permissions to virtually all industrial properties within the municipality, however, in many cases, certain existing use permissions will be limited or restricted, or removed altogether. With few exceptions, all industrial properties within the municipality will also be subject to either minor or major revisions to regulatory standards affecting development on individual properties. To date, major issues that have been identified through the industrial zoning review, and which will be affected by the draft amendments, include office use and retail use permissions, general industrial operations and outside storage and operations, waste processing and transfer facilities, increased regulatory standards along the major highway corridors, and the removal of site specific special provision by-law requirements. Please be advised that three public meetings will be held to discuss the proposed draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law A m endm ent The first two meetings will be open house/information meeting sessions hosted by the Planning Services Department to provide opportunity for public review and input into the draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments. The first open house/information meeting session will be held on Tuesday, November 28,2000 commencing with an open house session from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and followed by an information meeting commencing at 7:00 p.m. The open house session will be held in the Bronte Room, and the information meeting held in the Trafalgar Room, both located at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second open house/information meeting session will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2000 commencing with an open house session from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and followed by an information meeting commencing a t 7:00 p.m. Both the open house and information meeting will be held in the Oakville Room, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The proposed draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are currently available to the public in the Planning Services Department, Town Hall, and will also be available at the open house/information meeting sessions. The third meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council a t which time a Staff Report and recommendation on the d raft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment will be considered. This meeting will take place on January 29, 2001 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. A copy of the Staff Report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as of January 22,2001, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment or official plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved or the official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, E xt 3040, email address: bbellows@town.oakville.on.ca. Any other questions or concerns may also be addressed to the above mentioned location. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 22nd day of November 2000. Bruce Bellows, Planner, Long Range Planning Section, Planning Services Department '1 Dr. S u sa n K o b e r al practitioner. Dr. Kober was a "very active member" of St. Jude's Anglican Church. "For her, church always came first," her daughter continued. She also got involved with the Oakville Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society as its medical advi sor, promoting breast self-examina tion and smoking cessation; volun teered for Meals on Wheels, and was a home visitor for the Halton VON - Victorian Order of Nurses. At age 71, Dr. Kober ventured off as a volunteer to a small remote mission hospital in Malawi on a two-year contract, from the sum mer of 1987 to 1989, with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. Third World work is D ebate b ro u g h t o u t G reen P a rty issu es (Continued from page A1) Byers, a chartered accountant, told the audi ence that the C onservatives will cut taxes, stabi lize funding for the health care system and pay o ff the national debt in 25 years. Lam bert, a local bus driver w ho has run for the N D P in tw o previous federal elections and one provincial election, said his party w ants to rein vest the federal surplus in health and education and introduce a national prescription drug pro gram . He argued that tax cuts will force young peo ple into higher tuition for post-secondary educa tion and seniors into higher drug costs. " A s a N D P candidate, I look at people's needs first and corporate greed quite last," he said. de Belle, w ho focused on environm ental issues throughout the m eeting, argued that all the talk o f im proving the health care system will be m ean ingless if the environm ental dam age continues to im pact on the health o f C anadians. " If you d o n 't clean up our air, our land and our water, then y o u 're w asting your tim e," he said. He added that O ak v ille's air quality is among the w orst in C anada and blamed local industry and the traffic gridlock surrounding the town. He suggested the federal governm ent must take the initiative in introducing new technologies and investing in m ass transit to help reduce pollu tion. T he m eeting, organized by O akville Cham ber o f C om m erce, will be aired on C ogeco 23 today (W ednesday) at 7 p.m. and tom orrow (Thursday) at 9:30 p.m. Pr oje ct c o m p lem en ts o f fi ce rs (Continued from page A1) Crow ell, who m aintains nonetheless that patrol constables will never be replaced. "The red light cam eras will only com plem ent our enforcem ent." In addition to Halton, the pilot project involves Peel and W aterloo Regions, H amilton-W entworth, O ttawa-Carlton and the City o f Toronto. Trained officers review every picture to verify vehicle information and to ensure the vehicle pho tographed is in violation. Tickets are m ailed to registered license plate holders, regardless o f who was driving, only in cases o f clear violations. The fine for running a red light under the new system is $190. "I like to think o f this as the drivers' K odak m om ent," said S avoline, w ho encourages motorists to stop, be patient and w ait a m inute or so for the light to change. "This is really about making people safe." On behalf o f the staff o f the Town o f O akville 1 would like to thanks all our sponsors, suppliers and the media that contributed to the success o f our United Way, payday BBQs. Your generosity and contributions are great examples o f helping others. M any -- _____ G IF T S A A SN A P MINOLTA AF 50 Q DKIT IN CLUD ES: CASE A N DB A TTER Y A ll a u to m a tic : focus, flash, re lo a d -re w in d , red-eye red uction. A lso q u a rtz d a te a n d film d d o r lock. T hanks, B o Angevaare, Employee Campaign Coordinator, Town o f Oakville Special Thanks To: AJ . Stone Acme Auto Parts Action Collision Aik* Fazooli's Alternatives Natural American B&B Baker Bartlett- Provincial Ba Belsito^>nstnjctk>n Berkshire Blockbuster Blue Leaf Limited Bronte Creek Provincial Park Buffet Taylor and Associates Canadian Golf Hall of Fame C ar Parts Company Carneii Management Corp. C arrier Heating & Air Conditio Century Grove Homes Chaps Restaurant Concepts Galleries - Bronte Conservation Halton Darch Fire David's Meats Deloitte & Touche Dietrich's Meat Wai East Side M ario's Fernbrook Homes (North First Choice Kitchen Focus Creative Concepts Inc. Frank Cowan Company Frank's Food Basics - Oakville Genesis (Glen Abbey) Building Corporation Gens tar Development Company Gino's Pizza - Cross Avenue Glen O rchard Homes G reenpark Homes Halton Region Museum H arper Hawkworth Developments Inc. Holiday Inn Express Hotel IGA - Oakville Place Kaneff Group Ken Janisse & O.P.F.F.A. Lansing Buitdail Light Solar Wind Mfg. Loblaws - Lakeshore Road W. Loblaws - Trafalgar Road laple Engineering and Construction Canada ttam j Homes Limited McDonald's McTavish Travel Melrose Annex Limited Moneysworth & Best Shore Repair Nat) BONUS! 5 YEAR warranty £ 8 9 ia LConica z-uphsod W /BONUS R EM O TE C O N TR O L 3 X 3 8 -1 1 8 a u to focus zo o m w ith m acro and infrared focusing. Includes case, b a tte ry and Free rem o te control. Ontario Fire Truck Orion Bus Lines Outback Stealth ouse Pactiv Corporation Paradiso Restaurant PenEquity Management Philthy McNpgiy's PremierJH&ess Club P ro v ira u Partitions Inc. R. B |§$iey Inn & Convention Centre Bank $ 229 99 ...J«t /v y u O ' . MtfMOWr Sea Sieni Sleeman I Sobey's - Bronte Village Sobey's - Glen Abbey Sobey's - Maple grove Springridge Farms Stafford Haensli Architects Sundial Homes Sunlife TDL Group Tenneco Packaging The Abbey Grill The Keg Tim H orton's Traction U ltraM art Wal-Mart - Oakville Weber Architectural Products Inc. And tbe Oakville Beaver, for donating this ad space _______ J S jS f« U s "W ardmilk f o rA m N ik o n F60 SLR KIT W ITH 28-80 ZO O MLEN S A u to focus w ith 1 0 e xposure m odes a n d m acro capabilities. Includes strap, b a tte rie s a n d film . 2 y e a r C a n a d ia n w a rra n ty . Featured products, prices and offers in effect until December 31/2000 unless otherwise stated or while quantities last. Get warranty details in store. *To redeem AirMiles Reward Miles, call 1-888-Air Miles or visit www.airmiles.ca. Certificates are valid for 6 months from date of issue. Offer not valid on traditional-film-based cameras or digital imaging products and accessories. Change on redeemed coupons may not exceed S2 per certificate. Limit of 5 reward certificates per transaction. « $ 0.00 « 8 S 99 599 Japan Cam era |f| Give us your memories. W e'll make you Smile. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6