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Oakville Beaver, 8 Jun 2017, p. 57

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57 | Thursday, June 8, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Drivers To book your career opportunity call 905.632.4440 General Help ' General Help ' General Help ^ General Help General Help 1 ] Drivers Drivers Drivers General Help ^ Gordon F O O D SER VIC E " E v e ry w e e k , y o u 're m a k in g m o n e y h e re . S o y o u 're a lw a y s h a p p y h e re ." GFS W arehouse O rd e r S e le cto r LOOKING FOR POTENTIAL SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS R o u te s A v a ila b le : B u r lin g to n , O a k v ille B ra m p to n & M is s is s a u g a AZ Drivers $31+/h r after first year, $ 3 ,0 0 0 signing bonus available! PT School Bus Routes: -Free professional tra in in g -E m ployee in cen tive p rogram -W ell m a in ta in e d fle e t -F rie n d ly s ta ff Order Selectors $ 2 4 .6 5 + /h r average rate after first year G ordon Food Service provides the highest q u a lity foodservice p ro d u cts and services. Our M ilton, O ntario ope ra tion just keeps grow ing, and we just need you! Join a team th a t is fun, supportive, and alive w ith energy and send yo u r resume today! 2 9 9 9 James Snow Parkway Milton, ON L9T 5G 4 Email: careers.ontario@gfs.com Fax: 9 0 5 -8 6 4 -3 8 4 2 Extra work available: Charter Work; Motor Coach Driving; Shuttle Driving Fbrbes 2017 CANADA'S BEST TO APPLY NOW Call Attridge 905-333-4047 or 1-888-749-1515 Or Email: BPowell@attridge.com GREAT PART-TIME JOB AM & PM Runs Available Have the Rest of Your Day FREE halton.ca (j 311 Office/ Administration E M P LO Y E R S gfs.advendors.com General Help General Help General Help General Help Office Administrator E m p lo y m e n t H a lt o n J o b F a ir W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 128,12017 10 a .m . to 1 p .m . Flamborough Hardworking individual that can work independently and productively in a lean office / staff environment, extensive knowledge of QuickBooks, excellent computer skills & communication skills, general office duties. US Customs /Brokerage experience an Asset. Email: cam@weldex.ca Teaching Opportunities Baker > 4 D IE N T A d ie n t is a g lo b a l a u to m o tiv e co m p a n y w ith core business in a u to m o tiv e m a n u fa c tu rin g . O ur M ilto n team is cu rre n tly lo o kin g fo r fu ll-tim e Production Team M em bers to assemble a u to m o tive seats in a fast paced, JIT environm ent. Successful candidates w ill w o rk in a physically dem anding m anufacturing assembly line w ith a strong focus on safety, quality and productivity. Portuguese Bakery looking for an experienced Baker to join our growing team in the Oak Park area. Must be able to work weekends. 289 725 0338 PAINTERS Experience preferred, must be reliable, ethical professional and have own transportation. 40 hours/week. some weekends. Call Scott 905-516-4564 Health Care/ Medical 2-441 Lakeshore Rd. W.,Qakville (Inside the ..ante Villane Mall) The event is open to the public - tell your friends about it. Admission and parking are free. Come prepared, dress for success and bring copies of your resume. For list o f e m p lo y e rs a tte n d in g th e jo b fair. v is it halton.ca/employmenthalton EMPLOYMENT £ > <O ntario ONTARIO Requirements: · · · · · M in im u m Grade 12 OSSD o r e q uivalent Experience in m an u fa ctu rin g en viro n m e n t Safety and Q uality focused Able to m eet physical demands o f th e jo b S hift w o rk required Day shift: t6 :1 5 am start A fternoon shift: t5 :4 5 pm start Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings. P e rs o n a l A s s is ta n ts Burlington fa m ily requires 2 assistants (10-15 hr/w k each) to help us share in th e care o f our son/brother (41) w ith autism. You are a m ature person w h o is kind, gentle, pa tie nt and w ith impeccable integrity. You are physically f it (able to w a lk 8 km w ith ease) and love th e outdoors, rain or shine. You have excellent com m unication skills. You are prepared to assist w ith all aspects o f personal care and daily living tasks w h e th er at home or in the community. Helpful assets: related personal experience, university degree, interest in music/art, fa m ilia r w ith running and race environments, knowledge o f holistic n u tritio n . We require assistance weekday mornings 9-12, some Saturdays 7:30-12:30 or 1-5, and some evenings 5-9. $20/hr to start. Your schedule could be negotiable. Car essential. Min. 2 year com m itm ent. R u n n in g C o m p a n io n Burlington family searching for an experienced runner to accompany our son/brother (41) with autism to various group runs and races (evenings, weekends). You are able to run a minimum of 20 km with ease. Prefer candidates with extensive marathon experience. 6-8 hrs/week. $20/hr to start. Minimum 2 year commitment. Health C are/ Medical Rate: $17.50/hr to start + shift premium on afternoon shift Please em ail resum e to: ban deep .g rew al@ ad ien t.com Exp'd Cardiology Technologist needed to perform stress tests, stress echo, and holter monitor hook-ups. Send resume to: reception.mcc@ gmail.com Physician's Help Busy Oakville family practice seeks amiable person to escort patients to exam rooms. Takes weights and heights, sterilizes equipment etc. Physically active position-fast paced. Permanent 2 days/wk plus vacation coverage. Will train. E-mail cover letter with resume to: recruitstaff65 @gmail.com Office/ Administration A in Oakville. Resume to: klaudiasmusicstudio @gmail.com Phone: 289-242-1517 Violin Teacher CO D) s= «p ft) ^ Please send letter of interest including sports stats to: runningfree133@gmail.com Brockport Home Systems Ltd ., is one o f Canada's firs t construction companies dedicated to advancing th e design, m anufacture, delivery and construction process flo o r, w a ll and ro o f com ponents fo r th e home b u ild in g industry. http://w w w.hom etechnology.com / S 3 §f CD ^ W e a re lo o k in g fo r: General / Skilled Labourers: · Panel Assemblers · Crane Operators · Material Handlers · AZ Drivers As a m em ber o f o u r team , you w ill be responsible fo r producing flo o r and w a ll panels fo r new construction homes. seeking individual to complement our Oakville team. Approx 20hrs PT days/ evenings. Email ccv@ OakvilleCentreForVision .com Optometrist Office Please send resumes to hr@hometechnology.com To b o o k y o u r ca re e r o p p o rtu n ity c a ll 9 0 5 . 6 3 2 . 4 4 4 0 PT may lead to FT. Min. 1 year exp. Nexxsys system. Also Cashier PT. Email resumes to: kushalrx87@ gmail.com Pharmacy Technician To book your classified ad call ev co -- tea =5 g. 5 Co C D 905.632.4440 Please send detailed letter o f interest to: runningfree133@ gmail.com Real Estate. Milton Office. 3 plus years current or recent experience in law office, Teranet, PCLaw. Handle files start to finish. Richard Furlong 95-878-8123 or richard@furlong collins.ca Legal Secretary 3§ II C D 03 C D D) C §

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