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Oakville Beaver, 23 Jun 2017, p. 4

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, June 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 Halton's new court house to be built in Oakville by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff Halton' s desperately needed courthouse is finally becoming a reality. The Province announced Wednesday (June 21) that it is building a new courthouse in Oakville to replace the outdated facility in Milton. Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi an nounced, at a press conference in Oakville Wednesday morning, the new courthouse would be located on provincially owned land, at the intersection of William Halton Parkway and Third Line, northwest of the new Oakville Tra falgar Memorial Hospital. "This has been a long time in coming," said Naqvi. The new 21-courtroom facility will offer a range of justice, family, social and victim ser vices, bringing the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court ofJustice operations in Milton and Burlington together at one location. Naqvi said the building will feature new tech nologies including -- video conferencing from remote locations and a secure room through closed-circuit television. All courtrooms will have state-of-the-art audio capabilities. From left, Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn, Attorney General Yasir Naqvi, Halton MPP Indira Naidoo-Harris and Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon were in Oakville to announce construction of a new courthouse in Halton. The new facility will be built on provincially owned land adjacent to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. | submitted photo The original Milton courthouse was built in 1962, and a separate addition came in the late 1970s. Lawyers, police, social service providers and politicians have been lobbying the provin cial government for years, for a new facility. Duty council would have to meet with clients AGM NOTICE Board of D irectors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton give notice of Annual General M eeting July 11,2017, 5 pm. Fogolar Italian Club, 2026 Lower Baseline Rd, Oakville. RSVP July 7th 905-339-2355 or by email to in fo .h a lto n @ b ig b ro th e rs b ig s is te rs .c a Business: Receive & approve M inutes 2016 AG M ; Present audited 2016-17 Financial Statem ents; A p p o in t auditors 2017-18; Present m otion fo r B y-law s changes re: m em bership definition, eligibility & transition, banking, & dissolution; Elect Board m em bers for ensuing term . Full notice of m eeting found at w w w .b b b s h a lto n .c a or call our office for m ore inform ation. in the hallways, while potential jurors would be congregating in nearby stairwells. Security was also an issue throughout the building. "We have been lobbying the government for a long time," said Halton Region Police Chief Stephen Tanner. Conditions at the Milton court house have been "far less than adequate" and there have been a number of health and safety issues with the facility. "I know this courthouse will make a big im pact," said Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon. "Conditions there have been less than stellar." The next step in the process is an Environ mental Assessment, said Naqvi. Construction of the new courthouse is expected to begin in late 2019. Although construction on these types of proj ects typically take five to seven years, Naqvi said a lot of the planning work has already been done. There has been a lot of consultation with the Region of Halton and Town of Oakville, added Naqvi, and the functional designs for the new courthouse have already been completed. "This investment in a new courthouse in Halton means the justice system will be able to meet the needs of our rapidly growing population," said Halton MPP Indira Naidoo-Harris. Over the next two decades, Naidoo-Harris said the population of Halton Region is expected to grow by 60 per cent by 2041, adding continu al pressure on the court system and resulting in unacceptable delays. Naqvi did not want to speculate on the cost of the new courthouse -- adding that it was "a significant" amount. However, a happy Oakville Mayor Rob Burton said: "This is a $500 million smile," quickly add ing that the $500 million figure was an "unoffi cial number" and he was just conjecturing. The Milton courthouse will continue to func tion until the new Oakville facility is completed. Once the courthouse is operational, Naqvi said the Milton property would then be turned back over to the provincial government' s Infra structure Ontario. ^ ° S lN Y O U ^ S^ Dr. M arisa D'Angelo Dr. Shivani S a g g a r W e o ffe r fu ll F a m ily D e n ta l S e rvic e s in o u r n e w m o d e rn o ffic e in a c a lm a n d re la x in g e n v iro n m e n t.W e a re a p a p e rle s s o ffic e a n d u se d ig ita l x -ra ys.W e w e lc o m e kids, te e n s , a d u lts a n d seniors. NEW PATIENTS a re w e lc o m e a n d w e w ill a c c o m m o d a te y o u r d e n ta l e m e rg e n c ie s . 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