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Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, October 18, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER TO PLACE AN AD CALL houses for sale ALDERSHO T Paradise 3.000sq ft.. 5 bedroom, 2.5 baths on 1 acre lot. 20x 50ft. workshop. Pool with large Florida room. Very private in prestigious Birdland. S460.000. 905-466-5272 B U N G A LO W . 2344 Redfern, Burlington. Brick, 3bdrms, hardwood under carpet, sunroom, pool. Core area $184,900. 905-6819081______________________ $790,000. Kitchener invest ment opportunity. 16 unit building good return. Man agem ent available. Call Glenn Trachsel Team Realty KW Inc. (519)741-1400 G LE N Abbey 4 bedroom, double garage, basement partly finished, family room. 2.5 baths. (905)827-5829. apartments & flats for rent Classified iW TheOakville Beaver D5 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ ,w w .oakvi Ilebeaver. com The site y o u r com m u n ity clicks on ! 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON . - F :RI. 8 :3 0 a.m . - 6p.m . |2 ^ ^ H 5 0 0 K 2 ^ ^ H 5 0 0 training Circulation: 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 Real Estate 1 0 0 -1 6 5 - Rentals 1 70 -1 96 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · Merchandise 3 0 0 -3 7 5 - Auto 4 0 0 -4 6 5 · Help Wanted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 · Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 -Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 Burlington Towers The H o tel A lte rn a tiv e F U R N IS H E D C O R P O R A T E S U IT E S · · · · F urnished D esigner A p artm en ts Fully E quipped Kitchens M agnificent Indoor Pool Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 O n ta rio St. curacy L/tf-wp C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 P rospect St. · 632-2601 A job with a future does exist! Climb the ladder to a well-paid career! We KNOW where the jobs are! Looking for a career change? Want to get into a program with a job placement upon successful completion? The Centre for Skills Development & Training has graduated hundreds of menand women in the skilled trades who are now successfully employed in careers with a future! BRANCH MANAGER Are you a flexible, self-motivated individual with drive to succeed? Are you computer literate and in possession o f a business university degree? W e are lo o k in g fo r th e r ig h t in d iv id u a l to help m anage o u r M ississau g a based operation as o u r local m anager. Th e su cc e ssfu l candidate w ill go th ro u g h an extensive tra in in g period of 3 m onths at c u s to m e r servic e and a s sis tin g in w are h o u se o p e ra tio n s . T h is is a p e rfe c t o p p o rtu n ity fo r a j u n i o r a d m i n is t r a t o r to le a r n h o w to r u n a b u s in e s s . W e a re a s p e c ia lit y a d h e s iv e a n d fastener organization th a t seifs a ssem bly solu tion s to in d u s tria l end - users fro m 9 lo c a tio ns acro ss N o rth Am erica. Base S a la ry sta rts at $ 35K along w it h an in c e n t iv e bonus s y s te m , p lu s a com prehensive health & benefits plan. 3 Bedroom s · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties L im ited 639 · 8583 Mon&Thurs: 9-6 Tues,YVed,Fri: 9-8 Sat: 105; Sun: 11-5 w w w .o ntim .com · bto w ers@ lara.on .ca S P A C IO U S Aldershot basement apartment. Seperate entrance. Parking. Includes washer/ dryer/ util ities A va ila b le D e c .1st. $7607mo. 905-639-3205 BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate. 1-bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new appliances. $1,250./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. O A K V IL L E bachelor base ment, sep arate entrance. Near Sheridan College/ GO. No Smoking/ pets. $650. Immediate. 905-815-1727 B U R LIN G TO N - Large 2 bedroom apartment in clean quiet building. Avail. Nov. 1st. Sandra 905-634-5604 BURLINGTON, On The Bay. 2-bedrooms from $950. Near Marina.lndoorpool. Doorman. A/C, hydro, parking included. Near GO. (905)632-1109 O A K V IL L E East. 392 Pine Ave. Renovated. Near GO, Downtown. 1-Bedroom (Jr.) From $750./mo. N o v.1st. (905)337-0910_____________ L A K E F R O N T Burlington! Large clean 1 & 2-bdrm apts. Nov/Dec.1st. 2338 Lakshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938; Tollfree 1-877-452-1881________ O A K V IL L E - very clean, 1 bedroom basement apart ment. Nov .'1st. $800/ +50% u tilities. Days 825-3535, evenings 465-0589_________ DORVAL/ Lakeshore 2 bed room basement- Seperate entrance, share laundry, non-smoker, $980. inclusive. Nov. 1st 905-339-3666 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1&2 Bedroom avail able Nov 1st. From $795/ mo. (905)632-0129_________ BALLO O N Drapes- 2 setsLR-DR. Dusty rose with cream stripe. §50./ all call 827-3582________________ BOY'S Bauer 3000 skatesused 8 months. S ize 3 . $100.905-335-2699________ R A R E Find! 1400.sq.ft Dram atic 1 floor plan w/ palladium windows, french doors to deck Gas FIP. 3bdrm. 2 baths. 5 appliances. F re sh ly painted end unit. $169,900 5.9% assumable m ortgage available. Burlington 905-921-8495 BR AN D new condo apt in R iver Oaks. 81 7sq.ft. of luxury. 2 bedroom. 5 new appliances 1 parking & 1 locker included. Balcony. Ceramic flooring +many more upgrades Asking'$163,900. 416-315-5208______________ WE specialize in Condomini um S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 IN E X P E N S IV E warehouse space: Unheated 1000'. Heated, sprinklered. truck level doors. 60,000' or less d w 3 overhead cranes. 2100' & 1400' Joe Luyk, (905)8457597. Ext.242 ^ industrial /commercial space COLOR TV RCA- 1987. ca EAST Oakville. 4-bedroom ble ready, works fine. $60. 2storey. C/A, walk-out deck, 630-4664__________________ fenced yard, eat-in kitchen, desirable family neighbour KENMORE dryer. 10yrs old. hood. $1375/mo.+ Nov. 1st. good working condition $100. Non-smoker/ pets. 319-7624, leave message. References (905)849-7818 L O V E seat great shape, HOMES to rent w/option to n eutral colours, great for buy. or creative financing cottage or rec room. $90. available to facilitate pur obo 632-3332______________ chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, S IN G LE box and mattress Assoc. Broker, (905)639with head and foot board. 5258 Re/Max Escarpment side/ails. $85. 331-0116 Realty Inc., Realtor STOVE, Viking, white, good E X E C U T IV E Bungalow working condition $50 obo G reat 5-bedroom home, 2 905-529-7664____________ full baths. 5 appliances, double garage, in-ground W O O D EN E a g le s Nest pod. private yard. Lakeshore Clubhouse with swings, slide, near 4th Line. Immediate rope ladder. $100 obo 257$2.200/mo. 1-413-585-0049. 1587______________________ 905-825-9621______________ M E T A L Desk very good condition. $100. (905)338REBECCA/ Bronte.Detached 3bedroom bungalow + 7642______________________ basement apartment, quiet S T A N L E Y garage d o o r, location. D ec.1st. $1240/ opener, push button $75. mi.+ utilities. Long lease pre(905)844-6271._____________ ferred. Call (905)822-0119 www.sickofrenting.com DRYER, electric, white, Vik ing. Works fine. $60. 6394664______________________ KENMORE washer 10 yrsold good working condition.$100. 319-7624, leave message. LEATH ER jacket, medium, black, excellent condition. $60. Call 336-2078 W ANTED All-China. Silver. C rystal, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing m a chines... Doulton, Moorcroft.Quilts. Glass. Watch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_____________ P A IN T IN G S , Antiques Wanted; Furniture, Glass, China. S ilver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington. Women in Manufacturing Technology * Industrial Electrician Industrial Mechanic / Millwright Courses begin in October! Come to a free information session and find out if this is right for you! Call to register: 333-3499, ext. 121. * Women: tuition subsidies are available for qualified candidates! Call our Human Resources Dept, at 1-800-267-9334 or e-mail resume at bglynn@adfastcorp.com Small executive head-office in downtown Oakville with branch locations in Western Canada has two immediate career opportunities tor: G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardwood. 'O ntario's la r gest Firewood retail. Marc's Q u a lity Firewood, (905)-257-6366_____________ W* [ i T l l cars for sale 1994 Lexus GS 300 black, gold trim , leather, fully loaded. Immaculate. Dealer serviced, highway driven. $23,500. Private 332-7949 1991 CHEVRO LET 1500 Series V8. two tone blue with cap Low Kms. Call (905)847-5582_________ 1995 N issan Pathfinder, beige, excellent condition, leather interior, fully load ed. im m aculate. Dealer serviced. Phone included. 99K. highway driven. S17,500. Private 332-7949 1989 Delta 88 Royale. Navy Blue. 145K. Excellent body, interior, etc. $3500. Moving. (905)690-1268_____________ 1990 Plymouth Sundance. 117K, 4-door hatchback, 4 cyl., champagne interior/exterior, good inexpensive car. $875 obo. As is 847-3090 1986 Toyota C orolla LE 238K. good condition, as is, or w ill certify. C ertified $1200. 319-2049 after 6pm 1999 C IV IC EX. black. 5spd, 4-door, am/fm CD. air, power windows/locks, cruise, 65K, $17.777 681-7927 1987 Honda Accord- 4 door, automatic, 22K, Askmg $1.300 905-336-8814 1987 Olds Mobile Cutlass156.000km. Good running order. $850. 681-8663week dayS, 637-7115 weekends. 1997 Chev Cavalier LS. 42K. 4 dr, Midnight Black, upgrad ed tires. Cert. Drive Clean tested. 6-mo. 6K lim ited power train w arranty. $10,985. F airview Tire, Days, 632-8151, Evenings. 317-6515__________________ 1988 Blue Mustang- S un roof, good condition. 170K, $950 obo. 844-2988________ 1998 Chev C a v a lie r Z24, 60K, Emerald, loaded, moon roof, drive clean tested & cert. 6 mo. limited powertrain w arranty. 60K. $12,985. F airview Tire, Days, 6328151, Evenings, 317-6515 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 54K, 5-spd, red, drive clean tested. Immaculate. Cert, warranty. $11,985. Fairview Tire. (905)632-8151_________ 1987 Olds Firenza- 134,000 km. Certified. Drive clean. $1.300. call 257-6366 1998 G rand C aravan SE. Fully Loaded w/Quads, rear heat, remote. 66K. Asking $19,900. (905)815-0392 1997 Cougar XR7- 2 door, 4.6 litre V8. loaded. 40K. like new, $13,900. 905-315-7813 2000 Cavalier- Silver- 4dr. A/C. p.s/ p.b.; stereocass Low mileage, one owner. $19,000 OBO. 633-6941___ 1980 Buick Century Lim it ed. 4-dr, V-8. Good condition. 10-yrs in Florida. $1250. obo. 905-465-2922________ HONDA Civic, '86, 4-door wagon, mint condition. Au tomatic, safety, e-certified. Complete records available. $2100 firm. 332-8067 1991 PONTIAC Sunbird LE automatic, e-tested, can certify, m any new parts 172K $3,000. 827-1718 1991 Tempo- 'C ertified*, auto, 4 door, 'midnight blue* deluxe am/fm cassette. Air, power options, ladies car. `Looks and drives like new* Emissions certificate. Low kms., great w inter car. $3,300. Oakville 842-8383 1998 Chev. C avalier, e x tended warranty, 4-cylinder auto, air, mint, black on black 80K, $10.250. 331-6526 P O N T IA C Parisierme1986. Best offer. 335-1389 1988 Mercury Wagon, fully loaded 240K good condition, $500. as is. (905)847-6664 1988 Topaz, 4-door GS, no plates, good condition, ex cellent tires, new battery, new exhaust assembly. $350. 631-5509____________ 1993 Asuna SE. 105K 5speed, E tested, good con dition $2,000 Call 6394591 or 516-0836__________ 1992 Ford Tempo 2-door, V6. good condition $2600. obo. 827-1077 after 5:30 1992 Nissan Maxima, leath er, sun-roof, Bose, new tires. $5,000,681-1859 Job Trainin Accounting/Micro Computer Office Administration Medical/Legal Office Ass't. a Dental Reception MS OFFICE AccPac/Quickbooii Internet/Email Police Foundations Diploma Financial Aid Mav Be Available M Burlington have access to a car. Senior Accountant/ Bookkeeper (Full-time) Applicants should have a solid accounting background, with experience in performing all bookkeeping lunctions up to and including tim ely, accurate preparation ot monthly tinancial statements. Duties w ill include AR. AP bank reconciliations, posting and balancing ot the G.L., daily cash management, and the preparation ot a Small bi-weekly payroll. Ideally, the successful applicant w ill be experienced in working with Accpac tor Windows, and the Accpac payroll programme. www.thecentre.on.ca The Centre Skills Development & Training Office Administrator (Permanent Part-time) Applicants should have an established knowledge of and be experienced in general office procedures and duties, including the preparation ot office correspondence, data base m ain ten ance, f ilin g system s, p ro fe s sio n a l interaction with clients and supplies, and problem solving. Staffing tor this position is required trom noon to 5pm. The work environment is quiet, nicely appointed and well equipped Salary is competitive, a benefit plan is available, indoor heated parking is provided. Oakville Office Space for lease- Approx 1.500 sq It. office and warehouse space tor sublet or new lease Available Dec. 1st: Close to QEW at North Service Rd/4th Line. Call Integrated Market Solutions at (905)8252373 tor site visit. O A K V IL L E Lakeshore/ K err, prime retail/ office space. 2 units at $1125/mo. ea + utilities. (905)842-3196 P H Y S IC IA N and family, non-smokers, no pets, re quires 3 or 4 bedroom home, short term lease. Clearview/ E. Oakville. Call 829-9115 II either ot these positions appeals to you please torward your resume, salary history immediately to: & HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Bedroom townhouses available Nov.1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. (905)876-3336 2-STOREY, 3-bedroom townhouse, fenced yard, 2 parking incl. $1099/mo.+ utilities. Central Burlington. Nov 1st (905)634-3160 BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom from $1050/mo.+ utilities, Dec.1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. N ear schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)3331190. WEB Design: The Edge of Space and Tim e any web page design. Adam (905)847-0998, (905)-510-1306 637*3415 Western Display Service Limited 277 Lakeshore Road, East, Suite 406 Oakville, Ont L6J1H9 -- JOB F A IR Acct. Executives Leading ATM co. seeks qualified individuals to est. & maintain accounts tor ATM sales Qualified applicants will have a sales background, great interpersonal skills and Large commissions + residual income trom the first day. Fax resume: C A R E E R O P P O R T U N IT IE S tt& ir & tt U P G R A D E D 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts with scenic views avail able at two prime downtown Burlington locations. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643; 477 Elizabeth SL. (905)634-9374 2-YEAR old W hirlpool re frigerator and stove. White. Mint condition. $1275. 829-0105_________________ _ A P P L IA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 A P P L IA N C E S Maytag, white washer & Dryer; Hotpoint Almond, fridge & stove; TV; Moving Sale. 905-639-0893______________ A R M O IR E 4 door, hunter green and pine, ornate trim, $350.; 2 decorator fan chairs. Celery green, (New) paid $600 each, sacrifice $275 each, gorgeous. 905332-1977_________________ BABY Grand Piano, Lester. Ebony. Completely refur bished & restored. $5,800. 905-608-0422______________ BEAUTIFUL Henredon din ing suite. Burled oak table with 2 leaves, 8 cane back upholstered chairs & match ing buffet. $2,800. 905-6349099______________________ B ED S, New- Complete: Double. $220; Queen. $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)681-9496 CALORIC gas stove- Pres tige series. Good condition. $175. 332-5957____________ C A R P E T . I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902_____________ F R E E Estim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily. (905)632-9090 F R ID G E S and stoves, washer & dryers. Like new Delivered. 549-1911________ L IT T L E Tykes Cozy Cot tage twin bed with match ing toy chest, desk & chair. Barbie house. $600 for all. (2) Peg Perego motorized quads. 2 speeds + reverse. 3yrs. old. barely used. $250/ea. 905-689-0404 MOVING Oct. 23rd- Custom made oak home office desk (Cocooned) brand new $8,000. Asking $2,900. measures 2 1/2ft. deep. 8ft. wide & 6ft.. 2in high. 905875-7111 to view___________ 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. C a ll Scott (905)639-2200_____________ S LO T M achine Secrets R evealed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Get your copy, only $14.99, and start winning. 905-645-0616________ SOFA set, 3-pce, off white, fu lly upholstered. In very good condition, asking $500/ obo. (905)844-7120 SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G ST! Love your furniture... hate yo ur co lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C hairs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090_____________ TH E W aterbed G a lle ry Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street. Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600.______________________ USED furniture/ applianc es. Moving sale, call (905)336-1901______________ W A S H E R & Dryer. Inglis. excellent condition, $450. Kitchen table w/4 uphol stered swivel chairs, $250. 26* TV stereo, as is, $250. 332-4674__________________ G O A L IE Skates. Bauer & CCM sizes 5. 7. 9. 2 Raleigh M atterhorn Mtn. bikes. 4 Solid louver pine doors, 312*X6'-4*. 1-2'-6*X4* all reasonably priced 905-8445516 N A T IO N A L G eographic M agazines 1979-1999. 193 issues in excellent condition 15 cents each or all for $25.00. C all (905)849-1081 ACCOUNTANT Construction/ Engineering Firm has an T iH tH d fo M . immediate opening lor an individual with a minimum ot 10 years general accounting experience. Responsi b ilitie s include reports, bank r e c s , general ledger, payroll and overseeing an accounts payable assistant. Experience with a computerized accounting system and M S Word a must. F lexib ility and a strong com p uter s k ills req uired . An o p p o rtu n ity w ith a very competitive salary and benefits. (ham & m flEnoys \jc n M x S W O R K from home parttime! Potential fulltime in come possible. Training pro vided. Toll free pre- recorded message. 1-877-253-2605 FOR SALE Men's Barb er H air Stylist. W e ll estab lished. good location in Oakville. Phone (905)8457399 after 6 p.m. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1 Bdrm Apt Avail. Dec. 1st - $680/mo. Includes utilities. Parking Available 3-Bdrm 2-Level Fax resume to (905) 333-5580 · JANKAR Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9am - 7pm Holiday Inn · Burlington 3063 South Service Rd. H iring S hift S upervisors & Service Staff Various shifts available with flexible scheduling, above market wages, paid training, free uniforms, staff incentives, regular pay increases. Benefits avail. (416) 962-3199 Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lu ll basement. R FULL-TIME Pugmill Operator wanted. No experience necessary. $12/hr. Self motivated. Involves physi cal-effort, lifting 501b bags continuously. Able to read clay recipes, meet dead lines. Apply in Person/ fax/ send resum e The Pottery Supply House- 1120 Speers Rd.. Oakville Fax: 905-8490001_______________________ HO USECLEANER required to join our team. Paid training. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. (No students please) (905)3361489______________________ LOOKING for a few good people to join our team on a full or part time basis. Call for interview between 8am- 6pm. High Class Car Wash. 849-1450 E S P S Launch an exciting C a r e e r with one o f C a n a d a 's R E S P leaders We're looking lor sell-motivated individuals dedicat ed to h elp in g parents sta rt R egistered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) for th e ir children We need Enrollment Officers to help parents understand recent changes like the Federal Government initiative ot max imizing RESP dollars with a 20% Savings Grant Join the Heritage Team and you'll enhance your tuture as well as the tuture ot children Heritage otters tlexible working arrangements and growth opportunities with in out national, independent agency network For more Information: J.F. Nehme. (905)678-2878 or (905)844-3571 voice mail or fsx (905)844-1699 Locations in Burlington · Fax: (903)319-2194j PLAINS/ QEW (Burlington). 2-bedroom, new er smaN building. Parking, laundry. S ecurity. Nov./Dec. 1st $769./hydro. 905-825-5539. FRESH LY Decorated: 2&3 Bedrooms- some 2-level! Nov ./Dec. Low-rise building. Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Burling ton). 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr (905)336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. 336-0016 (905) 690-1896 FURNISHED Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/mo, all utilities includ ed. Immediate. (905) 6328354; (905)632-6189 W ATERDOW N: very large 2-bedroom apartm ent, in quiet family home. A v a il able Nov 1st. Fireplace, bay window, open concept. $975/month inclusive. No pets 689-6497_____________ Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 NEW Renovations- 3-bdrm townhouse maisonettes. 1 parking. November. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104 3-BEDROO M townhouse, with family room and many upgrades. $1650. Also sm aller 3-bdrm townhouse $1200.month. Call Joseph Rupcich, Broker. Oakdome Realty. 844-0363___________ BRONTE 3 bedroom townhome by the lake, approx. 2400 sq. ft., 2.5 baths, family room, double garage with inside entry. Available Dec. 9. $2450. p/m 905-338-9000. O AKVILLE 3 bedroom town house, appliances, garage, available Dec 1. $l250/mo + utilities., Newly decorated. (905)270-2693 £ SHOPPERS DRUG M A RT® CASHIERS & SUPERVISORS F o r 2 lo c a tio n s . F u ll a n d p a rt- tim e Applications available at these Burlington locations: · 470 Appleby Line · 5353 Lakeshore Rd. East- (Lakeside Plaza) DO W N TO W N Burlington. (at 30 Speers Rd.) 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available Nov/Dec. Freshly painted, Kerr/Speers/QEW some with new kitchen cabi Bachelor trom S689* netry! Well maintained, quiet 1Bdrm trom 6 7 7 9* building. Walk to shopping. 2- Bdrm trom $899* Hospital, Lake! C all (905)637-0321 Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 L U X U R Y . New 1-3 Bdrm "(2% disc, included) Corporate Condos/ Homes. C A N A D IA N A.Quiet, w ell TV. VCR. 6 appliances, maintained lakefront building. stereo. 1-3 baths, health Very spacious 1&3-bedrooms centre, security. Daily, available December. 5220 W eekly, M onthly. From Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. $1295-2995/ month. Visa. (905)632-5486___________ M asterCard. Am Ex. C all 681-RENT (7355) L/M 2BEDROOM, 1-1/2 baths. Available Dec. 1st. $975/mo. Lakeshore/ Appleby. torrent (905)639-3301 BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom, O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at ground floor suite. 2 front Rebecca. Renovated. Large parking. 5 appliances, suites. W alk to Everything. storage. C/A. Utilities/ condo 1-Bedroom From $795. fees included. N o v.1st. Immediate. (905)845-1777 $1,050./mo. 905-331-2331 Tallest Building in Oakville! or Fax resume to: (905)-637-0070 No phone calls please H er schounM p age INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Insid e Sales & A u to m a tio n S yste m s A s s e m b ly. T h e su cc e ssfu l c andidate w ill be m e c h a n ic a lly in c lin e d , p r e f e r a b ly w it h an a u t o m a t io n Frank 's Food Basics NOW HIRING P/T CASHIERS & MEAT CLERKS Days, Evgs, Wknds TUnHettows. Mississauga location requires b a c kg ro u n d . opportunity. G ood c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills are re q u ire d . A p o s itio n o ffe rin g e x c e lle n t g ro w th GROCERY CLERK Experience Preterred P/T Overnight F /T H A N D YPER SO N lor General Maintenance & repairs ot Buildings and equipment at 17 locations. Applicants must possess experience: with hand & power tools and a general ability with ceramics, plumbing, carpentry, drywall, etc. Electrical or H.V.A.C. experience preterred. · Salary commensurate with experience. · Benefit Package F U R N IS H E D bedroom, share bath. Kitchen p rivi leges U tilitie s included. Pool, hot tub. $ 1 10./wkly. East Oakville. Non-smoker 82S-5995__________________ SEM I-furnished -own kitchen, cable, parking, share bath/ laundry. B u r lington. $435./mo. Nov.1st. S uite working gentlem en. 332-3943__________________ UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse. near bus, walk to Sheridan College. Non-smoker (905)845-8693____________ LARG E basement rec room- free cable, furnished. $500. includes utilities. Mainway/ Dillon area. 905-331-3358 Apply with resume 530 Kerr St,, Oakville ·£ * - ft NEW faces needed for Fall/ Winter work. M/F, All ages, all sizes for fashion/ h a ir shows/ catalog w ork/ TV extras $20-90/hr. (905) 3365455 DEJONG Homes requires an individual fulltim e fam iliar with, or willing to learn, all aspects of residential con struction. Wage commensu rate with experience. Own transportation required. Call (905)332-6711_____________ T R E E company, based in Waterdown, requires Ground person. Experience p re ferred. Includes running chain saw, brush chipping, lifting wood and job site clean-up. Fulltime seasonal. Wage commensurate with experience. Danny or Nancy, (905)689-1214_____________ C A L L C entre S10/hourG reat opportunity for well spoken telephone TS R's looking for a career with huge earning potential. Full training provided in a computerized environment. Com prehensive Bonus Plan. (905)-637-8228 Resumes to COWPER INC. via email at: cowper@ golden.net or by fax to (905) 607-5592 Enfield Transportation Sm all established progressive company seeks team player * AZ D river flat bed experience preferred * Local and or Long Distance * Based in O akville/ Mississauga * Positive attitude/ clean abstract ^ condom inium s Fax or email resume to John or David Hoey 905-822-2673 2jjhoey@ionsis.com N E AR Burloak. 2-bdrms, basement apartment of du plex. 4 appliances, parking. $650/mo. Kerr/Lakeshore. ground floor. 2-bedroom of duplex $800/mo Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690_____________ U PPE R Middle/ 8th Linebasement apartment, pri vate washroom w/jacuzzi. Quiet. Non-smoker. Bus route. Nov. 1st.. 905-845-8693. G E O R G IA N Apartm ents. Nov ./Dec. 1,2&3 Bedrooms. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton. 639-0456. M-F: 9am4pm & 6:30-8pm BURLINGTON: luxury fully furnished condo, 2-bedroom, 1.5 baths, fireplace, washer/ dryer. Many extras. Con venient to highway, shop ping. Short/long term. $1600. 905-628-8861 S PAC IO U S adult-living in North Oakville. Immediate. 2+1 bedroom, 1.5 baths, fireplace. Immediate. $1550 inclusive. (905)337-0858 I houses for rent Customer Service Representative (O akville) TH E ID E A L C A N D ID A TE S H 0 U 1 D H AVF Phone: (905)842-5827 Indigo Books, Music & More We are seeking exceptional, service oriented, tlexible individuals to join our team in the following areas: I shared accommodation R E S P O N S IB L E , profes sional non-smoker, 1-bdrm available, convenient southeast Burlington loca tion. $375/mo.. includes all amenities. 905-631 -1112 N O R T H E A S T O akville. 4bedroom condo. Laundry, cable, $550/mo. Mature fe male. non-smoker. W alk to Sheridan College, on bus route. 842-5313.___________ S T U D E N T fem ale p re ferred. $350. all inclusive. Near GO/ Sheridan. Mike (416) 719-6175___________ B U R L IN G T O N : share 2bedroom apartment, suite working non-smoker, 2540. Neat, responsible. Nov. 1st. $575./mo. all in clusive. 632-1524 · a m inim um of 2 years experience in an office environm ent · Com puter knowledge (PC) · Lotus Notes Experience MUST BE · a self starter · possess excellent communication skills · Bilingual (English/French) Salary, bonus, benefit package Please fa x /e m a il/ phone * Sales - FT/PT and/or Seasonal * Cafe * Sales Floor Managers These p osition s are ideal for in d iv id u a ls who are h ig h ly customer focussed, passionate about books, an d/o r m usic, en e rg etic and possess e xc e lle n t communication skills, your resume to: In d ig o B o o k s M u s ic & M o reA T T N : G e n e ra l M a n a g e r, 1 2 5 0 B r a n t S t., B u r lin g to n L 7 P 1 X 8 , fa x : 3 3 1 - 1 8 6 1 o r e m a il: b lo c k e @ in d ig o .c a some experience in a servce Please send oriented retail environment would be ideal S P A C IO U S Lakeshore ranch, near Bronte: 2+1 bedrooms, den, recrm, private yard. 6 appliances S2100/mo+ utilities. Credit 1BEDROOM Suites among ref. No pets, non-smokers. refined tenants in luxury Nov. 1st. Susan Hilton. building close to Burlington Re/max Garden C ity Rlty. Mall. C all "The Princess*. (905)-333-3500____________ (905)639-8009_____________ STOP Looking! Need a home BU RLIN G TO N/ Hamiltonto rent in the $1500- $3000 Clean 1-bedroom, fridge, range? Call me! (905)333stove, new wood floor, park 1706, Ext.70. Kathy Murray, ing. Novlst. reasonable. Call Sales Representative. Active (905)522-3362_____________ Properties Inc. O A K V IL L E . N ear all SO U TH of Lakeshore, 2 amenities. 199 Queen Mary bedroom bungalow on a Drive: 2-bedroom, Nov. 1st, large treed lot. Updated 3bdrm, Oct.1st.; (905)844kitchen & 4 pc. bath. Lower 9006; 205 Queen Mary Drive: level with large rec. room & 3-bedroom. Oct. 1st; Utilities 3 pc. bath. Ind. 6 appliances, included. (905)844-9670 central vac./ air. Avail. Dec.1. $2250. p/m (905)338-9000. 2-BEDROO MS: $790 / mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm. Mon -Sat. (905)639-5761 W A T E R D O W N : 75 John Street. Walk to Everything. New Appliances. Windows. Competely Renovated. 2Bedroom From $695/mo. Nov. 1st. (905)690-4454 BURLINGTON, 3-bedrooms, garage, fenced yard. $1350/ mo.+ utilities. N ov.1st. No smoking. Prefer no pets. Kathy Murray. Sales Repre sentative, Active Properties Inc- (905)333-5506, Ext.29 Ph: (905) 844-2121 Fax: (905) 844-0129 mread@haltronicsltd.com Xtra Quality Truck Centre Inc. is a highly motivated company whose locus is delivering the highest quality Y t r a I K quauty · · · · · · · · service to our customers by the highest quality employees. It you share these values and want to work in a new slate ot the art 40 OOOsqlt. facility in Milton with the newest technology in equipment and tooling, you can be part ot our team. Laurentian Bank of Canada Part-Tim e C u sto m e r S erv ice O ffice r W e re q u ire an e n th u s ia s tic in d iv id u a l w h o possesses stro n g in te r-p erso n al a n d organ izatio n al skills, to w o rk at o u r O ak ville Branch on a contract basis. T he position involves servicing o u r clients d a ily ban k in g tran sactio n s in clu d in g for e ig n exchange a n d c h eq u e certification. Banking experience a definite asset. Inter ested can d id ate s are inv ited to send their resum es in confidence to: The B ranch M anager 210 N o rth Service Rd W est, Oakville, O n L6M 2Y2 o r fax to: 905-849-3970 C O LL IN G W O O D . 3-bdrm condo w/gas fireplace, home theatre system. Jacuzzi. Near golf, hiking, biking. $450/wk (905)46S2922 ___________ __ F LO R ID A , Indian Shores/ St. Pete's, minutes walk to beach. 2-bdrm/ 2-bath condo for rent. All amenities. Sleeps 4-5. 845-5605. 1997 Jim m y SLT, 4-dr. G rey leather interior, 9l,000kms. loaded, E-tested. Certified. Well-maintained. $18,900. obo. 905-842-9226 W* |k l | l antique cars 1978 Audi Fox- Low kms. S1.500. firm. Certified, original paint. Collectors dream car. 639-9757 Ken · Painters, minimum 5yrs experience using Dupont Imron paint. Body prep personnel Licensed body men Licensed Technicians Apprentice Technicians Lube Technicians, all shifts Truck wash personnel, all shifts Frame correction & Alignment Tech, min 5yrs. exp. BeeLine exp Parts counter personnel Must have 5yrs. heavy-duty truck and trailer exp. All makes would be an asset UPPER level bungalow, 3bedroom. $1300 plus utilities O akville Place area. DeBURLING TO N, downtown. cember 15. Call 823-2328 2bedroom ground floor du plex. new kitchen and ap O LD E O a kville 2-3 bed room, finished basement, pliances, nice yard, $1050. all appliances A/C $1700+ Immediate. 905-523-1621 utilities. Nov 1st. 844-3663. WARNING !! Been involved in a C ar Accident? Make sure it doesn't turn into life long pain! Find out the 9 most deadly mistakes from our Free Report. To receive your Free Report call today 1-888-845-40/0 tor a record ed message, 24 hjj/day. · Outside parts sales staff. Min. 5yrs. exp. in heavy-duty truck & trailer exp. All makes would be an asset. STORAGE - clean, dry, in side storage for cars, boats, tra ilers. Outside storage also avail. (905)689-0465. II you are a team player who is committed to quality, please submit your resume to: Rick Howitt, PO Box 158.8050 Lawson Rd., Milton L9T 4N9 905-469-4227 lax rhowitt@xqtcr.com A t ----------- 1----------------- ------------------------------------------

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