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Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, B4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, October 18, 2000 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: The ConnectCARE Program recently cele brated their 10th Anniversary. On hand to cut the anniversary cake were Lorraine Farrow, of Halton Healthcare Services Health Promotion, who orig inated the program in 1990 and the current current ConnectCARE Coordinator M argaret Robichaud. The not-for-profit program, owned and operated by halton healthcare Services, began in 1990 with a start-up dona tion from the Rotary Clubs of Oakville and the OTMH Foundation. ConnectCARE ensures help is available to clients "at the press of a button" 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Photo by Barrie Erskine Peace Concert Sunday The 14th annual Oakville Peace Festival, originally scheduled for Sept. 24th at Coronation Park, has been canceled in favour of a Peace Concert at the Church of the Incarnation in Glen Abbey on Sunday Oct. 22nd. "It was time for a change," says organizer Stephen Dankovich of the Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights. "And, the weather has always been a factor." In addition, he says, the cost of renting the park for the outdoor day long festival has become "too expen sive for a small group such as ours." He explained the cost of renting the park, since the opening of the Oakville Waterfront Stage, is close to $1,700, now that the annual subsidy, a `grandfather clause' to groups which have staged events for many years, has expired for his organiza tion. `T he church is a lot less expen sive." The line-up for this concert includes The Incarnation Choir, Dream, The Raging Grannies, Luna Tica Drummers, Aloz Ho Maluk Sira, and special guests The Travellers. Tickets for the Peace Concert are $8; under 16 $5; kids under 5 free, or $20 for family of four. Call 8495501. I riginal designs hand crafted ' i. ft * Fin exquisite fabrics. 11-^7 Custom fitted at no extra charge. . t ± H AN DCRAFTED CLOTHES IN NATURAL FIBRES Cruise Savings! S u n P r in c e ss 7-D av S ou th ern C aribbean J a n u a r y 2 9 .2 0 0 1 Brochure Price From... Our Price From... $277fppd. $1399ppd. A ir Included You Save... Brochure Price From... Our Price From... $1375 p p d . $3&6cTppd. $2174 ppd. A ir Included A S u n P r in c e ss 10-D av P an am a C anal - A pril 25.2001 You Save... Brochure Price From... Our Price From... $1789 p p d . $247tTppd. $1086 ppd. Cruise Only S ea P rin ce ss 7-D av W estern C arib b ean - J a n u a ry 2 0 ,2QQ1 You Save... $1384 p p d . GREAT SAVINGS ON OTHER DEPARTURE DATES Call Today! G a u ge r' s Helping you -- Look and Feel Better! Tra CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SOCltrf CANADIENNE DU CANCER ij 146 L akeshore Rd. E, O akville (905) 842-4999 511 M aple Grove D rive, O akville (905) 849-7013 Prices are in Canadian dollars. Space subject to availability at time of booking. Taxes are extra. Ships Registry: Liberia ONT.REG.#04489134 Q o m e of us have very unmanageable hair. O M o s t women have re k fy to w ear hai r whether at home or on the road. At Thdy You, we offer a wide variety of wigs, for the look Of today? versatile, com fortable, fashionable & affordable ; T heS unveil S unw earapparelItoe.is a truly remaritable cldthjng Setn that not only protects the Wearer from , between. £S% to 92% of bazardous UVA & UVB radiafib rrita w the sun, >the special weave also allows the wearer to remain cool and active , at the same time. ____________ SUNWEAR Sheridan hosts Freaky fundraiser Friday Freaky Friday, a fundraiser for stu dents in crisis, will be held on Friday Oct. 20th at The Cage at Sheridan College on Trafalgar Road starting at 6:30 p.m. Money raised from the dinner and auction will be used to help stu dents facing an emergency crisis. "For the past few years, we've encountered stu dents in crisis, such as needing a root canal or a bereave ment," explains Frances Rustom. `Two years ago, we raised $10,000 for Wellspring." This event is for Sheridan employ ees and friends, however, it will be open to the public. Tickets are $25 and included din ner, entertainment by Sheridan Music Theatre students, and the auction. Auction items Theatre Sheridan tickets, and painted chair donated by Sue Gilbert something from each department at the college. For tickets, call Frances Rustom, 845-9430 Ext. 2740. <7 Kim Stanger 109 Thomas Sl 844-1388 Please Call: (905) 821-1092 114*154 Queen St. S.Wincheeter Piece Missieeauga, (Streettvllle) (nrtpA/www.ltnkall.conVIrulyyou) y Heloinq y o u .... Look and Feel Better' NATURAL A F F I N I T Y ' arly Detection is a Oman's Best Defence Against Breast Cancer uring October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - the Canadian Cancer Society in Ontario urges all women to learn all they can about reducing their risk for breast cancer. The Society recommends that women with no known risk factors between 50 and 69 years have a mam mogram every two years together with a physical examination of the breasts by a trained health professional. These procedures together lead to earlier diagnosis of breast cancer and a significant improvement in survival. The Society also recommends that, by 40 years of age, all women practise breast self-....exami nation (BSE) regularly, at the same time each month and continue this practice after menopause. There is some evidence that shows lifestyle can help reduce a women's risk for breast cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends women... · Enjoy a low-fat diet that includes at least five to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. · Exercise regularly and maintain an ideal body weight. · Choose not to smoke. An estimated 7,400 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in Ontario this year. And an estimated 2,100 women in Ontario will die of the disease. The most frequently diagnosed cancer for women will be breast cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization of volunteers, whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. · It is estimated that in 2000, approximately 19,200 Canadian women will develop breast ] cancer - that's 53 women each day (on average). · It is estimated that in 2000, approximately 5,500 Canadian women will die from breast cancer - that's 15 women each day (on average). · One in nine Canadian women can expect to develop breast cancer during her lifetime and one in 25 will die from this disease. · Breast cancer is currendy the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 35 and 55. · 22% of all breast cancers occur in women below the age of 50; the remainder occur after age 50. · Breast cancer accounts for 30% of all cancers in women and 18%of all cancer deaths. Breast cancer also affects men and accounts for less than 1% of all cases of breast cancer. · The most significant risk factors are being a women, increasing age, and a family history of two or more first degree relatives with breast cancer before age 50. · Age at the time of first pregnancy is also a factor. A first full-term pregnancy after the age of 35 increases the risk three-fold as compared with a full-term pregnancy before the age of 19. · 70% of all women who develop breast cancer have no risk factors other than being women. · Mortality rates for breast cancer have recentiy begun to decline both in Canada and the United States. Since 1986, breast cancer death rates have declined by 10% in Canada This may be due to earlier diagnosis as a result of increased awareness of breast health and breast-screening and/or improvements in treatment · Since 1986, the incidence of breast cancer has risen by 1.5% every year. This increase may be due in part to a rise in breast-screening, but also may be affected by reproductive histories. · Five year overall survival rates have risen from 70% in the 1970s to 75% in the 1980s. Detection of early stage breast cancer can result in survival rates of greater than 80%. · Breast cancer research has the potential to benefit other research focusing on the causes and development of cancer and cancer prevention. The Canadian Cancer Society is a founding member and major partner of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative (CBCRI), the primary funder of breast cancer research in Canada. The Canadian Cancer Society has contributed a total of $13.5-million to breast cancer research (through the CBCRI) since 1993. Since 1993, the CBCRI has committed $47-million to breast cancer. This contribution has funded more than 173 breast cancer research projects in Canada. Women can access up-to-date information about breast cancer, treatment, support groups and risk reduction by calling the Canadian Cancer Society's Cancer Information Service toll-free at 1-888-939-3333. A trained information specialist will answer your questions. Visit its web site at www.cancer.ca for information about breast cancer, research, and community resources in Ontario. ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT Supports cancer awareness COMPUTER NETWORK SERVICES Quality Computer Service and Custom Computer Builders with Walk-in Repair Depot T H E A T T A C H A B L E B R E A S T FO R M T H A T G IV E S YO U F R E E D O M O F C H O IC E . I O n c e a gain A M O E N A m eets the needs o f w om en after breast surgery w ith a new attachable breast form - N atural Affinity. W ith A ffinity 's sm ooth transition and secure fit, see now w onderful y o u 'll look -------- in silky lingerie a nd soft clingy sweaters. · D o n 't take ou r w ord for it, co m e and see for yourself. N atural A ffinity ju st m ay be .. the perfect choice fo r you D WML C .N .S . C A N A D A IN C . 2 - 1 1 3 5 N O R T H S E R V IC E R O A D E A S T O A K V IL L E O N T A R IO · L 6 H 1 A 7 p h o n e : 9 05 - 3 38 -3 0 4 4 Dianne's Mastectomy I PR0STHESES · BRAS (905)454-5710 EZI3 2 Z ^ 3 Post-Breast Surgery Women · FAX 905-338-3047 w w w cn scanada com SPRIGGS INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED Mississauga Burlington Oakville Fax (416)798-7525 159 Church Street (905)681-4035 Oakville, Ontario (905)844-9232 L6J1N1 (905)845-1634 M O B IL E S U P P O R T S E R V IC E S PEn aoMAu;cEn_ 2 ft h o u r SECURITY PATROL B s e r v ic e PARKING PATROL « P ro p e rty P a tro ls · A la rm R e sp o n se · S e c u rity O ffic e rs H E W autom ated · P a rk in g Tag S e rv ic e » C om m ercial & R esidential D e ve lo p m e n ts p h o n e - in p a r k in g p e r m it s /~ IV K X l O A KVILLE U N ITED TAXI LTD. THE LARGEST TAXI COMPANY IN OAKVILLE I NEED A RIDE? CALL US ANYTIME. When you want to continue to live ,lnc. independently We offer RN'S, RPN'S, HCA'S and Homemaking Services LO R N A K ELLY (Vice President) k ^ f U U I d d ·Airport Service [ d d O " U U 4 4 · 24 Hr. Service 3 7 9 - A K e r r S t. O a k v il le L 6 K 3 B 9 T E L (9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 -2 2 9 0 1 -8 0 0 -8 0 4 -5 8 8 5 Oakville supports Breast Cancer awareness M ART® O a k v ille P la c e 8 4 2 -3 7 3 0 O A KVI LLE w w w .tow n.oakville.on.ca Brenda Curtiss Sales Representative M M M M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Seniors' centre celebrates 25 years The Oakville Senior Citizens Recreation Centre at 263 Kerr Street is celebrating its 25th anniversary. A week of activities is planned . from Monday Oct. 23rd to Thursday Oct 26th. The official anniversary cele bration will be held on Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m., featuring one of the centre's original e n te r ta in m e n t groups, the Harmoni-Chords, and a fairly new group, the Kerr Street Singers. Royel LePage Heal Estate Servce*Ltd.. Broker r o y a l Le p a g e ^^^Mlllllllllllllllllllllllll 845-4267 RAYMOND E. JACKSON F in a n c ia l A d v is o r O aktow n Shopping P laza 8 4 5 -6 6 7 4 (Open 'til midnight) Achieve y o u r financial goats. Invest and g ro w wealthy through tim e proven wealth creation <S preservation strategies. B E R K S H IR E S E C U R IT IE S IN C . 7 1 0 D o rv a l D r.. Ste. 5 0 5 , (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 7 0 0 Oakville Unit # 845-5231 H o p e d a le M all 8 2 7 -4 1 4 1 4 D A R L E N E G U S T IN B .Sc., N .D . C A R O L L A IC B .S c., N .D . Doctors o f Naturopathic Medicine Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Lifestyle Counselling 2368 Lakeshore Rd. W,, Oakville, ON L6L 1H5 i (905) 825-8787 Fax: (905) 257-1165 AT0FINA Please support this community project. PICK 0FTHECR0P Where Harry Potter and Thomas the Tank Engine hang out AT0FINA Canada Inc. 700 Third Line, Oakville Ontario L6J 5A3 Ph: 905-827-9841 Fax 905-827-7913 w w w .atofin ac an ada.c om iResponsbleC are: i ATotalC U pper O akville Shopping C entre 8 4 2 -3 9 3 4 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST 844-5 363

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