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Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, B5

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Wednesday, October 18, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 Education Battling stressful schedules successful^ with planning Rotherglen School River Oaks Montessori Rotherglen School is dedicated to the needs of the individual child. We offer a warm, learning environment, concentrating our efforts on developing a strong sense of self-esteem as well as effective learning strategies for the child. · New facility: Large, bright classrooms and Atrium · Full Montessori pre-school program for 3 1/2-6 years. · Full Elementary program available Grades 1-8. · 1/2 day & full day programs · Fully qualified Montessori teachers · Individualized care and instruction · Before- and after-school programs available, 7 :30 a.m. to 6 p.m. · Phonetic language approach to reading · Professionally developed music & French programs for all ages. T hink y o u 've got pressure? C onsider the plight o f the average North Am erican stu dent whose daily life has becom e a professional scheduler's challenge. Tim e is m ore precious than ever considering the am ount o f activity that now has to fit into a day. H om ew ork assignm ents and the occasional household chore from years ago have been com pounded by today's organized sports, lessons, part-tim e jobs and com m u nity volunteerism -- not to m ention the top priorities o f classes and studying. As a result, students quickly are learning the benefits o f planning, organization and tim e and stress m anagem ent in order to balance their busy lives -- and still find tim e for fun. Consider these statistics: · A recent study by the U niversity o f M ichigan shows that North Am erican children spend m ore tim e in supervised, structured settings and have less free tim e than 20 years ago -- 9.5 hours free com pared to today's 6 hours. · A ccording to the N ational C enter for Education Statistics, organized sports leads the list o f popular extracurricular activities with 43 percent o f all high-school seniors partic ipating at some level; vocational and academ ic clubs are a close second. · With both parents in the w orkforce, increased household responsibilities have been added to the list o f after-school activities. Census Bureau statistics state that 62 percent of m others now are in the w ork force, up from 44 percent in 1981. Face it, free tim e is a thing o f the past, and students are learning that it ultim ately saves tim e to keep things organized and in one place. They have com e to realize that better orga nization and few er distractions -- searching for lost hom ework papers or a m isplaced notebook -- can lead to greater success in school. OPEN H O USE Saturdayy October 2 l y 2000 11 am-2 pm Plan So, ju st how do students juggle such a packed "to do" list o f responsibilities and still keep cool? Here are som e basic tips to help students o f all ages m axim ize their time, while m inim izing their stress. The daily planner alw ays has been the key to organization for busy corporate execu tives. H ow ever, good planning skills aren't ju st for adults anym ore. Specially designed student planners have becom e increasingly popular starting as early as grade school. A good student planner should feature convenient divided sections for assignm ents, notes, projects, phone num bers and a calendar. S t® 338-3528 Rotherglen School River Oaks Montessori Campus 2045 Sixth Line Organize A ccording to classroom research done by M ead, the expert in back to school and school supplies, children are carrying m ore item s these days to and from school. And, with many schools asking students to make few er stops at their lockers, they are carrying more item s to and from their classes, too. T hat m eans having to carry and organize a lot of im portant things throughout the entire school day. This philosophy is the driving force behind the grow ing popularity o f binders and planners in schools throughout the country. M ead's new Five Star® X panz TM line incorporates an expandable feature that, when opened, adds up to 2 inches o f extra storage capacity to the binder. I t's the perfect size for carrying those thick textbooks or extra notebooks. The student planner has plenty o f room for rem inders, assignm ents and other im portant inform ation, and with the XpanzTM N otefolio, students w on't h a v e 'to worry about running out o f paper. Busy students certainly d o n 't have extra tim e to search through loose hom ew ork papers o r decipher m essy classroom notes. Putting all of the w eek's im portant activities, assignm ents and deadlines in one place m akes it easy for students to prioritize and plan. Tabs to organize notes for different school subjects and convenient pockets make it easy to keep im portant papers and supplies protected and in one place. STUDIO F* y \. \ y s W E'RE MOVING!! performing and visual arts school Studio PAVAS & Bongo Productions Present "SUCCESSFUL AUDITIONS - K ids on Camera" Saturday, Nov. 11 & Sunday, Nov. 12 12pm-5pm for Teens 13-18 yrs & Children 8-12yrs. MICHAEL CARUANA- ACTOR, ACTING COACH & CASTING DIRECTOR Praised at the top "on set" acting coach for Disney TV series FLASH FORWARD, plus PSI-FACTOR, commercials & infomercials. Director of audition sessions for POWERHOUSE CASTING, LIZ RAMOS CASTING & GLORIA MANN CASTING. Film & series acting credits include MORE TEARS, NOTHING SACRED, THE SANTA CLAUSE, NAKED LUNCH, SCALES OF JUSTICE, STREET LEGAL, RUNG FU, FOREVER KNIGHT, TRADERS & MORE - plus extensive theatre acting & directing credits and over 40 TV commercials. The Adult Learning Centre Oakville Campus is pleased to announce that our move from 2350 Trafalgar Rd. to 171 Speers Rd. is happening! HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Y o u r L in k to th e Future Effective October 25 we will be offering all of our classes from our new location. Please drop in ana check us out or call (905) 849-7555 ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO 15 STUDENTS REGISTRATION FEE - $180 + GST TO REGISTER CALL 905-403-9435 STUDIO PAVAS - 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 1, Mississauga, ON Survive Stress U nfortunately, an inevitable result o f such structured and active schedules is stress. Students need to learn that it is just as im portant to budget tim e for fun and relaxation as it is to set aside quality study time. W hether it's taking a walk, talking on the phone with friends or surfing the Web, young people need to spend some time unwinding each day. Jebration of unoice s * -- O akville Independent Schools Jom us on October 21st for a specialjo in t Open House a t C ^ ppleby College. -- Chisholm CTkadem y, TDearcroft S A ion tessori S ch ool, 'T | ff \ CTern THiU S ch ool, Tjlcnhumie S ch o o l, % f\ lacjC och h n College, O akville C hristian School, S t. SW UdrecTs-Xlightboum School and cW estw ind SM ontessori School. Celebrate the F j diversity and choice of independent education O alanlle has to offer. TM sit the different schools, take a tour and leant more about die alternatives for you r son or daughter. A p p le b y College ^ 540 Lakeshore Road West | Oakville, Ontario L6K 3P1 (905) 845-4681 w w w .a p p le b y .o n .c a T h e A d m issions O ffice a t A p p leb y C ollege invites y o u to to u r th e c a m p u s w ith one of o u r S tu d en t T our G u id es a n d m eet som e of the teachers, staff a n d p a ren ts w h o are p art o f the A p pleby com m unity. D iscover h o w A p pleby p ro v id es academ ic excellence for girls a n d boys in G ra d e s 7 th ro u g h OAC. A p pleby offers e xtensive e x tracu rricu lar a n d athletic program m es w ith the sup p o rt of caring teachers on o u r 52-acre lakeside property. Budget Time W ith tim e in shorter supshould set realistic goals, nized and effistill are a day. tan t to m a x im iz e one and make effort to achieve that tim e. M anaging add hours to the day ter a skill that will aid acad em ic and proply than ever, students No m atter how orgacien t they are, there only 24 hours in I t 's im portry to e a c h the best each goal within tim e efficiently can and help students masthem throughout their fessional careers. C h ish o lm A c a d em y % 1484 Cornwall Road, ® Oakville, Ontario 16] 7W 5 (905) 844-3240 w w w .c h is h o lm c e n tre .c o m We are extrem ely excited about o u r n ew facility on C ornw all Rd. W hile o u r b u ilding provides excellent services, it is sim ply a building. O u r staff has the expertise to p ro vide a personal high school p rogram m e in groups of 12 a t o u r new high school. C hisholm also p ovides after school tutorial a nd com prehensive educational assessm ent. We w ould be pleased to h ave y o u visit o u r n ew facility. D earcroft M o n te sso ri Q Sch o o l 1167 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, O ntario L6J1L3 (905) 844-2114 w w w .d e a r c r o ft.c o m Dearcroft Montessori School w elcomes you to visit one of C anada's oldest Montessori programmes. Established in 1968, Dearcroft provides Montessori education for boys and girls from Preschool to Grade 3. O ur new affiliated campus, W estwind M ontessori, offers a program m e for Grades 4-8 at 451 Lakeshore Road W est We look forward to your visit at e th e r campus. Help avoid the stress! Toronto French School Bilingual Coeducational Age 3-OAC Extended Childcare INTRO . Programmes International Baccalaureate Consider A Bilingual Education mH-mm Fern H ill School 3300 N inth Line Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 4Z2 (905) 257-0022 www.femhillschoool.com " rm r'irtv rm 'M G len b u m ie Sch o o l ® 2035 Upper M iddle Road E. Oakville, Ontario L6J 4Z2 (905) 338-6236 __ Our engaging programmes provide students in Preschool through Grade 8 with a wide range of challenging academics and creative activities. Fern Hill's specialized Arts, Music, Computer, Science and Physical Education facilities, advanced academic opportunities and motivated teachers prepare students for academic and personal challenges of the next level. Daily assemblies, dramatic presentations and extensive athletics culminate in a Grade 7/8 programme in which leadership and communication skills are key. We look forward to meeting you and showing you our school. em ail:adm issions@ fem hillschool.com ± S S c h o o l L o c a tio n s O Appleby College O O its h o im Academy Q Dearcroft Montesson School © F e rn H ill School Q G ie n b u o k School I! m m n, O MacLachlan College O O akville Christian School Q Si. M ild raiV U g h tb o u m School O Westwind Momesxcri School A t G lenbum ie w e e ncourage academ ic excellence, task c om m itm ent a n d skill dev e lo p m e n t in a su p p o rtiv e a tm o sp h ere for stu d e n ts in Preschool to G ra d e 8. We offer form al instruction in the core subjects o f M athem atics a n d L anguage A rts including in d iv id u alized en rich m en t a nd gifted level program m ing. Science a nd Technology, Econom ics, French, Fine A rts, M usic, D ram a a nd Physical E ducation are tau g h t a t all g rad e levels. Interested fam ilies a re invited to to u r the school a n d view s tu d e n ts w ork. When we say we prepare students for the future, we can back it up. 100% of our graduates earned the IB Diploma this year, and 90% achieved marks of over 80%. U pcom ing Mississauga O pen Houses October 26, December 7, January 11, 9:30 am IF M acL achlan College ® 337 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3H3 (905) 844-0372 www.maclachlan.on.ca O a k v ille C h ristia n School I 112 Third Line, Oakville, Ontario L6L 3Z6 · (905) 825-1247 The Board and Staff of Oakville Christian School invite you to visit our school at Third Line and Lakeshore. Stmdents from JK to Grade 8 are challenged to learn more about living and learning in G od's world. A full academ k program includes m usk, the arts, athletics and computer studies. We look forward to meeting you. E xplore o u r g lo b a l a ltern a tive a t w w w .tfs .o n .c a To arrange a personal interview or RSVP for an Open House, contact Admissions Let our senior staff and prefects show you how MacLachlan combines the vitality of a leading edge education with the richness of study in the classical arts. Art, drama, m usk, debating, poetry and sports receive expert attention in our well-rounded curriculum. Abundant access to fully networked computers is assured via our 6 main labs and 5 mini-labs. MacLachlan is a well-established school for students from J.K. to University entrance. The College enjoys a solid reputation for high standards of academk achievement. We welcome you to our school. S t. M ild re d 's-L ig h tb o u m Q Sch o o l 1080 Linbrook Road Oakville, Ontario, L6J 2L1 * ^ (905) 845-2386 E-mail: S tJ A ild re d 's@smls.on.ca Education which combines a long tradition with an eye to the future. S t M ildred'sLightboum is an independent girls' school pro viding education from Junior K indergarten to O.A.C. O ur Anglican tradition gives us roots, our comm itm ent to prepare young w om en for foe 21st century gives our program m e direction. We bring the w arm th and support of toe past and the technology of tomorrow together. Visit us and meet ou r __________ girls, tom orrow 's leaders._________ ·. . s u c»>. *Nurturing Excellence in a Christ-Centred Academic Environment" c... . . . (416} 48 4 -6 9 8 0 '2 4 7 Mississauga Campus: Age 3-Grade 7 1293 Meredith Ave. (SW of Dixie/QEW) Saturday, October 21st, 10 a m to 2 p m

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