31 | T h u rsd a y June 1 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m O A K V I L L E M O M E N T S C O FFEE, HO T C H O C O LA TE & TEA K-CUP SUPERSTORE l M IX & GUY FIERI, CAKE BOSS, HURRICANE, WOLFGANG PUCK, MATCH AUTHENTIC DONUT SHOP, BARNIE'S BLEND, BARRIE HOUSE O V E R 5 0 0 MARTINSONS, VAN HOUTTE, TIMOTHY'S,...AND MORE! F L A V O U R S O R N E R S WWW.KOFFEEKORNEROAKVILLE.COM 240 NORTH SERVICE RD W OAKVILLE, ONT L6M 2G2 DORVAL CROSSING E (WINNERS PLAZA) 6 4 7 -7 9 3 -9 7 1 2 The Visit Oakville flag was raised at Town Hall Monday, May 2 9 to kick off Tourism Week. From left, are council lors Nick Hutchins, Ralph Robinson, Allan Elgar, Ray Chisholm, Natalia Lishchyna, Jeff Knoll, Sean O'Meara, Cathy Duddeck, Dave Gittings and Marc Grant, along with Meggan Gardner, V isit Oakville board chair. National Tourism Week is May 28-June 3. It highlights the importance of tourism in Canada and encourages Canadians to support tourism, locally, provincially and nationally. Statistics Canada reported $ 2 4 .7 billion of 2 0 1 5 government revenue was attributable to tourism. Oakville sees over 1.4 m illion annual visitors. So, how do you support tourism ? Be a tourist in your hometown, says Gardner. Rave to friends about a great local restaurant or share photos of the town's picturesque landscapes. V isit Oakville will launch `My Oakville M om ent this week. It asks locals and tourists to share their favourite mo ments in Oakville, from a favourite sp o t a t Coronation Park to a cherished m em ory from last year's Santa Claus Parade, with photos, if possible. For inform ation, go to visitoakville.com. | Rebecca Edgar photo on all premium ' AtmosPhere > Summertime Fruit Wine Wines YOUR WI NE MAKI NG ESTABLI SHMENT TH IR TY 750s Save $50 t r from $ * a batch! Forthe month ofJune. Limited time &Quantities N I A G A R A 89 Hours: Tuesday-Wednesday: 10:30am-6pm Thursday-Friday: 10:30am-8pm Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday-Monday Closed 1 7 h is t Call for appointment. Every batch makes 30 bottles. *First time clients only, with coupon. 1144 Speers Rd. Oakville · 905-842-7507 · www.thirty750s.com