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Oakville Beaver, 22 Nov 2000, Sports, D3

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Wednesday, November 22, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D3 Junior Raiders still rule w ithout two sta r players T he A q u inas ju n io r R a id e rs' 32-25 H alton ch am p i onship w in is indicative o f the strength o f their basketball program , these days. It w as accom plished, after all, w ithout tw o key G rade N ine p lay ers -- K ara L ang and K aren Z m irak -- w ho m oved rig h t up to senior. T he ju n io rs w ere u n defeated in H alton this year, and boasted a 23-5 o ver all record w ith losses to St. Jo h n 's in B rantford, St. A n n e's in T ecum seh, St. P a t's in Sarnia, St. M ary's in H am ilton and A ssum ption in B rantford. It w as in an exhibition gam e again st N elson earlier this year that the A quinas brain tru st decided that the tw o G rade N ine phenom s w ould go directly to senior w ithout Passing G o, so to speak. "A fter that gam e it becam e apparent that those tw o d id n 't b elo ng in ju n io r," said the ju n io r coach, Vic Juzenas. `T h e y w ere w ith us at the beginning o f the year so after that exhibition gam e w e b asically ju s t said th e y 're not g oing to get any better, and, too, I d o n 't think our play ers w ould have got b etter because they w ould have stood around and w atched them play all the tim e." T he ploy m ust have w orked because they certainly d id n't stand aro und in the H alton cham p io n sh ip final against N elson -- they c o u ld n 't afford to. A quinas led the entire gam e -- save for the back and forth first q u arter in w hich A quinas em erged w ith a 9-8 lead -- b u t never by a com fortable m argin. A quinas held a 15-12 m argin at the h alf and by the third q u arter looked like they m ight finally be pulling aw ay w ith th eir b ig g e st lead o f the gam e at nine points (25-16) o nly to have N elson claw their w ay back to 27-25 with less than tw o m inutes rem aining. T he A quinas offence, w h ich w as in stall fo r m uch o f the fourth quarter, then m an ag ed to nail the coffin shut w ith an unansw ered five-point run. T h e fo u rth q u arter lull, aside, coach Juzenas thought the team "show ed pretty good patience offensively today." B ut he th o u g h t the d efen ce w on the day. "T he last tw o p la y o ff gam es I thought w e struggled a bit but today I thought w e did a real good jo b on defence, especially o u r p o st d efen ce." L eading scorers w ere A ndrea Sergautis (9), Cheryl Silva (8) and D anielle W alker (8). JUNIOR TEAM: Erika Taugher, Krista Sestokas, Sarah Dillon, Jacqueline Quinn, Lyndsey DeSouza, Andrea Sergautis, Cheryl Silva, Jamie Lynn Hill, Victoria Jelcic, Nina Mueller, Danielle Walker, Katie McKenna and Ashley Menard. COACHES: Vic Juzenas and Peter Szpakowski. High school football round-up S E N IO R TIER ONE METRO BOWL N otre D am e o f B urlington won the tier one senior Halton cham pionship 21-0 over cross-tow n rival N elson. They then defeated U pper C anada 38-7 in last w eekend's M etro Bow l quarterfinal. They play a sem ifinal gam e this Saturday at York University. edged that H alton tier one cham pion N otre D am e is the "class o f our league" but said it was part o f the reason w hy his team decided to play tier one "so w e could play team s like N otre D am e and get our program better." TIER TWO Burlington C entral w on the tier tw o senior H alton football cham pionship 20-17 over Q .E . P ark (as rep o rted in la st F rid a y 's O akville Beaver). J U N IO R TIER ONE CONSOLATION T he tier one senior consolation football final at Ivor W ynne last T hursday proved to be a spirited defensive struggle w hich, unfor tunately, did not go L oyola's way. T he only points B ishop Reding would need in a 7-0 win over L oyola was a fouryard rush by M ike L ong w ith 7:54 rem aining in the first half. B ishop R eding quarterback Jodie St. John sealed the win on a third-and-eight w ith 1:32 rem aining in the gam e w hen he scram bled for the first-dow n him self. It allow ed Bishop Reding to eat up both valuable tim e and yardage. L oyola did get the ball back, but there were ju st 29 seconds left and three Hail M arys co uldn't produce a m iracle. W hile the top four tier one team s w ent into the M etro Bowl playdow ns, the rem aining four team s fought it out for the Ivor W ynne cham pionship. B ishop Reding coach Joe Juruc acknow l TIER ONE N elson w on the tier one ju n io r Halton fo o tb all ch am p io n sh ip 20-3 o v er N otre D am e. It was the fourth tim e in the past five years these tw o team s have m et in the Halton ju n io r final and the first tim e N elson has won. TIER TWO T he B urlington C entral T rojans m ade a pass at the Halton tier tw o ju n io r football finals, and the flirtation proved to be success ful. C entral put the ball in the air only once -- on a less than successful RB pass to the Q B -- on its w ay to a 13-10 com e-from -behind win over St. T hom as A quinas Raiders. T he ground attack in the cold, w indy Ivor W ynne Stadium w as all the T rojans needed to finally beat A quinas and take hom e the h ard ware. T he trojans attem pted to run out the clock but A quinas d id n 't quit, m oving into field goal range late in the fourth quarter. T he R aiders attem pted a 25-yard field goal on the last play o f the gam e, b ut it was blocked by T ro jan s' defensive tackle B rett Verhoeven. T h e loose ball w as picked up by an A quinas player w ho reached the eightyard line before being stopped, ending the gam e. T he end o f the first h a lf w as also exciting -- and key for C entral. D ow n 10-0, they g ot on the board on a clutch 15-yard touchdow n dash w ith tim e expired, m aking it a m uch m ore palatable 106 deficit going into the break. T he T rojans co ntrolled the ball fo r the entire third quarter, preventing A quinas from using the w ind, and ev en tu ally scored on an eight-yard touchdow n run, subsequently co n verted, for the final 13-10 m argin. C entral alm ost put the gam e o ut o f reach but Trojan quarterback A ndrew E ccles had a 45-yard run called back fo r holding. T he R aiders had taken the g am e's opening k ickoff the length o f the field for a touch dow n and added a field goal. A quinas QB D ante L uciani w as effectiv e keep in g the T rojans o ff balance. - with files from TorStar Network BIGori Aquinas senior Raiders (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e D1) on the line. F o r N o tre D am e coach C hris D ooley, w hose team w as also u n d efeated this season going into the H alton ch am p i on sh ip (th ey play in the R ichardson D ivision w hile A quinas plays in the V olpe D ivision), to d a y 's gam e against St. M a ry 's is like going from the frying pan to the fire. "St. M a ry 's has the depth but A quinas m ight have a bit m ore size," said D ooley. " B ut it's not th at big a ju m p from A quinas to St. M a ry 's. T h e y 're both am ong the top five team s in the p ro v in ce ." N atalie S lom ka, w ho scored 15 points to lead N otre D am e an d is th e o n ly grad u atin g starter on the young B urlington team , w as also im pressed: " It's aw esom e to finally play them . (A q u in as') in te n si ty is p h en o m en al, rig h t from the start o f the gam e and they n ev er let up." C o ach D o o ley also noted the tw o G rade N ine players in the A q u in as line-up. "T h a t's very, very im pressiv e," said D ooley o f K ara L ang an d K aren Z m irak. "E sp ecially K ara -- w hat a future she has." - with files from Kevin NageUBurlington Post Cable's flat out faster. Get COGECO@Home high speed Internet over cable. Tired of time slipping away while you wait for your dial-up service to download? Then get on board with COGECO@Home, the Internet on cable. Hold on because it's fast, downloading at a rate up to 1 0 0 tim e s fa s te r than a 28.8 dial-up modem. High speed dial-up gets blown away too. With all that speed you'll be able to download video and music clips in a blur. You'll whip from site to site. And because it's cable, you can chill out with all the exclusive cool content from Excite, including a personalizable, customizable start page. 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