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Oakville Beaver, 27 Sep 2000, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday September 27, 2000 Sim on Dann to challenge for Ward 2 seat A third candidate has entered the race for Ward 2 regional councillor in the November municipal election. The newest candidate is Simon Dann, of Rebecca Street, who has been following town council for the past 10 years. He will be challenging former regional councillor Fred Oliver, and Barry Lee, an unsuccessful candidate in the last election. The position was for merly held by Kathy Graham, who resigned last May, and is currently held by appointee Rajneesh Sharda. Upon accepting his appointment, Sharda indi cated he would not run in the election. Dann's first introduction to munici pal politics occurred in 1990 when he joined the Oakville chapter of the Halton Taxpayers Coalition, since then he has been involved with many resi dent groups dealing with municipal budgeting and development issues, including the Dorval Drive extension study. For the past three years he has been a member of the provincial Municipal Affairs Policy Advisory Council. The council consists of volunteer appointees who have reviewed the new municipal act and social housing direc tions. he has also been a member of the province's new home warranty and licence appeal tribunals. Dann's business background includes 25 years of experience with business segments ranging from fuel and energy supplies for space, military, medical and hi-tech electronics appli cations to computers and building materials. He has also worked with international business groups. Dann has been married for 30 years to his wife, Grace, who has been with the Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area since 1992. They have two children, Ethan, 19, a gradu ate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School and daughter, Emily, 16, a Blakelock High School student. V o l k s w a g e n G o l f Simon Dann: seeking Ward 2 seat on Halton Regional Council IF YOU' VE BEEN LIVING WITH PAIN, TAKE THIS TEST You probably believe that everyone lives with a little pain, but how much is too much? Answer this questionnaire to learn m 'ore. Golf GL Public meetings on QEP's future The Halton D istrict School Board will hold three upcoming public m eetings to discuss the potential closure of Queen E lizabeth Park School in west Oakville. The public school board has established a school/area study committee to review accommoda tion needs for Queen E lizabeth Park School (which also includes the Glen Abbey and T.A. Blakelock H.S. communities in Oakville). The committee will present its report on Nov. 1st, with the board slated to decide Nov. 15th on potential closures within review areas. Meetings to obtain public input are being held at schools located within the review areas. The sessions will start at 4:30 p.m. with public tours and presenta tions about the schools involved. They'll be followed at 6 p.m. by parent/community member presen tations to review committees and committee deliberations. The latter two activities will be held in closed sessions. The remaining meetings for QEP include Sept. 28th, Sept. 29th and Oct. 4th. Open houses to present scenarios being considered by the review committee for QEP will be held on Oct. 13th, from 3 p.m .-8 p.m. at the school Persons interested in m aking appointments for individual schools are advised to call the board at 3353663. I. I take pain relievers more than three times a week. Yes Yes No No Like there's another affordable Germ an-engineered hatchback with over 40 standard features out there. 2.1have pain from an old sports injury, motor vehicle or other accident, repetitive strain or work-related injury. 3.1 have tried three or more medications or treatments to relieve my pain. 4. On occasion, my pain wakes me at night 5. My pain has made me less mobile or active. Yes Yes Yes No No No The Volkswagen Golf. We've got to admit, it feels pretty lonely being in a category by ourselves. If you answered "Yes" to three o r more o f these questions, you probably suffer from chronic pain. The good news is - now there's relief. A t Accelerate Healthcare, trained professionals apply a customized program that includes advanced laser technology to safely and quickly stop your pain. N o surgery, no drugs - and best o f all - no pain. Drivers wanted'(W ACCELERATE Healthcare S a fe ,e ffe c tivep a in re lie fth a tw o rk s. ©2000 Volkswagen 1-800 DRIVE VW OR VW.COM So if you o r a loved one suffer from pain in your joints, muscles o r back, call us today for a complimentary consultation. O a k v ille V o lk s w a g e n 5 5 7 Kerr Street, Oakville (905) 844-3285 C a ll N ow & E n d Y o u r P a in 4 6 8 M o r d e n R d ., O a k v ille ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 - 9 6 9 5 E N N IS C L A R E IN T E R IO R S O T M H In Support o f -^ ^ B IR T H D A Y 5 0 th CELEBRATION 3 1 n e w a c u te c a re b e d s a t th e A. Q u e en s le ig h b e d . R eg. p ric e , $ 4 4 8 9 . S ale, fro m O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l *3359 B. N ig h t s ta n d . R eg. p ric e , $ 1 5 3 9 . S ale, fro m The O T M H C h a r it a b l e C o r p o r a t io n *1149 *2299 *999 *2299 C . Dresser. R eg. p ric e , $ 3 0 7 9 . S ale, fro m invites you to ^ 9 ,0 0 0 D. T ri-v ie w m irror. B e v e le d g la s s . R eg. p ric e , $ 1 3 2 9 . S ale, fro m O T M H · B id on the Spectacular Silent d r Live A uction · Paul M cCulloch Q uartet · "To the Moon" D ance B and G A LA Saturday, N ovem ber 1 1th , 2000 E. C h e s t o n c h e s t. Reg. p ric e , $ 3 0 7 9 . S ale, fro m 6:30 p .m . B u rlin g to n C o n v e n tio n C e n tre O th e r p ie c e s a v a ila b le : m a rb le -to p b a c h e lo r c h e s t o r dresser, a rm o ire , v e rtic a l m irro r. M a s te r c h e s t and M a n s io n b e d . 1120 B u rlo ak D rive $ 230.00 p er p erso n Black l ie P referred (Charitable tax receipt provided lor the donation portion o f the ticket) Fox Further Information Ca l i9 05 3 3 8 -4 6 4 2 P re s e n te d b y : A. Q u e en fitte d c o ve rle t. Reg. p ric e , $956. S ale, fro m *765 S p o n s o rs : B lu e 'D y n a s ty ' Q u e en bed e n s e m b le a lso a va ila b le . C o n s is ts o f d u v e t cover, d u s t ru ffle a nd 2 p illo w sh a m s, Reg. p ric e , $2099. S ale, fro m M e rrill L y n c h JLT/TA M y cruise . centers *1679 / / t e O a k v il l e B e a v e r INTRODUCING... t w /A .w i u . m , m ENNISCLARE INTERIORS 1075 NORTH SERVICE RD. WEST, OAKVILLE. Tel: (905) 825-2450 STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & S a t.10:00 am to 5:30 pm Thurs. & Fri. 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sun. Noon to 5pm LAKE ONTARIO TALVEST NO INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS OR UP TO 12 MONTHS EQUAL PAYMENTS. O.A.C. D etails in store Nabisco, Oakville Audio, T he Bay Avalon Jewellery, Barringtons. Sale prices are in effect until November 5, 2000 Excellent e m p loym e n t opportunities are n ow available at Ennisclare Interiors AD 0938

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