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Oakville Beaver, 6 Apr 2017, p. 32

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www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, April 6, 2017 |3 2 Call: 289-293-0661 email: mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Community Update meeting, 7 p.m ., Joshua' s Creek Arena, 1663 North Service Rd. E. To register: ghow 08@ gmail.com. T he W om en's C entre holds an addictions information session 6 -8 p.m. Call to register 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 . "C o n n e c te d to y o u r C o m m u n ity " p.m. Call 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -0 5 1 4 . THURSDAY APRIL 6 B ereavem en t w alkin g group for those grieving the death of a loved one, offered by Acclaim Health on Thursdays, April 6 to June 2 2 from 1 0 - 11:30 a.m. Call 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 8 0 0 , ext. 2 3 1 2 to register. B ea d s f o r A frica fu n d ra iser, 7 -9 :3 0 p.m., Q EP Community Centre, 2 3 0 2 Bridge Rd. Carole Bertuzzi Luciani is the speaker. Tick ets $20. Contact cbplewes@gmail.com. O akville T oastm asters C lub final launch Interview sk ills w ith a ca reer developm ent specialist, 1:30-3 p.m. at Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5, Oakville. Free. Call 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -8 8 5 6 . AVOID D R A G G IN G Y O U R F A M IL Y T H R O U G H DIVORCE C O U R T . Low er the em otional damage on everyone now , before it's too late. S ix-w eek a b u se S upport G rou p at the W om en's Centre runs Wednesdays to April 12, 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p.m. Free. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 to register. Em ploym ent Training W orkshop at The W om en's Centre from 6 -8 p.m. Free. Reboot your resume, cover letter, interview skills and more. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 to register. V eterans' luncheon, Bronte Legion, Branch 4 8 6 , 79 Jones St., every Thursday at noon. Lunch is free to veterans, $ 6 for guests. D ivorce fin a n c ia l counselling at the W om en's Centre 10 a.m .-12 p.m. No fee. Call 9 0 5 8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 to register. FRIDAY APRIL 7 F ish Fry, Bronte Legion, Branch 4 8 6 , 79 Jones St., $ 1 0 , Fridays 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free 7 :3 0 -1 1 :3 0 p.m. Music (free) will be pro vided from 7-11 p.m. All welcome. S econ d ca reer in form ation session , 1-2:30 p.m. at Goodwill - the Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free. Call 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -8 8 5 6 . B ran ch 1 1 4 o f th e R oyal C an ad ian L egion h old s a ch icken w ing d in n er , $1 a wing with O akville Sym phony presen ts P assion a t e D ram a today at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 9, 2 p.m. at Oakville Performing Arts Centre. Tickets: 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -2 0 2 1 or at www. oakvillesymphony.com. E aster b a k e an d ca b b a g e roll sa le, 8 a.m.2 p.m ., Holy Trinity Church, 2 1 1 0 Trafalgar Rd. Tansely United C hurch h old s its sixth an nual recycling electron ics day, 8 a.m .-2 p.m., 2111 Walkers Line. Call 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -0 0 9 0 for information. MONDAY APRIL 10 O akv ille osteop orosis group meets 1:30 p.m. at St. Michael's Church, 181 Sewell Dr., Speaker on lung diseases. Cost $5. For info call 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -4 8 6 3 . C o ffe e an d conversation Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. Free.Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 . E-maii: 71 M ED IATIO N Choose the civilized way to separate. Stop fighting, start moving forward. Save thousands ... and stay out of court. A nthropologist Dr. J a c k ie P rim e s p ea k s at th e H am ilton N atu ralists' Club, 7:30 p.m. Royal Botanical Gardens, 6 8 0 Plains Rd. W Contact Bron: brontreg@cogeco.ca or 9 0 5 637-7 1 3 6 . dawn@ cornerstone-m ediation.comor call: 905-567-6833 Dawn is an Accredited Family Mediator with a degree in psychology and a Masters in Law from Osgoode Hall Law School, with a specialization in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Dawn has been mediating families full time since 2000. Ir Vw carrots and celery sticks, 4 :3 0 p.m ., 36 Upper Middle Rd. T able f o r Twelve a t th e W om en's C entre o f Halton. Meet regularly with a small group of diverse women, have discussions and activi ties. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -5 5 2 0 for information. Also on 12. SATURDAY APRIL 8 O pen H ouse Fung L oy K o k Taoist Tai Chi, 2 4 6 4 Lakeshore Rd. W , 11:00 a.m .-12:30 CORNERSTONE MEDIATION 4 4 7 SPEERS RD, UNIT 5, OAKVILLE, ON Im agine your home, totally organized! 4 0 % O ff Plus Free Installation 40% off any order of $1000 or more. 30% off any order of $700 or more. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $500 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Custom Closets Garage Cabinets Home Offices Pantries, Laundries and Hobby Rooms Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate 1-877-321-7410 CSW www.closetsbydesign.ca 2 0 1 3 © A ll R ig h ts R e se rve d . C lo s e ts b y D e s ig n , Inc. F o llo w us

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