13 | Friday, April 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Living kidney transplant inform ation night Tuesday a t OTMH People looking for information on living kidney transplants can get it at an information session in Oakville Tuesday, April 25. In partnership with Trillium Health Partners, Halton Healthcare' s Nephrology Program has organized a Kidney Donor Transplant Information Night. It will take place 6:30-9 p.m. at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, 3001 Hospital Gate, John Oliver Auditorium. A kidney transplant patient and donor will share their own personal experiences, followed To reserve seats or for more information, call by remarks from nephrologists and transplant 905-338-4354. For information, visit wwwhalnurses. tonhealthcare.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thieves targeting vehicles in Oakville Halton police were kept busy over last week' s long weekend, as they investigated more than 20 thefts from motor vehicles in Oakville. The reported incidents occurred primarily overnight Saturday, April 15 and Sunday, April 16 at the town' s eastern border, as well as in the southwest. Police say suspects targeted unlocked vehicles but also gained access to those that were locked by smashing out windows. The thieves stole loose change, wallets and other valuables. Residents are urged to be vigilant and report suspicious persons or vehicles to police immedi ately, and to remove valuable items from their ve hicles and activate existing audible motor-vehicle alarm systems by locking the doors at night. As an additional measure of protection, resi dents with residential surveillance are reminded of the Halton Regional Police Service' s Security Camera Registration and Monitoring Program (S.C.R.A.M.). The community-based crime prevention and investigative tool allows individuals to identify and register residential video surveillance equip ment through a simple, secure and confidential online form at www.haltonpolice.ca under Ser vices and then select S.C.R.A.M. Tips for securing homes and other property can also be found in the services section of the HRPS website under Safety and Security Tips. O A K V IL L E O W N Protect your SPECIAL Investment! 25 Y E A R S IN OAKVILLE - Complete Cars from $ 1 1 9 .9 5 $15 off and free fast wax with this ad. Offer expires April 30, 2017 with the optimum in vehicle rust control and much more! NEW CARS, USED CARS, RUSTY CARS... W E DO IT ALL 905.827.7878 F or co u p o n s and specials visit... W*7*7/TmTOITyfflmTI . . 1 1490 U N IT # 5 SPEERS R O A D , O A K V ILLE Sheridan training centre hosts summer job fair Sheridan College Community Employment Services will host a student summer job fair on Thursday, April 27, from 3 to 6 p.m. The job fair will be held at the Sheridan Col lege Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Rd., in Oakville, Room A11. Sheridan students should come prepared to meet employers who are hiring for the summer; bring copies of their resume; and, be prepared for on-the-spot interviews and questions. For more information, call 905-845-9430 ext. 8160. You get just one funeral. M akeittheoneyouw ant You are unique. Your life is unlike any other. By pre-planning your final arrangem ents now, you can choose the options that reflect how you w ant to be remembered. W hat's more, you can save thousands of dollars and protect family from uncertainty about your wishes. Take the first step: Ask us about your FREE Planning Kit! 905-257-1100 Q L o o k fo ru so n F a ce b o o k glen oaks.ca @G len O aks Funeral H om e & C e m e te ry byArborM em orial 31 64 N inth Line (4 0 3 & D un das St.), M iss./O akville, O N ArborMemorial Inc. Fam ily O w n e d . P ro u d ly C anadian. ALL LOCATIONS ARE LOCATED INSIDE LONGOS & ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A W EEK 'j°F ____ ' pvtF^ . 0 M O R m rs p h a r m a c y Filling prescriptions. Fulfilling expectations. f \ INSIDE M O R E LLIS P H A R M A C Y .C O M I O N LIN E PR E S C R IP T IO N R EN EW A L I C O M P O U N D IN G AVAILABLE I FAMILY O W N E D AN D O PERATED W e have all your H ealth C are needs Have you had your flu shot? No appointment necessary Fa st, p ro fe ssio n a l s e r v ic e s in sid e yo u r O akville and B u rlin gto n L O N G O 'S