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Oakville Beaver, 18 May 2017, p. 31

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31 | Thursday, May 18, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Club open to w om en and youths continued from p.29 In 2 0 1 2 , the Oakville Lions Club opened its doors to women, it currently has five women members, and it is trying to promote "more and more women to take an active role," said Carter. It also added youths to its ranks in 2 0 1 3 , with the opening of a Leo Club program. The idea is to inspire them to "give a lot to the community," Carter said. "Later on, they could become Lions or will continue to join groups like the Lions to give back to the community," said Carter. On Monday, June 12, the club will be hosting its 22nd annual charity golf tournament at Granite Ridge Golf Club in Milton. Funds raised from it will go toward three charities, including the recent $ 2 4 ,1 8 0 donation to OTMH. Registration costs $ 1 7 0 per person (includes a round of golf and dinner). F o r more information on the tournament, contact Tim Carter at 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -5 6 5 1 or Bill Allison at 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -7 2 1 9 . Registration forms can be downloaded on its website at www.oakvillelions.org/. F o r m o re n e w s , v is it in s id e h a lto n .c o m S ie n n a O a k v ille 's b e s t k e p t fa s h io n s e c r e t...! W e stock m any brands you love including: Shoes & Apparel 2017 Mercedes-Benz Pre-Owned President's Circle Mercedes-Benz Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Capistrano of Mercedes-Benz Oakville to the Pre-Owned President's Circle for 2017. This coveted award recognizes the top Sales Consultants and Sales Managers across Canada for their outstanding sales results and exemplary customer satisfaction throughout the past year. s i ua ni WE11ZIVIAII C o le jH aan v iN c e . m e p h is t o h 321 Cornwall Rd. Oakville (W holefoods Plaza) Ph: 905 .84 2 .55 59 · www .siennaboutique.ca M o n -W ed , Sat 10-6, Thur-Fri 10-7, Sun 11-5 M ercedes-Benz The best o r nothing. Mercedes-Benz Oakville | 300 South Service Road West | 905 845-6623 M a jo r U n iv e rs ity h e a rin g stu d y seeks p a rtic ip a n ts . C o n n e c t H e a r in g , w it h re s e a rc h e r at R y e rs o n a le a d in g h e a r in g seeks often find they can "get by" without help, however as the problem worsens this becom es increasingly harder to do. By studying those people having difficulty in noise or with television, we hope to identify key factors impacting these difficulties and further understand their influence on the treatm ent process. U n iv e r s ity , p a r t ic ip a n t s f o r a h e a r in g s tu d y in v e s tig a tin g th e fa c to r s t h a t c a n in flu e n c e b e t te r h e a r in g . A ll p a r tic ip a n ts w i ll h a v e a h e a r in g te s t p r o v id e d a t n o c h a r g e . T h e d a t a c o l le c t e d f r o m t h i s s t u d y w i l l b e u s e d to f u r t h e r o u r u n d e r s ta n d in g o f h e a r in g lo s s a n d i m p r o v e li f e - c h a n g i n g h e a r i n g h e a l t h c a r e a c ro s s C a n a d a . Interested people can register to be a part o f this life changinghearing study* by calling: 1.888.242.4892 or visiting connecthearing.ca/hearing-study. 1. Cruickshanks, K. L., Wiley, T. L., Tweed, T. S., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R, Mares-Perlman, J. A., & Nondahl, D. M. ( 1998). Prevalence ofHearing Loss in Older Adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: The Epidemiology ofHearing Loss Study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 148 (9), 879-886. 2. National Institutes ofHealth. ( 2010). W h y Research H earin g Loss? Deep inside our ears are several thousand m icroscopic "hair cells" These cells are arranged in rows and each cell is responsible for hearing a specific pitch, sim ilar to th e keys on a pian o. A s w e age, so m e o f these cells b ecom e d am ag ed ... from loud noises, ch ron ic conditions, or the process o f aging itself. Just like a piano with dam aged keys, an ear with dam aged hair cells will m ake things sound muffled and distorted. F o r som e people this loss o f clarity is only a problem at noisy restaurants o r in the car, but for others it makes listening a struggle throughout the entire day. It is estim ated th at 46% o f people aged 4 5 to 8 7 have som e degree o f hearing loss,1 but m o st do n ot seek treatm en t right away. In fact, the average person with hearing loss will wait ten years before seeking help.2 This is because at the beginning stages o f hearing loss people Ryerson University Connect Hearing * S t u d yp a r t ic ip a n t s m u s tb e o v e r 5 0 y e a r s o f a g e a n d h a v e t h e o p t io n t o p a r t ic ip a t e .N o f e e s a n d n o p u r c h a s e n e c e s s a r y .A D P ,V A C ,W S IB ,N IH B a c c e p t e d .

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