25 >1 Halton REGIO N halton.ca ( 311 | Thursday, May 4 , 2 0 1 7 | in Y o u fB Halton Highlights ReThink Water: Enjoy. Conserve. Protect. Halton Region provides residents with access to safe, clean and high-quality drinking water. Halton has 12 water treatment plants across the region that provide over 500,000 residents with 62 billion litres of water each year. As our population continues to grow, Halton Region is investing in expansions and upgrades to our water systems and treatment facilities. Halton offers resources and services to make it easy for residents to enjoy, conserve and protect our water resources: · If you are a private well owner, remember to test your water at least three times per year. Visit halton.ca/wellwater to order your free well water sample bottles and find your nearest sample drop-off depot. · Protect source water and Regional infrastructure-- please do not put household hazardous waste, personal care items or pharmaceuticals down the drain or in rivers, lakes or streams. Visit halton.ca/putwasteinitsplace to use our online tool and find out how to properly dispose of your waste. · Halton Region's annual rain barrel sale is back this spring. Visit halton.ca/rainbarrels for dates and locations. For more information about water in Halton, visit halton.ca/rethinkwater. May 2017 OAKVILLE BEAVER Keeping you informed by highlighting what makes Halton a great place to live. G ary Carr, Regional Chair | w w w .insideH A LTO N .com Helping community partners support resident well-being Halton Regional Council recently awarded nearly $2.9 million in funding for 40 community programs and projects to improve access to services for those at risk or in need. The funding, awarded in commitments of one, two and three years, will help enhance the health, safety and well-being of residents through a range of initiatives, including programs supporting mental health, preventing homelessness and supporting older adults, children and youth. Awarded through the Halton Region Community Investment Fund (HRCIF), the funding helps critical non-profit programs deliver or expand services, upgrade equipment and launch new initiatives to help improve the lives of Halton residents. Our commitment to keeping our communities safe and healthy helps make Halton a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. To learn more about the Halton Region Community Investment Fund and how Halton is working with community partners to improve access to services, visit halton.ca/investmentfund or call 311. R E T H IN K WATER 6 0 0 E njoy C onserve Protect Emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time The Region is ready to respond to emergencies in the community-- our emergency management plans and programs help ensure that our essential services remain available when you need them most. This commitment requires ongoing collaboration with local municipalities and community partners to coordinate response efforts and reduce the impact of emergency situations. While we contribute by enhancing the resilience of our services, emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility that involves individuals, all levels of government and our community. You can do your part to reduce the impact of any emergency by following three simple steps: know the risks, make a plan and get a kit. May 7 to 14 is Emergency Preparedness Week, and I encourage you to take this opportunity to prepare. In addition to protecting your home and family, your efforts allow first responders to focus their attention on those in immediate need during an emergency. Meetings at Halton Region 1151 Bronte Rd., O akville, L6M 3L1 Visit h a lto n .c a / m e e tin g s for full schedule. May 9 9:30 a.m. Health & Social Services Cttee. Planning & Public Works Cttee. Administration & Finance Cttee. Regional Council May 10 9:30 a.m. May 1 was First Responder's Day in Ontario, and I would like to thank Halton's dedicated paramedics, police officers and firefighters for helping to keep us safe. To learn more about emergency preparedness, visit halton.ca/beprepared . M ay10 1:30 p.m. May 17 9:30 a.m. & Please co n tact us as soon as p ossible if you have a n y a ccessib ility needs at Halton Region even ts or m eetin gs. This page has been donated by this newspaper to communicate important information to Halton residents at no cost to taxpayers.