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Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, p. 31

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3 1 | Thursday June 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com For more news, visit insidehalton.com R o q E R 's j | # In te rlo c k in g T u m b lesto n e, R e ta in in g W alls, LANdscApiNq For ail your Seasonal Needs G a rd e n In sta lla tio n , S o d d in g & E x cav atin g , E stim a te C a ll fo r F R E E plus more M C (905) 827-8158 · www.rogerslandscaping.org Extend Y O U S S P A C E Extend your living space with a quality awning or patio roof. AWNING PRODUCTS JANS 905 335 3733 w w w .ja n s a w n in g s.c a S H O W R O O M : 4361 Harvester Road, Burlington CHOOSE E N E R G Y E F F IC IE N T UPGRADES AND SAVE. HOME RENO "I now hear every word that is said in my business meetings." Confidence boost for businessman Derrick. ADVERTISING FEATURE Invest now for a cosy fall. When a Hearing Specialist told Derrick Highet he had a hearing problem the businessman's first reaction was actually one of relief. "To be honest he was just telling me what I already knew -- and he was offering me a solution," Derrick explains. "I was hoping he was going to give me a large chunk of my life back." And that's exactly what happened when Derrick tried his Miracle-Ear hearing aids for the first time. "The change was instantaneous," he says. "I do a lot o f dog walking and running and the first time I went for a walk with my dog in the woods behind our house I was just astounded by the sounds I could hear." Derrick had begun to notice his hearing loss about 18 months before that life-changing moment. "It was a number o f issues that brought it to my attention," he says. "Primarily my wife was complaining about the TV having to be too loud." His hearing issues were also having an impact on his work and social life. He explains: "If I was in a pub or a business meeting with friends or colleagues I was increasingly finding it difficult to focus on conversations. I was asking people to repeat things and consciously turning my head so I had my slightly better ear facing them." He admits: " Sometimes I was guessing at what they said and just hoping I gave them the right answer." However once he had acknowledged his hearing problem he was determined to get the right solution, so he took to the internet to research hearing specialists -- and Miracle-Ear, with over 1,400 hearing centres across North America, was one o f the first names he found. Derrick was impressed with Miracle-Ear's professional approach and wide range o f hearing aid solutions offered, so he booked an appointment. He says: "My first experience o f Miracle-Ear was very positive. The day before the appointment the clinic called to confirm and to say they were looking forward to seeing me. The following day when I arrived at the clinic, I was made to feel very welcome and relaxed." "Wearing the Miracle-Ear hearing aids has transformed my life. From a business point o f view I feel more confident going out on appointments. From a family point o f view being able to watch the TV without it being at a silly volume has really helped. And there's the added bonus ofbeing able to wear them when I'm out running or walking the dog and being able to listen to music. I really have got my life back." Union Gas, in p a rtn e rsh ip w ith Save on Energy and the Government of O ntario, w ill -- GET UPT0 -- give you up to $ 5 ,0 0 0 , PLUS a d d itio n a l e le c tric appliance rebates, to m ake yo u r home m ore energy e fficie n t. W ith the Home -B A C K Reno Rebate, you'll get cash back fo r home im provem ents - like in su la tio n , a ir sealing and a new fu rn a c e - th a t w ill enhance y e a r-ro u n d c o m fo rt and save you up to 20 per ce n t in energy costs. Learn m ore a t uniongas.com/homerenoprogram . REBA TE $5,000 D IG IT A L H E A R IN G A ID S F R O M JUST CALL A P A R T IC IP A T IN G C E R T IF IE D E N E R G Y A D V IS O R BEFO RE STARTING YOUR RENOVATIONS. Amerispec of Canada $895 SAVE NOW on one of our smallest, custom digital hearing aids! fL 905-335-9178 Barrier Sciences Eco Advantage Energy Advisors Inc. Enerquality Corporation 1-855-449-2387 EnerCare 1-844-447-0077 1-877-327-1504 1-866-907-9206 EnerTest Corporation 1-866-333-3920 Canada Energy Audit 1-800-647-6483 Energuy Canada Ltd. offers anddoesnot applytopriorsales. Pricequoted after eligibleADP funding. OFFERENDS 31/07/2017 905-540-8787 ext. 115 Ridge Energy Consultants Inc. GCC - Green Venture Call 289.813.0222 today to schedule a FREE hearing test! Miracle-Ear Oakville 2 - 2520 Postmaster Drive 1-888-298-9458 1-888-442-9577 Th is program is available to all eligible homeowners w hether they h e atth eir home with gas, electricity, oil, propane or wood. Som e conditions apply. Please go to uniongas.com /hom erenoprogram for com plete term s and conditions. 289.813.0222 Over 45 locations across Canada to serve you! miracle-ear.ca u iio n g as An Enbridge Company SA V E ^ ENERGY POWER WHAT'S NEXT ^ ^ . M ir a c le - E a r ' Ontario

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