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Oakville Beaver, 15 Nov 2000, Classified, C5

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Wednesday, November 15, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 TO PLACE AN A D CALL houses for sale OAKVILLE-Chartwell/Maple4 bedroom , 5 0 'x l5 0 'lo t . original owner of 31 years. Walk to go, hospital, down town. $289,000. Private sale 905-333-9692 Classified 845-3824 OR T he Oakville Beaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ ,,oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MO N . - F :RI. 8 :3 0 a.m . - 6p.m . Circulation: 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 >Real Estate 100-165 - Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 Services 7OO-8O0 Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · F u rn ish ed D esigner A p artm en ts F R E N C H Provincial Jew el lery Armoire. 19' w X 3 0 'h. W hite with gold trim. $ 100 (905)338-0024.____________ GE Almond 15 cu.ft. fridge, good w orking c ondition. $ 9 0 ./o b o . 3 1 9 -1 1 6 5 , after 4:30pm____________________ G L A S S door for sh o w er s ta ll, 2 1 'x 6 4 '. E xc e llen t condition. $65. 634 -0 24 9 M E N 'S h ockey s hould er, shin and elbow pads used once $95. (905)318-0985 H O R S E B la n k e t, w in te r, b u rg undy. 7 8 ' long. $ 5 0 . 6 3 2 - 0068.______________ KENMORE d ry e r. 10 y e a rs old, good w orking condition $ 10 0 . 3 1 9 -7 6 2 4 , leave message._____________ K N IT T IN G m a c h in e com p le te w ith a c c e s so rie s , m anual & p a tte rn books. $1007obo. 632-1808 L IV IN G R O O M c h e s te r fie ld , hunter g reen, ready for retirem ent to rec room. $100. 338-2784____________ M A Y T A G a p a rtm e n t size d ry e r w ith m etal stand. $ 1 0 0 . excellent condition. 6339164_________ R C A C olour Trak 21" con sole T V , excellent working condition, $ 5 0 /o b o . 6 3 4 2898_______________________ S H E L V IN G - m e ta l, all ready assem bled. 4 units. All for $ 5 0 . P ho n e 6 3 2 0068 _________ ' S K ID of 8 inch blo cks, $100. call for info 633-9164 S O F A , green/beige stripe, priced to sell $ 1 0 0 . 3 3 3 0260_______________________ S T E A M E R c h e st. 1 89 0 's 3 6 x 2 4 x 2 2 $ 7 5 . C all 8 2 7 6110____________________ Warehouse FRAMED PRINT & MIRROR W A T E R FR O N T. $ 1 5 4 ,9 0 0 . Magnificent views! Immediate possession. 1 ,0 0 0 + sq.ft. Separate diningroom, laundry insuite, c/air, 10-minutes to GO. 639-9898. · Fully E q u ip p e d K itchens · M agnificent In d o o r Pool · S auna & Fitness C entre 1285 O n ta rio St. Time Again Nov. 17 from Noon til 9 pm Nov. 18 from 9 am til 5 pm Nov. 19 from Noon til 5 pm IN E X P E N S IV E w areho use space: U n h e a te d 1 0 0 0 '. H eated, sprinklered, truck level doors, 60,000' or less c/w 3 o v e rh e ad c ra n e s. 2 10 0 ' & 1 4 0 0 '. Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597, Ext.242 I industrial /commercial space We Know You've Been Waiti Mens, Womens and Childrens Footwear 639 ·8583 Open 7 Days per Week w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e rs @ la ra .o n .c a IM M E D IA T E . Im m a c u la te 2bedroom a p a rtm e n t a p prox. $1100/m o. fireplace & all a p p lia n c e s . P ilgrim s E X E C U T IV E C ondo W ay. Days 905-510-1622. townhouse, North O akville. 2 30 0 sq.ft., 3-bedroom s, 2DOW NTOW N O a k v ille . 1 /2 b a th s , fa m ily ro o m . 5 L a rg e b a c h e lo r in c le a n a p p lia n c e s , fire p la c e , air, q u ie t b u ild in g , $ 6 7 5 /m o . g arage. D e c ./J a n . $ 1 6 7 5 / J a n .1st. (4 1 6 )8 1 4 -0 6 2 0 for m o .+ u tilitie s . T ra fa lg a r appt-_______________________ P ro p e rty M a n a g e m e n t, O N E -B E D R O O M near Warren Hill, (905)338-1130 Brant Hospital, quiet build LARG E 3 -b e d ro o m , ing, utilities, paid. Parking D ec. 1st. From $ 1 1 2 9 ./m o. $475. 5 4 7 -8 1 4 8 __________ (+ u tilitie s ). 5 ap p lian ces, E X E C U T IV E fu rn is h e d 1g a ra g e , p a rk -lik e settin g . bedroom . R e sid e n tia l g a r L o ngm oor Dr. B urlington. de n s e ttin g , c e n tra l O a k (905)681-0070_____________ v ille . S e p a ra te e n tra n c e , 5 07 2 New St. 3-bedroom , p a rk in g , n e a r bus route, 2 -1 /2 baths, garage, family fire p la c e , fully e q u ip p ed . room , fire p la c e , D e c. 1. N ov. 15. C a ll e v e n in g s $ 1 1 5 0 + /m o n th . E x c e lle n t 6pm-8pm, (905)849-9971 condition. (905)-575-5310 D O W N T O W N B u rlin g to n , T Y A N D A G A a re a : 3 -b e d 1.2& 3 Bdrm Apts Available room, garage, private patio, Dec. Freshly painted, some 4 appliances, new carpet & with new kitchen cabinetry! w indow s. Freshly painted. W e ll m a in ta in e d , quiet S m a ll, w e ll- m a in ta in e d building. W alk to shopping, com plex. D ec. 15th. $ 9 7 5 ./ H o s p ita l. Lake! C all (9 0 5 ) mo. 336-0016, 336-0015 637-0321___________________ $ 1 ,3 5 0 ./M O N T H E xecu LARG E 1-apartment. Walk tiv e F re e h o ld , 2 bedroom to S p e n c e r Sm ith P a rk . 2 to w n h o m e . 2 -1 /2 baths, b a lc o n ies , w a lk -in c lo s e t, M ain flo o r la u n d ry. F /P . hardwood floor, ceram ics & En-suite with whirlpool tub. window coverings through Large deck. C/A. Available out. Fu ll rec. & s ec u rity. Jan. 1st. 639-4317 D e c .1st. $903/m o. includes one underground parking + double AirMiles® (for limited time)! (905)639-8583 B R O N T E -2 bedroom , 2nd floor, facing south. $ 980 in cludes heat, hydro, p a rk ing, locker Q uiet building. January 1. (905) 8 2 7 -8 22 8 FACTORY O PEN T O T H E PUBLIC 2 W E E K E N D S O N L Y W H O L E S A L E PRICES L o t s of P i c t u r e s & M i r r o r s Come E a rl y fo r Best Select io n Thur. 5:00pm -9:00pm Nov 23 Fri. Nov 17 Nov 24 5:00pm -9:00pm Sat. Nov. 18 Nov 25 10:00am -5:00pm Sun. Nov. 19 Nov 26 1 1:00am -5:00pm O F F IC E S pace fo r rent, Fourth/ Speers. P rivate of fice. shared reception, 2 4hr acc e s s. C a ll S usan (905)849-4300_____________ M A ID S ervice F ra n c h is e . Great established territory W oodbridge to M a rk h a m . Price low du e to h e a lth reasons. C a ll 4 1 6 -6 8 8 1 290 or toll free 1 -8 7 7 -4 my-mops. 3375 N orth Service R oad, U nits A4 & A5, B urlington (905) 333-9951 Cash & Debit Only B IZM IX 2 0 0 0 . Y es we are finally com ing to your neighbourhood. A hom e based business w ith o u t standing profits but lim ited openings. Y ou're the boss and you're having fun! Min. investm ent $ 1 6 ,8 0 0 . For a free copy of our distributor business plan: 1 -8 8 8 -3 3 5 7533 I mortgage, loans C E L A D O N 4350 Mainway Dr., B u r lin g t o n Between Walker's Ln & Appleby Ln · 335-6444 N E TW O R K A D M IN IS T R A T O R CANCABLE is currently seeking a qualilied individu al who has a sound knowledge of working in the NT server environment. The q u a lilied individual must have at least 2 years experience working with m ulti ple servers and multiple domains, (PDC, BDC, DNS, DHCP, IIS, STATS, and MAIL), and have experience with SQL 7/2000 and DBA. Must have a lu ll under standing ol setting up and coniiguring network print ers, adding new users and shares, and setting up per m issions based on user needs. The a b ility to meet deadlines in an intense work environment combined with a team-oriented perspective is a must. Employee benefit package included. IM M E D IA T E opening for Shipper/ Receiver, Oakville lo c a tio n . M o n -F ri, 8 -4 :3 0 pm. Competitive salary and b e n e fits . P le as e fax resumes to 905-469-0703. D R IV E R S and inspectors required for Toronto Auto A uctions. P hone John Parm , 9 0 5 -8 7 5 -2 9 1 5 , ext. 2248 or fax resume to 905875-3219__________________ V A L U E V illag e requires p a rt-tim e S a le s C lerks & full-time positions. Apply in person: 2 3 4 0 Fairview St. or via fax 905-631-6894 C L E A N IN G staff for B ur lington. O a k v ille . M ilto r* Mississauga. Various posi tions for lig h t/ heavy duty cleaning tasks. Team lead ers. floor c are specialists and general janitorial staff. Sub-contractors welcomed Fax resum e 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -6 0 0 6 o r drop by and com pleteapplication at 2500 Industrial Street, Burlington_______ W ANTED e xp erienced nail te c h / e s th e tic ia n for busy spa in Milton. Flexible hours ava ila b le . C all 8 75 0 5 0 8 to a rra n g e an in te r view or fax resume to 8753402______________________ K E N N E L A ssistant: Full tim e . O a k v ille location. R esp onsible fo r cleaning, c a re , h e a lth , feeding of dogs. Experience an asset, but not required. Fax (905842-3373), Attn: Jason S O U T H E R N Fine Foods Ltd. has full time secretarial positio n. S om e com pu ter know ledge necessary. Ap ply in person. 2 714 Bristol C irc le . O a k v ill# o r fax resume: 905-829-1160. S E C U R IT Y Position: C on dom inium H ig h -ris e, C on c ie rg e / Front D esk Duty, som e patrol work, suit re tired person.R o tating shift w ork including w eekends, starting rate $9.00/hr with a benefit package available. P le a s e fax resum es to: (9 0 5 )-6 3 2 -9 3 6 6 or contact Don at (905)-632-3791 for information. W A R E H O U S E personnel needed full-time for plumb in g / m a in te n a n c e supply business. S exauer Ltd., 1 135 N orth Service Road. O akville. P lease call 9058 4 2 -8 0 6 0 or Fax resum e 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -8 0 0 8 Attention Len Hall. L O C A L hom e im prove m ent contractor, requires hardworking, self motivated L a b o u re r/ In s ta lle r. Own vehicle required. Carpentry k n o w le d g e w ould be an asset. More info. Phone (905) 331-9333. or Fax (905) 3319334. Macintosh Performa 5215 CD Computer includes 75MH3 power PC, 8mb ram expand able to 64MB. 1 GB Hard Disk, 1.4 MB (loppy disk drive, b u ilt-in quad spped CD ROM, stereo speakers and m ic ro phone, 16 bit sound; 15 inch m onitor. B uilt-in tax modem, speaker phone & answ ering machine, keyboard and mouse, Hewllett Packard D eskw riter p rinter. Preinstalled software and several CD ROM titles included. Al! manuals available. Asking $1,000. OBO. call 331-6874 tor appointment. E L E C T R IC s to ve . 3 0 ' . avocado, $75. 637-9071 F R E E E stim a te s ... G ot w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? S o ft foam ? T ire d looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing. 9-9 daily. (905)632-9090 F R ID G E S and sto ves, washer & dryers. Like new Delivered. 549-1911 IB M S e le c tric typ ew rite r $50 , teak dresser, 3-d raw ers $ 50 , large oval mirror $40, 849-6119_____________ IN F A N T toys, clothes, snowsuits, children's cloth ing up to s ize 3. E xers au ce r, m a te rn ity clothes 333-4624__________________ L A D IE S ski suit, m edium , new in January. $400. M a ple diningroom suite. $500. obo. 639-6293_____________ auctions, sales auctions, sales Auction · Sun Nov.19-1pm · Preview from 12noon Marritt Hall- Ancaster Agricultural Fairgrounds 625 Garner Rd (Hwy 53E) 6km W.ol Upper James St., Hamilton PERSIAN CARPETS Semi Antique, old new small large city village tribal rugs. All unique hand knotted wool e.g.; Bidjar, Ardebil; Hamadan; Gabbeh; Nain; Ba luchi Heriz; Isfahan; Bakhtiar; Tabriz; Kashan; Qash-Qai; etc. Some estate rugs dilferent sizes. Also Qum & Jstashan silk & silk base rugs, various sizes. Many semi ant Baluch -various tribes, sub tribes. Examples of lar ger rugs; Kashan 1 3 T x 9 '8 ` ; Nain, w hite/blue w .silk highlights, 13'x9'6` ; Tabriz Nakshe; silk & kurkwool; 11 '7 "x 8 '7 ' & 9 'i r x 6 '8 ` , Tabriz 1 6 'x 9 '9 \ +many rugs 12-x9',10-x8',8'x5 etc. Also many runners up to 1 6 '8 '. Over 100 rugs to be ottered. Note A ll rugs will be sold to highest bidder. No reserves. Treadmills - Exercise Equipment- Treadm ills Healthmate; Life Gear, E-Z (old; Trainium and other makes. M achines are 3 ,2 -1 /2 , 2 , 1 -1 /2 h .p . w /5 -6 window display, speed, dist., cal., incline +many w/ electric or hydraulic lift, sott, wide, long track, many fu lly program m able, Many larger 3 hp. Also: A ir walkers; skiers, many exercise bikes, complete gyms & other equipment. CAN FAX BOTH LISTS. STOP N1CASH Approved by phone STORM door. 34x80. brown, full glass & screen, key lock, like new $ 1 0 0 . 6 3 4 - 0249__________________ STOVE $100. electric, white. good condition 331-0295 STO VE, white w/black glass door, G E . good w orking condition. $100. firm. 8 4 4 7634_______________________ STOVE, w h ite , good w orking co n d itio n , $ 1 0 0 obo. Call (905)337-2615. S TU D EN Tdesk, black, w ith o v e rh e a d c ab in e ts, $50. from Ikea. 842-8443. TAPESTRY w ing-back c h a ir, p e rfe ct condition, flo ra l pa tte rn $ 1 0 0 . 3 3 3 0260_______________________ T IF F A N Y g re e n sta in ed glass hanging lamp, excel le n t c ondition, $ 1 0 0 . C all 336-8702._________________ T IR E S , set of 4. Sport Track P 20 5 /7 5 R 15 97S M+ S , like new , $ 1 0 0 . (9 0 5 ) 5 2 5 - 7 6 2 4 _______________ W A LL unit, white, good for rec room , from Ik e a . $ 50 . 8 4 2 -8 44 3 __________________ W ASHER, w hite, good w orking c ondition. $ 1 0 0 obo. Call (905)337-2615. W A T E R B E D , super s in gle, $ 100. all accessories. 639 -1 88 3 __________________ X M A S D e c o ra tio n s - box fu ll of u n iq u e V ic to ria n ite m s (c re a m a n d ro s e schem e) $ 50 (9 0 5 )3 3 8 0 024 Every day is payday when YOU NEED CASH! We hold your personal cheque 'III payday No credit check! 310-CASH (2274) Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge 3-Bdrm 2-Level Please send resume and references via e-mail to resume@cancable.com Sorry, no faxes or phone calls. Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3B E D R O O M , First S treet in B urlington c o re , Im m e 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, diate. $1250/m o. Al McCur painted, lull basement. dy, H o m e life A pple P ark Realty. (905)681-3000 M echanical Engineering Technologist Burlington based pump manutacturer requires career oriented individual with an education and background in mechanical engineering to assist in our day to day engineering and manufacturing operations. Duties w ill include a wide variety ot tunctions including drafting, project engineering, production engineering, QA, customer service and support. Successtul candidate will be a graduate from a college Engineering program with knowledge and experience in CAD systems and machine shop practices. Candidates m ust demon strate good com m unication and organization sk ills and be prepared to w ork in a dynam ic and diverse environment. Send resume to: Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 3 -B E D R O O M S , 2 -1 /2 b a th s, 6 a p p lia n c e s , g a ra g e do o r o p e n e r, 2 -w a y gas fire p la c e . A /C , e a t-in k itc h en , $ 1 3 5 0 /m o .+ utili tie s . D e c .1st. ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 3221, after 6pm B U R L IN G T O N : down tow n , cen tu ry s e m i-d e tac h e d , 2 -b ed ro o m , tow nhom e $ 1 4 0 0 plus utilties. All applian ces. Decem ber 1. 6 3 9 -0 51 2 _______________ B U R L IN G T O N . Luxury 3& 4 be d ro o m to w n houses with family room and 3 ap pliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft, plus b a s e m e n t, fen ce d in backyard. $1100 & $1200 + u tilitie s . P arkin g . $ 4 0 . (905)639-0950 431 M a rth a S tre e t, B u r lington. A 2-bedroom base m e n t/ 1st floor apt. a v a il able @ $ 7 1 0 . D ow ntow n Burlington. Incl. heat, water & parking. 1st & last re quired. Call (905)637-1585 2 -B E D R O O M S : $ 7 9 0 ./ m o. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2 386 New Street at Guelph L in e . O ffic e O pen 9 -4 p m , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 B R O N T E A re a . W a lk to L a k e . 1-b e d ro o m b a s e ment in 6-plex. Dec.1 $70 5 / m o. + u tilitie s . P arkin g included. (905)847-1138. B U R L IN G T O N 2 -b e d room , D e c. 1st. $ 6 9 7 /m o . u tilitie s in c lu d e d . Q u ie t, near lake. (9 0 5 )6 3 4 -8 0 8 9 (3pm-6pm) L.T. Greenwin oilers 1&2 Bedroom Suites Available at Prime Burlington Locations: 511 Guelph Li. (at New St.) 637-9725, and 505 Locust St. (at Brant & Ontario) ` Auction exer. equip.1pm sharp * Rugs 2:30pm Terms:debit,Vi.MC,Ca. NO BUYER'S PREMIUM Robert Blackbeard Sr Auctioneer 905-894-2984 K j i | l pets, supplies W A N T E D german She pard puppy up to 12 weeks o ld . 690-4405_____________ r r r i l cars for sale 1 9 9 7 H onda A ccord E X, auto, ps/pl, 118K, ext. war ranty to 160K . $ 1 6 ,9 0 0 . Phone evenings, (905)689-9154 1 98 4 Buick R iv ie ra , a u tomatic, great model, loaded. As is. $1250. Call Burlington: 905-632-7804,_____________ 1 9 9 5 M e rc u ry V illag er, loaded, low kms, excellent condition. C e rtifie d . (9 0 5 ) 825-2794__________________ 1 99 2 S unbird G T , black, 3.1 L, V 6, autom atic, 2 -d r, 190 K , E x c e lle n tly m a in tain e d . A sking $ 3 ,7 5 0 . 331-1589__________________ 1 989 Dodge C a ra va n , a u to m a tic , tan, low kms. (89,100), asking $ 1,0 00 / as is. obo. 319-9034__________ 1 99 2 C a d illa c - D ark blue w/pin stripe. P erfect body and engine. Loaded. Family car. C e rtifie d . $ 6 ,9 0 0 . or offer. 905-632-5407________ 1 99 0 T a u ru s - A utom atic, C ru ise , P .W ., 1 8 8 ,0 0 0 k m $1500. Not certified. Em is sion passed. G ood C ondition. 905-639-6619_________ 1 99 5 D odge S tratus, C e r tified. loaded. Auto, air, pw/ pi, cru is e , c as s e tte . O ne ow ner. N on-sm oker. Must see-122K.$6600.(905)631-6719 2000 Cavalier, owner moving to U K . A ssu m e lease payments $329/m onth. No money down. 905-616-8903 1987 Toyota Corolla hatch back, 4-dr,, automatic. New tire s / e x h a u s t/ b a tte ry . Certified. E-tested. $1700. obo. 631 -6 97 3 _____________ 1 9 8 9 C a d illa c S ed a n D eV ille, dark blue, e xcellent condition. A sking $ 6 ,0 0 0 . (905)844-9976_____________ 1 9 9 5 Ford F 1 5 0 , cru is e , a ir, a m /fm c a s s e tte , new tires, 5-spd, 5.0L, V8. Cer tifie d . E -te s te d . 1 00 K , $11,900. (905)842-0306 1989 VW Golf GTI, 16 valve, 5-spd. 194K (mostly highway) Well-maintained. Certified. Ete s te d . Firm : $ 4 5 0 0 . with stereo $4000. without. Call Rob. (905)689- 6106 1 988 Nissan Sentra X W 2 dr cou p e . N e ed s w ork to c ertify. As is $ 4 5 0 . C all Mike (905)689-6106________ I professional ACCO UNTANT/ B ook k e e p e r required p a rt-tim e for Downtown O akville e x e c u tiv e o ffic e. 2 -3 d a y s/ w ee k . F le x ib le hours. (905)338-1119 ABBA Parts and Service 5370 Munro Crt, Burlington, ON L7L 5N8 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 33 3 -0 9 7 3 333-9008 FRESHLY D e co ra te d : 1.2&3 B edroom s- some 2level! Dec. Low -rise build ing. G ard en lik e s ettin g . Private landscaped patios. (Burlington). 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016; 1440 T y a n d a g a P ark Dr. (905)336-0015_____________ LA R G E 2 -b ed ro o m a p a rt m ent, blocks a w a y from downtown O a k v ille . Pool. Available D e c .1st. $ 1 1 5 0 ./ mo. inclusive. Lots of seniorsi (905)844-1934_________ C A N A D IA N A .Q u ie t, w ell maintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2 4 3 bedroom s a va ila b le D e cem ber. 5 2 2 0 L a k es h o re Rd., Burlington. (9 0 5 )6 3 2 5486 F U R N IS H E D B urlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $ 1 .4 9 5 /m o , all utilitie s in cluded. Im m ediate. Short/ lo n g -te rm a v a ila b le . (9 0 5 ) 632-8354; (905)632-6189. MANAGER CLIENT ACCOUNTING Business growth requires leading O akville energy consulting company to seek versatile and experienced senior accounting professional to manage its client accounting tunction. Involves supervision ot 5 to 6 people in providing monthly natural gas invoicing and financial reporting for several thousand industrial and commercial consumers and on-time payment ot several million dollars to gas suppliers. This position involves various disciplines as well as strong accounting qual ifications. Applicants should have 7-10 years experi ence in senior management positions with a range of business responsibilities, CGA or equivalent, strong communication skills, customer service mentality and a b ility to design and present management reports. Familiarity with Excel essential and natural gas indus try experience desirable Fax your resume to: C O R P O R A TE R esidence.... 1-bedroom & 2-bedroom + office Suites. Lake or escarp m en t v ie w s . S hort term availability. Fully furnished/ e q u ip p e d - T V , V C R , e tc . O ffice support systems on site. Maid service available. C om plete fitness facilities. S ecurity. From $ 1 7 0 0 /m o . Family units also available. (905)639-8583_____________ O L D E O akville comfortable , furnished room, separate entrance, shared bath and kitchen, air, w alk-in closet, parking, $ 10 6 . w eekly. Ladies only. 338-7492. S E L F c o n ta in e d . 3pce b athroom , N e a r B us/ G O . F u rn is h e d / U n fu rn ish ed . $500./m onth. East Burling ton. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 3 6 8 a fte r 5pm_______________________ U P PE R M iddle/ Sixth Line. Large room in tow nhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan C o lle g e . N o n -s m o k e r (905)845-8693_____________ P R IV A T E fu rn is h e d b e d sitting room , s ep a ra te e n tra n c e . no p a rk in g . D e c e m b e r 1st. S u it m ale $ 3 5 0 /m o n th inn cludes c a ble. 8 4 5 -1 59 2 Snow Plow Owner/Operator rqr'd by construction firm tor the 2000-2001 season. Must have a min. 7.5' plow & be available to plow in S/W Etobicoke &/or S/E Oakville. Interested candidates please call 4 X 8 s la te pool ta b le with light and a c c e s so rie s . $ 1 2 5 0 . inc lu d e s p ro fe s sional moving. 333-8894 A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 door; S tove; M a yta g a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartm ent set. Under W arranty. (905)637-8328 A N T IQ U E diningroom su ite . solid oak tab le with 3 le a fs , b u ffet and nine chairs, Asking $25 0 0 . Call 631-9109__________________ A N T IQ U E oak diningroom s et, 4 c h a irs , table (4 5 *x 5 3 ` ). lovely matching s id e b o a rd , $ 1 ,2 0 0 . C all (905)847-3942.____________ B E A U T IF U L s ilv e r Fox ja c k e t size 1 0 -1 2 V alu e $ 4 ,0 0 0 , sell $ 9 0 0 obo. 849-6119__________________ B E D S , N e w - C om plete: D o u b le, $ 2 2 0 ; Q u e e n , $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. Call (905)6819496_______________________ C A R P E T . I have s ev e ra l 1 ,0 0 0 yards of new S tain master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902_____________ C A R P E T /F L O O R IN G : In need of new flooring? Call the store that comes to your door. C hoose from a fine selection of sam ples in our mobile showroom . Mill d i rect pricing, free estimates, senior's discount. Martin's Carpet. 9-9 Mon-Sat. 3 3 3 1885_______________________ C O U C H and chair, e x c e l lent condition. 1 year old. N ew $ 1 2 0 0 + sell $ 5 5 0 . 634 -4 74 2 __________________ C O U C H , dow nfilled, large. Nuetral tones, includes ad d itio n a l cushions & slip c o v ers. O a tm e a l. R etail $ 3 ,0 0 0 . A sking $600. (905)690-3674_____________ D E S IG N E R kitchen c a b i nets, black, must be seen, $2,000 obo. (available late N o v e m b e r). M atc h in g a p p lia n ce s also a va ila b le . 332-0063__________________ D E S K , oak rolltop. E aglecraft, (with computer table, many compartm ents) 5'x5'. mint condition. $2,000/obo. Call 416-271-3903._________ D IN IN G R O O M s et6 chairs, b uffet and serving ta b le . A sking $ 9 0 0 /o b o ; twin beds + linen, $60/set. (905)637-5923_____________ D IS H W A S H E R , B eau m a rk . 3 y e a rs old. very good condition. F eatures pot scrub, time delay. $270 obo 331-0685______________ D R A P E S & s h e ers with tracks, floor length, various w idths & c olours. Good q uality, re a so n ab le . (9 0 5 ) 844-8655__________________ D O W N S IZ IN G - T e a k di ningroom suite, table seats 10, six chairs, buffet. $800. Double bed, new m attress a n d b o x s p rin g $ 3 0 0 . (90 5 )8 4 9 -4 9 5 8 . L A P T O P C om puter: N ew T oshib a S a te llite P R O 4 2 6 0 X D V D P entium III, 4 5 0 m h z , 1 -y r w arra n ty , $3,5Q07ono. (905)257-5427 M E TA L bunk bed. fax m a chine. sewing machine, 3tier light unit (old). All good condition. (9 0 5 )-8 4 5 -1 6 1 8 , leave message._________ M IN K coat, black, full length, fem a le pe lts , size 12-14, $4500. 332-7627 M O D E R N glass table with 4 cha irs , w hite le a th e r s ea ts , black m etal fram e. $250. Call 332-0120.________ M O V IN G :rid e -o n law nmower, sofas, chairs, buffet, e n terta in m e n t, desk, bed. filing, lamps, weight bench, doors..much more. 337-3936 P R O F E S S IO N A L L Y fin ished a n tiq u e q u a rte r cut oak din ingro om suite, round tab le, split pedestal w ith 5th leg, 6 le a fs , e x ten ds to 8 ft., 6 chairs, m atching m irrored sid eboard. 690-0434___________ RENOVATED kitchen. C o m p le te kitchen cu p b o a rd s . S S sink, fau ce t, countertop; GE stove. May tag d is h w a sh e r. $ 2 5 0 /e a . obo. (905)637-9919________ S O F A & coffee table from DeBoer. Light peach & grey with burgundy leather trim, $400.; G rey lacquer coffee table, $200. (905)257-2288 SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! P ay no G S T ! Love your fu rn itu re ... h ate your co lours? Sofa & matching chair from $ 788. Loveseats from $ 4 4 8 . C h a irs from $ 1 9 9 . Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U ph o lste rin g , 9 -9 , (905)632-9090 TE A K unit with round ped estal tab le . 4 chairs, very good condition. $ 42 5 . Call 639-7808._________________ T H E W a te rb e d G alle ry Store C losing S ale. 3 35 0 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600.______________________ T R E A D M IL L , P ro fes s io n al model, good price, great shape. Call Dan 631-6235 VVVVY L U X U R Y 'N e w * 1-3 Bdrm C orporate Condos/ Hom es. T V , V C R , 6 a p p lia n c e s , s te re o . 1 -3 b a th s, h e a lth centre, security. Pets okay. D a ily , W e e k ly . M on th ly . $ 1 2 9 5 -2 9 9 5 / m onth. V is a. M aste rC a rd , A m ericanE x. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M (905)842-0931 F/T&P/T CHAUFFEURS M ust have custom er service exp. & be able to work ilex, schedules. Start: $ 1 0 /h r+ g ra tu i ties, benefits & vaca tion pay. Resume, rets & driver's abstract to: **** SENIORS PLACE Rentals $275./ monthly & up. inclrheat & hydro (905) 825-1066, Attn. John McGinnis, or e-mail to: jmcginnis@ecng.com. Hfe regret that only candidates selected lo r interviews w ill be contacted AAAAA for rent DRIVER FULLTIME. With G Lie. Able lo drive std & auto transmission. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. Will consider car & driver lor local deliveries, both'Oakville and-Burlington branch 634-0046 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 205 Queen Mary Drive: 3-bedroom , O ct. 1st; Utilities included. (90 5 )84 4 9670______________________ G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . D e c ./J a n . 2 -B e d ro o m s . Heat/ hydro included. Park ing e xtra . (N o p ets) B u r lington. 6 3 9 -0 4 5 6 . M -F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm_______ D E L IG H T F U L 2 -b edroom , dow ntown B urlington. $ 8 7 5 /m o . inc lu d e s s to ve , fridg e, p arking, u tilitie s . Laundry a v a ila b le . C a ll Don, 645-4128_____________ Q U IE T , C o nvenient, W e llMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., B urlington. V ery s p a cious 2-bedroom . D ec. 1st. (905)637-3921______________ O LD O a k v ille - B eau tifu lly m aintainted quiet building. No lease. 1-bedroom $950/ mo.; 2-bedroom, $1225./m o. inclusive. Step out to shop. Lots of seniors Call 905-8458254, message_____________ W H IT E O ak s , O a k v ille . S pacious 1&2 B edroom + den. from $1090/m o .; D ec/ Jan. W ell- maintained com plex, full rec. facilities in cluding indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fire place! C a ll J e a n n e tte . (905)815-1628_____________ B R A N D New, 1 bedroom + D en e xe c u tiv e apa rtm e n t, c e ram ic s , m a rb le , 9' c e il ing s. w a lk to G o S ta tio n . A v a ila b le D e c 5 $ 1 ,3 5 0 . C a ll K ris S a ric R e m a x A b o u to w n e S a le s R e p (90 5 )84 2 -70 0 0 _____________ N E W 2-b ed ro o m plus den c o ndo, W e d g e w o o d , on W a lk e r's L in e. 2 ba th s, e n s u ite la u n d ry , frid g e , stove, dishw asher, C /A . 1 u n d e rg ro u n d p a rk in g $ 1200 plus utilities. Adrian (416 )-471 -3 6 3 3 _____________ B U R L IN G T O N : Fully fur nis h e d lu x u ry 2 -b e d ro o m c o ndo. 1 -1 /2 b a th s , fire p la c e , la u n d ry & m ore S h o rt/lo n g s ta y . $ 1 ,5 5 0 + (905)-628-8861_____________ B U R L IN G T O N . L ovely 3b e d ro o m + to w n h o u s e. Many extras & upgrades in cluding diningroom and fa m ilyroom . $ l3 7 5 /m o . (905)528-4944_____________ U P P E R M iddle/W alkers 1b e d ro o m plus d e n , 4 a p pliances. Immediate. $950 plus utilities. 331 -2 42 6 houses for rent E A S T O a k v ille - la rg e fu r b is h e d bedroom in e xe c u tiv e ho m e. L a u n d ry . A /C , parking, cable. G entlem an p re fe rre d . Im m e d ia te . $ 4 7 5 /m o in c lu s iv e . F irs t/ last. (905)844-2111 Asti's Limousine Service Fax: (905)332-7628 2396 Industrial St., Burlington, L7P1A5 F U L L -T IM E e m p lo y ee for P et S to re. E x p e rie n c e a plus.40hrs.Call 905-335-7122 F LO R A L D esigners need ed fu ll-tim e / p a rt-tim e for our O akville/ Burlington lo cations. Please fax resume to: 905-469-6590 Tiercon Electronics, Division of Tiercon industries, su p p lie rs of aulom otive e lectronics parts is looking to till the' follow ing manufacturing positions: S P E C T A C U L A R - F lo rid a . S t. P e te 's B e a c h , 2 -b e d room , 2 bath adult condo, balcony overlooking intrac oastal waters. Available for 2 ,3 or 4 m o nth s starting J an . 2 0 0 1 . P ool. J a c u z zi, te n n is courts, e tc . C a ll (905)637-7451 I items under $100. A N T IQ U E cut glass bowl larg e size , fla w le ss . $ 1 0 0 (905)338-0024.____________ A N T IQ U E cut glass cream er and sugar (cranberry cotour). $ 10 0 (905)338-0024. B A L C O N Y doors, sliding g la s s . 3 7 ' x 7 8 - 7 9 \ $ 1 0 0 . 847 -3 48 2 __________________ C A P T A IN 'S be d . single, $ 50 .3 3 1 -0 2 9 5 oak ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLERS AND TECHNICIANS Minimum education: high school plus 1-3 years relat ed industry experience in an ISO 9000 environment. Knowledge ot electronics components soldering, inspection, assembly to IPC-A-610 Class 2 & robot ics SMT equipment operation, computer, communica tion and team work skills. We olter competitive salary rates and company group insurance benefits. Qualified candidates are invited to forward a resume in confidence by fax or em ail: hrtier@ tiercon.com (please no agencies and phone calls). Call: John 845-2118 Halton Auto Electric W OMEN'S HEALTH CLUB in Burlington looking tor energetic, enthusiastic team players lor all positions. Must enjoy working with people and possess excellent inter personal skills. ECE (Child care area) & Pilates Instructor required by The Body Shaping Fitness Studio For Women 183 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville L6K 2E7 Tel: 849-1919 Fax: 842-0780 TIERCON ELECTRONICS INC. 2125 Wyecroft Road., Oakville, ON L6L 5L7 Fax (905)-827-1512 general help wanted PLEASE CALL (9D5) 634-1D10 FOR AN INTERVIEW R E T A IL full & p art-tim e s a le s staff. 2 0 -4 0 hrs/wk. Will train. Drop resume off: Factory Shoe O utlet. 2394 Fairview , Burlington. (905) 632 -9 68 8 __________________ N E W fac e s n e e d ed for F a ll/ W inter work. M /F, All ages, all sizes for fashion/ hair show s/ catalog w ork/ T V extras. $20-90/hr. (905) 336-5455._________________ G E N E R A L la b o u rer, e x p e rience operating heavy equipm ent an asset. Snow ploughing required during winter months. 905-875-4844 E X P E R IE N C E D truck tire tec h n ic ia n n e e d ed im m e diately. Must have driver's license. Phone 905-634-0833 PRODUCTION Staff needed im mediately for fast- paced local special event company to move/ install various sizes of props, etc. Ability to drive 2 4 ' truck d e fin ite asset. Must be hardworking team pla y e rs . C a ll B rian, (9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 - 1 3 0 0 , E x t.2 38 ; fax: (905)844-1592_____________ R EN O VA TIO N company re quires full-tim e help, must have experience with steel stu ds, dryw all and finish w ork. C all D ave 9 0 5 -6 8 1 1938 C A R for s a le . 1 9 9 9 like new . $ 2 0 0 0 or best o ffer. 690 -4 40 5 __________________ C H R IS T M A S T re e , 6'. a r tificial with storage case. 6 bo x e s of b e a u tifu l o rn a m e n ts . lig h ts, e tc . $ 6 0 . 6 3 7 -3 56 9 __________________ C U R T A IN S , v a la n ce , (on boa rd ) side p a n e ls . C usto m m a d e / d e c o ra to r. 9 0w x 94 L , Pink tones. Like new $100, 336-6335 C U S H IO N S , que e n b e d s p re a d , s ham s, custom m a d e , m u ted pink to n e s, like new $50. 336-6335 D A Y B E D , w ith m a ttre ss , $75. Phone 639 -1 88 3 D O U B L E s tro lle r, G ra co train-style, excellent condition, $100 obo. Call 844-0648 D R E S S E R oak colour, 3d ra w e r. good c ondition $50, 331-0295______________ D R Y E R , G E . h e a vy duty, good condition. $ 60 . 3 1 9 6635_______________________ E X E R C IS E Unit - B renda Dygraaf's Ultra-Glide' total body w orkout system with video. $ 10 0 (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -0 0 2 4 E X E C U T IV E n e w p ro p erties. im m e d iate , 5 a p p l ia n c e s d o u b le g a ra g e , c e n tr a l a ir, r e fe r e n c e s . D a v id P e g o re r R E /M A X (9 0 5 )2 7 0 -2 0 0 0 .____________ SHIPPER, RECEIVER/ DISPATCH For auto, parts whole sale. Knowledge of keeping small parts in order. Good knowledge ol Oak./Burl./Miss. Able to lift 50lbs. Call John Bloom, 2-4: Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (905) 845-2118 A D D E D Touch offering the follow ing s ea s o n a l parttim e positions: W arehouse C le rk ; C u s to m e r S ervice O p erato r; R e ta il S a le s C le rk . A pply in person: 1111 North Service R d.E ., Oakville (east of Trafalgar), M on.-Fri., 11-8: Sat. Noon4. Fax: (905)338-1486. ad m in® addedtouch.com. Ask for Rudy, Lee or Garrett T IR E D of w orking nights and weekends? Call Molly M aid at 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -7 4 8 4 Training and transportation provided. PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK We need men, women & kids to fill a variety of roles available in: catalogues & flyers, fashion shows & hair shows, magazines & brochures, T.V commercials & extra work, film work, etc. Beginners welcome. If accepted, agency agrees to cover full training & reg. costs. M IS S IS S A U G A 9 0 5 - 8 0 3 - 9 0 4 0 Online: www.shopcanada.com/zaidi.html e-mail: zaidi@shopcanada.com N ft N N Wl f l U l cars wanted C A V A L IE R or S unbird c o n v ertib le , must be a u tomatic and have low kms. 827-0437 H O M ES to rent w/option to buy, or c re a tiv e financing a v a ila b le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, sso c. B ro k e r, (9 0 5 )6 3 9 1B E D R O O M , 2 Asto rey 5 2 5 8 R e /M a x E sc a rp m en t apartm ent a v a ila b le Realty Inc., Realtor_________ Dec. 1st. N ear lake in beau tiful B ronte. S e p a ra te e n Q U A IN T , cosy country trance and driveway. First & b u n g a lo w . 4 -b e d ro o m s . last. Non-smokers. No pets A ppliances optional. Pool. please. $965/m o. including C edar Springs/ N o .2 Siderheat/ hydro. (9 0 5 )82 7 -83 9 7 oad. D e c .1st. $ 1 5 0 0 /m o .+ utilities. (905)336-2757 evenings___________________ E X E C U T IV E hom e. O a k B U R L IN G T O N - C e n tra l, v ille , No S h o rt te rm . R iv e r 2bedroom apartm ent. O aks. 3 500 sq. ft. 4-b ed pets. $650/m o. +hydro. in room s, e n s u ite , w a lk -in cludes p arking. D e c. or closets, 4 -b ath ro o m s , a irJan . 1st. 3 8 8 -5 2 3 6 ; 6 3 4 conditioned. 2 -c a r garage, 7088_______________________ openers, fen ced backyard, c o m p le te , n ew ly fin ish e d L A K E F R O N T B urlington! lo w e r le v e l, one bedroom Large c le a n 1-b ed ro o m nanny suite. $2600 plus apartments Dec. 1st. 2 33 8 utilitiesmonthly Decem ber L akesh o re R d. C all 1. M a p le L e a f H M C Inc. (905)681-8938; Toll-free 18 42 -8 38 3 877-452-1881 W A N TE D All-C hina, Silver, C ry s ta l, c a m e ra / audio e q u ip m e n t, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D oulton . M oorcroft,Q uilts, G lass. W atch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, e states. John/Tracy905-331-2477______________ P A IN T IN G S , A ntiques W anted: Furniture, G lass, C hina, S ilv e r Ring Boxes. A ddison radio s. E states purchased. Karl (9 0 5 )6 8 1 6939-Burlington.____________ 1991 Ford Explorer 'Eddie Bauer', red. 4 wheel drive, air, fully pow ered, cruise, auto. Rebuilt engine, new s ta rte r. U n iro yal tire s . $ 6 ,3 0 0 . M oving, must sell. 905-631-1730 I career training C H R IS T M A S G IF T ! G ive yourself the gift of a career! ·Office Administration 'N e t work Technician · W ebsite D e v e lo p e r. C o m p u ter T ra in in g and Job P la c e ment upon successful com pletion! F re e inform ation sessions: ( 9 0 5 )3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 . www.thecentre.on.ca SALES MERCHANDISER We are seeking an aggressive self-starter to under take sales and merchandising responsibilities, parttim e, to r the Mass M erchandisers, Drug and Pet Trade in (he Oakville/ Mississauga area for a leading manufacturer of confectionery, pet food and lood pro ducts. Previous related experience w ould be pre ferred. Please fax or e-mail resume to: BC fC Tll firewood G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardw ood. ' O ntario's lar gest Firew ood retail. M arc's Q u a lity Firew ood, (905)-257-6366 Advantage / Wm. Dunne & Associates Ltd. Woodbridge, Ontario · Fax: (905) 856-5241 e-mail: dclark@asmc-wmdunne.com

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