Wednesday September 20, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B7 Dining ^ ^ E n tertain m en t Oakville's Bi-Weekly Dining & Entertainment Spotlight CHECK IT OUT! Check out our hom em ade meals m ade fresh e ve ryd a y g jl · Fish & Chips $7.85 · Homemade Burgers $3.45 · Bistro Grilled Chicken $5.99 ^ £ £ 1 § Only Gam* Voodoo Chicken P h ilth y PhillY W ra p C a n u ck Burger M a la r Veggie Burger Sarasota Sirloin Chicken £- Shrimp Pasta Stir Crazy Fajitas Beans S- Weiners Royale LIVE ENTERTAINM ENT E ve rv F rid a v F ri., S e p t. 22 LO S T B O YS C H W STA B LO N D A Sun, Sept. 12 4 -8 pm L o c a te d a t: 386 Iroquois Shore Rd. (right next to the Montford Restaurant) | ' o aTM *. M ontfonR eaauran. WWF " UNFORGIVEN"A Home o f. .D o n o v a n (90 5 )3 3 8 -8 6 8 6 I Hours: Monday - Thursday 10am - 10pm Weekends Open Late B a ile y , J a rre tt S m ith , J o a n n e M a la r, n M ik e M o rre a le , S te v e R ic e , P a u l M a s o tti, M ik e O 'S h e a , L J V al S t. G e rm a in , S te v e S ta io s , M ik e V a n d e rja g t, okS S S C h ris G io s k o s , J e n B u tto n , a n d C o lin D o y le " O I*XE0, OAKVILLE . BURLINGTON . BARRIE . HAMILTON . WATERLOO Co-owners Mike Perrin and Changaiz Khan sit at the bar, with New York scenery as a backdrop at Zax. Below, waiter Onorifiro tends bar. FISH & CHIPS Tel: (90S) Zax N ew York Bistro & W ine Bar By Kym Funnell Rosie M cG ees 2051 Winston Park Dr. Oakville (905) 829-1118 Your First Time Won't Be Your Last TH E BEST QUALITY LIGHTLY BATTERED FRESH FISH K e r r C e n t r e · 5 7 9 K e r r S t. O a k v ille WE C the asual fine dining with a scent o f rom ance, great am biance creating an aura o f relaxation. A ll o f | this can be found at Zax New York B istro and Ure entertaiment Tires., Fri. & Sat. nights Chefs Carvery Night every Silt, night 12 Drafis on Tap W ine B ar situated in Clarkson. Zax offers a taste o f C lassic N ew York style w ith their dark w ood decor, w ood and slate flooring and stylish linen form at. C elebrities and authentic N ew ARE OPEN : k ik O a k v ilk Entertainment Centrum MON. - SAT. II :00 AM - 9:00 PM CLOSED SUN. York landm arks adom the w alls adding to the fabulous am bience. C ontinental cuisine is found on the m enu w ith g o u rm e t salad s, th in c ru ste d p izza, p astas, seafood and succulent m eat dishes. atm o sp h e re Z ax is eag e rly O k to b e rfe st P ro m o tio n fro m In keeping with aw aitin g th e ir Q L W .& W inston Garcliill N ow O pen O c to b e r 9 th ro u g h (Since 1973) O ctober 14 w ith an array o f delightful O ktoberfest specials. A lso Italian night beginning every T uesday starting S eptem ber 25, w ith an arrangem ent o f authen tic traditional Italian cuisine. Both events will provide the appropriate uplifting m usic from our entertaining accortion player. A lso Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights enjoy the sooth ing and relaxing voice o f Fern com m encing at 7:00 p.m. D rop by Zax today and experience not only the upcom ing prom otions but N ew York like y o u 've never experienced it before in the G.T.A.. occassions. O pen seven days a w eek from 11:30 a.m . to close. L ocated in the V illage o f C larkson, M ississauga. At 1721 L akeshore R d,, West. A m ple parking at rear. Call (905)822-2442 for reservations and m ore inform ation. T hey cater all Family Restaurant ( -Joseph's Mediterranean Cuisine Specializing in ... D aily Breakfast Special 2 eggs bacon, ham or sausage toast & potatoes · Fresh Fish · Steak & Seafood · Fresh Pasta and Sauces · Gourmet Pizza · Extensive Wine List Experience the finest culinary flavours the mediterranean has to offer! H ours: M on-Fri ll:3 0 a m -1 0 p m , Sat 5- 10pm , Sun Closed only$/^ 5 0 Open fo r Breakfast · Lunch · 2322 Dundas Street W. · Ample Parking · 9 0 5 * 465-3855 Located on the south side of Dundas Street W. between 3rd Line & Bronte Road. D inner Hopedale Mall · 827-4851 TO W N E RESTAURANT & Dining Lounge Continental Cuisine 0})en fo r breakfast, lunch C dinn er M ew York Bistro & W in e B ar F in e D in in g A t I t s B e s t Contem porary Live Entertainm ent On Weekends! We specialize in Prime Rib, Seafood & Steaks 8:00 a.m . -8KX) p.m . B reakfast, Lunch ix D inner We Treat Seniors Extra Special! Two exciting events happening t Zax N.Y. Bistro during OctoBe Tuesday - Italian N ile featuring a wide arrangement o f Italian dishes in our Italian Cuisine fashion. Octoberfest Week from October 9 to October 14. A uthentic Octoberfest specials w ill be featured daily apart from our regular exciting menu. Both events w illfeature the appropriate Italian an d Octoberfest music, provided by a flam boyant accordian player. Plan to join us for Thanksgiving October 7th Your hosts Peter & Mike 1731 LakesHore Rd. W. Mississauga (in Clarkson) for reservations call.. .905 822-2442 ------ Book now for Christinas Parties! We can accom odate 50-200. 467 Speers Road, Oakville · 842-0475 Newly Renovated! · Elegant decor with fine dining atmosphere · Large Lunch & Dinner Buffets · Reasonably priced · Wide selection o f vegetarian & H P **! non-vegetarian food H ours: Tuesday-Sunday 11:30am -10pm 1 5 0 0 S ix th L in e (Ju s t S o u th o f U p p e r M id d le R d .) In the Oakville Entertainment Centrum QEW & Winston Churchill ( 905 ) 829-5447 844-9209 " since 1 9 6 7 " T W o n c to u -y ffp c c y ia t________ Monday Nignt Football Bucket o f giant BBQ beef ribs & a pitcher of domestic drought ^ $ 1 9 .9 5 We fry halibut, haddock & Alaska white fish with freshly cut fries. P leasin g ou r custom ersfo r over 30yea rsi ______ Wing Night 20 wings & o pitcher of domestic drought 579 Kerr Street, Oakville E a t In OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Tuesday - Saturday 11-9 p.m . just $ 1 9 .9 5 or Take Out 3 3 8 -0 8 8 9 Live entertainment every Friday & Saturday night