www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, April 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 | 36 Suspects sought by Halton police Halton police are asking for public assistance identifying two suspects allegedly involved in a break-in at a residence in north Oakville last weekend. The incident occurred Saturday, April 22 at approximatley 11:30 a.m. Two suspects approached the rear of a residence where they forced open a basement window and gained entry inside the home. As the suspects left the residence a neighbour observed their activity and called out to them. One suspect replied that he was looking for a lost puppy and both suspects calmly walked away without further incident. It is believed they had a vehicle parked on a nearby street to make good their escape. The first man is described as white, approximately 30 years, tall with an average build, clean-shaven, and dark hair. He was wearing sunglasses, all dark clothing, and a black ball cap with a white R ' on the front. The second suspect was also a white male, about 30 years, also tall with an average build, clean-shaven and dark hair. He, too, was wearing dark clothing. Residents are reminded to be vigilant and alert to any suspicious persons or vehicles roaming in their neighbourhoods and report any suspicious activity to police as soon as possible. Anyone with information pertaining to this investigation can call 905-825 4747, ext. 2263, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or www.haltoncrimesoppers.ca or by texting "Tip 2 0 1 " with a message to 274637 (crimes) Additional tips for securing homes and other property can also be found in the Services section of the HRPS website under Safety and Security Tips. Gardening W orkshops for H om eow ners! GIVEAWAYS at EACH SESSION Conservation H alton is running evening w orkshops in Burlington M ay 2, 9 and 16, and in O akville M a y 4, 11 and 25 to help hom eo w n ers learn . a b o u t plant selection, landscaping techniques and m ore. Enhance your hom e's curb appeal in an environm en tally frien d ly w a y w ith o u t breaking th e bank. Spaces are limited C onservation Halton li'T - f j|l! ' ' ' J iI conServationhalton.ca/healthyneighboursheds or call 905.33671158 ext. 2284 . R E G IS T E R T O D A Y ! Y O U 'R E IN V IT E D ! ! Presented by: TOP25 /^ L IF E S T Y L E ^R E T IR E M E N T m - CANADIAN IM M IG R A N T SH O W rv- pariunS I T 'S T I M E T O V O TE ! W e re c e iv e d h u n d re d s o f tru ly in s p irin g n o m in a tio n s fo r C a n a d ia n im m ig ra n ts w h o h a v e m a d e a s ig n ific a n t im p a c t s in c e th e ir a r r iv a l. N o w it's y o u r tu rn to h e lp c h o o s e th is y e a r 's w in n e rs . Make it a day trip to remember - See you there!! ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS 680 Plains Rd.W., Burlington RBG Auditorium i c ' Live Entertainment from the TORONTOALL STAR BiG BAND Vote Today canadianim m igrant.ca/rbctop25 EXHIBITORS: For information on howto showcase your business call: Title sponsor: Presented by: Media sponsors: 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 5 9 1 o rto iifre e Ext. 740698 (Nancy) or 740699 (Heidy) or 740768 (Lori) B ro u g h tto you b y M etroland Media G ro up 1 -8 0 0 -6 9 3 -7 9 8 6 Royal Bank CANADIAN IMMIGRANT Focus.