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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jul 2000, C5

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Wednesday, July 12, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 O V V Z O N F A V O U R I T E , ------------------------------ Y O U ' L L BE A W I N N E R / Join our MOHAWK team! We are an industry leader in the sports, gaming, and entertainment business and we're expanding. We need enthusiastic individuals who are flexible, experienced, and dedicated to customer service to fill the following positions... NEEDED someone to work for a Landscaping company in Oakville. Some long days and weekends. Call Jeff at (905)338-2118_____________ VEH IC LE Clerk required for Hamilton Dealership. Can didate must be well organ ized and d eta il o riented. D e a le rs h ip accounting req uired . P le a s e fax resume to (905)549-8868 W E E K EN D S off! Full-time Days- Mon-Fri., Reliable & mature. Benefits/ training/ tra n s p o rta tio n pro vid ed . (D.L. required). Call Molly M aid. 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students. S A N D E R / C h e c k e r re quired for Shutters Unlimit ed F ull- tim e position. P le a s e a p p ly in person 10am-1pm, 1254 P la in s Rd.E., B urlington. (Between Brant St/ Maple Ave) M IC RO FILM Service. Oak ville company requires pro duction help, full-time days. $87hr. plus benefits. Fax re sume/ letter to: (905)8251338; Call (905)825-1166 W O R K from home interna tional company seeking full & part-time ambitious peo ple. Up to $700/wk possible. Call 416-631-7144 (25) Pizza Drivers needed im m e d ia te ly . H am ilto n. O akville. Burlington, M is sissa u g a . H o u rly * C a ll (905)979-1231. ·_________ JOB OPPORTUNITY perso n needed to help staff of b usy fast growing retail and mailorder business. Duties include dealing w ith public on phone and in person, warehouse organizing, stock picking and storing, some lifting. Must be quick wined and willing to learn under pressure. Good math required. Send a short hand written resume to Box 6286, c/o The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, On L6K3S4 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE), the global leader of fran chised business and communication service centres, with over 280 locations in Canada and 4,000 world wide, has an exciting opportunity for an experienced professional seeking a challenging new career. This highly motivated individual will be responsible lor supporting the Vice President of Franchise Opera tions. The successful candidate must have a minimum of five years experience as administrative assistant, and have excellent written and verbal communication skills (French language a plus). Proficiency in MS Office and e-mail communication software required. Please reply in confidence to: DOMESTIC COUPLE REQUIRED to maintain a large home on a 66-acre estate in Oak ville, for working executive couple with two older children. Grounds keeper already on staff. This cou ple should have strong work ethics, an ability to work well with others and independently. Experience and pleasant personalities are required. Duties tor the couple include housekeeping, laundry, meal planning/ preparation, serving guests and business associatjj etc. errands, indoor pool maintenance, minor repavj chauffeuring, care and maintenance ot vehicles, etc Additional benefits include on-site furnished suite, paid holidays, and a vehicle for job related activities.' Salaries commensurate with experience. Sous Chef A "seasoned" professional with four to six years' experience at the Sous Chef level, you will motivate and inspire our team with your proficiency in cooking techniques, cost control, and kitchen maintenance. Detail oriented, creative, and organized, you keep current on food industry trends and enjoy participating in the creation and execution of new recipes and menu planning. skilled i technical help MAIL BOXES ETC: MBEC Communications Inc. Personnel Department 505 Iroquois Shore Road, Unit 4 Oakville, ON, L6H 2R3 Fax 905-338-7491 · Cook I ($15.50/hr) · Cook II (S12.7S7hr) Head Salad ($10.55/hr) Dishwashers ($9.70/hr) M achine Operators Experienced individuals are required to operate CNC lathes and mills. Successful candidates will have a minimum of 5 years experience in a machining environment. Knowledge of Fanuc and Okuma controls is an asset. Candidates m u st have the a b ility to use p re cisio n measuring devices and work to tolerances from drawing specifications. We otter an excellent working environment as w ell as an attractive com pensation/benefit package. Qualified applicant s are invited to submit their resume in confidence by mail or fax: 6 Attn: P la n t M an ag e r Please contact Mrs. Ranchuk at (905) 332-6677, 9am-5pm, Fax(905) 257-0048 hotel restaurant M A T U R E salesperson re quired for busy downtown women's clothing store, begining Aug. 1st., w/some re t a i l experience. Outgoing, welh-groomed, m otivated, w illing to w ork Thurs/Fri. evenings, most Sat/Sun, + weekdays -flexible. Apply inr person w/resume: Nancy C a m p b e ll or J ill Etherington, Barbette, 349 Lakeshore Rd.E., Oakville ·. ! Please forward your application, indicating your position of interest, to: Human Resources Services, The Ontario Jockey Club, 555 Rexdale Boulevard, P.O. Box 156, Rexdale, ON M9W 5L2 Fax: (416) 213-2129 e-mail: smk@oic.com We thank a ll applicants for their interest a n d wish to advise that only those selected for an interview w ill be contacted. BILINGUAL LEASE ADM INISTRATOR MTC Leasing Inc. is a Canadian owned, and managed, progressive and innovative leasing company located in Burlington: We currently have a position available in our client services department for a candidate with excellent oral and written French and English language skills. We are.seeking a motivated individual who is looking for an exciting opportunity in a fast paced team environment. A minimum two years experience in a service oriented position and basic computer skills are required. We otter a highly competitive wage and benefits package. B IS H O P and F irk in P&b lo o kin g for e xp e rie n c e d Bartenders. Apply with Re sume attention Todd: 1220 Brant, Burlington________ BENNY'S Deli, full or gsfrt time herp. Excellent wages Mi3st be a v a ila b le w e e k ends. A p p ly 8am-3pft). 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant}. F or m o re in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite : w w w .o jc .c o m GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED LOO KING for work? Out of w ork & schoo l? W e can hefp! Call YMCA (905)6811140______________________ L l 1 1 telemarketers ^ · 2442 South Sheridan Way Mississauga, ON L5J 2M7 Fax: (905) 822-7232 Boart Longyear Inc. Please fax resume to: Client Services Supervisor ^905) 639-6769 RN/RPN Permanent Part-time Days, Evenings & Nights. Smaller Burlington retirement home.' Exoellent reputation in the community. Great working conditions. Competitive rates & good benefits. Resumes: Attn: Sue Alexander CHRISTOPHER COURT Retirement Home, 392 Pearl St., Burl, ON Fax: (905) 639-9171 Brant Children's . Centre Requires: ·FT Preschool Teacher ECEpreferred ·Ft/Pt French Teacher,. ·P/T Driver Gerrie Electric, Ontario's largest independent electrical distributor has an opening for a motivated individual to join our growing team. This position is in Oakville. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER You will be responsible for effective sales effort of all.products sold to industrial and OEM accounts. Electrical / technical sales experience required. Good motor control knowledge required. W e offer benefit package, base plus commission remuneration, car allowance and opportunities for advancement. Highly motivated fast learners with knowledge of the electrical distribution industry would be ideal. Please indicate position name and location on your application. Interested applicants please forward your resume in confidence to: Industrial Sales M a n a g e r, G e rrie E le c tric , fa x : (9 0 5 ) 6 8 1 -1 7 7 4 or em ail:jobs@ gerrie.com www.gerrie.com P E R M A N E N T evening s. Burlington call centre. No cold calling. No selling. S etting appointm ents for our rep re se n ta tives. Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180____________ R A D IO advertising- F/TInside sales representative to call retail accounts. Self starter with professional tel ephone manner. Excellent base/ incentive programs. Full training. Call 905-3338840 C G C INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE A US8 COMPANY AccountsReceivable · Clerk- Bilingual Wholesale pharmaceutical co. seeks an exp. Bilingual A/Ft clerk. Ability to work in a computerized environ-' ment, must have collection experience, communication & customer services skills. This entry level position pffers a competitive compensation package. "F ` license preferred or will train .- Call 634-5518-: T U T O R S Needed: C e rti fied or retired elementary? s ec o n d a ry te a c h e rs for com pany offering p rivate tutoring in student's home. F le xib le hours. E xc ellen t salary. Resum e to: E ic e l S ervic e s 6-2400 Dundgs St. W. Ste. 703, MissisMui Ont. L5K 2R8 or fax lo: i 05)820-9018._______ ' domestic help available «* EXPERIENCED hard we(king European ladies avail ab le for c le a n in g y o y r home, office or restaurant the w ay you would like 5it done! Reasonable rates. References. 905-639-74^5 E U R O P E A N cleaning lady available. Experienced, re lia b le . good re fe re n c e s provided, reasonable rates Call Vinka, 567-3903. * PRO FE S SIO N AL cleaning lady w ill clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892: (905)631-1306 Personais - * MECHANIC CGC Inc., a leader in the manutacture of gypsum wallboard and suspended acoustical ceiling systems is seeking a licensed Industrial Maintenance Mechanic for its Oakville location. The ideal candidate will have experience with PLC's, hydraulics, pneumatics, machining and welding. Trouble shooting/ preventative maintenance skills and basic electrical knowledge would be an assel. This is a full-time position with overtime, a rotating call-in system and includes CGC's competitive wage and benefits program. Application forms are available at our Plant (Fourth Line north of Speers Road), or you may submit or tax resumes to: Fax resume in confidence: (905) 560-7013 Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz H AIR S TY LIS T and Aesthetician. Experienced or not. we will train energetic self starter. 842-4474 1 H O T E L & 'S U IT E S NEW POSITIONS This new 7 storey, 144 room hotel is now hiring the following positions: Housekeeping / Room Attendants, Dish Washers, early morning Breakfast Attendants, Bartenders and Banquet Servers. (Applications are available at reception) H oliday Inn Express H otel & Suites 2525 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, L6L 6P8 (South-East Comer of the QEW & Bronte Rd. at Exit 111) E-Mail: admin@vipl000.com Fax: (905)847-0032 An international Fluid Carrying Systems Com pany has an opening for A REA S U P ER VISO R Halton/Surrounding area The selected candidate needs to have multi-unit experience, be career minded, experience in recruit ment, flexible and willing to travel, beauty industry exp. a plus. We offer you a great salary and have an excellent benefit pkg. Please tax your resume to SEN IO R Draft Person with 5-10 yea rs experience in th e fie ld of m ec h a n ic a l engineering, paper convert ing m a c hin ery, re q uired im m ediately, by O a k v ille located engineering manu facturing firm. Knowledge of CAD/CAM an asset. Send resum e to fax: (905)8428453______________________ E L E C T R IC IA N S , Appren tices, Labourers. Various full-time/ part-time positions a v a ila b le . F ax resum e along with salary expectations to 905-845-3853 CABIN ET Maker, with min imum 3-5 y e a rs e x p e ri ence. W o rk in g w ith high pressure laminate required Please call 905-822-0068. P A IN T E R and p ain te rs helper- Experienced pre ferred. call 416-318-9118 computer-data processing C A D S up p ort S p e c ia lis t required for successful, lo cal A u to d e sk dealer. Q u a lifie d in d iv id u a l w ill have an advanced A u to CAD skill set, with comput er hardware and operating system skills and e xp e ri ence. Must be a self-starter with strong communication skills. Email resumes: sdavis@autodes.com, fax 9056 2 - 4 8 4 2 _________ t V J r i office-clerical FULL-TIME SERVICE RECEPTIONIST Friendly self-starter. Good Communication skills and is computer literate. Apply by fax to Dan Burnside: Dental Assistant, Receptionist (OAKVILLE) Are YOU looking for a warm, friendly atmosphere to work in? WE are looking for experienced dedicated people. M. Itel, H.R. Coordinator CGC Inc. 735 Fourth Line Road, Oakville, ON L6L 5B7 Fax: (905) 337-5022 ® 905-844-8890 We thank all applicants lor their interest but only those to be interviewed will be contacted. Office Administrator/ Events Coordinator Searching for a multi-talented individual with strong administrative abilities, experience with Microsoft Excel and Word, and events co-ordination. Qualified applicants are comfortable dealing with the public and are available to work weekends. Please tax your resume to: If you fit the de scription please fax resume to: (905) 815-1903 P H A R M A C Y Technicianteam-oriented approach to Healthcare, works well with people, excellent commu nication skills, motivated for growth, create and m axi mize market opportunities. W e e k d a y s o nly. flexibJe hours. Excellent renumer a tion. D rop off in con fidence: 200 North Sprvice R d .W .. #800, O a k v ille , L6M-2V1 C E R T IF IE D Dental A ssis tan t p osition a va ila b le . Team o rie n te d practice. C o m p u te r kn o w le d g e an asset. P le a s e c a ll (905)257-4910____________ DENTAL Assistant required full-time in North Burlington office. X-ray certified. E x perience preferred. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240 $100 Sign Up Bonus A h r l s, worked with this a d j Senior Administrative Assistant ($13-$17/Hour) Fortune 500 Companies in Oakville now hiring. Qualifications: · Proficient with Word and Excel. · Excellent communication skills. · Ability to make a long-term commitment. · Must be an energetic seif-starter who can work under minimal supervision. · Legal experience an asset. A F T E R N O O N m a ss a g e for th e b usy g e n tle m a n Q uality Service. MondayF rid a y, 9am-5pm (9*05) 921-7999_____________ * . ' Y O U can rem em ber Sum m er 2000 as the sumther you met Mr. Right! Mfsty R iv e r Introd uctio ns, O n ta rio 's tra d itio n a l maftfcmaker. at (519)658-42<¥. (416)777-6302. ------------ T | J V V I companions W E A LTH Y , attractive pro fessional male (29), new to area, seeking an attractive slim female (19-39), fo fa v erting relatio nship . (£0fi) 337-0385 * · I lost & found L O S T : cat. g ra y / beige/ white, July8th. Grand Btvd/ G le n a s h to n . A n s w e rs Jo ·Sugar' Please cal 845-6545 Tribute Communities 905-420-7.697 no phone calls please sales help & agents sales help & agents 530 530 ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL TRUCK & E Q U IP M E N T SALES IN C . FIXTURE BUILDER/ TOOL MAKER with 8 years experience in machine building and repair. Background in pneumatics and tubing would be an asset. Shift work is required. Excellent pay and benefits. T.l. Group Automotive Systems 316 Orenda Rd. E. Brampton, Ontario L6T 1G3 FAX: (905)793-3626 Attention: Human Resources We are looking for motivated and energetic Sales People Eor ourjtusy Heavy truck dealership in Oakville YOU PROVIDE: WE PROVIDE: Hard working results orientated person, Professional team player, willing to learn & grow with company. 150 Heavy trucks at 3 locations, base & top commission structure in business, willing to train right individuals, Health-Dental Program Fax resume to: KITCHEN HELPER required Full-time Experienced preferred but will train. Great opportunity for right person. Outstanding restaurant and kitchen facilities. SUPERCUTS, 716-681-4529 PART-TIME retail customer service. Approx. 20hrs/wk. W a g e b ased on e x p e ri ence. Fax resume to 6890990 Receptionist Fulltime for expanding distribution centre in Oak. at Dundas/#403. We are looking for someone with an e x x L M telephone manner to handle phones,invoicing, clerical duties & ability to work with others. Knowledge ot Excel, Word and French is an asset. TO APPLY CALL: (90S) 842-4402 or call toll free or 1-888-GO-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 m $100 SION UP BONUS...$ 1 0 0 SION UP BONUS... ' (905)339-0948 S A L E S R EP R ES EN TA TIV E Construction Equipment Rental & Sales Leading supplier ot construction equipment is seek ing an experienced sales person to rent and sell to construction and industrial sectors. Position pays a base salary, plus commissions, car allowance expenses and includes an excellent benefit package. Send resume to: 100% QUALITY Pro P a p e rs = 100% s a tisfa c tio n guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339. call & ask for Allan SH IPPER/ RECEIVER Required to receive & batch-in incoming parts. Pack age, release and ship outgoing parts. Delivery and pickup ot parts to and from local suppliers with own vehicle. Knowledge of computers & manufacturing software an asset. Send or fax resume to: Shunt Driver CLASS AZ DRIVER required to work at our Oakville contract location. Some on-road work is required. We offer fulltime wage of $15.38/hr with an exc: benefit package. Please apply in person: SERVICE ADVISOR A busy Oakville Chrysler Dealership requires an energetic, motivated Service Consultant to advise our customers on maintenance and repair with the highest of customer satisfaction possible. Proven service experience with R & R training, a definite asset. Great income potential with base salary and monthly volume bonus. Trattoria lltim'one 842-2906 263 Lakeshore Rd.E. Oakville JIM 'S Moving & Storage Local & long distance, .plat rates available. C a ll iifn , (905)659-4064,_______ R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. ihc lud es 2 professiorfqi m ove rs, tru c k aifd insurance. Best ra te * on long distance 844-8733^ P R O Movers. Short/lolig distance. . No job too smdrtl. Insured/ experienced, ifthrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estim a t^ . (905)972-9700.1 -888-277-5777 VAC AERO International 2009 Wyecroft Rd. Unit B Oakville, Ont L6L 614 Fax: 905-827-1380 Discount Interior Design W arehouse is looking for some enthusiastic, professional self-starters to join our customer service team. Successful candidates should be able to work flexible, part-tim e hours including some Sundays. If you possess superio r in te rp e rso n al skills and are interested in a rewarding job experience in a c re a tiv e e n viro n m e n t, m ail or Fax resume: Discount Interior Design Warehouse Fax resume to: (905) 829-2848 (Only those considered wit! be contacted) A D M IN IS T R A T IV E Assis tant- E n try level position, duties include reception, order entry, clerical. Com p u te r exp erien c e. W ord, Excel, Outlook and graph ics programs, further train ing available. Please sub mit resume to: Turf M an a ge m en t S y ste m s Inc., 2399 Ro yal W indso r Dr., Mississauga L5J 1K9 Fax: 905-823-4594 em aihkarenmarlatt@weed-man.com RECEPTIO N & Administra tive Help: needed for lead ing hom e im p ro ve m e nt com pany. M ust be com puter literate, good organ ization & com m unication skills. Bookkeeping a must, simply accounting an asset. $10-$12/hour and benefits. Fax resume (905)637-0018 or drop off resume to: 3018 New St., Burlington. C HIRO PRAC TIC Assistant required full-time for busy O a k v ille office. M ust be hard working, energetic, mature, have good phone & c lerical skills, be able to m ulti-task and w illin g to help others. Fax resume to: (416)204-5469 by July. 17 Box 6284, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville,fin, L6K 3S4 E S K IM O JOE S SPO R TS BAR (W est Oakville) ALL-ONTARIO TRANSPORT 5990 Indian Line Mississauga, ON Apply in confidence to: Mr. R. Salvian, General Manager All positions G U A R D IA N DRUGS (Oakville) R equires P/T D ispensary A ssistant Experienced preferred! 2 Evenings & Sundays. Fax (905) 845-5772 646 Fourth Line (at Speers Road), Oakville The Paper Factory R etail Party Store requires * & shifts avail, immediately. · Mature Help* All shifts Apply in person: Call 8 4 5 -4 9 2 6 OR fax 845-6054 T R A V E L O D G E W a lk e r s Lin e re q u ire s B re a kfa s t Room Attendant PT (wee kend m orq in a s & som e holidays) & PT Laundry At tendant (weekends & some holidays). Fax resum e to: Elizabeth Huchla 905-6396900___________ A N established Japanese R e sta u ra n t m O a k v ille is looking for a S ushi Chef. Must have m inimum 5yrs e x p e rie n c e in J a p a n e s e cuisine. Ask for Mo 905849-8989 BARTEND ERS, Wait Staff. Kitchen Staff. Line Chef. Bus P erso n s needed for new O a kville S ports Bar. Please send resume to': 3 Roundtree Rd.. Unit 2407, EtobicCke Ontario M9V 5G7 T A L E N T E D Cook- parttime- experienced & quality conscious, positive, attitude required. Call Brett/ Ivana, Pearl StreetCafe.905-639-9450 SERVERS/Cooks7 Hostess/ Bussers- P/T-F/T. - ApplyNickels Restaurant- 2345 Trafalgar (Hwy.5), Oakville. ph:(905)-257-9888. Fax: (905)-257-1615 S U P E R V IS O R and Baker re q uired at t h e G re a t C a n a d ia n ' B a g e l in Mapleview Cen-tre. Apply in p erso n w ith resu m e . No phone calls please.________ JU D G E &-*Jury- requires mature, experienced Line Cooks. Contact Greg in per son: 1222 Walker's Line, (at Mainway) Burlington. FULL-TIME mature reiaibie persons required. Day & afternoon shifts. Apply in person: Oakville Place Mall, 240 Leighland Ave. CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers. comfoTters. bed coordinates, fab rics, tqbie/ chair accessories. Call Sherry. 634-6706. THE PA P ER FA C TO R Y , 3455 Fairview St., Burlington. W ELDERS/ FITTERS are required by an international manufacturer of forks for material handling for its Oakville facility.' Candi dates will possess CWB certification in MIG, FCAW processess, excellent communication and teamwork skills, and be capable of working under minimal su pervision. Individuals with the above qualification are invited to forward their resumes to: Box 6285 c/o Not suitable for students! hospital, medical, dental 4155 Fairview St., Unit 16 y rT flin V ;/ Burlington, ON L7L 2A4 Fax: (905) 634-3706 So we can better serve our customers, we ask that you refrain from calling. iSr*" PIAN O - p riva te lessons. Q u a lifie d , e xp e rie n c e d te a c h er. B e g in n e rs to A R C M . A d ults w elcom e. 844-6937 Please fax resume to W M i |1 daycare available 905-845-9481 Pa iw M bj · HOME HEALTH CARE ______________ » WAL-MART ACCOUNTING CLERK A medium sized Oakville company is looking for an energetic quick learner to work in it's accounting department. The successful applicant will have a bookkeeping or accounting background and be willing to learn from the ground up. ·Overnight Stockers ·Cleaners ·Auto Technicians (Positions require open availibility) Apply at: Courtesy Desk Hwy.5/ Trafalgar Rd., Oakville P H A R M A C Y F ro n t shop position available. Excel lent communication skills, w o rks w e ll w ith p eople W e e k d a y s o nly, fle x ib le hours. Excellent renumer ation. Responsibilities in c lud e s m a ll coffee shop management, customer ac counts and service. Drop off in confidence: 200 North Service Rd.W., #800, Oakville, L6M-2V1_____________ J U B IL E E Fruit M arket re q u ire s P e rm a n e n t Staff. Customer Service or Pro duce experience a plus but will provide on the job train ing. $9-SlO/hr. P le a s e apply in person: w/resume to Don or K atherine. 104 Allen St., corner of Allen & Lakeshore, Oakville._______ sY vY '( N EW Faces Wanted- Kids/ Teens/ Petites. A ll ages/ s iz e s fo r fa s h io n / h a ir shows, m o vie extras, catalog w ork, T V . $2090/hr. (905)-336-5455. BAKER- E xperienced re quired by Costco W h o le sale B u rlin g to n . P le a se send resum e attn: K evin G unhouse by fax @ 905336-2509. Thanking you in advance, only those qualified will be contacted_______ PART-TIM E contract per son to fill v en d in g m a chines. Van required, mile age paid, fle x ib le hours. Fax (905)339-3913. Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 or Fax (905)842-4091 Para-M ed Home H ealth Care is a leading provider ot community Health Care in Canada. We are currently accepting applications for the following challenging career opportunities: M O THER of two in Ford/ K in g sw a y area a va ila b le fo r full-tim e care in h er home. (905)829-9474. B A B Y S ITTE R required for 2 children, ages 5mos. & 14mos. starting end of July, M od ay- F riday, 9qm17:00hrs. Nursury set-up. in Oakville location. MotrvQjed person with childcare e x perience. CPR/ First Aidreferences required. Qall for interview 416-988-46$4. H L i n trigs* Requires for busy shop, a Full Time Detailer and a Full Time Parts Assistant. Please contact Gary Hunt or David Lee Rust (905)876-2580 H U N T CHRYSLER NURSING SUPERVISOR · Supervision Recruitment & Training of HSW and PSW working in the community. Qualifications: · Current Registration with the College of Nurses BSCN preferred · Medical experience · Flexibility in approach · Strong interpersonal skills · Superior communication & human Resource skills 2000.____________________________ R E C E P T IO N / S ec reta rial full-time position- Very reli able. personable. Pleasant phone manner, good peo ple skills necessary, good knowledge of Word/ Wind o w s.98 a m ust. S a la ry $400/wk. Reply Box-1769, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview. Burlington. L7R.2E3 W A N T E D part-time Inven tory Control Person- com puter skills-Windows 95. ex perience in purchasing and entry of products received an asset. Call for appoint ment (905)465-0233 or fax (905)465-0218.____________ O RDER Entry Clerk- Full time. Immediate. Knowl edge of Excel. Word & ac c o un tin g softw are. Resumes by fax (905) 8234594 or email: karenmarlatt@weed-man.com PART-TIME administrative assistant for fast paced of fice. Experience with cus to m e r s e rv ic e and data entry required. Fax resume tp: (905)847-7244_________ EXPERIENCED office clerk for busy optometrist office required immediately. Parttime, Tues & Thurs. call (905)-842-3411 ____________ R E C E P T IO N IS T req uired for va c a tio n & s ic k d ay relief. R e p ly to CBI P hysio therap y (905)6329758, 9am-4pm. Please fax your resume to: (905) 825-1066 Attn: Manager Client Accounting by Sunday, July 16th, 200 0 We regret that only candidates selected (or interviews will be contacted. ENROL IMMEDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years! Professional, qualified · staff. Complete educa-' tional daycare expert- ence inch computers, beautiful large country playground. 6:30AM-6:00pm. Transportation avail. 500 Bronte St. S. Milton. Ont. L9T 2X6 Abilities: · To set priorities and organize work · To function well under pressure · To deal independently with a wide variety of tasks A FLOOD OF OPPORTUNITIES Interesting assignments for: PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK We need men, women & kids to fill a variety of roles available in: catalogues & Myers, fashion shows & hair shows, magazines & brochures, T.V. Commercials & extra work, film work etc. B e g in n e rs w e lc o m e . If accepted agency agrees to cover tull training & reg. costs. LICENSED PLUMBERS Preferably with heating experience anda gas fitters licence. Call now at: 416-231-0700 or fax your resume to: 416-231 -6503 Call 905-847-1025 or Fax 905-847-1038 or mail Suite 301- 1515 Rebecca St., O akville, O ntario, L6K 5G8 We are an equal opportunity employer ACADEMYP resch ool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) ' 335-0515 - MISSISSAUGA 905-803-9040 Online: W W W .shopcanada.com /zaidi.htm l e-m ail: zaidi @ shopcanada.com . B e lv e a B r o s . FOOD & BEVERAGE STAFF REQUIRED 2000 BELL CANADIAN OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Bingem ans loill be holding interviews on Thursday, July 13, 2000 · 3pm - 7pm Q uality Hotel and Suites · Bronte Room 754 Bronte Road · O akville We CHILDREN'S Summer P liy Group. Create, imagine, ex plore. Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm. Ages l-1/2to5 yrs. Spaces available for fall. S/E Oak ville. (905)842-9818 P R IV A T E home childcariS; e s ta b lis h e d 17-years. Qualified expert care, y/e love children. Full days.^fter hours, evenings, night tim e care, o ve rn ig h ts &. weekends available. 6328575. 632-5735 ------------------------------------------------------11- Do you enjoy fresh air and being outdoors? Want to earn extra $$$ while doing so? National Market Research Organization requires Door to Door Interviewers to conduct "in home" surveys. No selling involved. Evening and weekend shifts available. Must speak English fluently. Vehicle required. AZ DRIVERS Allied Systems, Canada's largest dis tributor of finished vehicles is seeking AZ Drivers for its Oakville location. This position is open to all AZ Drivers, especially someone who has had previ ous experience in handling special com modities. All interested applicants are to call are hiring for the concession areas at G len A b b e y , Contact Darryl ar(519) 631-6075 Call (905) 845-1631 Sept. 3-11/ 2000 (B arten d ers m u s t b e S m art Serve trained and bring proof of certification to the interview) For further information please call Bingemans, (519)744-1555 or visit www.bingemans.com M O TH ER of one available w ith lots of T L C to offer c a re of infa n ts and pfss c h oo le rs. N u tritio u s lu n c h es a n d snacks, rind oo r/o u td oo r a c tivitie s . C lo se to G O T ra in (T ftird Line & Speers area) flexi b le hours: C a ll M ary (905)469-1649

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