7 | Friday, April 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Our Veterans and their families deserve respect and forethought continued from p.12 with a capital "V" in official government communications. Kristin Courtney, a resident of Oakville, whose father fought in the Norm andy inva sion and was on Juno Beach on D-Day, is the driving force behind this petition. I fully support this initiative and its ob jective to honour and recognize those who served militarily and who continue to make sacrifices for our country. As im portant as it is to remember, com mem orate and respect our Veterans, it is also crucial to support them as they transition to civilian life. In the 2 0 1 7 budget, the federal govern m ent is introducing programs to ensure Vet erans receive the skills, training and educa tion they need to succeed in new careers. Our government is comm itted to ensuring that we deliver the programs and services our Veterans -- and their families -- need for a seamless and successful transition from military to civilian life. The federal government also recognizes that injured Veterans and their families need multi-faceted support to deal with both mental and physical challenges. The government will invest in mental health support for Veterans at risk and move forward with its plan to re-establish lifelong pensions as an option for injured Veterans. Informal caregivers -- who are often family members -- play an integral and irreplace able role in supporting ill and injured Veter ans after they leave service, yet the sacrifices they make for their loved ones are not being properly recognized. Budget 2 0 1 7 will create the Caregiver Rec ognition Benefit, which would replace and exceed an existing benefit to better recog nize the vital role informal caregivers play. Canada's Veterans have dedicated their lives to the defence of our country. They deserve our unwavering support and gratitude. I am proud of the steps our federal govern m ent is taking to better support the health and wellbeing of our Veterans and their families. -- John Oliver represents the riding of Oakville as its M ember of Parliament. Contact him through his office at 301 Robinson Street, phone 905-338-2008, email John.Oliver@parl. gc.ca or visit his website johnoliver.mp. l MBURGER check o ut our NEW MENU! Please S U P P O R T your local b u sin e ss O A K V IL L E 'S L O W E S T R A T E S !! a a O akville* 125 Cross Avenue l j