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Oakville Beaver, 20 Sep 2000, Classified, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 20, 2000 T h e Oa k v ille B eaver Classified houses for sale COUNTRY E s la ie Home 20-min. from 401. 5-bdrms. 9 acres, p riv a te sale Near G eorgeto w n. U p grades galore. Jan Close. $639,000 Appt. 519-8533816. For virtual tour click on; h ttp ://h o m e p a g e .m a c. com/rjthomas/iMovie Theafte r.h tm l. For qu ick tim e (player c lick here: h ttp :// lwww.apple.com/quick time/ download. SPACIOUS 12 year old 4+1 bedroom. 2.5 baths. S E. Burlington Approx. 2250 sq. ft. Quiet street, sunken fam ily room with gas fire place. mam floor laundry. 4pce ensuite bathroom, par tially finished basement, dou ble car garage S264.500. 905-308-6996 for appointLment. NO AGENTS! 'BU RLING TO N co re - u p dated 2. s to re y 3 la rge bedroom s. 2.5 baths in clude 5pce en su ite . Ground flo o r fam ily room. G arage. N ew er kitch e n No age nts please! $265.900 905-632-6923 FOR Sale or for Rent! 2600 sq.ft Headon Forest area 4+2 bedroom s. 3.5 b a th rooms. inlaw suite. Double garage, c/a. c/v. A sking S260.000 (905)335-6383 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ oakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. 170 170 · 1460 G hent Avenue (at Brant S treet) apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent Real Estate 100-165 'Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 ` Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 190 townhouses for rent 190 townhouses for rent 400 cars for sale FcmifitCimfr / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited 1999 Honda Civic LX- cer tifie d . a/c. teal, e x c e lle n t con d itio n . 54K. $15,500. 905-332-1556 ____________ 1998 P ontiac S u nfire GT. 51K. auto. red. loaded with optio ns in c lu d in g m oonroof. drive clean tested and certified, balance of factory warranty. $12,400. Fairview Tire, days (905)632-8151. evg.. (905)317-6515 1997 C h e v ro le t C a valier 39K. beige excellent condi tio n . C e rtifie d and drive clean tested. 6 mo. lim ited p o w ertrain w arranty. $11,200. Fairview T ire, days (905)632-8151. evg.. (905)317-6515_____________ 1997 Saturn SL1. 4-dr. 5spd. 74K. dark green, fuel efficient Certified and drive clean tested. 6 mo. limited pow e rtria n w arranty. S8.200. Fairview Tire, days (9 0 5 )6 3 2 -8 1 5 1 . evg.. (905)317-6515 Halton Job & Career Fair Thursday, Septem ber 28th, 2000 9:30 am - 7:30 pm Burlington Convention Centre Burloak & QEW, Burlington Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted LOFT » 1-BDRM+DEN « GARDEN SUITE · · · · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 lull baths Indoor pool & saunas Appliances. A/C. utilities, cable incl. Near GO. public transit, easy hwy. access BURLINGTON SQUARE (905)639-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm I shared accommodation articles for sale DINING RO O M set14 piece, s olid C h erryw ood. 110 ' double pedestal table. 8 C h ippe ndale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet & server, all Dove-tail & m etal glide drawers. New. s till boxed. Cost $ 15 .500 ., s a c rific e $6000. (905)304-5883. D INING RO O M , 14-pce cherrywood. double pedestal table. C hippendale chairs, bu ffe t, hutch, server, all dovetail Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000 (905)567-9459_____________ FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair spnngs? Soft foam ? T ired lo oking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refmishing. 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 GRACO baby carriage con verts to stroller as new $150 (905)335-1566____________ KING bed- pillow-top. ortho pedic m attress, box spring and frame Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)304-5882 M ATTR ES S 1 single spring m attress, like new. Asking $50 obo. (905)8258660_________________ A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S B u r l in g t o n T ow ers A P P LE B Y & N e w -L a rg e bedsitting room Use of all fa c ilitie s $450/m o Nonsmoker. Call (905)681-6739 G U E L P H / Hwy#5 large #semi. c/air. fireplace, park in g . $400/mo ^utilities. Im m ediate FFrst/ last. References. 335-2504__________ NEAR GO- Share tow nhouse. (2) rooms. Suit fe male non-smoker. $435 in c lu s iv e . Nov. 1st. 6 3 7 8770 after 6pm boats & supplies Companies & training sthools W ANTYOU! Plan to attend... Free Admission to the Public Free Parking 1285 O n ta rio St., (at Maple) Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts (Some furnished suites avail, short-term) Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna Complete Rec Facilities · Utilities Incl Prom $855. E rl 639-8583 ' | 235 S Mon-Fri: 9-9 Sat., 10-5; Sun: 11-5 www.ontim.com btowers@lara.on.ca 1993 Dodge G rand C a ra van SE- 153.000km 3.3LV6.. air. cruise. P.W., P.L.. tilt. Abs $6,500. 905-8479868 I career training career training career training Luxury autom obile dealership requires a fulltim e L " THE OAKS- Best layout. 2 bedroom, den. eat-in kitch en. Seperate D/R. L/R. balfcony, in-suite laundry. 1.5 baths, indoor parking, im m ediate posse ssion By app ointm ent only (905)278-9562__________________ SPACIOUS nicely decorat ed 2-bedroom co-op condo m d esira ble dow ntow n B u rlington lo ca tio n . S87.500 C all (9 0 5 )6 3 4 7099. WE specialize in Condomini um Sales & R e nta ls. C all Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd.. Realtor. (905)333^4347 L jJ /commercial space A IR M IL E S · A IR M IL E S LA RG E 2-bedroom a p a rt m ent. blocks aw ay from dow ntow n O a k v ille . Pool. Available Oct./Nov. $1150./ mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! (905)844-1934_________ STOP Looking B u rlington! L.T. G ree nw in P ro p e rty M anage m ent has two buildings with suites ava il able fo r S e p t./ O ct. o c c u pancy. 505 Locu st St.. (90 5 )3 3 3 -9 0 0 8 & 511 G uelp h Line. (9 0 5 )6 3 7 9725 houses for rent STO P Loo kin g ! Need a home to rent in the $1500$3000 range? C a ll me! (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -1 7 0 6 . E x t.70 Kathy Murray. Sales Repre sentative. Active Properties Inc. NEAR B ronte H a rb o u r c h a rm in g 2 -s to re y hom e, s teps Irom la ke. 3 b e d room s. living roo m , din in g room, den. o ffice, laundry room, enclosed sun porch. 2 baths. 4 appliances, perfect for w orking couple. $1700 plus utilities. Oct. 1. 8276283 evgs. 827-7800 days. S P R A W LIN G e xecu tive ranch near lake includes ap pliances. N on-sm oker, no pets, credit reference Avail able November 1st. $2200/ mo + utilities. Marg Morren 333-3500 1974 G ram pian 23ft- 4 s ails, new head. 8H.P. John son. A lcohol stove. VHF radio. Asking S5.000. open to offers 905-681-6290 K SERVICE CONSULTANT t |T |1 market basket APPLES- Macintosh. Gala, pears, plums, grapes Dai ly 10am-6pm. Book school tours early. Fruit to Go. 573 Parkside Dr.. W aterdown. Hwy.5 W to Evans Rd. Call Willie 689-1652_____________ I t f l V J items under S100. ANTIQUE mahogany night table $85. 631-5145 ____ A N TIQ U E , w a lnut sm all plant table S85. 631-5145 The YMCA C areer/ Job Training For individuals of all ages. Internet access and job search resourc es. Numerous profes sional and life skills workshops available Free ot charge. We'll show you how to pre pare. plan and train. Booth #125 Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 September 28th. · 9:30am-7:30pm Burlington Convention Centre PEP COMES T( BURLINGTOI PEP is an 8-W k Personal Em ploym ent Program for PEOPLE w ith D IS A B IL IT IE S - R E C R U IT IN G A N D IN T E R V IE W IN G B E G IN S S E P T . 1 8 T H - P R O G R A M S T A R T S O C T . 10TH A program to help people with disabilities find and keep meaningful employment Labour Market Information & Job Exploration Resumes and Cover Letters Interview Skills and Dealing with Disclosure Work Readiness and Job Seeking S u c c e s s fu l in d iv id u a l w ill p o ss e s s e x c e lle n t com m unication skills, the ability to prioritize, meet deadlines and be detail oriented. Applicants must e n jo y d e a lin g w ith th e p u b lic and have a neat appearance. (An autom otive technical background w o u ld be an a s s e t but we w ill train the successful candidate). Excellent benefit package. Forward resumes to: Andy Trojner Budds' B M W of O akville 2400 South Service Rd W ., Oakville, L6L 5M9 H O U SE M A N A G E R - (F /T ) The Halton Recovery House is a non-profit long-term residential treatment facility lor men. The ideal can didate w ill have the follow ing: A bility to work in a flexible environment, valid driver license, responsible tor overall kitchen operation including menu planning, preparation, inventory control and purchasing. Co-or dinates the inside & outside house cleaning duties Teaches the residence life skills including housekeep ing. budgeting & sell-presentation Chaufteuring ol residence to appointments and arranging tor the regulat maintenance ot HRH and the vehicle. Downtown Burlington 2&3 Bflfm Acts Available Oct./Nov. Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building Walk to shop ping. Hospital & Lake' Call (905) 637-0321 OLDE O a k v ille - dup lex, clean and quiet 1-bedroom Near h o sp ita l. GO. and sh op ping. R e ference s. (905)844-9340 O AKV ILLE- 2 bedroom. C/ A. 4 a p p lia n c e s , clean C lose to a ll am e n itie s S 8 2 5 .fu tilitie s . 905-8425812. 905-827-0197 B U R LIN G T O N / H a m il to n - C lean 1-bedroom , frid g e , sto ve , new wood floor, parking. Oct. 1st. rea so n a b le C a ll (9 05)5223362 B U R LIN G T O N . 1-bdrm apa rtm e nt. A v a ila b e O ct. 1st. G uelph L in e / New Street. $690./m o. U tilities included. 6 8 1 -1670. B U RLING TO N Downtown, sp a cio u s 2 -b e d ro o m apt. C lean q u ie t b u ild in g Available Nov. 1st. $790/mo. (905)336-6690. 1.2&3 Bedroom Suites avail able. QEW/ Trafalgar Road Indoor pool. From $875/mo. (905)844-1106 HEADON/ Upper Middle. 1bedroom lo w er dup lex on C u l-de-sac. $800/m o. in clu d e s u tilitie s . S u it one Immediate. (905)827-5542 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for le a se . 1200' heated. 1000' unheated. ·Third Line/ Speers. Joe Luyk. ;. 905905-845-7597 IET1 office & business space .OFFICE space a p p ro x im ately 960 sq ft. $736/ m onth, in cluding property taxes and water. Q EW / Trafalgar (905)849-3521 j earn great m oney? j your Pampered Chef | IS your jo b fun? Do you S tart busi ness with only $150. We fully tra in / provide every thin g to earn a great in come and to love your job. No in v e n to ry, d e liv e rie s , quotas, call Sybille Ham il ton (905)-631-2355 3 -b d rm , 1-1/2 b a th s ......... R e cently renovated C/A. All appliances. Prime Bur lington lo cation D e c.1st. $ 1 ,000 /m o n th . ca ll after 6pm (905)-627-0144 EXEC UTIVE Condo townhouse. North Oakville. 2300 s q .ft.. 3-b e d ro o m s. 2-1/2 baths, fa m ily ro o m . 5 ap pliances. fireplace, air. ga rage Sept.1st $1675/mo + utilities Trafalgar Property M anagement. W arren Hill. (905)338-1130_____________ B E A U T IF U L new 3 -b e d room. fireplace, patio. 5 ap p lia n c e s . C /A no-s m o k e r/ pets November 1. $1250 plus utilities. 331-5490 BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom from $92 6/m o.+ u tilitie s . N o v.1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near s c h o o ls , shop ping. Park-like setting. 333-1190. M AYTAG stove; C o n fe c tion oven; W asher/ Dryer; Bunk beds; dresser; Queen BEANIE baby- (Maple) call mattress; Box spring; RCA B ecky (9 0 5 )8 7 6 -4 2 2 1 . 25' TV; end tables; office (905)510-4032_________ ___ desk; computer desk; filing ca b in e t; All reasonably BOMBAY black headboard priced. 335-8664.634-0791 Full cast iron. $100. 905631 7004 _____________ MOVING sale- appliances, fridge, washer/dryer. desk. BUNK Beds in cludes m at etc, call 540-0024 tre s s e s . lig h t hardw ood, good c o n d itio n . $100. M OVIN G- E le c tric stove Phone 336-0522__ ________ with oven, alm ond. $100.. refrigerator, almond. $150.. COLD Spot refrigerator. 18 dining roo m . 8 piece, cu. ft. self .defrosting, good $1.000. 905-331-8922 _ condition $75 634-3618 M O V IN G : S o lid cherry 4 FULL size chest freezer $70 poster queen size bedroom OBO (905)639-8199 set. 2 night tables, dresser with triple mirror, dovetailed KENM ORE portable d is h draw e rs, highboy. $2100 washer. almond, excellent obo. alm ond s e lf-c le a n condition. $100. 338-6223 stove Whrilpool stove $150 KENMORE self clean stove, obo. pictures, odds & ends. almond, excellent condition. Chris 681-0025. or leave $100 338-0223 ________ message KENMORE stove hood fan, almond. $50. 338-6223 LOVE seat and chair, grey/ blue tones. 632-8526 PATIO set + High back chairs with 4 cushions and umbrella. Matching set. ex cellent condition. (905)6311061______________________ Business Information Systems, Computer Information Systems, Electronics Engineering, Technology Into., Technology Computer and Telecommunication Electronics. Come See what L IM IT E D E N R O LM EN T · For Booking or In fo rm a tio n C all K arla: 1 -8 0 0 -3 5 0 -8 3 6 1 JOINTLY FUNDED BY. The Ministry ol Community and Social Services. Employment Supports and 1 *1 D»..tcopKTi.nl o.t Canada Please submit resumes by Sept 25th, 2000 Halton Recovery House, General Delivery Hornby, Ontario LOP 1E0 R E S DeVry Institue can do lor you! Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 ' booth #103 RETURNS TO WORK C ertified Courses: Launch an exciting one of C c lT G C T with C anada's RESP leaders UNEMPLOYED? CAREER CHANGE? CONSIDERING TRAINING? TRAVEL ONLY Operate your own tiome-Pased travel business! Let us show you how. Lobby booth #2 Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 PR ESSUR E tre a te d tree PIAN O S- Used- Kawal, house. You remove for $75. Yam aha. H e in tz m a n ..... 6329933 _____________ Kevin Ellis. The Piano Man "Tuner for the U n iv e rs ity ' REAR seat for Safari van ww w.pianom an.on.ca 905E xc e lle n t c o n d itio n $75. 319-TUNE(8863) 331-6703________________ ROCKING chair, solid wood with spindles, good, condi tion. $75. Callj>31-5145 ROWING Machine- *Avita` 9SO Pro rowing m achine. Like new $10 0.00 905336-9107 ____ __ j________ SEW ING m achine zig-zag $35. m excellent condition, recently serviced Burlington. (905)336-3122. _____ _ STO VE, Beaum ark a l mond. good condition. $75. Call 332-5325._____________ WISHING well, extra large $100. 632-8526 STOVE and fridge, w hite. S100 each. Sofa, coffee/end tables $100. each, kitchen table and chairs. $100. each. 336-3524 or 631-0506 SUPER Special Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your fu rn itu re hate y our c o lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h airs from $193. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U p ho lste rin g . 9-9. (905)632-9090____________ THE W aterbed G allery Store C losing Sale. 3350 Fairview Streqt. Burlington. Everything Must Go. 6395600 ____________________ W ATER filte r- under the sink. Brand new. still in box. 25.000 gallon capa city. (905)690-4604, __________ WOODBURNING fireplace insert. Excellent condition. $350. 905-681-1826 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE MS OFFICE · ACCPAC WINDOWS · INTERNET · A ccou n tin g · O ffic e A d m in istra tio n · D ental Receptionist Funding may be available to enhance your employments prospects! Come visit Halton Dufterln Skills Evaluation Ctr 460 Brant St. Burlington · M e d ica l/L e g a l Assistant We're looking lor sell-molivated individuals dedicat ed lo h e lp ing parents sta rl Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) lor their children We need Enrollment Olficers to help parents understand recent changes like the Federal Government initiative ol max imizing RESP dollars with a 20% Savings Grant. Join the Heritage Team and you'll enhance your future as well as the future o! children. Heritage oilers flexible working arrangements and growth opportunities with in out national, independent agency network For more Information: J.F. Nehme. (9p5) 844-3571 (voice mail) or fC > 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1 - 1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. @ booth 186 ACADEM Y OF L E A R N IN G S e e us in b o o th # 104 at th e H a lto n J o b & C a re e r F a ir 637* 3415 Full / Part-tim e · Financial Aid May be Avail. j L / 1905)678-2878 or lax (905)844-1699 H erita g e ,, . . S .,, lB general help wanted BRONTE -2 bedroom , top floor, lakeview. S980 includes ,, heat/ hydro / parking / lock er. A quiet building Nov 1st f (905)827-8228 LA KEFR O N T B u rlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartm ent ava ila b le Nov. 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938 1 bedroom coach housebrigh t. fresh ca rp e ts & paint. Deck, la keview . 5 appliances S uit sin gle woman. S^JOO. 849-9996 2-BEDRO O M spacious | apartment on country estate wWest Flam borough. $850/ mo. Immediate. (905)6591473 FRESHLY Decorated: 2&3 B e droom s- some 2-le ve l! Oct./Nov. Low-rise building. Garden like setting. Private ' landscaped patios (Bur' lin g to n ); 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (9 05)336-0015 . a 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. . (905)336-0016 * * * * * The Co-operators HIRING ACCOUNT/SALES REPRESENTATIVES See us at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept 28 In (he Lobby Booth Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Call 639-9212 O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Bedroom tow nh ouses ava ila b le Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. HoS779* pedale Mall area Lakeshore Management. (905)876-3336 SIXTH Line/ Upper Middle. 3-bedroom , finished base ment. 4 appliances, corner u n it. S 1175./m o.+ O ct.1. (905)858-3171_____ SHORT Term Furnished 2bedroom townhouse ava il able la te N o vem b er fo r 4 m onths. 333-1706. Ext.29. Kathy M urray. Sales REpresentative. Active Proper ties Inc. N.E. O akville: 3-bedroom, b a c k in g o nto park. 5 ap pliances. air. November 1. $1400 plus utilitie s. 2 5 7 6811_______________________ ////////// C A F E T Y C A R I? NEW CAREER? This Could Be Your Answer The person we are seeking does not need specific qualifications but rather be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. This is a full, time position. Working from our Burlington office the individual's role is to totally manage and service a base of long established clients by phone. The ability to develop new business is also important. SafetyCare is an award winning world leader in the growth area of Workplace Health and Safety with opportunities for individuals to achieve success under the umbrella of a safe, secure and sucessful international company. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, w ith potential firs t year earnings of $30,000.-$40,000. If you are interested in a career change, please call Ed Aasman to discuss this opportunity in more detail telephone: (905) 631-6070 DR IV ER /M O V ER - 5 Ton Truck. G license, experience preferable $12-$14/hour de pending on experience. Call (9 0 5)847-1378 or Fax (905)847-6434. NEED some extra money' Part time help required by w ell e sta b lish e d home cle anin g com pany Sheri dan Students M/F welcome Call The House Cleaning Angels. Deborah (905)8423672 LOCAL landscape company seeking a self-motivated reli able emloyee to start imme dia te ly V ery com petitive wages, opportunity for a per manent year round position fo r the right in dividual Phone 878-6984 M O LL Y M aid is seeking m ature, dependable, cus tom er service oriented indi v id u a ls -fu ll-tim e . M-F Training/ benefits/ transpor-^, tation provided. Call 905681-7484 Bachelor Irom S689* 1Bdrm Irom 2- Bdrm Irom S899* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc included) B R O N T E -O N -T H E -LA K E : im m aculate. 1-bdrm . s in gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new a p p lia n ce s. $ 1 .2 5 0 ./m o. Evenings (905)827-2266. BR O N TE. -F u rn is h e d b a c h e lo '. p riv a te hom e, p riv a te entra n c e . F/P. $750./month. Oct. 1st. Nonsmoker. Call 847-3482. ONE Bedroom Basem ent a p a rtm e n t. $750. in c lu sive. Please Call (905)8271776 510/MONTH extends your local calling area Talk for e v e r.... w h enever! Share savings w ith reverse c a ll ing Ability Tel. snee 1994. (905) 842-3738. (905)631-8202 A L L new 100% genuine leather sofa, ioveseat. chair still packaged. Cost $8,500. Sell $3.500.416-746-0995 A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 door: S tove. M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 _____ BASEBOARD heaters: all size s. Very reasonable. Phone 875-3425 ________ B E A U T IF U L baby grand piano. Excellent condition, $2,450. Delivery available. call 905-227-9458 BED. Queen black iron ca nopy. orthopedic m attress/ box. s till packa ged. Cost $1200. Sacrifice. $525. Can deliver. 416-741-7557 BEDROOM set. 8-pce cherryw ood. 4 -p o s te r sle ig h , ch e st, trid re s s e r, m irro r, nightstands. all dovetail, new. still packaged. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3,500. (905)5674042^ _ ______ ____ BEDR O O M set- 7 piece. Cherrywood. all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers, queen size 4 poster bed w /rails. dresser, th-fold mirror, large chest, nig h ts ta n d Never used, s till boxed Cost $7^800.. sacrific e $3,500. 905^971-1777 BEDS, King pillowtop or dou ble orthopedic mattress set. new in plastic. Cost $1500 Sacrifice (King $625) (Double $375.) Can deliver 416-7417557______________________ BEDS, New- C om plete Double. $220; Queen. $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. CaB (905)681- 9496 CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 CHEST freezer. 2 years old. W estinghouse. white. $350 obo681-7387 C IG A R S -M O N T E C R IS T O #1 $450 Romeo Y Julieta Churchill $600 Montecristo A $1000 Sealed boxes obo for each (905)815-9189 DIAMOND ring set- 18 kar at white gold. 52 karat cen tre stone. $3500/obo. (905) 634-4605. after 6pm. DININGROOM set- 6 chairs, solid 5ft.. oval table in ex cellent condition with single pedestal. S500. 905 -31 93625 Let's discuss your future! Halton Business Institute Career Training & Skills Upgrading Computerized Diploma Programs To ensure your future success speak to us at The Job Fair, Booth #102 M u s ic In s tru c to rs R e q u ir e d im m e d ia te ly . P ia n o , g u i t a r . a ll b r a s s a n d w o o d w in d s , v io lin a n d v o c a l. Re w a rd in g c a re e r o p p o r tu n ity . F a x r e WANTED All-China. Silver. C ry s ta l, cam era/ audio equ ipm ent, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D o ulton. M oorcroft.Q uilts. Glass. W atch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_____________ BETTER cash- Faster pick up for your used applianc es- fridges/ stoves/ washer & dryers. Call 905-549-1911 PA IN TIN G S . A n tiques W anted: Furniture. Glass. China. Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. E states purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington____________ R C f C lI l firewood G UAR AN TEE D dry 100% hardwood. ' O ntario's la r gest F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Q ua lity Firew ood. (905)-257-6366_____________ K y i 11 pets, supplies A U S T R A LIA N Sheppard pup pies- CKC registered, h ea lth checke d. Please call (519) 623-9955 , UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts . with scenic views available at two prime downtown Burling ton lo c a tio n s B e a u tifu l grounds Professionally man aged 478 Pearl St. *·(905)632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374 CAN ADI A N A .Q uiet, w ell . maintained lakefront building. Very spacious 2&3-bedrooms a vailab le O ctober. 5220 - Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905)632-5486____________ O A K V ILL E Lake sh o re / Kerr Bright, spacious 2bedroom. (above stores). 4 appliances. parkin g O c t.1st. $995/m o+ hydro. (905)842-3196 2-BEDRO O M A p a rt ments $790 (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ) 2386 New St. at -Guelph Line Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 BURLINGTON Lakeshore. .··near Burloak. 2-bedroom + xden. 1-1/2 balconies, lake views Nov. 1st. $1250./mo.+ parking. (905)639-3301 ~ T -----------------------------------CENTR AL O akville, s e lf -contained 1-bedroom aparthym ent. private entrance. parking. $650/mo. inclusive ^ a v a ila b le O ct. r s t. Nonsmoker. (905)845-3756. LARGE 3-bedroom apart ment in clean 5-sto rey building. C entral O akville . November 1. S985/month / p lu s p a rk in g - C all 3 3 7 0497 or 845-8812 .G E O R G IA N A p artm ents Oct./Nov. 1.2&3 Bedrooms Heat/ hydro included. Parking 'e x tra (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & ` 6:30-8pm ` EAST Oakville. 4-bedroom * 2-sto re y. C /A. w a lk-o u t * deck, fenced yard, eat-m kitchen, d e sira b le fam ily neighbourhood. $1400/mo +; also, new bach elor b a s e ment. laundry, separate en trance. kitchen, bath. $600/ mo.+ Oct. 1st. (905^49-7818 NEW R enovations- 3-bedroom tow nh ouse m a is o nettes. 1 parking. November. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)3199104______________________ BURLINGTON: Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 applianc es. 1300 & 1600 sq. ft. plus basem ent, fe n c e d in backyard. $1100 and $1200 plus utilitie s, parking $40. (905) 6 3 9 - 0 9 5 0 . ______ FA M ILY S e tting: U pper Middle & Brant. 3-bedroom. $885/mo+ utilities. 1 parking included. For appointm ent call 335-2075 Managed by Jordan & Geisel $ 1 4 5 0 ./m o n th - Bronte-bythe-lake. 3 bedroom g a r den tow nh om e . 2 baths, sundeck. attached garage, laundry off kitchen, lots of cupb oards, new window s, n ic e ly d e c o ra te d . 4 a p p lia n c e s . B road loom . hardwood, ceram ics. Ref erences required. No pets allowed. (905)-847-5502 Business Skills Computer Training is the ONLY school in Burlington with a lull-time Placement Director- Come see us tor more info @ booth #173 s u m e to ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -8 1 1 5 o r d ro p o ff a t H ig h N o te M u s ic , 1 3 1 K e r r St. O akvillle. LE N 'S Hom e & Pet Care requires occasional live-m housesitters. Burlington and area Perfect for mature in d iv id u a ls who enjoy pets Must be bondable Call 3358494 MAINTENANCE PERSON required part-time: Mon.-Thurs 7-1 1 am Sun. 8am-6:30pm For appt call: LU XU R Y. New 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV. VCR. 6 a p p lia n c e s , ste re o . 1-3 baths, health ce n tre , s e c u rity . D a ily. W eekly. M o n th ly From $12 95-2995/ m onth. Visa. M a ste rC a rd . Am Ex. C all 681-RENT (7355) UM O A K V IL L E Luxury Furnished 1 bedroom. NonSmoker. No pets $1350/mo. Paknng and utilities included (905)845-3924 6 3 9 -1 0 2 4 THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will beat the Halton Job & Career Fair, Booth #162, to discuss your training options for a brighter future! Courier/Brokers McCORMICK RANKIN CORPORATION CONSULTING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS Electrical Engineers - All Levels Graduate Engineers with PEO registration (or eligibility for future registration) and experience in roadway lighting, traffic signals, and airport- work are required for planning, design and construction administration. with own car required by A.I.S. Couriers lo sort & deliver postal products in Oak. area. Approx. $1600/mo. ALSO: Part-time positions. 5am-8am. to sort parcels $ 10/hr. I cars for sale 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd. Forest green. 60-cylin der. loaded. 165K. 1 owner, excellent condition. $11.500. 842-3752 __________ 1992 Eagle Talon- PW. PL. AM/FM cass.. 170K, black. 1 owner, excellent condition. $4,650. E-tested. certified. 825-3203_________________ 1986 G rand M arquis, b e a u tifu l shape. 80,000 kms. c u rre n t safety and emission test. $2500 Ro bert. 337-2001 days. 8 2 5 5403 evgs. 1990 Aerostar. 6-cylinder, auto, runs well, poor body, parts only $500 obo. C all Scott 336-5589____________ 1998 Chev. Cavalier, extend ed warranty. 4-cylinder au tomatic. air. mint, black on black 80K, $10,995. 3 3 1 6526___________ 1989 Cutlas Calais SL. good running condition. $1500 as is- 332-0729__________ 1989 C u tlas Sierra pow er locks & w indow s. A/C. 156K.- GM's best engine $2250 CaU|332-6990 PINEDALE Estates. Luxury 2-bdrm . 2-baths, sunroom. lakevew. 11th floor, indoor pool, underground parking $ 1 2 5 0 ./m o. plus hydro. Available Nov. 1st Call 6317936 CONDO for rent, fu lly fu r nished. 2-bedrooms. $1500/ mo utilities included. Short or long term. North Burlington. (905)332-3031 G LEN A B B E Y 2 b e d room. 2 bath condo Avail able Nov. 1. $1102 month ly + hydro (905)849-3257. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Engineers - All Levels Guest Services Supervisor E v e n in g S h ift Must have at least 2 yrs Guest Service ex perience preferably at the Supervisory level. Please mail or tax resume lo: Human Resources Ramada Inn-Oakville 360 Oakville Place Dr,, Oakville L6H 6K8 Fax 905-845-9450 BU SINESS M anager for growing O akville softw are technology firm. Duties in clude order entry, invoicing. A/R follow-up and purchas ing. Strong computer skills are a prerequisite. Experi ence w ith Q uick Books would be an asset Fax tp: 905-815-1907 Phone 2pm-6pm (905) 33 8 -2 0 6 9 H A R D W O R K IN G , anim al lover with retail and animal care experience required for Burlington pet store Flexi ble. perm anent part time. Reply to Box 1791. c/o Bur lington Post. 2321 Fairview St L7R 2E3 TORBRAM Electric Supply requires C o u n te r/ Inside S ales Rep M ust have pre vio u s expe rience with electrical distributor Send resume to: Torbram Electric S upply. 3245 H arvester Road, unit 17 Burlington. ON L7N 3T7 or fax (905)681-1545 Attn Branch Manager LEADHAND CREW CHIEF e xp e rie n ce d , able to run landscpae matienance crew Also General Labourer Call (905) 8 4 9 -5 5 5 5 ; Fax resume: (905)849-5565 LO ADER required by Bur lin g to n te x tile com pany 7am-4pm. S8 /hr Will tram Call Chester. 632-1464 FURNISHED room, upscale townhouse in core, private s ittin g room and pow der room Shared kitchen, laun dry. show er. Suit p ro fe s sional non-smoking female. Reference. Immediate. S500. 631-1957 ____ ______ _____ FURNISHED room in house, parking, cable, utilities includ ed Hwy. 5 & Guelph. $500/ month Oct 1 331-0681 _ S H A R E hou se. S400/m o. includes u tilities. Laundry, patio . U pper M ld d le /8 th Line Im m ediate . N ear S h eridan. (905)616-8439 ; (905)465-0396^ _________ FURNISHED room in e x e c u tiv e hom e. W ell m ain tained and clean Respon sible Individual . $425/all in clusive. Trafalgar/Upper Mid dle. (905) 338-5956 Graduate Engineers with PEO registration (or eligibility for future registration) and experience in the ITS field are required. Knowledge in the specialized fields of ATMS, CVO, ITBCS, and RWIS an asset. CAD Technician This position requires 3-5 years experience in the prepara tion of electrical contracts for a variety of clients. Proficiency in AutoCAD is mandatory; knowledge of Microstation is a definite asset. We are offering very competitive salary levels com plemented with a "comprehensive benefits package. All these positions create exciting opportunities to grow with the company. I houses for rent QUIET non-sm oking reno vated main floor 3-bedroom bun galow . G uelp h Line/ Upper Middle. U tilities in cluded. $1.200/mo. (905)331-6071 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative fina n c in g a vailab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan. Assoc. B ro ke r. (905 )6 3 9 5258 Re/M ax E scarpm ent Realty Inc.. Realtor Please send resum es in confidence to: Mr. Gene Sm allwood, P.Eng. M cCorm ick Rankin C orporation 2655 North Sheridan Way, M ississauga, ON. L5K 2P8 Fax: 905-823-8503 e-m ail: gsm allwo@ m rc.ca

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