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Oakville Beaver, 5 Jul 2000, A3

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Wednesday, July 5, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 Rising gas prices don't bother Ford truck sales A lthough sales for cars and total vehicles in June have dipped, Ford o f C anada is reporting a successful opening half o f 2000. Despite the large increase in gaso line prices, Ford experienced one of its best-ever year-to-date p erfor mances in truck sales at 101,119 units - second only to last year's record. For the month of June, Ford's truck sales hit an all-time high at 20,675 units. "C anadians appreciate the versa tility o f trucks since m any house holds rely on a single vehicle. For exam ple, the average nu m b er o f vehicles per household in is 1.4 in C anada, com p ared to 2.2 in the U nited S tates. C anad ian s sim ply need their vehicles to do more," said Torrey G alid a, vice-p resid en t, General M arketing at Ford. The positive consum er clim ate has also led to a strong half-year o f sales for the Lincoln. O ver the past six m onths, 3,607 units have been sold. m arking a 43 per cent increase over the same period last year. C om bined car and truck sales were up 3.5 per cent between January and June at 157,338 units, an im provem ent over the 152,020 total for the same period last year. Total car sales at the mid-year m ark were 56,219, up 16.6 per cent com pared to m id-year 1999. Ford Focus sales totaled 26,175 over this tim e, .103 per cent higher than sales o f the three cars it replaced over the same period last year. Total vehicle sales for the month o f June were down 2.5 per cent from the same month last year, totalling 31,172. C ar sales were down 7.2 per cent, with 10,497 units sold, com pared to 11,316 last June. The W indstar experienced its best June ever with 7,113 units sold, while the Lincoln Navigator had its sales go up 19 per cent, marking its best June ever. Three local students receive Canada Day youth awards Three Oakville students are among 101 recipients o f the 2000 Canada Day Youth Award, presented by the Ontario Celebrate Canada Committee. Nominees for the award must be 18 years of age or younger and have made a significant contribution in the areas of · community participation, promotion of Canadian values, or sustainable devel opment initiatives. They must have par ticipated in an activity that either result ed in positive benefits for an individual or group, fostered common national purpose or unity, or increased the awareness o f environmental issues. Oakville's award winners were: Julia Obert, an 18-year-old stu dent at Oakville Trafalgar High School, is a violinist and chair of the Wellness Council, promoting good mental and physical health in the school. Anika Sarah Malik, 17, attends Queen Elizabeth Park School. She vol unteered at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in the geriatrics sec tion, and is in charge of a playroom for children with HIV and cancer at the Hospital for Sick Children. Kristen Wither, a 16-year-old St. Mildred's Lightboum student, tutors math for younger students and volun teers at a local nursing home. Photo by Barrie Erskine CHIPPING IN: Forty-five golfers raised $2,150 during the recent Town of Oakville Employees United Way Golf Tournament - thanks in part to Oakville Executive Golf Course owner Harold Myers who returned $1,350 worth of participants' green fees. Pictured here from the left are: Paulina Robertson, Oakville United Way, Audrey Lomas, Town of Oakville, Doug Ferguson, Town of Oakville special events coordinator, Phil Bouillon, Town of Oakville United Way Committee, and Bo Angevaare, Town of Oakville employee campaign coordinator. PICKOrTHE CROP T O Y S B O O K S I t 's n e v e r t o o e a r ly t o ^ g e t Harry Fbttar 4 SATURDAY JULY 8 P ic k o f t h e D r . K r u n o T o v ilo C ertified Specialist in O rthodontics for C hildren and Adults Crop \y^ P R IV A T E P R A C T IC E O R T H O D O N T IC S w ill b e o p e n a t 0 am fo r Breakfast with the W izard F in g e r fo o d s n a c k s , p o s t e r s , book m a rk s, QEP student wins Miller Thomson scholarship Leonard Tooley, a gradu Peers Empowering Peers ate from Queen Elizabeth program, impressed the peo Park School, is among 100 ple at the Miller Thomson Ontario students to win a Foundation. $1,000 scholarship from The Now in its sixth year. The Miller Thomson Foundation. Miller Thomson Foundation Tooley, 18, will use the has given over $600,000 to money to attend the students in pursuit of higher University of Toronto in the education. The scholarship is Life Sciences program. He awarded to graduating high intends to get a Ph.D in school students in Ontario Genetics and hopes to take who plan on attending a col that to law school. lege or university in Canada. "I want to go into the In mid-November, each criminal side of genetic law year, students in their final and study have an effect on year of high school are invit the future of genetics," he ed to apply for the scholar said. "Looking at the legal ship, in writing, describing implicatons of manipulating why he or she is a suitable DNA and cloning is some candidate for the award. thing that interests me." They provide written refer His involvement in com ences from teachers, princi petitive piano - he also teach p a ls , and community leaders. es younger students - along Academic marks are sent in with participation in QEP's by the schools. ^ l i g h t e n i n g b o l t s ... 2 5 % d is c o u n t on . If you have a news tip or story idea, call the Oakville Beaver at 845-3824. HarryFbtter4 ^ w h ile s u p p l i e s l a s t ! T h e B i g D a y I s C o m in g ! ! ! X j* ORTHODONTICS can help correct MOST types of tooth mal-alignment problems Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends all children see an Orthodontist by age 7 R eceive PERSONAL Attention vt\XY\ALL PHASES 245 LAK ESH O RE ROAD EAST DOWNTOWN O A K V ILLE 844-5363 O f Treatment Provided by the Doctor ONL Y N o tic e o f L iq u o r L icen ce A p p lica tio n Self-ligating Micro-braces or Clear braces are used exclusively N O HEADGEAR or BANDS are used P lay Nintendo64 or watch TV during treatment Play Sony PlayStation or watch TV during treatment Ontario S till B e n d a n d Lift The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Royalty Sweets and Catering 2530 Sixth Line, Unit #7, Oakville Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than August 5, 2000. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commision, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of all objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensing@agco.on.ca Consultations are ALWAYS FREE...W e will do our utmost to make ORTHODONTICS AFFORDABLE! mt G et the natural smile you deserve Orthodontically. Call us today.... TO W N C E N T E R O R T H O D O N T IC S 243 North Service Road, West Suite 301, Oakville (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -1 7 1 7 W e've Filled O ver 16 M illionJobs in H undreds of Industries. W hat do Y o u Need D one? P a r V r S k i f 1-888-24-L A B O U R NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS get a summer job. Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students 1090 Speers Rd. (905) 845-3601 Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sheridan College Skills Training Centre 407 Iroquois Shore Rd., Room A10 (905) 845-9430, ext. 8160 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Students We can help you find a summer job. Summer Jobs Partnership will assist you with: - job leads - resume writing - interview skills - self-marketing techniques Our resource centres have computers, Internet access, printers, job postings, job banks and faxing. 338 Kerr Street · Oakville, ON ( 905) 842-3911 D e p e n d a b le T e m p o r a r y L a b o r o n D e m a n d S U P E R If you're reeking th eu H m w te m o w er, you've o rrived . RECYCLERT o ro Sup er R e cy cle r® m o w ers set th ep o w er an d M O W E R S p erfo rm an ce stan d ard . Featu rin gp aten ted R e cy d e r® cu ttin g tech n o lo g yo n d your ch o ice o f 4-cyde sid e valve en g in es o ro u r exdusive o verh ead valve eng in es, th ese d urab le m o ch in es o re fo rp eo p lew h op rize p erfectly cu t Iw m so n dw o n t it d o n e rig h t. Y ear after year. A t th eheart o f th eSu p er R e cy d e r® cu ttin gsystemis o n aero dynam ic b lad e th at red u ces p o w er d em an d s fo r ag reat c u t in n o rm al tu rf o n dp o w er in reserve fo r th e to u g h est co n d itio n s. T o ro Su p er R ecyd er®m o w ers. D u rab le, reliab le o n dp ro ven .T h a t's T o ro ®q u ality. Toro® Super Recycler with New Personal Pace® Simply the Finest Lawn Mower. Ever. 5 1 9 95 No in terest No paym ent to Oct. 15/2000 Offer expires July 21, 2000 www.sheridanc.on.ca/services/summerjobs/http://jobbank.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. 1661 LakeshoreRdW. Mississauga £000X044 (2 block east of Southdown Rd. in Clarkson) W orking together to help students find sum m er em ploym ent S h e r id a n * Y THE YMCA OF HAMILTON/BURUNGTON *+ i= i'S TM TZ* Canada ^

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