w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, June 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 | 8 flr o m P ? Proud Nominee of the 2015 Oakville Awards for Business Excellence Town is d is a p p o in te d - G len A bbey p lan c o m p lete: 0 M B by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff C u s t o m m a d e K itc h e n a n d B a th r o o m C a b in e tr y | C lo s e t S y s t e m s E n te r ta in m e n t U n its | B a s e m e n t R e n o v a tio n s | Full R e n o s a n d M o re ! C reate Your D ream Look 100% Canadian M ade C abinetry Q uality C raftsm anship 20+ Years Experience Visit our 6000 sqft Design Centre Call us for a FREE in Hom e C onsultation Units 2-3 333 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville T 905.844.3332 F 905.844.3334 www.aromakitchens.ca | info@aromakitchens.ca The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has ruled in favour of ClubLink regarding its development application for the Glen Abbey golf course. Under the Planning Act, the Town now has 120 days to consider and decide on the merits of the application for rezoning (Oct. 5) and 180 days to consider and decide on the merits of the application for an Official Plan Amendment (Dec. 4) to permit the complete redevelopment of the golf course. If the Town does not make a decision within this timeframe, ClubTink would be in a position to appeal its applications direcdy to the OMB for decision. The OMB' s decision to deem ClubTink' s application complete is disappointing for the Town, it stated in a media release Thursday "Council is very disappointed that, less than one month after a decision that recognized that the Town' s comprehensive planning studies underway were valid and necessary given the magnitude of the Glen Abbey proposal, another board decision says w e must accept development applications for processing," said Mayor Rob Burton. "No doubt our residents are confused by this decision, but the Town will move forward to review the application within the timelines established under the Planning Act." ClubTink also reacted to the OMB decision and emailed a statement to the Oakville Beaver Thursday. "We respect the OMB process. In terms of our Mayor Rob Burton ongoing application process, w e are reviewing the implications of the decision at this time," said Robert Visentin, ClubTink senior vice-president. Deeming the application complete as of its decision June 7, the OMB ruling was publiclyreleased Thursday afternoon, June 22, after three months of considering evidence and testimony presented by the Town of Oakville and ClubTink at a one-day hearing in March. On Nov 10, 2016, Glen Abbey property owners ClubTink submitted its application to the Town, proposing to redevelop the lands into 3,222 residential units, 121,000 sq. ft. of new commercial space and about 124 acres of permanent, publicly-accessible green space. see Town on p.12 H APPY 150TH CANADA DAY! fro m o u r fa m ily to y o u rs Authentic M ontessori at its Best - For Ages 1 8 m o .-1 2 y rs . > An em pow ering curriculum that engages children > Individual focus to define your child's learning »Com m unity atm osphere that m akes students feel included and valued >Creative expression allows your child to explore th eir own interests and talents r REGISTER TODAY! " C E L E B R A T IN G O U R N A T IO N & O U R N A T IO N 'S H E R O E S !! 5 4 ? B ro n te Rd, O a k v ille 1 5 4 N o r s e m a n St, E to b ic o k e 4 1 6 -2 3 7 - 9 6 5 4 w w w .a c c e s s a b ilitie s .c a Space is limited for September! I access abilities Yourabilltii store.Our passion. in fo @ a c c e s s a b ilitie s .c a FAIRVIEW GLEN MONTESSORI SCHOOL 905.634.0781 ·fa irv ie w g le n .c o m w e can help you w ith your home healthcare needs and we wifi do it w ith a smile Authorized ADP/W SIB/VAC Vendor. Licensed Medical Devices Establishment. We w ill always happily honour ou r local com petitor's prices. P r o u d ly C a n a d ia n f a m il y o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d s in c e 1 9 9 8