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Oakville Beaver, 26 May 2017, p. 26

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w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m | OAKVILLE BEAVER | F rid a y , M a y 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 | 2 6 community notices bazaars Garage Sales Legals Legals Legals newsca l Novenas Congratulations! j0 /0 GRADUATION NOTICES When placing a Double Notice (4.10" x 3.5") in our Lifenews Section. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claim s ag ainst th e ESTATE O F S U K H V IR S IN G H DEO , late of the Town of O akville in the R egional M u nicip ality of H alton, w ho died or i or ab ou t the 7th day of June, 2016, m ust be filed w ith the u n de rsig ne d E state T rustee on or before the 30th da y of S eptem ber, 2017; th ereafter, the u n de rsig ne d w ill dis Tribute the asse ts of th e said estate, having regard only to the claim s then filed. D ated at O akville this 24th da y of May, 2017. Oakville Moving Sale Sat., May 27 8 am - 2 pm 1408 Stationm aster Lane furniture, housewares, model cars, DVDs, antiques, and much more! Everything must go! Oakville The Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail) i ^ ` ' "t jc a V T a y lo r S k e lh o rn e , E s ta te T ru s te e , b y h e r S o lic ito rs , O 'C O N N O R M A C L .E O D H A N N A LLP, 7 0 0 K e rr S tre e t, Oc ik v ille , O n ta rio , L 6 K 3 W 5 . A ttn : L a rry S. G ang jbar. (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -8 0 3 0 Dundas Need More Room? Sat. May 27th 8 am - 1 pm PERSIAN RUGS Sat., May 27th 8 am - 5 pm 1000 Hwy 5 W. BOOTH R6/R7 Great selection for sale at the Christie Antique Show this Fredericks Persian Carpets 519 372 3400 O h most B eautiful Flow er o f M t. Carm el, Fruitful V ine, S plendor o f H eaven, Blessed M o th e r o f th e Son o f G od, Im m ac u late V irg in , assist me in my necessity. Oh Star o f th e Sea, help m e and show m e herein you are my M o th er. Oh H oly M ary, M o th e r o f God, Q ueen o f Heaven and ea rth I h um bly beseech you fro m th e b o tto m o f my h e art to succor m e in my necessity (m a ke request). There are none th a t can w ith s ta n d yo u r pow er. O h M a ry conceived w ith o u t sin, pray fo r us w h o have recourse to th e e (th re e tim es). H oly M a ry I place this cause in yo u r hands (th re e tim es). Say this p rayer fo r 3 consecutive days. You must publish it and it w ill be g ra n te d to you. ~ B. L. Call 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 3 - 6 4 8 0 Today OR Email: classifieds@ m etroland.com Place FREE ADS in your local newspaper and o n lin e at Y o u rC la s s ifie d s .ca For household a rtic le s p ric e d a t $ 1 0 0 or less C o op er C ourt Everything and Anything! l O bituaries M O VIH G SAll Oakville HOUSES · TOWNHOMES · DUPLEXES C O N D O M IN IU M S · APARTMENTS Sat., May 27th 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 174 Tracina Dr All must go. BUY'SELL'RENT Need to sell your car? We can help! · Private Party Only · Maximum 15 words per ad; one item per ad · Community newspapers run 1 week; Daily newspapers run 3 days · Plants, pets, tickets and firewood excluded from offer · Ads publish at first available opportunity; publication dates are not guaranteed · Must be 18+ to place an ad · Metroland Media reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission Check o u t the C la s s ifie d s ! SUBMITTED TO APPEAR IN M Y LOCAL NEWSPAPER:___________________________ (PLEASE PRINT.) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) Call: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 1-866-299-1499 985-632-4440 OAKVILLE ADCOPY T h e B E re r Place ads in your Local Community Newspaper Print & Online at YourClassifieds.ca BEST, June Lillian Long tim e m em ber and retired Secretary a t St. Simon's A nglican Church, O akville and R etired B ookkeeper, O akville Senior Citizen's Residence. Peacefully w ith her children by her side on Sunday, M a y 21, 2017 a t G ran d v iew Lodge Long Term Care, D unnville. June, beloved w ife o f th e late H o w ard . Loving d a u g h te r o f th e late Edgar and Lily A llan . Cherished m o th e r o f M a rtin (D ian a ), Craig, C athie, Carrie (Susan) and th e late Colin (Pat). Loving g ra n d m o th e r o f Scott, Laura (Craig), Caitlin (Jeff), M ark (Erin), K atrina (Kyle) and g re a t g ra n d m o th e r o f Jack and C harlie. V isitatio n w ill be held a t K opriva Taylor C o m m u n ity Funeral H om e, 64 Lakeshore Road W est (one block east o f Kerr 90 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 0 0 ) O akville, fro m 2-4 and 7-9 p.m . Sunday, M a y 28, 2017. Funeral service w ill be held a t St. Simon's A nglican Church, 1450 Litchfield Road, Oakville at 1 p.m. M o nday, M a y 29, 2017. In te rm e n t a t Grace A nglican Church C em etery, W a te rd o w n , O N. Special than ks to th e sta ff a t G ran d v iew N ursing H om e, M a rsh v iew W in g fo r th e ir care and compassion over th e last 3 years. In lieu o f flo w ers m em orial co ntributions m ay be m ade to th e A lzh eim er's Society o f Canada. Visit o u r guest b ook th ro u g h w w w .k o p riv atay lo r.co m NAM E EMAIL ADDRESS ADDRESS POSTAL CODE a $ - - ________________ ______________ _________ _____ _____ _______ PRICE PHONE NO. CITY HOM E# (This n um ber m u st ap p ear in ad) I | Yes. Please send me promotional offers from Metroland Media and its affiliates. metrolandmedia Connected to your community® Free A p p Work Where You Live SEARCH HUNDREDS OF LOCAL JOBS r n W E A R E ALW AYS O PEN

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