43 |Thursday, April 27, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com "Connected to your Community " BEAVER TRAILS TO TURKS & CAICOS: The O akville B eaver travelled to Turks & Caicos with Chanin Sangha and Saiyaa and Neale Bains. BEAVER TRAILS TO CUBA: The O akville B ea ve r travelled with Clayton Marshall, left, and his sister Jasmine Marshall to Cuba. They are pictured standing by a horse-drawn carriage and its driver. Take along a copy of the Oakville Beaver on your next vacation and send it in for publication to Beaver Trails, Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington ON L7L 5Z1 or e-mail to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. B e st Travel A g e n c y Foreverftung CANADA' S FIFTY PLUS NEWSMAGAZI NE^ ^ subscribe today for only $27/year (12issues) 2 years/$50 E n d u rin g divine,Bette M idtetoings't "S ® G IVE T H E G IF T O F TR A VEL Looking for the perfect gift for your graduate? Open their eyes to a world of possibilities by giving them the gift of travel. TRAVEL IS THE ULTIMATE LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE With over 300+ trips on 5 continents, join what hundreds of thousands of other travelers have experienced, #NOREGRETS travel with C ontiki! EUROPE^NORTH AMERICA^ASIA^LATIN AMERICA^AUSTRALIA^NEW ZEALAND name Address DON'T m is s subscription please print clearly Postal Code Enclosed CHEQuE or M o NEY o RDER OR ______ Please charge to my: S ffi a co py! Phone ORDER FORM GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! Contact us to plan an unforgettable trip! V isit M c T av ish T rav el.co m fo r m o re info rm atio n Card # ___________________________________ Expiry Date___________Signature__________________ CORPORATE · GROUP · LEISURE | S u ite 300, South O a k ville C entre · 1515 Rebecca S tre et, O a k ville 905.827.1100 tra ve l@ m cta vis h .co mwww.mctavishtravel.com P L E A S ES E N DY O U RP A Y M E N TTO : FO R EV ERYOUNG NEW SM AGAZiNE 5 0 4 6M a in w a y ,U n it 2 ,B u rlin g to n ,O NL 7 L5 Z 1 O RcA L LLIZ HANNA a t 289-293-0640 toll fr ee 1-800-693-7986 E X t. 740640