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Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, A3

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Wednesday October 18, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 M ayor tries to put positive spin on record n u m ber o f acclam ation s Ann Mulvale to open storefront in bid to try and counter voter apathy By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF It's official: Friday's cut-off for municipal election nominations marked a pair of important firsts - an unprece dented number of acclamations and a p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays from noon landmark duration in office for mayor to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to Ann Mulvale. 1 p.m. Including the mayor's office. Town This year's election takes place Council, Regional Council and school Monday, Nov. 13. The new term of boards, a total of 14 registered local office will be from Dec. 1,2000 to Nov. candidates were not challenged and 30, 2003. will assume their seats unopposed. Acclamations also include Ward 1 As for Mulvale, she has been local councillor Ralph Robinson and acclaimed to her fifth three-year term, Ward 1 regional councillor Kevin meaning she will have held her office Flynn; Ward 3 local councillor Tedd longer than any mayor in the town's Smith; Ward 3 regional councillor history. That said, however, Mulvale Keith Bird; Ward 4 local councillor said she plans to use the campaign to Jody Sanderson and Ward 5 local coun help encourage residents to get out and cillor Janice Caster. vote. Incumbent Halton District Catholic To that end, she will open an office School Board trustees Ed Viana, at 465 Morden Rd. to act as a venue Charlie Jordan and Alice Anne Lemay where voters can come to discuss the will also retain their seats. issues and where all certified candi Other acclamations include Drew dates can display their campaign litera Currah, who filed for the Halton ture. District School Board Ward 1/2 seat; The office will be open Tuesdays Kelly Amos for the Halton District and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 School Board Ward 5/6 position; Jean MUNICIPAL Felix Desmarais for the French Public District School Board and Robert J. Hetu for the French Catholic School Board. The final list of those whose names will appear on the ballot is as follows: Ward 2 Local - *Linda Hardacre, Mary Paul, Tom Maich Ward 2 Regional - Fred Oliver, David Bazar, Simon Dann. Ward 4 Regional - ""Stephen Sparling, Allan Elgar Ward 5 Regional - "Liz Behrens, Jeff Knoll Ward 6 Local - Jim Smith, Janice Wright Ward 6 Regional - *Kurt Franklin, Roberta Need Mayor - Ann Mulvale Regional Chair - "Joyce Savoline, Anne Marsden, Lisa Cooper (elected at large) Halton District School Board Ward 3 - Wendy Burton, Mary Chapin Halton District School Board Ward 4 - "Peter Petrusich, Annette Kirk An asterisk (") denotes incumbents. P o litic a l v e te r a n b a c k in c o n te s t fo r W a r d 6 lo c a l s e a t Jim Smith is in the running for the Ward 6 local seat in this November's municipal election. Smith - who served two terms on Council in the late Eighties and early Nineties - is running on a platform of fiscal responsibili ty and accountabil ity. `T he ward has not been represented, as it was when I was ic j jon Jim Smith: dedi- Jh e Council. ,e cation to Qf Ward 6 constituents ^ fed up with councillors not showing up for Council and committee meet ings," said Smith, who has lived in Oakville since 1967. "In my previous six years I missed only two meetings. One must be com pletely dedicated to this position before running and be prepared for the meetings to represent the ward forcefully and responsibly." Smith was first elected to Town Council in 1988 and acclaimed in 1991 then was defeated in his bid to move to the Ward 6 local/regional seat in. 1994. In 1997 is tried to win the local/regional seat but was also defeated. "While on Council as budget chairman 1 brought in the lowest tax increase in the history of Oakville at that time, encourag ing the following budget com mittees to bring in (0%) increas es," he said. During his time on Council, Smith worked on such important projects as Fire Stn. #7 and the Iroquois Ridge Community Recreation Centre. Smith says he has no affiliation with any ratepayers' groups but will work with them to "establish the very best for Ward 6." "I have a proven track record on Council and an ability to work with the other councillors of Oakville to make this a safer, bet ter serviced place to live," he said. L iz B e h r e n s s e e k s r e tu r n to R e g io n a l C o u n c il in W a rd 5 Incumbent Ward 5 local/regional councillor Liz Behrens is seeking re-election in the Nov. 13th municipal election. In her 29 years as a Ward 5 resident, Behrens has spent 25 of those as a volunteer and council lor. TTiis time out, she says she will be putting her experience, commitment and dedication to effec tively manage, available resources to work to "guide Oakville into the future." Growth is of major concern in the north and Behrens maintains the 2000-2003 Council must address everything from transportation and eco nomic development to the environment as the town's new urban areas develop. At the same time, Behrens said she is aware that solutions to these issues must be affordable to Oakville taxpayers and that area councillors must work co-operatively with other GTA munic ipalities to implement sustainable solutions. During her time of local and Regional Council, Behrens has been acclaimed three times but is looking forward to getting out and meeting her constituents during this latest campaign. In Oakville, Behrens has been involved with everything from Administrative Services, Community Services, Oakville Museum and the United Way to the North Oakville Land Use Options Study (chair) and the 2000 Budget Committee. At Halton Region, she has worked on Administrative Services, Planning and Public Works, Halton Non-Profit Housing (president), regional emergency preparedness, Halton Area Services Review, Halton Women's Place Business Advisory and more. Behrens' community involvement includes work with Neighbourhood Watch and the Halton Region Safety Council. She was the first chair man of the Oakville Block Parent Committee and is also a charter member of both the Sunningdale Public School Home and School Committee and the College Park Resident Association. Other experience includes vice president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and chairman of AMO's Large Urban Section. Behrens is the current president of the Senaca Seniors Day Program. Liz Behrens: looking for reelection B E IN C H A R G E O F Y O U R C A R E E R ! M A R K E T Y O U R S K IL L S ! ENNISCLARE INTERIORS A T R A D I T I O N S T O R E OF E L E G A N C E W I D E C onsulting As A C areer Option d Build a foundation as an independent professional and discover what it takes to run your own business r f Learn from professional consultants how to test, develop and refine your business idea d Master business basics which will allow you to run a simplified, smooth, day-to-day operation SALES & MARKETING · BUSINESS PLANS · PRESENTATIONS Workshops, group and individual coaching create the basis of this 6-wk. employment assistance service funded by Human Resources Development Canada for residents of Oakville & Burlington areas. Fall Sale L a r g e r s c a le c o m p u t e r c a b in e t. C a n d le lig h t C h e r r y f in is h . R e g . p ric e , $ 3 9 3 9 . S a le , PROGRAMS START: NOVEMBER 1 3 , 2000 ORIENTATION DATES: NOVEMBER 1 & 6 , 2000 CALL TO BOOK AN ORIENTATION Burlington/Oakville: (905) 796-7790 Out of town: 1-888-755-7364 *2 9 4 9 W gk/'.s W? D o M I N IC *Be V.NNtV..».\«r. C o m p u te r d e s k s y s te m . In c lu d e s c o m p u te r d e s k , c o m p u te r d e s k re tu rn a n d h u tc h . R e g . p ric e , $ 5 2 7 9 . 8S« Sale * 3 6 9 9 tV T L R -D R S E x e c u t iv e c h a ir s . A v a i l a b l e in a w i d e TRUN SHO Saturday, O ctober 9 am - 6 pm M eet 90 DAYS NO INTEREST OR 6 OR 12 MONTH EQUAL PAY MENT PLAN O .A .C . D e ta ils in s to re v a r ie t y o f le a t h e r s a n d f a b r ic s . F a b r ic f ro m : R e g . p ric e , $ 1 8 1 9 . S a le , f ro m , >1359 H o m e e n te r ta in m e n t a r m o ir e . F u n c t io n w it h s ty le f o r b e d ro o m o r f a m ily ro o m . R e g . p ric e , $ 3 2 7 9 . S a le $2289 ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1 0 7 5 N O R T H S E R V I C E R D . W E S T , O A K V I L L E . T e l: ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 - 2 4 5 0 209 S T O R E H O U R S : M o n ., T u e s ., W e d . & S a t . 1 0 :0 0 a m to 5 : 3 0 p m T h u r s . & F r i. 1 0 : 0 0 a m t o 9 : 0 0 p m . S u n . N o o n t o 5 p m Sale prices are in effect until N ovem ber 5, 2000 AD 1041

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