www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, May 1 1, 2 0 1 7 | 4 Interlocking & C o n crete S p ecialists Landscaping Ltd · Pebble C oncrete · Stam ped Concrete · Interlocking · Flagstone · W alkw ays · G arage Floors · Patios · Drivew ays · C u rb s (French) ....... Call Mario 905.842.7171 s u n m a r la n d s c a p e .c o m BAEUM LER Cogeco hosting video events Saturday I will pay $15 for the kettle Make it $20 and its yours. NEED MORE CO UNTER SPACE? Tradyo is a mobile app that connects you with buyers and sellers that are nearest to you. Snap photos and post items you want to sell or chat with the sellers of things you want to buy. Really, it's that simple with Tradyo! So - W hat's in your Tradius? 1 3 s30 «2k m Kettle trady o.com 0 tradye Canada is turning 150 this year and it's the perfect time to show your pride. With that in m ind, Cogeco is holding video events Saturday, May 13, inviting you to go on camera to say why you love this great country. Your video will be entered into Metroland Media G roup's W hy I Love Canada Video Contest and may also be aired by Cogeco. The winner will be chosen by online voting at insidehalton.com in June. The entrant with the m ost votes will receive a $1,000 travel voucher. "Canadians have a reputation for being re served, but w e're hoping to tap into the great sense of pride that exists in this country to help celebrate Canada's 150th birthday," said Stu Aker, local manager, program m ing and com munity relations for Cogeco TV "It'll be a fun day." The video events will be held at the Halton Cogeco retails stores as follows: · Milton -- 1250 Steeles Ave. (next to W almart), 10 a.m.-noon · Oakville -- Oakville Place (next to Sears on the main level), 1-3 p.m. · Burlington -- Burlington Mall (Guelph Line and Fairview Street entrance), 4-6 p.m.). You can also enter the contest by creating your own short video, uploading it to You Tube, and filling out the entry form at insidehalton.com. The entry deadline is 11:59 p.m. Ju ne 2, 2017. O O w lle In v ite y o u t^ z n d o u t wAw< / C a l l t o d a y f o r y o u r p e r s o n a l to u r . W e 'd lo v e to h a v e y o u j o i n u s ! D is c o v e r Y o u r C h o ic e s o M m r ie te 380 S h e rin D riv e , O a k v ille , O n ta rio R e tir e m e n t L iv in g A t Its B e st (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -1 4 1 3 w w w .v is ta m e re .c a