11 | Thursday, May 1 1, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com H /S T E V E N S O N W H E L T O N Ma c D O N A LD & S W A N L L P PERSONAL INJURY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Halton Region recognizes Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13).From left, Chief Greg Sage, Halton Region Para medic Services holds a Headstart defibrillator; Halton Region Chair Gary Carr displays a crank-operated radio; Ralph Blauel, chief of emergency management for Halton hoists a 72-hour emergency survival kit that every household should have; Halton Police Deputy Chief Nishan Duraiappah shows a drone; and, Oakville Fire Platoon Chief Gerry Lieferink grasps a fire extinguisher. | Graham Paine/Metroland Emergency PreparednessW eek recognized first week of M ay Emergency Preparedness Week is an annual event that takes place each year during the first full week of May. This year, Emergency Preparedness Week runs from May 7 to 13. This national event is coordinated by Public Safety Canada, in close collaboration with the provinces and territories and partners, such as Halton Region. Since 1980, EmergencyManagementOntario see Being on p 16 Experienced Trial Lawyers Serving Oakville, Milton and Burlington ^/"sWLawyers.ca 540 C o rn w a ll R o a d 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .3 8 3 8 S u it e 1 0 6 , O a k v ille Skyw ay Jew ellers (§Thisr (^[otAedi/sr ... Qfawi/ FR EE M U R A N O G LA S S B EA D * with purchase of Trollbeads solid sterling silver bangle or bracelet and clasp. * $ 4 5 .0 0 value. Sale ends M a y 14 at the Queens Avenue Retirement Residence B eing a ctive is m ore tha n ju s t B IN G O and card gam es. A t Q ueens A venue, a ctiv itie s are d e sig n e d to m eet y o u r social, spiritu al, and p h ysica l needs. You never o u tg ro w the p assio n fo r learning and th e urge to play! Live Balanced - Live Better Call 905-815-0862 or email info@queensavenueretirement.com to book a visit. Queens Avenue 2501 Third Line, Oakville (Third Line and Dundas) 905-827-0700 www.skywayjewellers.com Retirement Residence Q Q ueens A ven u e R etirem en t R esidence 1 0 5 6 Q ueens A venue O akville, O n tario L 6 H 6R 3 w w w .queensavenueretirem ent.com