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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jul 2000, B4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 12, 2000 lining & B* o + x t- r « > v r Entertainment Eaitertainment Sp>otli<;ht Oakville's Bi -Weekly j 1)inin i First Choice Kitchen is first choice for Chinese food B y K y m F u n n e ll eatu rin g m ore th an 90 C h in ese d ish e s, a sa la d bar, fre sh fru it and v eg etab les, as w ell as an ice cream bar and d esserts, it is no w o n d er w hy F irst C h o ice K itchen is w ell know n fo r th eir varied bu ffet, w hich is th e m ain fo cu s at b o th the O a k v ille and B u rlin g to n lo catio n s. T he exclusive authentic dishes originate from the C hinese province o f Szechuan, as w ell as som e authentic C antonese dishes. B rothers Steve and Boris Tam opened up th eir business in 1985, to o v erw helm ing success in both B urlington and O akville. Success in O akville is evident as even though the options are plentiful throughout tow n, O akvillians voted First C hoice K itchen as th eir first choice fo r C hinese food in the 1999 R ead ers' R estaurant Review. Sam ples from the Szechuan portion o f the m enu include various vegetable and m eat dishes in the c h e f's ow n sauce. M any o f these dishes are exclusive to F irst C hoice K itchen as they are fam ily recipes, and not found anyw here else. K ung Po Gai D ing is a spicy m ix o f w ater chestnuts, chicken strips, peanuts and greens. The hot and sour soup is a m ust, m ade with authentic style brim m ing w ith chicken, pork and shrim p, along w ith tofu chunks, bam boo shoots and egg drop, all com bined in a chicken-based broth laced w ith a healthy dose o f Boris. T am 's ow n hot sauce. If there are sim ply too m any dishes to try, get a sam ple o f everything at their A ll-U -C an-E at D inner B uffet Special! O nly $7.99 from M onday to Thursday. A nother aspect o f F irst C hoice K itchen that is sure to leave a good taste in your m outh, is their firm b elief in giving som ething back to the com m unity. In addi tion to the num ber o f different charities they are proud to support, they also support The R otary C lub o f O akville. L ast year they participated in A Taste o f the Tow n, held in June at A ppleby C ollege, w ith various other local restaurants. T his R otary C lub event raised m oney for the John B lack L ife Support R oom at O akville T rafalgar M em orial H ospital (O .T.M .H .). A lso, on the first official day they opened in O akville back in 1985, they donated all o f their receipts from first day o f business to O .T.M .H. You could say the key to th eir success is hidden in com m unity in v o lv em en t and fam ily secrets, th at is, fam ily recipes that produce the finest C hinese food in O akville! To fully appreciate the savoury, zesty dishes and atm osphere, F irst C hoice K itchen is an experience that ought to be tried in person. V isit them today at 649 F ourth L ine, or call them to order take-out or book reservations at 842-6666. MEDITERRANEAN & MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE 1 Famous for our shawarma, falafals & souvlaki · Beautifully deigned restaurant with seating for 100 · Fully licensed DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS from 6 " Com e in and experience our unique m enu that changes everyday. F Kitchen J l st_ Choice Sente great km ear KEUl WEKUll ^ · O n ly dunces Voodoo Chicken Philthy Philly W ra p Canuck Burger M a la r Veggie Burger O u r D IN N E R M E N U w ill leave your m outh buds w antin g m ore! M a d e fresh everyday! WE CATER T O A N Y FU N C TIO N WHETHER BUSINESS O R PLEASURE S araso ta Sirloin Chicken S- Shrimp Pasta Stir Crazy Fajitas Beans % Weiners Royale Hom e of-.Donovan Bailey, Jarrett Smith, Joanne Malar, Mike Morreale, Steve Rice, Paul Masotti. Mike O'Shea, Val St. Germain, Steve Staios. Mike Vanderjagt. Chris Gioskos, Jen Button, and Colin Doyle 386 Iroquois Shore Rd., O akville 8 4 5-7937 Seven Days a Week - Weekdays 11:00 A.M. Til 3:00 A.M. Weekends 11:00 A.M. Til 4:00 A.M. /V:i. 'Hu: j i H'U Hi Mutate.! We G/ie oyie*t u ttil 4:00 a.m.! OAKVILLE . BURLINGTON . BARRIE . HAMILTON . WATERLOO 905- 844-8703 905 - 319-8555 705 - 722-8108 905 - 383-5669 519 - 884-8558 a g fin n e g a n 's FINNEGAN S W EEK T u e sd a y: CHUG & C LU C K N ITE ! P itc h e r o f D o m e s tic D ra ft + 3 lb. o f W in g s IRISH PUB AND RESTAURANT Where M ystical Ireland Meets The Millennium! All-You-Can-Eat LUNCH BUFFET only 'W e d n e s d a y : M ID W E E K P A R T Y ! O a k v ille Fav o rite 3MDM T h u rsd a y: F rid a y : F IN N E G A N 'S L A D IE S ' N ITE! H o s te d b y " D J S im p s o n " T .G .I.F . A F T E R W O R K P A R TY H o rs D 'o e u v re s 4 :0 0 p .m .-5 :3 0 p .m . W ith "T h e B e s t" in e n te rta in m e n t 1 $C 99* i 3 M onday - Friday II am*2 pm . Exdedhg Rotdays &W eekends F ri. & S a t.: FIN N E G AN PARTIES S U N D A Y N IG H T F A M IL Y DIN N ER P rim e R ib w ith all th e fix in s ^ .G o lden Trafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave., Oakville 842-4247 ^ 7 1 `379 Speers Rd., Oakville < s (905) 815-WAKE (9253) SPEERS ROAD I Come in & watch sporting events on our new T.V.'s G r id d l e FAMILY RESTAURANTS The Best in B reaK fos^ All Day ( S in c e 1 9 7 3 ) ^ a lo b mR W e staurant Oakville's newest authentic Thai Restaurant Family Restaurant D aily Breakfast Special 2 eggs bacon, ham or sausage toast & potatoes iOO off any dinner entree priced $20.00 or more. Ji ° n ly $ /£ Open fo r Breakfast · Lunch · D inner 5 0 C o m e in and visit us for fresh authentic Thai food for iunch, dinner or take-out HOURS: Tues.-Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Fri. 11:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Sat., Sun. 4:00p.m.-10:30 p.m. H opedale M all · 827-4851 398 Kerr St · O akville · 849-5961 TOYVNE RESTAURANT & Dining Lounge Continental Cuisine Open fo r breakfast, lunch {? dinner Live Entertainment Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays at 7:00 pm W e specialize in P rim e R ib , Seafood & Steaks 8KX) a.m. -8dX) p.m. B reakfast L unch & D in ner Your hosts Peter 6- M ike Blues Driver Sundays at 3:00 pm F eatu rin g 3 varied daily specials Va&ffcJk®* NOW OPEN! Newly Renovated! Elegant decor with fine dining atmosphere D lA ltt. 's . ·Large Lunch & & Dinner Buffets · Reasonably priced · Wide selection o f vegetarian & nOn-Vegetarian food H ours: Tuesday - Sunday 1 l:3 0am -1 0pm · , Banquetfacilities from 50-200 Three w o rn fo r your convenience We Treat Seniors Extra Special! New York Bistro & Wine Bar 1 7 3 1 Lakeshore Rd. W . M ississauga (in Clarkson) Patio is open for reservations call... 5 7 9 Kerr Street, Oakville Eat In or Take O u t3 3 8 -0 8 8 9 467 Speers Road, Oakville · 842-0475 905 822-2442 Voted Best Chinese Food in 1999 st_ Choice Kitchen 8 4 2 -6 6 6 6 ' FISH & CHIPS Tel: (905) 8 15-9319 Your First Time Won't Be Your Last a m c / S U P E R S P E C IA L per person 1 DINNER FOR 4 (Pick-up only) $ O IT 9 9 ·4 Egg Rolls *Jar Do Chicken W ings ·Beet with Mixed Vegetables ·Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls · Vegetable Mushroom Chow Mein · Vegetable Fried Rice · Fortune Cookies (4) Only on« substitution allowed Minimum charge $2 00 applies (non-negotiable please) Not valid m conjunction with any other special offer Delivery add S2 95 (limited area) Oakville location only Limit one coupon per visit NOW OPEN SUNDAYS -12 Noon-7 p.m. M o n d a y - S atu rd ay - 1 1 a.m .-8:30 p.m . W ednesday DINNER BUFFET (Frlday-Sunday) THE BEST QUALITY LIGHTLY BATTERED FRESH FISH Kerr Centre · 579 Kerr St. Oakville WE ARE O PEN : --C A No M O N . - SAT. * Ift d I 1:00 A M - 9:00 PM S p e e rsR d . [£nji s CLOSED SUN. 1 -S','* 10% o ff for Seniors 842-6211 ·Oakville location only ·Excludes beverages & drinks ·Otter valid with this coupon only ·Please present coupon before being served ·1/2 price for children policy does not apply to this special price ·Not valid in combination with any other special ] otter, discount coupon or senior discount Expires August 31, 2000 Buy one dinner entree andreceive asecond entree of equal or lesservalue at 1/2 price. With this coupon * Expiry August 12, 2000 Not valid with lunch or any other specials. E xpire s A ugu st 3 1 . 2000 ) 6 4 9 F o u rth L in e a l S p e e rs R o a d 6 4 9 F o u rth L in e a ! S p e e rs R o a d Maple Grove Village Shopping Centre 511 M aple G rove Drive (905) 337-3378

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