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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jul 2000, Classified, C4

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T h e Oa k v ille B ea ver C lassified houses tor sale P R IV A T E Sale: P a lm e r ' Area. 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 baths. ' family/ living/ dining rooms. "a/cT central vac. walk-out to garden. $179,000. Call for appointment. (905)335-7037 ANCASTER- Walk to most amenities. 2 storey. 4 bed rooms. 3.5 baths. 60`x115\ 3300 sq.ft. $340,000. (905)648-2382 L U X U R IO U S Bronte H a r bour Club- 2 bedroom , +sunroom . $1,650./ includes amenities/ utilities. August. P atio , P a rkin g . (519)-471-5015____________ BONUS! All classified ads appear @ .wwOakvillebeaver.com The site you r com m unity clicks on! ' TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 ` Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 6 0 0-67 5 · Services 700-800 Own your Own BANK MACHINE BANKS M AD E $ 1 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 LAST YEAR Fam /fyliu-i/ip/ CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited LIVINGROOM ensemble in cluded sofa, loveseat. chair & coffee table. Furniture, beige, like new. $400/set. (905)631-3010____________ L O V E S E A T blue velour, like new. $150. Call 8271506._____________________ MATCHING fridge, stove & dishwasher. $450. Washer & dryer. $350. Microwave. $75. 315-8597____________ M A T E R N IT Y clothes, size small, excellent condition, a ll seasons. C a r seat, stroller, baby clothes, etc. 257-4646._________________ M O VIN G sale: Bedrooms, kitc h en set. desk, lawnm ow er, tille r, edger, trimmer, camcorder, elec tronics. fish finder. (905) 690-2182_________________ MOVING- Chrome table/ 6 chairs; single bed frames; Nearly new Washer/ dryer; Freezer; Fridge. 336-7686 M O VIN G . Furniture- L iv ing/ diningroom, bedroom. T e a k coffee/ end tables, stereo system, miscellane ous items. 631-8849. 6376417______________________ M O V IN G : fridge, stove, various antique & other fur niture; credenza, coffee ta bles. V ic to ria n school desk.. (905)842-2822. N O R D IC T R A C K m a nu a l walker, like new. $400/obo. Diningroom suite, buffet, table. 4 chairs, walnut colour, $200. 632-8530 S E A R S Kenm ore w asher and dryer. 2-1/2 yrs old. $650./pair. (905)827-9124. S IL V E R Cross pram- e x cellent condition, leather, like new. with covers and strap. Best offer. (905) 477-6463_________________ SOFABED, pine living room chair, green office ch£ir, lawn mower, year old utility tra ile r with rem o va b le windsurfer rack & wooden sides. 632-0083___________ T H E W a te rb e d G a lle ry store closing sale. 3350 F a irvie w St., Burlington. Everything must go. 6395600._____________________ W A S H E R & Dryer, apart ment size w/stand. Admiral. Excellent condition. $500./ pair 845-4526 FREE to loving home: Lab Collie, 6-yrs. old neutered. Great w/kids. Owners leav ing c o un try. (90 5 )8 4 2 2822 1963 Ford F alc on , good condition, 1967 rebuilt en g ine. $ 5 0 0 0 ./best offer. (905)634-4267. 1993 Ford T a u ru s - A u tomatic. red. air, cruise con tro l. 4-new tires , new b ra ke s, low km 's (905) 510-0450 1994 Mini van- C hevy Lum ina. 180K , a ir, auto. $ 7,900. obo In c lu d e s 10 disc CD player. 905-2572052 evenings. 1997 G ra n d Cherokee, black with grey leather, au tomatic. a/c. heated seats, fu lly loaded. $24,000. (905)849-6329____________ BU RLIN G TO N- 2 BD RM Co-op. + French d oor to sunroom Back corner. Lots of windows. 824 Brant St., walk to lake. GO & 3 malls $255. maint. fee incl. taxes. $85,000. 905-6344499. 905-541-7243. RO YAL Vista- ground floor .apartment. 2 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 5 appliances, .separate diningroom, patio. , (905)637-2284____________ W E specialize in C ondo m in iu m Sales. Linda D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor. 333-4347. 827-7728 Due to recent Banking Deregulation You can take YOUR SHARE NOW For Discriminating Investors Looking for ABO VE AVERAG E RETURN $ Billions of Dollars $ $ In Surcharge Fees $ W E SHOW YOU H o w to g et YOUR SHARE NOW All The Advantages of Condo Living 12w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Available August W± n i l l cars tor sale W *r L l sports cars BDRM + DEN & BDRM SUITES 1999 Escort Wagon, p/d, p/ w, keyless entry, extended w a rra n ty. 2 2 ,0 0 0 kms. $15.000./best offer. (905) 631-8502._________________ 1997 Toyota Tercel- 1 own er, lady driver. 23,000km, mint condition. $13,500. 4 winter tires with rim. used 1 season. $400. (905)8479368 or 416-842-1709 1979 Corvette- w hite, e x c e lle n t co nd itio n o nly 7 0 .0 0 0 m iles. 350 V-8. Call 905-332-3614_________ 1992 B u ic k R o a d m a s te r o rig in a l o w n er, powe equipped, immaculate con dition, safety/ emission cer tifie d. P riv a te . $ 8900. (905)845-0346.____________ 1997 Maxima SE- loaded. 5 speed, b la c k le a th e r, executive driven, off 3 year lease, only 60,000Km. Best offer over $24,500. Private. Call Leo (905)845-2986 1998 M a lib u m int condition. 4 door, V6. Alloy wheels. CD player, plus all o th e r basics. $ 16,900. Green, must see! (905)6392392______________________ 1986 H onda Accord. 212.000kms. Passed emis sions test in 1999, automat ic. runs good. Selling as is. Best offer. Call 632-7019. 1988 P o ntia c T e m p e s t runs well, auto., p/s, p/b, certified, emission-tested, new brakes/ muffler, $1500. (905)639-2161. 1992 LA S E R red standard 5-speed. 2-door, sunroof. 121 K.. a/c.. certified. $5,500. G reat sports car! (905)842-2822.___________ Wi K u i motorcycles 81 YAM AH A 650 Maxim in excellent condition $1,400. Call 842-6751 ®416-390-6279** I houses for rent HOMES to rent w/option to * buy. or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker. (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor________ BU RU N G TO N 3-bdrm, 1.5 baths, finished rec room w/ w alk-out. C/A, C /V. a p pliances. $1300./mo. +utilities. July15th. (905)335-8798 BUNGALO W . Beautiful 5bedroom home. 2 baths. 5 appliances, double garage, inground pool, private yard. Lakeshore near 4th Line. Im m ediate. $2200/mo. 1413-585-0049_____________ NORTH Oakville- Semi de tached Bungalow. $1195/ mo., clean move in condi tion. 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, rec. room with fire place, central air. Im m e d ia te p ossessio n . C a ll Carman Munro 847-5677 O A K V IL L E D o rv a l & Speers. Detached 3 bed room sidesplit, treed lot. g ara g e, lo w e r le v e l rec room. Appliances. Imme d ia te $1.400. * u tilitie s . George Kloet. Re/max, 905855-2200__________________ F A L G A R W O O D / E ig hth Line. Modern 3*1 bedroom bungalow, finished b ase m ent. C /air, A v a ila b le Aug. 1st. $1565/mo. (905) 815-0071. EXPERIENCED housesitter available (now or future) or will rent room. Mature re sponsible fem ale. References. (905)608-7176 T W O Large office desks. $50/each. (905)336-7125 W A L L unit- 6ft wide, top lifts off, wood, good qulaity. $65. (905)331-1082 Y O R K multi-gym , bench press 140kg stack, butterfly, leg exercises. $100. Excel lent condition. 827-9436 A T T E N D O U R FR EE N o O b lig a t io n S E M IN A R PPSJ|"shared 1 K L 1 accommodation F E M A L E professional (or stu d en t) to s h a re new to w nhouse - 3 bedroom. 21/2 baths, gas fireplace. 1.500 sq feet. D o rval & Upper M iddle Rd. A v a il a b le A u g u st 1st - $450/ month inclusive · 1st and last (416)573-8643 week days between 6pm and 9pm HEADON FO REST areas 3bedroom to w nho use to share, all inclusive. $450/ mo. Non-smoking. Available immediately. 332-8471 BURUNG TONlarge house. 4 level. 2 fireplaces, private bathroom & parking, heated swimming pool. Ja cuzzi bath. a/c. Profession al male. $600* half utilities. Immediate. (905)516-9041 SEPAR ATE, private live-in q uarte rs. S ha re kitchen, B ro nte area. $550/mo. (416)910-2423____________ G LE N Abbey, Third Line/ Upper Middle home. Nonsm oker fem ale preferred. No pets. Available Aug. 1st. (905)827-9799.___________ M A T U R E , non-sm oking male to share beautiful Riv e r O a ks hom e. U p sta irs bedroom, full house privi leges. Im m ediate. $ 5007 mo. 905-257-1428.________ S H A R E 3-bedroom house with professional male. All a m en itie s . Non-sm oker. P a rkin g . $550/m o. in c l usive. C ollege Park. 905842-9895._________________ G UELPH Line/Mountforest: 2 rooms in 3 bdrm house, share facilities. $500./mo each, inclusive, plus phone. (905)331-2144.___________ B R O N T E H a rb o u r p en t house- Quiet, private, fur nished. equipped, many ex tras. Mature professional. S ho rt, long term . (905) 825-8355. And learn how you can won a B A N K M A C H IN E in a P R IM E L O C A T IO N with our T U R N K E Y PACKAGE. M on . J u ly 24th O N L Y A T 7:00pm H o lid a y Inn, B urlin g to n W ANTED: W a re h o u s e 're n ta l needed for in d e pendent film production J u ly / A ugust. R e q u ire d ,2000+sq.ft. Alex 905-330 3622____________. __________ IN D U S T R IA L / R e ta il unit for lease. 2500 sq ft., large roll up door, office, storage. (905)338-5473. I industrial /commercial space 1997 C o lem an Pop-Up T ra ile r. M in t condition. Electric brakes, fridge, toi let, extra storage. $9,900. (905)849-6329 The Centre's personalized instruction in this nursing assistant program is the difference! We are committed to your success! · Small Class Sizes! · Practical training! · Work placements get j you in the door to jo · 9 5% of our sp rin g i grads are w o rkin g i the health care field To Reserve Your Seats Call 1 -8 7 7 -5 5 2 -5 5 6 3 C L A S S IC antique Heintzman upright piano $1750, b e a u tifu l tone and look. N eed tuning. (905)3342981. O F F IC E space a p p ro x imately 960 sq. ft. $736/ month, including property taxes and w a te r Q E W / Trafalgar (905)849-3521 M O D ERN office for rent 1.500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third Line. O a k v ille . C a ll Joe Luyk. (905)845-7597. 1870SQ.FT of prime mod em office space. Clean, at tractive, ground floor ac cess. free parking. Dorval/ Q EW $12 all inclusive. By Owner (905)338-3444 D O W N TO W N O akville for lease. A v a ila b le im m ed iately. $550/mo. Call Forbes 416-420-3952 or (905)8429275______________________ O A K V IL L E DowntownLakeshore/ Trafalgar area 4n attractive Mews. Office/ retail/ commercial units for ·lease Various sizes. Con tact. 905-337-7135 or 416923-6345 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lolls» Studios »1-Bdrm »1-Bdrm+Den »2-Bdrm · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access S10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for ever.... w henever! S hare savings with reverse call ing. Ability Tel. since 1994. (905)842-3738. (905)6318202______________________ F R E E E s tim a tes ... G ot w ob bly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture. 9-9, daily! 6329090 Course Begins Sept. 11, 2000 3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 ^ --------------o r 8 7 8 -1 2 4 0 1$} T h e C e n tre w w w .th e c e n tre .o n .c a shit uertopmmti rmnng careers 505 careers 505 BURLINGTON SQUARE (905) 6 3 9 - 4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm F A B U L O U S 2 bedroom + den- b e a u tifu l setting, q u ite b u ild in g , sunke n livingroom, updated kitchen. 1- 1/2 baths. balcony, laundry ensuite, store room. P a rk in g included. $ 1450 /mo. all inclusive. August 1st. P le a s e c a ll N ic o le Zarry, (416)876-4868 S P A C IO U S 1-bedroom apartment above store on K e rr St. $ 600/m onth. P a rk in g a v a ila b le . Au gust. 1st occupancy. C all Kathy 337-7448___________ O A K V IL L E Place Area- 2bedrooms. sm all building, near a ll am enities. $895/ mo. Imm ediate. Heat, hot w ater, p a rk in g includ ed (905)847-1138.____________ O A K V IL L E . 2-3 bedroom apartments, triplex bldg. All amenities, laundry. August 1st. From $925/mo+ elec tricity. P a rkin g available. (905)815-8859_____________ 1&2-Bedroom S u ite s am ong refined tenants in lu x u ry b uild ing s close to Burlington Mall. C all 'The P rin c e s s '. 639-8009 or 'The Regency* 681-8115. B U R LIN G T O N Laksshore, near Burloak. 1-bedroom, fac in g la ke , g re a t view. J u ly / Aug. $875/m o.+ parking. (905)639-3301 F U R N IS H E D B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,295/mo. all utilities in cluded. Immediate. (905) 632-8354; (905)632-6189. N E AR Burloak- 3-bedroom, ground floor. 4 appliances, p arking. $825/mo. A lb ert M c D on a g h Ltd. R e a lto r. (905)632-5690.____________ B R O N T E - 2 bedroom a p a rtm e n t, $940/m o in c lu d es u tilitie s , p arking , locker. 2nd floor. August 1st. (905)827-8228 We are De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada, (DLL), a division of Rabobank Canada, a leading international supplier with over 30 years experience in vendor finance programs with offices in 13 countries. Rabobank employs in excess of 49,000 people worldwide with profits in 1998 of over $1 billion and are only one of 6 major banks worldwide with Standard & Poors triple A bond rating. We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions in our Oakville location: W O R K from hom e parttime! Potential full-time inx o m e possible! T ra in in g provided. T o ll fre e p re recorded message 1-877223-2873. E X E C U T IV E Condo townhouse. North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft.. 3-bedrooms. 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 a p pliances. fireplace, air. ga rage. Ju ly/A u g . $1675/ m o.+ u tilitie s . T ra fa lg a r P ro p e rty M a n ag em en t. Warren Hill. (905)338-1130 OFFICE FURNITURE SALE 281 Wyecroft Rd Oakville (next to Kennedy Ford) SALES SUPPORT - Evening Shift, 11:30am-8pm MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR DOCUMENTATION AND PROGRAMS MANAGER - must have minimum 5 years relevant experience with all legal aspects ol lease contracts Sat. July 15 9am-12pm Call 905-338-7700 C A R P E T - I have several 1.000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 A N T IQ U E w alnut d in in g room suite. 9-pce. Immacu late condition. $3000.; 2 Victorian chests of drawers, excellent condition $750/ ea. (905)847-1128, after 6pm; (416)974-1563. days A P P L IA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)-637-8328 B A B Y G rand Piano- M a hogany. Excellent condi tion. $2,450. 905-2279458______________________ BED , trundle pulls out to Queen-size, mint condition. $100. 847-7594.__________ B E D R O O M set- 7 piece, Cherrywood. all Dove-tail & metal glide drawers, King size 4 poster bed w/rails. d re sse r, tri-fold m irror, la rg e chest, nig htstand . N e v e r used, s till boxed. C ost $7,800., sac rific e $3.700. 905-304-5573. B IK E , m en's M iele 12speed racing, 20* tri-frame with accessories. $300; an tiq ue cedar chest $200. 333-9323.________________ S IT On It- Don't Sit In Itl R e p la c e m e n t foam for cushions. R e s id e n tia l/ com m ercial. F ield s U p h olstery, 9-9. 7 days/ week! 632-9090___________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabricsl Pay no G S T I L ove your furniture... hate yo ur co lo u rs ? Sofa & m atching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h a irs from $199. F re e E stim a tes. S en io r Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 C O TTAG E specials- wind ows, doors, toilets, vanities, tiles, mirrors, turn- (sofa's, d re sse rs, b edends & trams). A/C. tables/ Chairs & lots of other stuff. Great deals! Reuse Centre. 3335 N.Service. Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm.___________________ C A N A D A 'S W o n d e rla n d season pass (family of 4). Regular $300. asking $150. Call (905)639-3660. C O M P U T E R roll-top oak desk, pow er c o ntro ller & matching oak chair, $1500 complete. Pair of beautiful wing recliner chairs, $500/ each. 631-8316.___________ C O N T E N T S of E xecutive Home: Exercise equipment, bedroom set. dining room suite, and more (905)8426107 after 5p.m.___________ DREAMSCREENS- The re tractable screen door disap p ea rs w hen not in use. From $299. Tax Included. (905)469-1744____________ F R ID G E , 2-door; Stove, 30 ' ; A utom atic W asher/ Dryer also apartment size. Reasonable. Under warranty. Call (905)-549-l911 B E D S , New- Com plete: Double. $220; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Detrvery. (905)681- 9496 K IN G bed- pillow-top, or tho p ed ic m attre ss, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. L A D IE S bike: Raliegh 12 speed. $125. (905)6810338______________________ L A R G E m icrow ave. $50. Vertical blinds, 68'. $100. 2 Venetian blinds. 60* $20/ each. Audiovox cell phone, $100. Bookshelf. $75. 4692882 3-Bdrm 2-Level W A N TE D All-China. Silver. C rystal, cam era/ audio equipment, sewing m a chines... Doulton, Moorcroft,Quilts. Glass, Watches, dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 P A IN T IN G S . A n tiq u e s Wanted; Furniture. Glass. China. S ilver Ring Boxes. Ad dison radios. E s ta te s purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington W E are looking for a large outdoor play centre in good condition. Our dad can dis mantle. Please call (905) 826-0611. SALES ADMINISTRATOR JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Must have high directed. Ability to proficient in Word offer a competitive energy, be a team player, dedicated and selfmanage multi tasks in a fast-paced culture. Must be and Excel, Infolease experience a definite asset. We compensation and benefits package. Townhomes 2418 Glenwocd School Dr., Burlington B A N F F R o cky M o un tain Resort- 1 bedroom timeshare condo with pull-out couch in living roo m . $1500/obo. Pool, hot tub. ten n is & more. A va ila b le July 30th - August 6th. Call Melanie (905)84^-8666 2 BEDROOM apartment on Kerr St., Oakville, available .Aug. 1st.. $818.38/m o. Clean, small building. 905844-7843_________________ O LD O akville- B e a u tifu l .building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. Bachelor $725./mo. 1-bed-foem from $ 925./mo.; 2bedroom from $1125/mo. C all (905)845-8254. leave message C A N A D I A N A .Q u ie t, w ell ·m aintained la ke fro n t building. V e ry spacious l& 2- bedroom s a v a ila b le Sep tem b er. 5 220 Lakeshore Rd., B u rlin g to n . (905) 632-5486___________ KERR/ Speers. N ear GO. 2-bedroom apartment, high ceilings, parking, u tilities included. $820/mo. Aug. 30th (416)816-5549, 1-BDRM- Fun & F unky. 2nd storey of house, down town O a kville . S e p a ra te entrance. C/A. $840./mo. .includes hydro, cable, parking Sept 1st.849-7670 G E O R G IA N Apartm ents. July/Aug/Sept. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ h ydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate, 1-bdrrn. sin gle executive, all inclusive: -cable, parking, brand new a pp lian ces $950./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. (Harvester & Guelph) 1B E D R O O M , $780/mo.. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, 2Bedroom , $880/m o. painted, full basement. A u g u s t 1st; (+$30/car). Sunken livingroom . eat-in kitc h en . Q u ic k QEW access. G uelph Line near New St., Burlington. 6379725______________________ Please fax or mail your resume in confidence to: Human Resources Department 1235 North Service Road West, Suite 100, Oakville, ON L6M 2W2 Fax: (905) 465-3173 Call 639-9212 G U E LP H Ln./ QEW- B ur lington- 3-bedroom townhouse. condo 1 1/2 baths. 5 appliances, C/A, fireplace, garage, fenced rear, near G O. $1100/m o.+ im m e d iate/ A u g u st 1st. C a ll Warren Hill. Trafalgar Prop e rty M a n a g em en t, (905) 338-1130__________________ P A R K like setting. 3-bed room to w nh o u se n ea r T y a n d a g a G olf C o urse. B u rlin g to n . 1-1/2 baths, firep lace, fin ish e d b a s e m ent. h ard w o o d floors, fridge, stove. A v a ila b le Aug. 1st. (905)335-3001. S.E . B u rlin gton - la rg e 3 bedroom townhouse. Avail able im m ediately. $1090/ mo + utilities. (905)681-7196 O A K V IL L E - 3&4 Bed rooms available Sept. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 L A R G E 3-bedrooms, Aug. 1st. From $1090/m o. Sept.1st. from 1129./mo. ( utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage. p ark- like setting. Longmoor Dr. Burlington. (905)681-0070____________ B U R U N G T O N - Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 ap pliances. 1300 & 1600 Sq. Ft. plus basement, fenced backyard. $1-100. & $1200. plus utilities, parking. $40. (905)639-0950.____________ L A R G E 3 bedroom n e a r shopping & schools. F a m ily ro o m . garag e. 5 app lia n c es, g re a t fam ily complex w/pool. $110Q/mo + u tilitie s . A u g u st 1st. 631-8660 Only those candidates selected fo r interview w ill be contacted · £ 0. E. ' B A C H E L O R : 30 S pe ers Road apartm ent building, $689./all inclusive. Im m e d ia te . Ja m ie . (9 0 5)3393621. Superintendent (905) 845-9502._______________ 2B E D R O O M b ase m e n t a p a rtm e n t n e a r O a k v ille 1- BE D R O O M loft a p a rt ment. Non-smoking, stove P lac e . C a b le . L a un d ry. frid g e, d is h w a s h e r, fire P a rkin g . S u it sin g le . place. References. $900/ $800/mo. inclusive. (905) 338-3902_________________ mo. includes heat & hydro. 632-0697_________________ L U X U R Y a p a rtm e n ts in 2- B E D R O O M A p a rt dow n to w n H a m ilto n , s ta rtin g at $ 850./mo. 1 ments $790. (Utilities in bedrooms, available July. cluded). 2386 New St. at A/C. fridg e, stove, d is h Guelph Line. Rental Office washer. security, exercise Open 11 -8pm. 639-5761 room, above/ underground NO RTH B u rlin g to n , p arkin g . Q u ie t, c lean, bachelor, basement. Sepa n e w ly re n o va ted . C a ll ra te en tra n c e . P a rk in g . 905-523-7794. Fridge, stove. No smoking, no pets. Suit quiet person 332-6443._________________ B ALM Beach area. 3-bed room cottages. Beach ac cess. Available July 15-22; 22-29; 29-Aug.5. C a ll (5 1 9)757- 15 49 or (705) 361-2233. de lage landen© A glob al force com m itted to gro w ing o u r c lie n ts ' business SR. ACCOUNTANT We are a professional services firm located in Oakville. Established in 1973, we continue to grow and are now seeking an experienced accountant in their final two years of the CGA / CMA program or equivalent experience to report directly to our Controller. This is a very hands-on position. You must possess a strong working knowledge of Accpac, Excel and Word. Your knowledge must include preparation of monthly financial statements. + + + + + + 1995 Jayco 12' tent trailer. Q u ee n and K ing Bed. S c re en room and more. $6000. 905-639-9637 FULL-TIME TELLER/ MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE a t o u r O a k v ille L o c a tio n L A K E of Bays. 3 bedroom, v e ry p riva te , rive rfro n t, boat, a v a ila b le August 5 through October. (905)8452409. Experienced in cash management. Good communication, sales and service ability. Willing to move upward to lending and mutual funds. Send resume to: 1045 Industry St. Oakville, Ont. Fax 905-845-2155 general help wanted B cT lV ] item s under $100. 50`S table & 4 chairs. Yel low chrom e. $70.. good condition. 319-1615_______ A IR c o nd itio n er 10,000 BTU , good condition. $100. P le a s e call (905)634-5478.____________ AIR conditioner. 5,000 BTU 2-yrs old. $100. C all 3159995._____________________ BIKE, 10-speed. $25. Call 847-7594._________________ B IK E , ladies, C lassic 10speed. T o uring R a leig h , 27'w heel. mint condition. $100 obo. 842-1967. CO M PUTER desk & chair, $50. Call (905)257-1804 CO T beds. 2. n ea rly new condition, boxspring & mattress. $75/both. 315-9995. H E A V Y plate glass mirror, polished 42X45,$45. (was $132). 24X 48 $20. (905) 844-9111__________________ HIGHCHAIR- Fisher Price. $30. E xc ellen t condition. (905)634-0419____________ FREEZER- 16 cubic feet, asking $70/obo. C all after 5pm . 339-2747___________ FR E E Z E R - 7.2 cubic ft.. chest. $100.319-0774 F R O S T free refrigerator. $100. 319-0774___________ G A S Stove- Magic Chef, alm ond 30 ' . hood. $100. 335-9447_________________ LOVESEAT, cream striped. Bauhaus, looses cushions. $100. Good condition. 637-6337_________________ M A T T R E S S - king size, foam, excellent condition. $100. (905)637-4307 M IC R O W A V E , Kenm ore. white. 3-yrs. old, excellent condition, $40. C a ll (905)315-9995.___________ O B USFO RM , black rea sonably priced, $35./each. Please call 632-2940, Judy. PEREGO stroller · 5 years Old. $60 (905)257-5474. PING Pong Table. $50. Call (905)257-1804____________ STO VE- Maytag, almond, top of the line, electronic, self clean. $100. (905)6374307______________________ STOVE, electric. 30' Admi ral. alm ond. E xc e lle n t condition. $75. 825-3800. STOVE- ceramic top. contruous dean. $100.31^-0774 TTC Tickets- sheet of 20. $25. savings 25%. call 905-335-0306 Your functions will include: · · · · · · Invoicing Data entry of A/R, A/P Bank reconciliations Cheque runs Preparing and posting month end journal entries Preparing draft month end financials. help wanted BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 2 Bedroom A jQ Availabla^S. Ravu&iew! In { S t utilities. Parting Available B U R LIN G T O N - furnished basement apartment, sepa rate entrance, air. Parking A v a ila b le August 1st. No smoking/pets. (905)634-1201 O A K V IL L E 3 bedroom basement apartment. Very c lean & bright, own entrance. Available August 1st. (905)844-4633________ B AC H ELO R B a se m e nt Suite- Private entrance, all inclusive $600 per month. No s m o ke rs (905)8440150 after 5pm,____________ B A S E M E N T , O a k v ille . 2 b edroom , s e p a ra te e n trance. parking , laundry, cable, utilities. $800/ mo. July 15th. (905)338-3413. O A K V IL L E - 1265 S ix th Line, overlooks Golf Club. L a rg e R e n o v a te d . 2& 3 bedroom. New appliances, windows. From $895./mo. (905)844-5474_____________ O A K V IL L E East. 392 Pine Ave. Renovated. Near GO. Dow ntow n. 2-bedroom s, from $895./mo. A va ila b le Aug. 1st. (905)337-0910. rentals LANDMARK ABOVE AVERAGE PAY FOR ABOVE AVERAGE PEOPLE We are a 15 year old, aggressively expanding Mississauga company. Please email your resume to: resumes@managerialdesign.com or mail your resume to: The Controller (905) 690-1896 A LD E R S H O T large bright 1 bedroom basement apart m ent, parking . C/A. F/P. Seperate entrance. Suite non-smoking, 905-681-5360 W H IT E O a ks. O a k v ille Spacious 1&2 Bedro om * den. $1050- $1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . Well- m a in ta in ed com plex, fu ll rec. facilities including indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some w ith fireplace! C all Jeannette. (905)815-1628 Managerial Design Corporation 406 North Service Road E., Suite 300 Oakville, Ontario L6H 5R2 No telephone enquires please, Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Thank you. Landscape Maintenance Crew Members Requirements: Min. two years with landscaping maintenance equipment or two years horticultural course. Clean driving record. TYANDAGA 2&3 Brim -July/Aug. New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios Gardening Foreman/Supervisor Requirements: Min. 3 years experience in horticultural trade or 2 year horticultural course with solid plant I.D. knowledge. Clean driving record, own transportation 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. Renovations Nearing Completion riti (905) 336-0016 N O R T H S H O R E To w e rs. 1&2 Bedroom Apts a va il able Sept./Oct. From $7257 mo* parking. Utilities incl* No Pets. Quiet Building. Di ane. 9am-7pm. 681-1307* Burl.______________________ S P A C IO U S new 2-bed room apartments. Available now. Plush carpeting, qual ity finishing. Appliances, heat, p arkin g includ ed $975/mo. C o n ve n ie n t Q EW / G uelph Line area. (905)637-7789. M ariposa C o- op · coo p liv in g · HSCOVERY Requires What We Offer: Professional workplace w/uniforms provided, current trucks & equipmenl, long term, goals oriented career, Seminars & upgrading course paid for. Starting Pay- $12-$15/hr plus bonuses & profit sharing. Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 3-Bdrm Townhomes 1-1/2 Bathrooms 1150 Gable Dr.,Oakville $1171/mo + utilities No deposit July/August/Sept. SERVICE ADVISOR and a FAST LANE M ANAGER Dealership and ADP experience asset. Must be customer driven. Possess a positive attitude and be a self starter. For a confidential Interview contact: Call (416) 936-6455, 8-5pm Monday to Friday www.llinc.com 1-Bdrm from S779.* Spacious and well main tained highrlse. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc.-included) B E A U T IF U L , N ew ly R e n o vated 1.2& 3 Bedroom A p a rtm e n ts . Som e w ith la ke view s! Refurbished. P re s tig io u s B u rlin g to n Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 B A R K L E Y T o w e rs . B u r lington. 1&2 bedrooms from $630/mo. Ju ly 1st. Hydro, heat, fridge, stove. Parking a va ila b le . No pets. 6320961. M-F. 9-5pm & 6:308pm, Sat. 9-5pm__________ B R IG H T 2-bedroom base m ent apartm ent. W a lk to lake/ shopping. Yard, park ing, quiet street, all utilities included $750/mo. A v a il able Sept. 1/00. Suit single/ young couple, non-smokers, no pets.825-3568_________ B U R L IN G T O N - La rg e. 1 bed ro om a p a rtm e n t on lake. G re a t view . D is h w asher. Blinds. $9707+ parking. Sept. 1st. 1-800369-9077-ext -5. 905-6816289 evenings 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lin gton . 1&2 B e dro om s Available Aug./ Sept. From $795/mo. (905)632-0129 Downtown Burlington 2&3 Bdrm AdIs Available July & Aua. Freshly painted with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 U P G R A D E D 18,2 Bdrm Apts w ith scenic view s a v a ila b le at two prim e downtown Burlington loc ations. Beautiful grounds. P ro fe s s io n a lly m an aged. 478 Pearl St. (905) 632-1643; 477 E liza b e th St.. (905)634-9374_________ O A K V IL L E . Spacious. 2 bedroom basement apart m ent with s e p a ra te e n trance. August 1st $9007 mo. No pets. (905)8276027______________________ LUXURY 2 bedroom apart m ents n e w ly ren o va ted . 1100 sq.ft & up. Features 4 a pp lian ces with p arking $950 & up. J u ly 1st. (905)523-7794 LOO KIN G for an Executive R e n ta l in th e $ 1500 to $5000 range? We can help! S e v e ra l to choose from. (905)847- 5095. E x t.70. Kathy Murray. Salesperson, A c tiv e P ro p e rtie s Inc. (Broker)___________________ ACCOMMODATION rentals a v a ila b le to stud ents from $200 & up. Single & double occupancy avail able plus meal plan. Must be student. September 1st. (905)523-7794 (905) 829-5294 NORTH Burlington- 2 bed room maisonette w/den, 2 sto rey, no basem ent, fenced yard. 2 p arking spaces, c/a. gas heat, new kitchen, jacuzzi. September 1st. $900/m o+ u tilities. References, first/last. Lilly (905)331-7410 Frank Otterspoor Fax 905-632-0914 or call 632-8696 or email: totterspoor@discoveryford.com Weekend Hostesses Required For leading new-home sales pavilion in Oakville Working closely with the public: Musi be personable, outgoing & knowledgeable. New home sales knowl edge would be an asset. Must be available for Satur day and /or Sunday afternoons. Immediate place ments. Please fait work experience to: STAFF ACCOUNTANT Oakville Accounting Firm seeks self starting individual with level 3+ CGA or CMA and public accounting experience to assist clients with bookkeeping, prepare year end files and personal and corporate tax returns. Successful candidate will have proficient skills with Caseware, Cantax and Microsoft Office, Quickbooks and Simply Accounting. Rebecca at (905) 257-7238 Q U IE T fem ale looking to s h a re with o th er fem ale. Parking, laundry, a/c. no pets preferred. (905)617-6000 P R O F E S S IO N A L m ale wishes to rent house/ townhouse in Waterdown, Bur lington North. Flambourough area. Im m ediate or August1. (416)564-1583. Scott CHARMING 1-bedroom up per apartment. Available immediately. Parking, heat, h y d ro includ ed . Near B rant/ Q E W $800/m o. Jeff, (905)719-1757. B U R LIN G T O N . Upper du plex. 2-bdrm +DR. 4 ap pliances. large backyard. S e p t.1st. $ 900./mo. plus utilities. No pets. 637-5548 JOHN MACDONALD & ASSOCIATES 22 Lakeshore Road, West, Suite 5 Oakville, Ontario L6K 1C5 Fax: (905) 338-8042 Email: jmac@lara.on.ca i, H \ R P - spflinrr' ktvURIi 1 1M ,mA i '*M * * ·sn,w ^ p* 1212 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER Oakville-based head office of national wholesale dis tributor requires incumbent for marketing analysis, some sales representation, and management ol cen tral filing function. Computer literacy critical. Mar keting background desirable. Excellent growth po tential. Superior scope for learning staff sales/marketing lunctions. Excellent salary and benefits with generous profit sharing program. BURLINGTON- large room, near Mapleview Mall. Nonsmoker. $450/mo inclusive (cable, laundry) Aug.1. call 905-631-5218_____________ EIGHTH Line/ Falgarwood. Room in townhouse. Quiet non-sm oker. Bus route. Walk to Sheridan College. 905-845-8693.____________ A beautiful furnished room. Kitchen facilities, parking. No smoking. Walker's Line/ Fairview.First/ last. 333-3540 NOW HIRING Experienced Monitoring Station Dispatcher N IG H T SHIFT Requirements: V IL L A G E Square. Lovely2-bdrm. 2 bath. 6 applianc es, a/c, jacuzzi, 1 parking. $14007mo. (905)643-3556 T O W N S quare. O a kville. Luxury 2-bdrm condo. 6 ap pliances. a ll inc lusive. 1 parking. Available Sept. 1st. 337-9071 Able to Type 30 words per minute, be computer literate, able to handle multi-tasks, and make good judgement calls. Reply to: The Sales Manager GL Products P.0. Box 760 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5C4 Apply in person with resume: Monday · Friday, between 9am-5pm Only qualilied applicants w ill be ccntacled.

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